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Had to share. Makes me laugh everytime I read it.
JamesAirsofterAgent and 6 others reacted to Qlimax for a topic
WHO IS JACK SCHITT? For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, 'You don't know Jack Schitt'! Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way. Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, who married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt. Now when someone says, 'You don't know Jack Schitt', you can correct them. Sincerely, Crock O. Schitt7 points -
Yeah that's with the suppressor. You can take the suppressor apart to get rid of the inner barrel inside - that's what spikes the fps to DMR levels. For mine I brought the 16mm thread adapter and used a regular short silencer I have since added some baffels to. Drastically reduces the sound output from "quiet" to "are you sure someone's even shooting at us?" FPS on green gas is around 1joule or so without the suppresor though.2 points
ImTriggerHappy and one other reacted to Esoterick for a topic
If you were to keep this within one thread it would be easier for people to follow what has been said and give you advice.2 points -
The Scale Models/War gaming discussion and pictures thread.
AirsoftTed and one other reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Jesus I do wonder sometimes if I am geeky enough for airsoft.2 points -
djben9 and one other reacted to Sitting Duck for a topic
oooh ya cow not exactly fair to compare a £123 polymer Raider to a £200 ICS but suppose if G&G were really crap then FS wouldn't stock them good business sense to offer choices for customer (JBBG are experts at selling crap to kids n mugs like moi) All that I will say - don't buy a gun just on looks listen to advice or opinions but make up YOUR own mind in the end It is YOUR gun you are buying for YOURSELF not for OTHER PEOPLE Yes it is almost guaranteed the moment you buy your ultimate gun you will see another that takes your fancy - jeeez it is so addictive, just one more etc..... heck you may go in there looking for M4 and walk out with an AK instead (then go back for M4 later and come out with GBB pistol/G36/BFG etc....) Enjoy your visit to the airsoft candy shop - if you like it and are happy with it then that is what matters in the end happy shooting - whatever you own2 points -
djben9 and one other reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
It will be good to handle the Raider as well. It will show how right I am and how close you came to making a mistake. You can thank me after 😃2 points -
Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic
Airsoft_Mr B and one other reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Hoodies are ok as long as there isnt a chav underneath.2 points -
Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic
kerby91 and one other reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Wear what the hell you like. The only times what you wear should come into is if its too thick to feel your hits or if your playing milsim when dress is part of the game. If its a normal skirmish then you can wear your girlfriends underwear if thats what floats your boat. I hate people who think you have to go all army to play airsoft because camo and correct blahblah uniform really matters when your shooting at each other 30 meters apart with plastic balls fired out of your toy gun. Wear whats comfortable,suitable and most importantly what you like sod what anyone else says.2 points -
How else will I catch the BBs fired at me?2 points
djben9 and one other reacted to Hibernator for a topic
Great little gun, especially at that price for a metal one. Easy to work on and maintain, rail space for accessories. Get a second upper gearbox and swap between different FPS for indoor and outdoor games in seconds. All my M4s are ICS versions!2 points -
I do love the Mk 23, quite like the paintjob on yours as well, I should hopefully have my HK53 in a few weeks can't wait2 points
650mm tomtac 6.02mm tightbore, Guarder H Nub, Guarder M120 spring and Guarder 70 degree hop rubber All for my G3, already locked to semi, scopes been fitted, suppressors on...roll on the bits turning up lol2 points
I apply camo cream to all of my BBs anyway so that no one sees them coming.2 points
Quick Questions & Simple Answers.
Sacarathe and one other reacted to Sitting Duck for a topic
Spoon Feeding is one thing BUT I ain't f*ckin' BREAST FEEDING - no thanks (normally I'd post a daft silly pic but this thread is designed for short n simple answers - very difficult for me to comply with btw)2 points -
Used BBs for sale
SeniorSpaz87 reacted to Jedi_Master for a topic
In a time of austerity the airsoft community needs to take the hit as well and do what it can to help. Having seen the sheer number of used BBs just lying unwanted on the ground I have decided to start collecting them up and will selling bottles of used BBs at discounted prices. Each bottle will contain genuine used BBs in a variety colours and weights from all major and minor manufacturers. Unlimited stock levels for one additional free bottle with each order just quote you UKARA license number. Key advantages as follows: Colour mix - great for confusing the opposition team into thinking there are more players shooting at them because of all the different colours. Tracer BBs included at no extra cost. Hassle free hop set-up - mixed weights will mean that there will always be some BBs in each bottle perfectly suited to your gun, simples. Aerodynamic performance - some BBs may have small dents and dimples just like golf balls and so they will fly further and faster than smooth BBs! Environmentally friendly - used BBs save the planet's plastic resources and is an example of true recycling (supported by European Green parties). Nearly new condition - used BBs are almost as good as new ones, having only been fired once so mint condition, a real bargain. Proven track record - used BBs have already been fired which proves that they are fully working. So, if you want to receive your bottle of used BBs (as well as help save the environment and do your bit for austerity) then click the LIKE button. [Note: if you think this is a serious thread, then please read it again, and reset your sarcasm filter. ]1 point -
Halo 5 lack of split screen, deal breaker?
Hef Legend reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Yep looking forward to it. Not bothered about split screen. Online co-op and and a good campaign is all I really care about.1 point -
could have wiped your arse first though... eurgh!!1 point
Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic
ImTriggerHappy reacted to Albiscuit for a topic
THATS where I have seen you before hehehe The pink frenchies really didnt suit you!!1 point -
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
Happy reacted to Hef Legend for a topic
Excuse me while I go purchase one1 point -
Had to share. Makes me laugh everytime I read it.
n1ckh reacted to Mr Monkey Nuts for a topic
How ironic, I'm reading this while taking a schitt. True story!1 point -
Had to share. Makes me laugh everytime I read it.
JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to n1ckh for a topic
Now that's some tough schitt Jeremy Kyle won't crack1 point -
proffrink reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Actually they are not anymore. Ics are not really supporting entry level much any more and seem to be aiming firmly at the upper mid range. You can get some of their older guns for a really good price at the moment. Entry level £150ish G&G are better and I say that even though I have a pathological hatred of G&G.1 point -
Good range for under £160?
sp00n reacted to jcheeseright for a topic
try using .25g BBs, they go further.1 point -
Good range for under £160?
Happy reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Send Sittingduck a PM hes into raiders and can give you the best options for upgrading it. If you want to get a good stock M4 then you will need £200+ so upgrading the Raider is your best option.1 point -
Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic
ImTriggerHappy reacted to DEF for a topic
Don't get me wrong - not being a gear snob. I just hate hoodies. I think they look horrible and really set my teeth on edge.1 point -
Esoterick reacted to Sitting Duck for a topic
Nerf or nothing for little 'un we have had some crazy fights around the house many years back when Mrs Duck was out got totally owned on the landing/stairs from the 2 eldest kids (not much changes - still getting owned by 12yr olds with JBBG guns) Sold them all when he took up airsoft but still finding them darts around the place - great fun1 point -
Some simple VSR questions I probably should know.
Mr Monkey Nuts reacted to proffrink for a topic
1. Yes, but not much - what are you using as lube? Cleaning is much more necessary as lots of gunk can get in there between the cylinder and receiver 2. Yes, though less necessary. Stops undue wear on the cylinder and piston 3. Guide rod just helps with consistency and is there to prevent jamming or the spring jumping out of place/doubling over if it gets caught on the side of the piston as you say. Without the guide it's going to reflex(?) from a weird 'U' shape as it'll simply be bent up against the side of the cylinder 4. It's Laylax's trigger mech. Nicer sear that will wear less and better designed trigger as a whole. Can be adjusted to give a much lighter trigger pull. In my opinion the Airsoft Pro one is just as good and much cheaper 5. Near impossible but doesn't really matter - so long as your FPS is stable I wouldn't worry. Aftermarket cylinder, piston and head will help with this, but just make sure the piston head hasn't got any undue wear or tearing on the o-ring (if you have one) and consider some PTFE/Teflon tape on the threads of the cylinder head. Remember the design of the cylinder is such that there's just a single o-ring on the piston stopping all that air (that's generally at a higher compression than in an AEG), so without aftermarket parts it's hard to do 6. Filling the stock adds weight and dampens sound (dampens sound quite a bit I should say). A lot of people apply more weight to the front or rear to suit them or just add foam to make it a little quieter 7. The one thing the VSR-10 has wrong with it is the hop arm doesn't protrude enough to lift weights above ~.35g when it's stock and also isn't really flat enough for an R-Hop. A lot of people mod the arm so it can lift heavier BBs - doing this and applying an R-Hop patch will give you enough to lift up to .45g and above. I think ASPUK does a pre-modified hop arm (they're certainly available somewhere if not there)1 point -
1 point
Okto eight December milsim
n1ckh reacted to Okto Eight Milsim for a topic
Believe all you guys are signed up now.1 point -
And forget the hoodie. I have an irrational hatred for them in airsoft. It's the visual equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard.1 point
djben9 reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
It is a full metal gearbox it one of the Ics split gearboxes. If you had bought it 12 months ago it would have cost £290 the price has dropped because ICS are bringing out their new range. For £200 you wont get a better gun, it will be very reliable and accurate and is easy to maintain.1 point -
djben9 reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Dont just be tempted go for the ICS all of the CXP range of guns are good.Or you can become one of the G&G sheople its up to you.1 point -
1 point
1 point
Very surprised to see that UAR in that condition as spoke to the APS rep the other day and he was saying how much they improved the internals. How many BB's had been through it? Really like them myself. I should have a replacement spring guide in stock, pretty sure it's the same as most of the other QD gearboxes on the market. I can even check for you as I've got a whole bunch of samples in from APS, no V3 gearboxes but their V2 gearboxes uses the same system. On the whole I'm pretty impressed with APS - hopefully going to be stocking their M4 parts soon1 point
My next piece of advice would be eye pro and boots1 point
Gun picture thread
AirsoftTed reacted to Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies for a topic
The VSR Gspec,as it is meant to be1 point -
Used BBs for sale
Happy reacted to Colonel Kurtz for a topic
One of the risks of buying anything 2nd hand is you don't know if it's stolen, or has any outstanding finance on it. And with airsoft there's the added risk of catching Paintball Transmitted Diseases if the BB was used in a HPA system. If anyone is concerned about the validity of any 2nd hand BB's purchased from Jedi Master or other fine eco-warrior retailers, please post a picture of your BB(s) and list their serial number(s) and we'll be happy to verify it for you. Note: (Serial number is written in magic ink on all BB's under UK(ara) law, and may not be visible/display correctly if you're a twat)1 point -
Used BBs for sale
djben9 reacted to Sitting Duck for a topic
JBBG have been doing this for yonks BullDog aka BULL$HIT bb's actually they wasn't that bad - worst ones so far been BBGuns4Less - FireBall 0.25's f*ck me they are dire eggs shape crap think 1 in 3 or 4 fire really short (if TriggerHappy says it coz of G&G - pi$$ off ) WOOOOHOOOOOO my 2,000th post of utter $hite (damn I wish I wasn't outbidded on the "Get a Life" fleabay auction yesterday) Maybe if you had designed a fancy new CQB site You could make the floor slightly sloped with a gulley for them to run/collect into making it easier to clear up/recycle and keep the corridors main paths free of bb's Reality this would require a lot of careful planning/costs into a decent indoor arena site Alas most sites can't afford this much planning/budget as well as time to construct a false floor No doubt though there must be $hitloads of bb's need clearing after each player has fired off say 2k heck even 1k for semi only indoor cqb say - 2 teams of 20 = 40k + that is a lot of bb's rolling around and will need tidying up where do there go...... The Trimex recycling plant of course1 point -
@trigger, if you're looking at the website. I wouldn't bother, its never up to date. It's been booked out before and still shows as spots available. Hope I'm wrong for your sake, other than that just get there at 7:40ish to guarantee walk on on the day. And regarding tips, llukiie, take a torch for starters. Peacocks is generally where games are won and lost. Basement is often bottlenecks, the corridors behind the shops are great for flanking. Always watch out for the balcony if you are on the main concourse. Most of all, have fun!1 point
I am also grounded! I've been told no more Airsoft, golf, fishing or gym until the my loft conversion is finished...... However i played Airsoft last night, was at the driving range tonight, 18 holes Sunday and the gym 1 hour a night, every night! 30 and grounded, I love it.1 point
Actually found the rental/noobs to be pretty good at epsom theh tend to turn up in thin jumpers and trousers so they know when they have been pinged seeing as epsom is also full auto cqb you tend to get a yelp and screamno chance of denying a hit on that. Last week though a veteran was not only bullet proof he also ignored tbe rules of where you could and couldnt go claimed he was hiding in a room which 5 of us swept so had to have come from the tunnel not in use to get behind us Bit frustrating but when we got our chance 5 people with full auto made it all better1 point
Not taking hits?
Llukiie reacted to Sitting Duck for a topic
Yup I'll admit to delayed reaction when pumped up Group of people screaming at me OK ffs I didn't recognise it in that split second coz I couldn't work out where it came from. A fortnight ago one bb must have grazed my top arm so much I called it but asked a marshal if he had hit tested me but said no, like I said I called it already and was obviously enemy just just grazed me to think it came from marshal on my left side. End of the day, don't take it too seriously or get too worked up about it all. Then you just call it even if unsure Which is the exactly what airsoft relies upon Don't get too stressed if you see a bb bounce of an enemy, just tell yourself they need a two hit handicap and go for the second shot, followed by the rest of you mag until the bastid calls it. Seriously, all sites the odd incident or dubious player(s) Kids rental or noobs usually but you do get the odd veteran from time to time. If it bothers you or gets too much and marshals do little then try another site coz numerous non-hit takers can really ruin game/fun or even a site's reputation I hopefully play as fair as possible hopefully just calling it at times that it might be rebound If I feel 2 shots that were most likely to be rebounds I call it just in case it was a direct hit I haven't seen Well that the way I think/play with my hand on heart1 point -
Not taking hits?
Llukiie reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
The biggest reason for non hit taking is the amount of gear people wear. Some people have so much kit and protection on they just dont feel it. I am sure there must have been times when someone has hit my mag pouches and I havent felt it but others take it to the extreme with thick plate carriers and even backpacks and dont get me started on the hard shell crowd. If people would just thin down their gear it wouldnt be such an issue.1 point -
Not taking hits?
Llukiie reacted to Colonel Kurtz for a topic
Airsoft relies on people taking their hits, otherwise it'd devolve into a sadomasochistic event where people just shoot each other until someone uses the safety-word or has to change their underpants. In my experience, everyone who plays airsoft regularly has the right idea about taking hits and how to behave in their mind. However, many people aren't used to adrenaline, or any shade of combat, and many people can behave in a manner they're hopefully embarrassed about once the juices get going. People can get trapped in the moment, and the most common kind of non-hit-taking i witness is those who don't acknowledge the hit until their current purpose has been completed (like the person they're shooting at taking the hit). Then the logic side of the brain takes back over from caveman and order ensues. There's nothing airsoft can do to stamp it out other than turning it into laser-quest, or making everyone use tracers, or have 1 marshal per person like in some those mental Japanese tournaments I've seen online. The best thing the community can do is to make the process of taking the hit seem easier and more enjoyable. This is achieved by all those good-sporting types who congratulate people when hit and cheerfully skip back to re-spawn. Kudos to you all, I try, but sometimes barely able to squeak 'hit' let alone any kind of congrats (the arm goes up with a raised thumb on reflex now, I've beaten the paintball urge to check my clothing for marks finally hehe)1 point -
This guy, who is he? SF Identification.
JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to dex for a topic
I dunno who the bloke is in the photo. I do know he'll have a stiff neck and sore shoulders if he keeps that up...1 point -
This guy, who is he? SF Identification.
JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Mack for a topic
Nope, Hes USSF, The Caption reads "A U.S. Special Forces soldier provides security as their convoy is halted by mechanical difficulties, near Sarobi district, Kapisa province, Afghanistan, June 17, 2014. USSF and ANA forces drove to Tagab district, Kapisa province to capture known Taliban commanders in the area. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Connor Mendez/Released"1 point -
It's on page 1 here but here it is with before and after images:1 point