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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/21 in all areas

  1. Good review @TheFull9 Β£25 and then Β£8 for lunch? Ouch. I'll appreciate the free nosh at Special Ops all the more hearing that. Losing a gbb mag would be painful, glad you found it. Please buy me a lottery ticket πŸ˜„ But spare a thought... at my last game some poor bugger lost a TM gold match hi capa pistol. That's an advert for pistol lanyards right there πŸ˜‘
    3 points
  2. Skara

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Give me ALL THE FUCKING ROF! Actually I've had this very discussion with a couple of teammates (kids mostly) not too long ago. We were chatting about upgrades and they wanted to know what a good RoF was, told them it's around 22 because it still gives plenty of plastic being thrown over there but at the same time you don't empty a magazine in 2 seconds flat. (Unsurprisingly, 22 RPS is what all my guns achieve on 7.4 batteries except for the pdw, which uses a slower motor)
    3 points
  3. I was thinking it looked like it had been dipped in a jar of hundreds and thousands, then painted black
    3 points
  4. Nick G

    New Pews for Christmas

    And it now looks like this ! Very long way to go with it yet, barrel is too short for starters, then it will need machining , trades, receiver mods etc. Machining slot is booked though (6 month lead time) . I've modded the fire selector so it's semi only and firing at aprox 1.7j ,my local site has a 1.9j limit for DMR And the inspiration for the build . Not strictly a DMR in the classic style but damn cool.
    3 points
  5. oh dear..... to start off with the main spring- you can shove a screwdriver (or similarly sized pokey thing) through the back of the spring guide and use that to help hold it in position. some v3 casings might not have a hole in the back of them to accomodate (usually for v2 boxes they do as that's a stock attachment point) but you can file a hole in the casing. usually, if you seat the spring guide nicely then hold pressure on the cylinder it shouldn't jump out too far- you can see the way he has his fingers through the window on the upper half when placing it in position. the sector moving side to side defo sounds like you've lost a few shims. i'd say get a pack of @ak2m4's 0.1mm shims as they always come in handy: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/bushings-shims/xt-shims-01mm-100-pack you can also get clips that help hold things into place, never used them myself but mostly because i've never got around to getting any: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/gearbox-helping-hands-kit
    3 points
  6. Just ordered a set of m81 woodlands 😎😎😎
    3 points
  7. Sorry Andrey, I feel you have moved to sniffing the stronger glue recently A black spray job and an increase of Β£110 since you covered up its poopy β€œOilfields of Kuwait” camo paint job πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ If you want to keep it, just keep it, don’t keep putting the price UP! LOL
    3 points
  8. I'm a big believer in the idea of voting with your feet. If you don't like how a site is run, and the kind of shenanigans the marshals let slide, then don't go. If it's really that bad, then attendance might become low enough that either the site bucks up its ideas or becomes financially non viable. A third outcome is that it will become a site totally frequented by arseholse and every gameday becomes a circle jerk of fuckwittery.
    2 points
  9. https://www.yourwobb.com/collections/military-series/products/cada-c81007-desert-eagle?variant=33159769129096 Got this for my brother if that counts....
    2 points
  10. Use Humbrol β€˜dark brown’ aerosol AD6092 Awesome adaptive colour, plays very will with shadows / light too.
    2 points
  11. A gentle reminder that if you actually think someone on the internets isn't worth arguing with, you can remedy that with a couple of clicks.
    2 points
  12. Neither are you Guess you work in porn then as that is the main place that you find such big c**ts
    2 points
  13. This is why I want a brown gun.
    2 points
  14. Ooooh. Not sounding so clever now are you?
    2 points
  15. First time at Gunman Bravo yesterday since it was the closest thing to getting a game this weekend just gone and @Asomodai rated it highly. Overall, not an undeserved reputation; I struggle with giving fair appraisals of sites as I was pretty spoiled by the places I went to when I got in to this game and probably judge things overly critically as a result so while I didn't have the *best* gameplay there per se that's probably no reason to think negatively of the outfit. I was very surprised indeed by the semi only rule throughout the whole site, definitely an interesting approach and something to mull over given the conversation that's ongoing in the ROF-related thread. Unfortunately I'd brought two TM NGRS that are now by modern standards pretty old school, one being dead stock and the other with just some extra FPS and as some of you will well know those guns don't mesh well with trying to fire quickly in repetition, so a few lock-ups reared their head. Luckily the visceral satisfaction of doing the reloads was a saving grace. The TM M45 would've really struggled if I'd actually used it which was also surprising as it was almost 10C, but it was also the moistest skirmish I've ever done which may have been a factor and I barely saw any pistol use all day from anyone. Also learnt that the Revision desert locust fan goggles have enough extra stand off from the face to cause some minor eye relief issues with my replica ACOGs, though again it was so damp that the optics were fogged fairly often anyway. Lessons learned for future and I think my new Holy Warrior magnifier might actually have further eye relief so it could all work out. Β£25 for the walk-on is certainly decent, very good safe zone maybe the best I've seen at a woodland site, but Β£8 for the lunch did shock me slightly. On the one hand you're in the middle of the woods with no connected utilities and the lady doing the cooking is lovely and quantity was good and quality at least average, I certainly didn't dislike eating it. Then again quality wasn't amazing either and orders seem to take ages for some reason. Luckily I'd arrived just after the gates opened and got my order in but a lot of guys were only getting their food after the lunch break had finished and I was back out in the game area. The thing that was best and worst at the same time is I discovered my Blackhawk Omnivore (non-light model) doesn't protect the 1911 mag release sufficiently from my thicc ol' quads and after about 14 years of not having it happen I had the absolute classic 'oh that expensive GBB pistol mag isn't in my pistol where it should be' moment. But then the small size of the main play field really worked in my favour and by the will of all of the gods I almost stood on AND actually spotted my small, thin, black painted, dirty 1911 mag on the dark, mucky forest floor while wearing tinted goggles on the walk back to regen. I can only presume I had some good karma built up because as I'm sure most of you know the odds on that were fuckin slim.
    2 points
  16. maybe try a hop unit with a slightly longer feed tube? trial and error but it may help
    2 points
  17. I think that Guy Debord got there before you.
    2 points
  18. Belated Merry Christmas everyone. Hope Santa brought you all lots of nice airsoft toys. Unusually flush due to a long nightshift and lots of on call last month, bought a smorgasbord of useful stuff today via Amazon and PB. Mr. Bezos sending me glue gun sticks and plastikote so I can finish my Sci Fi Armour project, a couple of mag pouches and a garden hose as my now sorted motorbike is badly needing washed... meanwhile, a minor spending spree at PB netted a couple of hi caps, scope rings (for a 4x40 Simmons I'm acquiring in the new year) and a 200mm dummy suppressor to make my squat UAR look a bit leaner and meaner. Or something.
    2 points
  19. What I've done in the past when I've had a surfeit of kit is take it along to a site during a game day and put it up for sale at the desk/counter/stack of pallets etc. Work out with the site owners what percentage of sales they get as their fee and everyone is happy. Done this a few times at different sites over the years. Just be sure you OK it beforehand.
    2 points
  20. Should've pissed in it before handing it back
    2 points
  21. Nick G

    New Pews for Christmas

    She certainly is ! This was the haul
    2 points
  22. It was fun to watch him build it πŸ˜… the instructions are not Lego quality..... Couple of weeks, there were a couple of moments when it dropped of the radar but one of the alt brick FB groups were really helpful. I picked up a 1911 for my younger brother, and will definitely be getting a couple of these sets... At least this hobby won't cost as much as Lego.....
    1 point
  23. I'd say under 35 for the day is alright, at least in SE england, I've paid more for CQB with no lunch and that was years ago. I think The Mall was at least that much before it shut. I don't like to say it, but unless it's gone down a rabbit hole or lost in the deepest undergrowth then somebody would definitely find an entire pistol so if it wasn't returned.. not great. I'll say I don't recommend pistol lanyards, 100% totally unnecessary if you just get a decent holster and it's a lot better to buy a decent holster than spend the same on a cheap holster + lanyard combo and drag your pistol through the muck. Even if it's not damaged, a lot of GBBPs can choke pretty easily if anything gets inside in crucial areas, given the low pressure of the gas and comparatively super low momentum of the slide cycling. It's a decent rule overall, I'm still on the fence but a bit about it but certainly one effective method to keep a lid on some issues and super easy to enforce. As I say my selection of guns just really didn't suit that rule and I'd have picked differently if I'd realised, but only had 4 lock-ups all day max out of my usual 4-500 BBs slung and only when I got spammy. As long as you have something that's a "real world machine gun" you can flick the switch, but one guy just had an RPK and I don't know where they'd draw the line on ARs with belt fed uppers etc so personally I'd change that one to some kind of weight requirement but again pretty minor issue there were only 2 on site.
    1 point
  24. This. Considering people have been caught stealing ppe from GP surgeries, hospitals and ambulances a message like that would cause chaos. https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/s-news/employee-jailed-stealing-ppe-nhs-18295924 https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/18356320.coronavirus-patient-steals-ppe-north-shoebury-surgery/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-52206749 So the government told a lie to the people? Next up, an exclusive on where bears shit 😁 I'm more pissed off with them for not being able to follow their own rules as it can make people think "if they don't bother why should I?" mentality. Although it does blow a big hole in the conspiracy theories, I mean how are they supposed to keep so many scientists and medical personnel from blowing the whistle when they can't even keep a Christmas piss up secret?
    1 point
  25. The part in the red rectangle in the picture I've posted. I thought the flash hider is only the small part in front of it I want to to put the silencer on the thread that sticks right after the rail
    1 point
  26. If you've got other RIFs to use might be the perfect oportunity to start doing your own teching and upgrading. M4 platform is pretty easy to work on , changing hop rubber, barrel etc is straight forward and plenty of how too's for V2 box's out there.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. If the E&C is the 'classic' 416 it has a different mag well than a normal M4 , deeper at the front, that does cause fit issues with some mags. I have some Lonex flash mags that fit my 416 but I have no idea what brand the receiver is as I built it from parts. Hopefully someone has the same gun as you and can answer definitivly
    1 point
  29. Only reason I'm getting the simmons is it's a freebie.
    1 point
  30. I've found the tensioning screw in the base of the G&G Ergo grip a little weak. Nothing thread lock wont cure but still annoying.
    1 point
  31. I think that we have moved a way beyond the situationism of the 1960's into a plainly consistent denial of the quantitative, as announced by those who announce the quantitative itself, to an audience plainly experiencing the contrary. We are simply a further 50 or so years into the construction of fictions and the accumulated unspoken inconsistencies that that state engenders, aided by new technologies. You may disagree, but I would be interested in your response to my edits to your interesting post.
    1 point
  32. Blimey. Still not got it back together. Made one change to the jig - drilled a hole under the anti-rev latch's position, stuffed a couple of neo magnets in there, stacked a couple more on top - latch held in place My main spring finds new and exciting ways to escape before everything lines up. I know it's just a matter of strong fingers in the right places, plus perhaps a little bit of luck, but it's not happening. Even if I keep the spring inside the shell, if it 'jumps' then it dislodges the bracket the trigger contact slider sits in, and I have to remove the tappet plate to reposition it. Arrggggh. But anyway... I've rehearsed lining up the shell without the main spring. I can get all the pins to locate and the shell to snap shut nicely. The problem is the gears are wobbling around. I don't think it's the fact I've probably lost 2 or 3 shims with the the spring flying about, the sector is moving perhaps a full 1mm sideways. Perhaps that thing that flew by my ear was important after all I certainly can't put it back together without a bunch of shims at least, and I don't have any. Can I get them from Screwfix? edit: looks like screwfix is a 'no'. Looks like I'll be making an order before I can continue. Might as well get some proper parts too!
    1 point
  33. not really, the method shown in the video is pretty much the right method, although i suspect there's heavy magic of editing that's primarily responsible for making it look so slick. it's really hard to describe the movements, but you first hook the loop of the spring with the trigger, then go for getting that end of the trigger into the hole on the casing, then worry about angling the transfer peice into it's respective hole. magnets and a lot of swearing. as long as the pins remain seated in the lower half, when closing the shell together you can apply light pressure then proceed to wiggle/poke the various ends into their respective holes.
    1 point
  34. I'm sure everyone else has had this problem when putting gearboxes back together, it's possible to get everything in place but not all at the same time. Compressing the main spring and holding that in place whilst trying to get everything else to line up ... arrrrggghh And I've only managed to get the trigger spring in place a couple of times but the pins are so out-of-alignment the shell will never get close to getting together How do you guys do this???
    1 point
  35. quango2k

    THE TM MWS thread

    This. I think this thread needs a new sticky so new owners can learn from some of our mistakes. The only upgrades I would suggest are the supernub and an npas so you can run propane/green gas. Or anything for cosmetic reasons as long as it doesn't impact the internals OR (and I cannot stress this enough) it's not made by Angry Gun. I have bought and tried many parts from various manufacturers, alternative bolts from HAO ETC. I've removed it all, apart from the g&p npas, super nub and a heavier buffer spring. Roller bolts are nonsense, a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. The stock hop rubber is good for .32+, its cheap and easy to get spares. The stock inner barrel is fine as it is. The trigger box is a bag of turd by design, improving it will just make it a slightly better bag of turd. I've wasted hundreds on "upgrades" which were downgrades in performance. There really is no need to go nuts.
    1 point
  36. That's the first time I've seen a rental package mean that you're actually just renting the bottle. I'm surprised they didn't make you go out and scrape up up few thousand BBs to put back in it. Future prediction: "Rental packages now include a sandwich bag half full of largely-intact BBs"
    1 point
  37. The EBB lower gearboxes have different geometry to the non-ebb models. You also can't mix and match the Non-EBB and EBB uppers and lowers. I have an ICS EBB model grip (UK1), and it will not fit any ICS Non-EBB models (of which I have three). I have a Specna Edge too. I'll try and fit the MTR grip later. It'll be interesting to see if it fits.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Right, right, ok, you're all dreadfull bullies and I hate all of you ! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Might need to invest in a truss now........holy crap it's heavy ! 🀣
    1 point
  40. Not quite as simple as that with ICS. You might find that the motor angle is off too with that particular grip. Ask me how I know... (The smorgasbord includes G&P, G&G, King Arms, Lonex, E&C and ICS) The above is me trying to find a grip to fit on to an ICS CXP-15 that has an MTS grip out of the box. Not even ICS' own newer stuff works (bottom,second from left) with the non-blowback ICS models which this grip was designed for. The motor angle inside the grip is very slightly different and specific to ICS - you could kill a (quite cheaply made) Specna Edge Bevel gear/pinion in no time at all. You might be able to dremel the shit out of the insides to get things aligned better, but is it worth it? No. The grip's crap anyway. And I'm stuck with it. But the rest of the gun is awesome for my CQB shenanigans so it's a small compromise really. OP - avoid that grip (or any ICS ones for that matter) and save yourself a lot of pain.
    1 point
  41. I've never even dared to try and sell anything via eBay in... [checks] wow, in 21 years. It looks like a mug's game at the moment. If I did, I'd be damn sure to create a new selling-only account, and probably burn it on the first negative. I mean, there are mong buyers on there who will actually leave negative ratings with "gr8 sellr thnx wood use agin". I've had a seller do that, when I said something like "Not real Lewis leathers, obviously, but surprisingly decent for the price", a completely true statement (Β£45 jacket, Lewis leathers cost 20x that much). Complained, had it wiped, with no way to appeal, amend, or follow up. Curious thing to do, given how unlikely it is that anyone would even bother to read it. Anyway, it's good to hear that eBay are at least aware of the issue of sellers getting ripped off, although whether they actually do anything about it is a different question.
    1 point
  42. Hi, ALL! πŸ‘‹ Got more CQB footage, achieved a few challenges and my last game of 2021! πŸ€ͺπŸ‘ Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! πŸ”«πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ πŸ’·GAMBLEπŸ’·
    1 point
  43. Getting my colonial marine freak on , β€œgame over man ! it’s game over !”
    1 point
  44. EvilMonkee

    TM MP7 Opinions

    Going GBBR is never a terrible idea. Unless its a WE then have a word with yourself.
    1 point
  45. How many RPS is that rifle sir?
    1 point
  46. Yesterday's game was 'interesting' in a few ways. My M906C chrono'd at 230fps in the morning. Once I'd recovered from the shock (I wasn't expecting much more, say 270fps, but still!) I decided to roll with the gun anyway, as my belt is all set for M4 mags and I didn't have 100% faith in my AK. So I ended up on a team with Santa and his Elf, which was amusing but not very tactical Usual collection of good games in the morning, with a nice pic of me in the battle haze... A a great Xmas stew for lunch, a raffle with some decent prizes (no luck on those unfortunately, a P90 with an M4 adapter would've been fun to win) For the afternoon I decided to roll with the AK but damn it, it let me down. It looked damnably cool while it was working But later in this 'rolling defence' game against the marshals firstly the hop needed tweaking - I asked for help and a teammate got pinged as he was doing it. Poor bugger was our first casualty, and out for the rest of the game. Then I couldn't get the top cover back on (I'm still cursing it now, damn thing won't go on easily even at home)... I ended up surrounded by the enemy , knowing that as soon as I showed myself I'd get lit up by multiple HPAs at very short range :[ I popped my head out of cover, holding the top cover and battery sort-of in place with my left hand, aimed at the nearest enemy, pulled the trigger - nothing! I think the fuse had gone with all the fecking-about. (Luckily someone from distance saw me first and I got pinged not too painfully) Back to the M906 which had held up pretty well through the day, considering the low fps - there's a lot to be said for sneaking or rushing up close before opening fire - outright performance isn't an issue when you're engaging at 10-30m rather than trying to out-duke an HPA or sniper at 40m+ range. Anyway, a good day, roll on the next game, whenever that might be! (that's my grinning fizzog next to the left of the Russian flag)
    1 point
  47. It's the only site I've been to that doesn't chrono all guns. Unfortunately there is a lot of hate for the site owner due to his habit of taking money for goods and not supplying them.
    1 point
  48. What gave you a contrary impression? You're OK with a complete lack of chrono?
    1 point
  49. Because I’m rich
    1 point
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