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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/22 in all areas

  1. So much to unpack here. But I can't be arsed. This is an Airsoft forum - can we keep 'Left' and 'Right' politics out of it?
    6 points
  2. You seem to be doing a good job of demonstrating that you have a problem with women. Keep digging that hole.
    5 points
  3. Whilst not strictly Airsoft related - I got an Airbrush setup for my Birthday which I'll be using it to paint some of my spare RIFs.
    5 points
  4. No offence, but the reason I enjoy chatting with like minded airsoft addicts on here (and avoid fb etc) is that this kind of stuff is usually not a feature. I must still ask though... Did you help found UKF? Your concerns seem to be similar to Robin Page's.
    3 points
  5. Oh yeah, those refunds will be paid out promptly...... 😉
    3 points
  6. Twice in one week, Michael!
    3 points
  7. Marushin or Chinese clone mossberg 500. Its gas. The valve is in the space where the shell loader would be and bbs are loaded into the mag tube via the end cap if I remember correctly. Parts will be almost impossible to come by and they leak like a sieve.
    3 points
  8. Using the term "snowflakes" is, in itself, an insult; strangely, it is a term that seems to be most often used by people who are offended by those who disagree with them. People have different values, standards and views; learn to live with it. If you keep breaching FB's and YT's community standards, people will report it, not because they are "upset" but because you have breached the standards. I have had a few FB bans in the past when I have been overly harsh in "discussion" with right wingers and racists. You just have to learn to play within the rules. Your comment on "feminists" is possibly rather more revealing than you realise; combined with some of your posts on here, it provides quite an interesting insight into the person behind the username.
    3 points
  9. Alpha.s1

    AI500 2022

    A bit confused how they manage to find 400 odd people to give them money tbh, as far as i can remember these events, have the worst possible reputation, the last 3 at the very least have the exact same issues, 8 Marshall's - 400 players, unique site, but no idea how to actually run the site, weird inconsistent rulesets. 1 time it could be forgiven, if they improved, but doing it over and over is ridiculous. by the stories coming out each event you'd think this was their first run, not going on for 7 years now.
    3 points
  10. I never stated that you were a right winger; I could not care less what your politics are. I do, however, apologise for not realising that you were using "snowflakes" as a compliment. I am sure that you get a kick out of mansplaining to those uppity women; I am sure that it gives them a positive view of you and opens them up to the arguments that you are making.
    2 points
  11. More so than airsoft retailers selling without a real defence? Going by what we've been told, his parents are commendably cautious, know about (but don't approve of) his IF, and it's securely stored between game days. That's what will protect our hobby, not the laws around selling and buying which are more honoured in the breach than the observance. And the harsh reality is that anyone can get a RIF by the application of a little paint, or by buying 2nd hand from someone who doesn't ask for a defence. I wouldn't recommend that OP do either of those, but telling him not to won't actually prevent it. We're not his dad, so to speak. Sniper tape is a decent compromise, and the one I'd advocate.
    2 points
  12. OK.. laugh all you want... Was at the AI500 this weekend, and bought this little guy from ammo drops on site shop. Tokyo Marui LCP2 NBB gas pistol. All jokes aside, I was actually able to get 8 confirmed and 2 possible kills (due to number of friendlies also engaging same handful of enemy players) with this little thing... I may need to carry it more often Bought for shits and giggles... Best £80 I have spent in a long time
    2 points
  13. Skullchewer

    AI500 2022

    I would imagine, as with many non Airsoft events, people go for the event itself, much like NAF. It's not just the airsoft, it's the size of it, the social aspect etc. And then, taking music festivals in as an example, some can be utter shit shows but still make money every year. There's one metal festival I won't go to for various reasons, but the final deciding factor for me is that the regular crowd consists of utter tossers. And I'm not the only one that feels that way. But it's a big event, makes loads of cash, despite even the regulars thinking the organisers are assholes and complaining vociferously about the event on social media. But they all go again next year. Airsoft events as big as NAF and AI500 aren't really that widespread, as they're a ball ache to put on, so for those that want a BIG experience they don't have that much choice. None of the above excuses the poor organisation I've been hearing about from AI500 AGAIN, just musing on why people keep going back.
    2 points
  14. "If you marshalling yourselves then the game will run so much better" See lads, you don't need marshalls.
    2 points
  15. Such a pity that you had to throw in a childish attempt at an insult at the end.
    2 points
  16. Gunman’s Namsoft series continued at Eversly Alpha with a one off objectives day to replace the sadly cancelled Cajun Chicken game. The weekend consisted of short-ish limited objectives in the rhododendron forest that stretches over chalk stream laced hills of mixed solid and marshy land. Part of the aim was to get the teams back into the team objective ethic. I think that Josh was tiring of the cat herding exercise tbh. Due to Covid a few players were down, and final team numbers were US 12, VC and PAVN 7. We were missing a couple of lipos for some reason, and I couldn’t use the support gun. Back to the spare/loaner CYMA AK47 then. Saturday morning saw the usual high standard of brief complete with maps and an A4 handout that covered rules and safety etc. We were issued our VC tunnel trapdoors. These act as re-spawn bags, and can only be set up by the VC players (not PAVN). We had to deploy three and stop them being found by the GIs. This was a real ding-dong battle to wake us up, as I think that we underestimated the size of the playing area and distributed the doors in too small an area. Luckily, we managed to distract the US team into a series of fights that led away from them. By close of play though, only one remained undiscovered. Second objective was to take three boxes to a specified drop off point, where they would be safe. A team of four took the boxes, two carrying and two on the flanks to guard them. The remaining three of us formed a fire team to engage and distract the US team. We did excel ourselves this time. We must have pinned down about a dozen or so players continuously. By rapidly moving, shooting and moving again, we fought for possession of the wall area of the site for what seemed forever, whilst the other squad sneaked two boxes through. Not a bad result, and a huge amount of fun. Absolute constant action and intelligent gameplay. After lunch, we had to defend the fort against the US players. This went less well. We were simply too small a force to hold a static objective. WE were quickly overrun, although another player and I managed to leave the fort and intercept the other team as they attacked, shooting a fair few in the back. In retrospect we were going to lose this from the start, but it was great fun ambushing the unsuspecting enemy players. By now we were sweating buckets and the post lunch dip had been chased away by sheer hard work. The fourth section was the best. For this, the US team had to push through a valley, which they were not allowed to leave, and take three objectives, whilst we occupied the sides/slopes. We deployed three VC one side, four PAVN the other. We really minced the US in this game. We actually pinned them down to the point that the marshal decided to make us retreat to the next objective. I was really impressed that no one threw a strop through frustration. There was none of the ‘they must be cheating to beat us so badly’ bollox. The last big push of the day was hilarious. As we had a radio, we asked for the next objective to be taken. When we arrived we were alone, and radioed in that we were two to 30. The reply was ‘do your best.’ In the event, the rest of the team had already deployed in front of us. The US were told that they faced two players… They sauntered up and got hammered. I was well dug into a shallow pit at the top of a hill. When we were finally pushed back, I lay undiscovered listening to my mate who was in charge; describe how the hill was basically clear, and that they had merely to rush it. I could hear someone breath the other side of the mound of earth that I lay behind and as I readied myself to shoot them the second that they showed themselves the final whistle went. The chap stood up and almost had a heart attack. Despite slotting several players in the course of their advance, I’d been forgotten about. I was perfectly placed to shoot the US team from the back if they had advanced. We went to our campfires feeling great with a lot of story swapping and I discovered that I had forgotten my bloody steak! Luckily another attendee gave me their left over chili and some pitta bread. We had a really decent talk around the camp fire as the rain drizzled. A fair few beers were drunk. A few new friends made and stories swapped. The previous evening, we’d all shared an exquisite curry that someone had made. We were eating and drinking like Gods all evening, and it was a bloody good laugh. Great bits: the whole scenario was a great idea and really appreciated as a replacement for Cajun Chicken. The gameplay was great, there was no arguing or bad sportsmanship. Wearing pure black teaches you proper field craft. There is no room for error when you stick out like a sore thumb. I was soon festooned with fern and green from scrambling through trees. Poor bits: the rain on Sunday led to mass departures. I ended up being the only opfor player, and the game was cancelled. I was asked if I wanted a glorified game of hide and seek, but Mrs TPH had developed a bug in the night and looked proper poorly, so I opted for an early bath. We packed up and by 11 it was lovely and sunny, and we could have played for a few hours, even if you were unprepared for playing in England in October… Seriously, throwing a poncho on is hardly hard work! This was one of the absolute best games that I have ever played. It really leaves skirmishes in the shade. I got home after a nearly five hour drive and still felt energized. Number 1 son slept the whole journey home through exhuastion; Mrs TPH was coughing but happy. Shame that people left so early and again the numbers were low. We should have been playing Cajun Chicken too, which matches the rain perfectly. This was cancelled due to low sales. I wonder if fuel bills and inflation will kill a few games from now onwards. Covid certainly kept a few away. I hope that this is a lull and not a trend. Given the quality of the event, a shame it had to end early. It was well worth the effort and expense, and I am really looking forward to next year’s Nam season. Du ban GI!
    2 points

    • For sale
    • Used

    Cyma Mp5k blue edition. Lightly Used Full metal upper. fitted with a custom (ump style)folding stock with QD point. included: 2 short mags 7.4 lipo


    , Dorset

    1 point
  18. Ah, the old freedom of speech bullshit. Freedom of speech is non existent on privately owned social media platforms as when you use them you're agreeing to their terms and conditions, break them and they're well within their rights to give you the boot. Quite simply freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences.
    1 point
  19. Do you imagine that the answer will come within an airsoft-mile of the truth? I also enjoy this place as a break from the Twatbooks, but in some cases that means making liberal (small l) use of the ignore feature.
    1 point
  20. I wish we had 30 US. There were 12 of us on the Saturday! This is us just before the meat-grinder of the last game which was an absolute bloody nightmare. At one point the entire squad was being held back by one lone VC who played a blinder of a game. Whilst I was bleeding out waiting for a medic the marshals explained we'd had it so easy in the third game so they were going to make us work for this one. And I tell you we really did as we were funneled into the valley and had to fight our way up the track getting shot at from all sides. Kudos to everyone who played though. I really liked the missions, everyone got into the spirit of the Nam and the small numbers meant we worked as a squad all day. The kit everyone had was amazing as well. A lot of effort was made by both sides and it made a huge difference.
    1 point
  21. All I can say is that anyone that feels mugged off by the AI500, or even the NAF, you've kinda got yourself to blame, historically both events have a very chequered & well publicised history, AI events have pretty much always been crap, sometimes mediocre crap, but more often than not absolute dogshit crap, & the NAF is what it is, it's good & bad points have been well documented & fairly consistent, so players should know what to expect & know whether that's what they want out of an event. Google, forums, & even fb is your friend, piss easy to consult them before you pay your deposits & potentially piss your hard earned down the shitter😏
    1 point
  22. What's wrong with your Lancer? Or rather, what are you expecting a more expensive gun to do differently?
    1 point
  23. That’s a lovely find! I think @BigStew is correct. Looks like the handle has had the stock sawn off from the angle of the grip.
    1 point
  24. RostokMcSpoons

    Red Dots

    .. or .. buy another cheap sight and get a sight protector from Red Dot Engineering on eBay. Quite a few of us use them, for a tenner each they're very good. I've got one of them on all my recent purchases. (On my older kit I bought polycarb discs and wedged 'em in, but the RDE solutions are much better)
    1 point
  25. nappa

    Best AEG

    The opposite to being shit I aim to please
    1 point
  26. Rogerborg

    AI500 2022

    I'd guess that mall site is into five figures for a weekend, with the usual hair-splitting over whether it's in-use and non-derelict for purposes of paying rates or not. I'd be looking at bare minimum £200 per marshal for the weekend, so maybe £2000 for those who showed up. That's where I'd want the money to have gone, and it seems that's exactly where they skimped and saved. Of course, it's entirely possible that their marshal team (such as it was) were doing it at mates-rates or were mugged off into volunteered their time. Anyone know? Liability insurance, phew, no idea. I mean, if they had any. At least they wouldn't need weather cancellation cover. Running events this size is a thankless, grinding task, and I can see why Sharon there got a bit tetchy. There's a Facebook thread about bookings where she says "email me, DO NOT reply to this post", and of course, it's full of replies. But it's not like she's doing this as a charity gig, right? This is money for what are ostensibly professional services, not the kitty for some local club. Imagine you'd paid £100 for weekend entry to some amusement park that was overrun with ferals jumping the queues and spitting in your chips, and that this was a known problem that went on weekend after weekend. Do you think the site could shrug it off by saying "Blame the other customers, nothing to do with us."
    1 point
  27. Can't believe people are setting of fireworks already! It's so early! My cat was so scared it ran up the Christmas tree.
    1 point
  28. To add to ‘sniper tape’, there are two to three types: 1) Camouflage patterned sticky tape This varies in quality and can be a good finish or a sticky mess Any level of quality will leave sticky residue so is on a practical basis a ‘permanent’ solution unless you want to spend time cleaning up gunky residue when / if it gets removed 2) Cohesive bandage which only sticks to itself and also gives good grip This may be marketed as a sniper / hunter wrap tape in a few camouflage patterns (which often gets price markups) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pinsheng-Reusable-Camouflage-Self-Adhesive-Non-Woven/dp/B09GY4WTKK/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2RPUYXJQX147Q&keywords=camo+foam+tape&qid=1664883118&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjIzIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=camoform%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-3 or as vetinary / horse tape which can be had at a reasonable price if you can find a good ‘country stores’ or a friendly vet. This is available in very wide ranges of bright & dull colours, pretty patterns and camouflages …. And both via the internet https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cohesive-elastic-bandages-SUPERIOR-camouflage/dp/B07CHXBCJQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=37VILCLHU6KMC&keywords=equestrian+vet+wrap+green+camouflage&qid=1664883360&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjAxIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=equestrian+vet+wrap+green+camouflage%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-4 3) British Army sniper tape in ‘ally’ green which can leave nasty residue. This can be sourced from some army surplus shops (especially near barracks etc) at varying price levels and at uplifted prices on eBay etc when accompanied by the description ‘SAS sniper tape’ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fabric-Webbing-Scapa-Genuine-British/dp/B00HBTYC7A But …. More importantly, keep your parents on board They may dislike guns, but are showing a good point of view in supporting you with playing the hobby. Attitude is the winner - if you are responsible, don’t act like a gun nut, do act like a hobbiest who plays consensual activities of shooting friends in a safe environment then you can enjoy this for years / decades The colour of an IF/RIF has no bearing on its capability If someone on a game day thinks you’re a silly kid with a bright toy BB gun then let them think that and shoot them all day
    1 point
  29. Another way of reading that is "We are unable to provide the service that you paid for, please claim a refund."
    1 point
  30. Charlieg460

    Ares Amoeba AS02 Striker

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Here we have my stock AS02 striker, bought 2+ years ago to help me get back into airsoft but never used it. Reaches 40-50m accurately with 0.30g BB's, it has never seen a game day and still has all the original bits in the box. There is no scope included in the sale. I also have an SSX23 with 3 mags and BB's available if anyone is interested.


    - GB

    1 point
  31. DerDer


    Not anytime soon. Although at least VFC has a history of making some replicas available in both GBBR and AEG form. So there may be hope in the future. On the other hand we have King Arms claiming they will re-release their FAL line. Although the last time I checked they were claiming to do be doing so in the coming years, which lead me to stop checking up on their offerings.
    1 point
  32. ak2m4


    @nappa Invicta Battlefield is pretty close CQB to Dartford
    1 point
  33. Skullchewer


    Reforger Airsoft is about an hour from you, if you ever fancy some non CQB gameplay. Been a couple of times, good site. Farther afield there's Red Alert, about an hour and 45. Bloody great place.
    1 point
  34. I'm sure that my dad is looking down at us, wherever he is now. He's not dead, just very condescending.
    1 point
  35. Rogerborg


    Confused, this thread started as "What trousers with kneepads, 38" waist / 28-29" inside leg?"
    1 point
  36. Player: "Hey, a lot of people aren't following the rules." Organiser: "STFU noob read rules." Player: "But.. I did, that's why I'm..." Organiser: "REED RULZE PLZ" Galaxy brain handling right there. Oh, and "cheat calling is mandatory" is the plot twist that nobody saw coming.
    1 point
  37. wicksy101

    AI500 2022

    👀👀 from what I can tell the mood yesterday was set from the starting brief. It was massively overbooked and they said in the brief ‘we didn’t expect this many to turn up’ loads of rule changes that were made that nobody was aware of and some questionable marshalling. The organisers turned around and basically said it’s the players fault😂
    1 point
  38. I'll take "none of the above" for 500 points' please Bob!
    1 point
  39. I got into one of the groups.. Basic Jist..... I want you to be honest on which of these complaints surprise you : Bad Inept disorganised marshalling Inconsistent rule usage ( one was single firing too fast ) FULL SEMI AUTO! Weak choroing for both power and BB weight Overkill ( HPA was mentioned multiple times ) Too many players for a small site To few marshals for too many players Thefts of kit AND ..... Non hit taking / obvious cheating
    1 point

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Any colour will do! Needing the Madbull type tbh.


    - GB

    1 point
  41. WE G3 GBBR 😁 Comes with a tactical dildo too 🤣
    1 point
  42. Ares and Star SLR's. Star on the top with gunmetal fake bolt and about 15mm longer than the Ares version.
    1 point
  43. EvilMonkee


    1 point
  44. Any adult who makes tiktok videos needs to have a word with themselves, and probably their hard drive checked
    1 point
  45. Cr0-Magnon

    How old is to old

    I actually think they should double the minimum age. No under 25's, at least a three day induction course, six months of banks statements and a permission slip signed by your wife/partner. If you're not married/living with your partner, you can't play. Save the space for those of us who have a legitimate reason to leave the house at 6am on a weekend.
    1 point
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