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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/22 in all areas

  1. Drpuzzled

    Like minded group

    Morning all, hope all are well. Just a quick hello to the group and how i got to where i am, in brief. Started like most, went to a few meets, got hooked then brought my first rif. An S&T M4, which was poo, gearbox was a mess, grease so old it was like concrete. Why not return you might ask, well i enjoy learning, fixing and rebuilding just as much as skirmish. So it began, now there isnt a great deal left from the orignal rif and a large hole in my bank account and apologies ahead, yes i turned the M4 in to a DMR, sorry, i was new and didnt know any better lol. However it is absolutely bad ass. Now i have a resonable collection M249 4 or 5 different M4's M40a5 M9 3 shotguns Highly modded M4 to DMR. The M40a5 was another noob buy, highly modded so snatched it up for £300, only to find it was dog ****, so i have now stripped, repaired, painted and rebuilt. Missing springs, paint in the working parts, just generally an unholy mess. The last missing spring will be installed today and testing begins. Hmmm, i intended that to be shorter ha. Thats me though, stupid purchases but then loads of enjoyment repairing, improving and painting to rebuild and test. Just love that side of it. Thank you for reading. Doc
    3 points
  2. Have to say I was pretty impressed with his effort here. Bought himself an L85, and all the kit, not sure of the suitability of him sewing on some badges though. He's getting a SUSAT scope at Christmas to round it off.
    3 points
  3. You can stick one in a counterweight pouch and velcro to the back of the helmet, then run the airflow tubes internally (through the bump helmet vent holes) to the goggles. *Edit* Something like this:
    2 points
  4. BigAl

    To chop, or not to chop.

    Thats a classic mate, please don't cut it up. Sell it to a collector, it's value may surprise you, then buy another project gun.
    2 points
  5. My mate needed a bone marrow transplant. We found a match in Argentina and the operation was a success. Our thanks go to Diego marrow donor.
    2 points
  6. no idea what you're on about. <---😂
    2 points
  7. I get the feeling some of the younger members won't get this
    2 points
  8. Nobody* is going to care that a child is wearing badges, particularly of an operation that ended 8 years ago * Or nobody who’s opinion counts Badges are a bit of a topic in airsoft, but the issue is walting/making false claims. Airsoft is a hobby/game that has a high level of dressing up - of which ‘realism’ is the justification for RIFs. If people get too vocal about the dressing up part being ‘too realistic’ then they are also calling for the revocation of the skirmishers RIF Defence I had a lovely pair of very comfortable desert trousers and would often wear them in any environment. Along with any shirt or temperate DOM shirt I was often told how bad my ‘camouflage’ was and that I would stand out, and my response was about the level of effectiveness/ineffectiveness of a camouflage pattern on its own. It was more dependent on what I was doing Later in the day I would get complimented on how well my desert legs disappeared against the ground (usually dirt) and my upper against bushes - Still a no from me, they couldn't see that I’ve disappeared if I’ve disappeared. They could see me because I was running across the open ground Tell him to put his arm band on the right way up next time
    2 points
  9. The lad forgot to pack my rifle once. Whole day with my £10 single shot 18BB magazine last resort spare DE shotgun that I keep in my gunbag. Still had fun though. FWIW I always keep a spare set of DPM in the van JIC of unexpected downpour. The smock may come in handy if you break down on a rainy/chilly night too.
    2 points
  10. Dave walked in the pub with a black eye tonight. 'How did that happen?' I asked. 'The Mrs asked if I wanted her to fix a threesome up,' he replied. 'How did that lead to a black eye?' I asked. 'I asked her to call her mum and her sister.'
    2 points
  11. Bloody Hell That arrived quick!! Not due for another 3 weeks at least!! Feels lovely, great colour finish Will get a pic of it mounted later before Mrs P wants it wrapped under the tree 😫
    2 points
  12. Super64

    GHK Glock 17 Gen 5

    I was hoping GHK would be releasing more Glocks and it looks like they are. There’s no specific release date yet other than 2023. I like the Gen 3, but there’s just something about the Gen 5 that I prefer. Hopefully we’ll get a Glock 19 from them as well.
    1 point

    • For sale
    • As new

    Protect your goggles with this BLACKHAWK! goggle cover. This thing is worth buying just for the packaging alone. Look and laugh at the funny parachuting man. Be in awe at the LITERAL EXPLOSION and stuff printed on the front. Ponder the ad read for BLACKHAWK! products on the back, and try not to swell with patriotism. Wonder why more companies don't have "!" in their names as it's clearly a really good idea. Oh say can you see! (that this product is made in Vietnam) I am (not) charging silly money for this as BLACKHAWK! have since massively changed their branding to be far more sleek and contemporary boring, making this item (or rather, the packaging) very rare. Exotic even. An in-your-face reminder of how things used to be. Offers of at least ten million pounds welcomed.


    - VN

    1 point
  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hi, Selling my coveted grail pistol as I need to free up some funds It is a TM MEU based 1911 fully upgraded with a rare, custom-order guarder kit along with fully steel/stainless external parts and upgraded internals. It took a lot of headache (and money) to get it spec'd out exactly like a RS Springfield Professional 1911, sans the magwell which no company was producing a steel option. Hopefully if you're into 1911's you would appreciate this is the original 1911 model that passed the FBI HRT trials, and also was the base for the well known MEU pistol's late variants. Even if you don't care about that stuff, it's a beautifully kitted out pistol nonetheless, and as far as I know the only one in the airsoft world that sports the original Professional look. Really sad to let this one go but hopefully it can find someone who can also appreciate the true value of it ( or anyways is more financially comfortable than I am at the moment ). The gun comes with the pistol itself and 2 magazines. If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll get back to you asap. Price is £450 - includes PayPal fees and postage As always, I've listed the full list of upgrades below - split into upper and lower assembly for convenience. Upper TM MEU base gun Guarder custom order aluminum kit for MEU (S.A. Pro model) Guarder Loading nozzle & valve Guarder lightweight nozzle housing Airsoft Masterpiece stainless barrel bushing Guarder steel front and rear sights Nineball vsr-10 purple hop rubber Guarder steel spring plug Guarder steel slide stop reinforcement (internal) Guarder steel dummy firing pin and pad Guarder stainless recoil spring guide Nineball dyna piston head Nineball 6.00 power barrel (112.5mm) Guarder steel outer barrel & chamber (nowlin .45 marking) AIP CNC brass hop adjusting wheel for hi capa Lower Guarder steel mainspring housing for MEU (black) Nova Springfield ambi thumb safety (stainless, Cerakoted graphite black) Navidrex mahogany grips (custom order, square magwell cut and finished with tung oil) Nova 3 hole CNC aluminum trigger for MEU Guarder stainless trigger bow Guarder stainless sear spring Guarder steel hammer for MEU black Guarder steel hammer strut WIITECH CNC steel mainspring plunger AIP CNC steel hammer sear AIP stainless firing pin lock Cowcow IP1 stainless disconnector Guarder steel valve knocker Guarder steel hammer & sear pins Guarder steel grip safety (black) Guarder steel magazine release button Guarder steel slide stop (black) Guarder stainless plunger tube (black) Guarder stainless plunger pins (black) Guarder steel grip screw (black, finish is worn) Laylax (nineball) "AERO" purple gas routes for mag (x2) 2x TM MEU magazines


    1 point
  15. Hi Guys, After mulling over the eye pro, face mask, helmet, hat dilema, I think I did a thing..... I removed all the interior and the straps of the Nuprol FAST helmet, swapped a few screws around so they didn't scratch the DYE lens and put the DYE strap around the back of the helmet, and it all seems to work and stay in place by only using the adjuster on the back of the helmet - no chin strap required. Not committed to cutting off the straps yet. Looks pretty stealthy to me... Pat.
    1 point
  16. @TheFull9 What colour were you? (I was a yellow, and there with my son) Ironsight is my local, but I've not played there since the late summer. Yesterday was about 15 or so players down from their usual, so you probably played on a better day as when it's sold out you have almost too many players and get log jams + less seating + the car park can get chocka. There was definitely one guy there yesterday, not a regular, who liked the sound of his own voice and moaned to the other players and marshals constantly about everything as loudly as he could 🙄 I think yesterday was only the second time they played the close range tunnel game, I've got so many bruises from the full auto at the end, bloody brilliant! 😁 (I get to role my sleeves up and pretend to be well 'ard at work) Edit: They have the HPA primarily as they do a lot of paintball as well for corporate events, but it's definitely not a site that's full of speedy bois, you get a really good mix of play styles and loadouts.
    1 point
  17. Probably not. Too much voltage can get you overspin and double-shooting on semi though.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I think you're right - it's only the operational specific badges that made me think; but as you said he's only a kid, so stolen valour isn't really a thing for him.
    1 point
  20. If you're in €urope, then Gunfire sells some cheap spring pistols. https://gunfire.com/en/menu/spring-powered-pistols-17225.html
    1 point
  21. The Desert DPM works exceptionally well with the fallen foliage at this time of year looks cool
    1 point
  22. My wallet hates me right now... Went to onlyairsoft in Stevenage yesterday to get a few items... Bought a case big enough to fit the Striker12, a pistol case for my Webley revolver and some BBs... Then I saw a KWA GBB Skorpion in one of the display cases. After handling the Skorpion and test firing it on the range, I was walking out the shop with it and 3 extra 40 round mags
    1 point
  23. Absolute comedy of errors today. Still managed to have fun, but holy crap was it annoying. I literally forgot my shirt. Not joking, I totally forgot to bring my MARPAT combat shirt so I had to play the whole day (as a ghillie sniper with a ghillie cape) in a black fleece instead. Good thing I practice like this during the summer, so I knew my camo and concealment fundamental skills are good and I knew what I could do and get away with having the entire front of my torso just not camo'd up at all! First game started, I was really hyped to play as injury and gun issues have stifled my last few game days and we were playing a part of the site we never play, which I feel we need to play more because it's great. I spend 20 minutes fighting through thick, overgrown foliage (lots of stamping down on thorns to clear a path) getting into a stupid sneaky position with my HPA VSR, which I decided to run today because it was 5 degrees celcius so not the best weather for gas guns. Got into the position, could see the whole enemy team from a lovely elevated but still well concealed hide on the flank. Lined up my first shot, pulled the trigger aaaaaaaand... click. Solenoid activated and no air came out. Checked my tank and it was empty, so I have a leak somewhere. Tested my hicapa back in the safe zone and one of the mags feed lips decided they didn't want to be there any more and sheared off, snapping and flying off somewhere. The spring and follower thankfully remained in the magazine, but need new feed lips for one of my hicapa mags now. Ugh! Went back to the safe zone and sighted in my m700 that I also brought as a backup. I brought my 2J m700 build since the sight lines are longer at Worthing through the winter and as it was 2J on 144a in 11 degrees celcius, so I figured with more powerful gas it'd be fine at 5 celcius. Went to chrono it with the ASG ultraair I have (which is a little bit stronger than standard green gas, let alone 144a) and it was coming up between 0.9J at the lowest and 1.16J at the highest. Not what I wanted, but at least it was working, conveniently without any MED, and it was sailing the .48s out there so I went out to use that after lunch and had a LOT of fun. On a timed attack and defend game I was the only one who went around on one flank and kept about 10 people occupied by myself (and started picking them all off as they couldn't pinpoint or hit me). Was a lot of impact and I ran out of ammo (3x 28rd mags goes fast fighting 10 people, though I can usually make them last!) Got back to the safe zone afterwards, packing stuff away aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... the AEP lipo in my mp7 tears the end off when I take it out, totally breaking the battery. I go to tape it up so I can battery bin it tomorrow (my local Lidl has a battery bin) and it starts sparking and burning through the tape. The site tech basically pulls the metal contacts off the wires inside so it no longer does that and I tape it all up for the battery bin tomorrow. I can't think of much more that could've realistically gone wrong, but I still managed to get out there and have a bit of fun. Christmas game next game day, so I'm thinking of wearing some festive reindeer antlers and taking a bolt action rifle; usually reindeer are the hunted, so I'm going to turn that around and have the reindeer become the hunter 😈
    1 point
  24. Original TM Hk51 in surprisingly good condition for a gun from 1998
    1 point
  25. GAMBLE


    Hi, ALL! 👋 Apologies for the delay on this video, the last video of the Battlesim! 🤪 Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  26. This morning I wandered off to Tower Airsoft in Essex, which is one of my regular sites. It is a small site with some good structures including a castle, a church, a village and a bridge. It also seems to attract a good type of player. Their game days are run very well by Miguel, who some may know from CAMO, a shop and CQB site on Canvey Island (home of the magnificent Dr. Feelgood). I have been there when there were 100+ people, although the usual attendance is about 40 to 50. On this cold morning, with a pretty grim weather forecast, 20 people turned up. It really was cold and I was very pleased to have my French army heavyweight fleece for the pre-game time in the morning; it is the warmest item of clothing that I have ever owned. Despite, or maybe because of, the lack of numbers, it was a very good day. The games were well adapted to the low number of players and ran well, with good play from both sides. Alongside "normal" airsoft games, there was a fun game of armed American Football, using the bus windows as goals. Trying to score a field goal proved to be a somewhat perilous activity. Perhaps it will catch on as a new sport. Guns used: LCT PP-19-01 "Is than an MP5?" 🤬 APS UAR, with King Arms AK style M4 mags, just to make it look even weirder. 😈 Milbro Classic CO2 M1911.
    1 point
  27. Looks good, hopefully you don't have any fogging issues now the top air vents on the mask are covered under the helmet!
    1 point
  28. Im not usually a a fan of the dye masks but that looks good
    1 point
  29. Another successfull spray job. Forend, carry handle and stock were all the same blue polymer as the UMP. Once again, the black was built up with several light coats, with about 20 minutes drying time between. Once the coverage looked right I left it for 24 hours and then gave it a couple of coats of matt laquer. Once I'd sprayed the laquer there were a couple of spots that went cloudy, but letting It all dry for another 24 hours and then buffing it out with a drop of olive oil on a kitchen towel got rid of it entirely.
    1 point
  30. Set up at one of Red Alert's semi regular car boots. Made about £350 Traded some molle pouches and a couple of drop legs for a Mil-Tec ghillie suit, picked up a TM PX4 with three mags for a friend, and a TM MP5K High Cycle for another friend. Good day.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. If you're unable to post an advert in the classifieds here, chat a bit first, there's a spambot filter in place.
    1 point
  33. Here is a shot of it now that I've finished the respray. When I got it the upper body was made of that two tone blue plastic, rather than being a black one with a retailer spray job. Mag and lower reciever are the original black finish from the factory. I'm very happy with the match. I also opened up the mag and sprayed the fake rounds to look more realistic. The M4 stock is on a 3D printed adaptor and it still folds flat against the body when stowed. The lower rail section under the forend was missing and the bolt holes were partially stripped so I sourced a new bit of rail section and some more bolts. It's now permanently attached, as the best way of attaching the new section was to JB weld the bolts into the rail section and then more JB weld to fix the bolts into the holes. It looks proper and it's plenty strong enough to be used for attachments. Over all I'm happy with the way it's turned out. Pre-covid and the shipping crisis, I would like to have picked up a metal outer barrel for it and fitted a suppressor and a longer inner barrel, but those are like rocking-horse poo these days so it will have to go without. It's nicely shimmed and lubed internally. Chronos about 330fps on 0.2g BBs I would say vinyl dye and a matt lacquer top coat is a success.
    1 point
  34. DaktariT

    Atmospheric Photos

    Curry night?
    1 point
  35. Prisce

    THE TM MWS thread

    This thread is dangerous. Never wanted a gas gun, but it’s seriously tempting me. Damn this expensive hobby.
    1 point
  36. I've got a Sun project m40a1. It's shooting just over 1 joule. It's built like an asahi or a shoe, ie like a cricket bat. There's no spares available, I don't play anywhere where there are "sniper" rules, and I've got fallout kit I want to use at a site in a mine. I've rebuilt the hop, and I feel it needs to be used. Unless someone's got serious objections or is desperate for spares, the work starts tomorrow. (Properly, with actual tools and a lathe) Unsure whether to go for the full cut down look, or build more of an actual rifle. Before picture.
    0 points
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