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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/15 in all areas

  1. I managed to get 3 kills in a night game by shouting bang while sitting in the middle of the path they were walking down Not a single grenade or BB needed!
    3 points
  2. aaaarh good idea....never thougth of that! just need to obtain one, need to pop in to outlaws and see whats in their garage i think! i'll get that bluepeter badge! haha rather not spend any more money as wife will kill me!, Oven decided to die so thats gonna push my first AEG to another month
    3 points
  3. Haven't got time for all that. Bigging yourself up so others can show adoration is pointless. When your as good as I am you dont care what the little people think. 😉
    2 points
  4. A G&G with magpul furniture. That will be lovely its like all my dreams came true.
    2 points
  5. Ian_Gere


    Absolutely! Wide bore barrels for starters! But i'd also like to see the guts of an average AEG set up in a clear polycarbonate rig so we could see full auto fire at 17K frames per second, so we could see exactly where each component is in relation to each other at any given moment. Plus I'd really like to see how the various shapes of spring guide affect the rate of spring compression and if that does anything to the timing of tappet plate delayers (the various shapes of which would also be nice to see @17Kf/s).
    2 points
  6. Colonel Kurtz


    I'd love to see myth busters or someone with some kind of lab get to work on all the voodoo physics people cite around airsoft.
    2 points
  7. I like that!, Must remember that one for my local site and see if the kids take a hit lol.
    2 points
  8. Hid in a cupboard with a team mate. She called 50/50 to the enemy, I stayed quiet. Roll in a grenade which kills her as she had no hard cover but I was tucked in behind the door that was closed, wait for the shadow and popped out and put 2 rounds in his knees lol. Did that twice and got a 'Nice one you sneaky git'.
    2 points
  9. One of those "wish i had filmed that" moments by the sound of it. Good effort though man
    2 points
  10. Hi All, So I did my first day at Zed Adventures in Reading The Mall. I went with an ICS MP5 SD6 and a TM Shotty Which was all good apart from my torch is crap and broken already lol. First impressions. Mental looking! You enter in via a side entrance up a service corridor and straight into the safe zone where you can prep your weapons and tinker with your load out. The doors opened at 8:15 am and safety briefing starts at 9:30 am. What was not explained was that in that time you have to go and get your gun chronograph-ed but you must wear eye protection as the chrono area is on the game play area. This all being good me and James did the safety talk and then had to miss the first 15 mins of the game to get chrono checked. Right so that done, all good though my new MP5 is firing 275fps and the sellers website says 320. Now one of the lads at my local site has the same gun and his is firing 320 so I may message the seller about this. I do apologize now that my memory is utter crap and it being my first time at the site and first time in CQB I don't remember the games very well. The site it's self is good. Lots and lots of pitch black rooms in the basement and service corridors, a nice long concourse which you can use the shops to hold or take cover and then filter through using the corridors behind them. There is a big kids soft play area which is a good holding point for teams but this didn't work for us as the enemy team were too strong. you can get some point blank range or some longer range depending on what you like but don't expect woodland range. One game to mention was the Personality game but with a twist. So you have 5 personalities which are armed and solo hidden away at the start of the game. Both teams have to shoot them med the personalities and once that is done they have to work with the personality who has a list of 5 locations, now you have to get to those locations and hold it for 1 minute to score. If your hit you go to respawn and if the personality is hit he / she bleeds out for 2 mins unless med'ed in by either team. But on top of all that.... Terminator... Yep there was a terminator too! you can't kill him but he wont shoot you if you are passive and not with a personality. He had to go to locations to hold each point for 1 min but the funniest thing was he had an ultimate weapon.... a rubber duck! lol. He would 'knife' kill with Donald which is a humiliation kill. He had full auto whereas both teams were semi only. Marshals, they were very friendly and professional and I did hear a warning given out for blind firing. A few players moaned about most games being semi only and Luke the head marshal explained that people don't need 50 or 60 rounds to call a hit and its not as fun. I fully agree with him, I had a full auto burst in the leg at 5m away and it was not very pleasant since the player kept the trigger pinned even after calling hit twice and ducking for cover. Other games were things like collect the bits and bobs around and make a bomb (the more parts the bigger the bomb) or collect the bits and sell at the black market trader for points. Also did a zombie game. 6 v 60 odds. To sum it up its is fun, fast and intense and you have to try it maybe 2 or 3 times to decide if you would go more often. Marshals 9/10 (1 marshal per 9 players ratio) Site 8/10 Facilities 8/10 Games 9/10 I will go again but next time I will have a better torch and my own shotgun. (shottys are more fun!) Thank's to Raggedy Man for the use of his TM shotty. Brackish.
    2 points
  11. shortman

    What gun is this?

    Id better grab my burbury baseball cap out and drive to the next game in me nova init. love my magpul pts rm4!
    2 points
  12. I had a black helmet, face mask and jumper with an olive mesh molle vest and dpm 95 trousers. The shotty was a non stock type ( I am not that big guy in bright blue shirt lol) Guessing as you are a regular you were green team? Oh during the game for getting parts to the trader I was in one of the shops in the cupboard and think the same guy went to check the cupboard and I jumped him. I am up for it again, think maybe fr a full first day it can get a bit crazy!
    2 points
  13. Magpul seemed novel/cool looking until everyone had it, just like DD etc. I await the next M4 fashion season... One thing though, the gun in the picture has part a caption saying the "customer came in wanting a scope that works for CQB and the 'outdoors'". If that massive 4-50 scope is what they sold him then Patrol Base = cunts
    2 points
  14. Def take that ICS MP5 back to shop and get it swapped! Glad you had a good 1st time, a definite marmite site, I love it, hate marmite though. Was there with a MP7 myself, good day i thought, people kept calm and behaved well. Last game was a bit of a comedy dodge-ball shambles, but there was only 20 minutes left of the day so can't expect too much, did see a couple milsimers leave then in disgust (fighting to get into a central room where you can only play dodgeball not use your guns didn't meet their sense of immersion!) First time there I've heard people moan about no full-auto after lunch, usually it's people moaning about getting sprayed with full-auto when '1 shot will do'. I did notice a 'squad' talking to the marshals about their dodgy Scar L/Hs that didn't do semi properly (meaning they couldn't use them after lunch) and it was a day where i didn't bring a 25+rps gun. I'm just gonna assume a few people didn't like having areas/games where they couldn't use their primary, and not enough people got high ROF over-killed, to explain this reverse in the usual sentiment. P.S I only spotted one person with a shoty, if you're the chap with a blue shirt on then kudos to you for a first time, very proactive player
    2 points
  15. Things always seems to breakdown when you least expect or the day after the warranty ends There's always a way round something simple that doesn't involve tonnes of dosh
    2 points
  16. Why not use the material from an old camping roll mat ?? Cut out what size you need, contact adhesive to glue them together then shape them with sandpaper
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. For the actual series yes it was real steel, as was the one for the full test that the Mythbusters guys did but for setting up and workshop testing the rig to mount in the car they used an airsoft version.
    2 points
  19. Philby21


    Hi guys, Been watching Mythbusters and had to share a couple of things: 1 - really cool to see them using an airsoft support gun (sorry I'm new to this so don't know exactly what kind but it was big!) to set up a test rig for that final scene in Breaking Bad; 2 - they just re-tested the movie "myth" about firing a pistol (1911), emptying the mag and reloading - they originally had it as busted but this time brought in a competitive pistol champ - holy crap!!! This guy emptied 3 x 20 round mags in just under 17 seconds and blew a substantial hole in the target!!! If you haven't seen the latest episode check it out for an amazing example of how to handle a pistol. Very interesting to watch it back and notice that he pauses for about half a second mid mag to re-sight. Phil
    1 point
  20. AJWest

    Will this fit?

    I've already got an MP5 but its got a horrendous 2 tone cover up on it but also being as it is still in use by some forces and it's not such a common sight on the field I wanna get the 53, I also love the premise of it in its real format as well
    1 point
  21. You're damn right they're much more satisfying - I don't even own a single AEG anymore for this reason.
    1 point
  22. I'm looking at a GBB unless I'm convinced otherwise, the drawbacks don't bother me too much but I like the realism! I find shooting GBBs much more satisfying than AEGs.
    1 point
  23. Well, ok that's your personal choice and if you really want to do things that way then that's entirely up to you, it doesn't affect anyone else so I have no qualm with it. But, imho, when we're discussing these things with people who're new to airsoft (of which this board has many) we should all encourage fiscal responsibility, which is why I said what I said.
    1 point
  24. Colonel Kurtz


    Yeah barrel bore for sure! Main one i'd like to know is exactly how force differs between bb weight at various ranges rather than just out the muzzle, with and without hop (myth bust joule creep basically)
    1 point
  25. mintsauce5

    Electric Pistols

    I've got a tm glock 18c AEP , great little pistol use it now as my main sidearm , I did have a we p228 gbb which was good fun though , now I'm on the look out for a g18c gbb just because I like glock not to replace the AEP you understand :-)
    1 point
  26. Gotta love a bit of Narcissism in the morning 😜
    1 point
  27. I rushed a corridor I shouldn't have and got peppered by 4 enemy players... Then got mediced by another about a minute later Nobody was expecting to get shot by someone who was hit a few minutes earlier. I got 5 or 6 people before I ran away laughing and nearly got hit again by friendly fire
    1 point
  28. I have a MP7 and count it as an AEP as it shares half the internals of the TM Glock etc. And it can just about fit in a leg holster. PRO Not limited by gas in terms of reloading times/frequency, mag capacity, or temperature Pretty similar to an AEG in performance CONS Easier than gas but still have to change the battery every game if used as primary AEP gear boxes are tiny little bitches to fiddle with/upgrade No recoil/blowback, but if that kinda thing tickles your fancy you could probably make your own running off the battery using one of the items for sale here: www.annsummers.com
    1 point
  29. For sure in airsoft body armour is for ikkle girls, but practicality aside, the body armour from the film "Aliens" is the absolute classic TDB of looking like you're there to get some... Edit to add: you can get ex-police riot gear shin guards on ebay occasionally. Not quite as aggressive looking as those in the OP but still pretty hardcore. Oh yeah, and what about the belt rig Jack Rackham from "Black Sails" wears? But for ease of airsoft doability, you can't get much cooler than:
    1 point
  30. Well a couple of guys at my local site are up for a day in October. The Mall Marshals are pretty decent at letting large groups stay together. I would suggest Sunday the 11th or 18th October and get a full list going ( with non forum members on the list and try to get a 10 man team and go nuts)
    1 point
  31. My bank account has recently just gone into the black for the first time since I took up airsoft... and that's because I've been so ill that I have had to seriously consider whether I'll ever get back into the field, so not only have there been no green fees but no new stuff for several months. Now I have a promising Dr. consult coming up, I've just dropped another few hundred quid and I don't actually know for sure whether I will get even one game out of it, let alone return to the sport! Anyway, yeah I have often lent/given BB's, speed loaders, batteries, connectors/adapters, charger, gas, CO2, tape, tools, meds/1st aid, sweets, biscuits, drinks, melee weapon, mags, spare gun, sling, vertical foregrip, ghillie veil, pyro's, primers, etc. away - partly because I would wish people to treat me the same way (and it has happened - only once for BB's, but nonetheless... I expected to be sniping, but the assault was failing for lack of leadership, so I had to go in to a well defended fort with my pistol and 2 17rnd mags), but more importantly to win - if our side loses a shooter, that gives the enemy an advantage and fuck that! Regarding Team Fluffy Unicorn, I want actual fluff on the patch!
    1 point
  32. Esoterick

    Electric Pistols

    All the people i've spoke to who own TM APEs have been very happy with them. I think a lot of people frown upon them as it's a case of "why not use a gas blowback pistol?" and I sort of agree. I've played in around -2C in the winter and my HK45 still works fine and to be honest I wouldn't want to play if it was any colder than that. I guess they make sense if you regularly play in really cold temperatures but then you lose the fun of shooting a GBB pistol
    1 point
  33. Most AEG barrels are listed as being for a specific gun based on their length, the hop-up end is usually the same
    1 point
  34. beastmode

    Spring tension

    Guessing this is on the l85? Have you found the forward assist in the mag well?
    1 point
  35. Now that's the one new-player-stereotype trap you do not want to fall in to.
    1 point
  36. Jedi_Master

    Great Looking Gear

    I have a Cold Steel hand-and-a- half training sword but that would break your arm or knock you unconscious, so not much good for larping. Mind you, there would be no players not calling their hit
    1 point
  37. Albiscuit

    Great Looking Gear

    The new shop attached to The Mall had some LARP ninja stars for sale last week, was very tempted
    1 point
  38. Adam3088

    Great Looking Gear

    That vest looks like something you'd wear to a cybergoth rave.
    1 point
  39. To be fair its usually in the middle of a game. Its also usually rentals who have spammed a whole high cap in the first few minutes and are hanging around lost that you have to help out.There was also a game at xmas I went to where the shop people didnt turn up and the stock on site was a bit limited and had no tracers. One of the marshalls was there as a player that day and gave me a half bottle of tracers to get through the last few games. So sometimes the shoes on the other foot.
    1 point
  40. As alot of others have said tbh i cant see an issue with topping up a mag or two. I only use tracer rounds but still happy to hand a few out if its asked nicely for. A: is only a game, B: is only a few quids worth of plastic. Allowing others to carry on llaying is worth way more than the few quid a bottle of bb's cost.
    1 point
  41. Make it a reality and I'm in Anyway I'm more than happy to lend out some ammo to anyone who needs a bit. That said I won't lend out my more expensive/sniper ammo unless the person is using that sort of rifle and wants to try a different ammo weight in it. But yeah I'm the "tools and spare ammo guy" in our group for a reason.
    1 point
  42. Nowadays using 0.30g BBs I don't often find many people wanting to take a mag from me, but I always offer. The cost of 300 BBs is just nothing compared to everything else this money pit of a hobby costs me so being a nice doesn't cost me anything. In a year I have perhaps given away £6 worh of BBs total, but in the process I have made about 10 people happy and some of them have turned out to be team mates I play with a lot. Its just another ice breaker. I do view there beingn a difference between in game and in the safe zone, in the safe zone there ought to be somewhere to buy some so its kind of cheeky to be asking mags to be filled by others, but I have given BBs for the purpose of testing feeding and magazines and guns before, in practice its just not a lot of money in the end. I understand those doing this on a tight budget might not want to give up BBs, I am not going to hold it against them but from my own experience I have found it beneficial to hand out mags like they were free. Haven't had anyone fail to bring the mag back.
    1 point
  43. I do know someone actually. Leave it with me. It's gonna be a thing.
    1 point
  44. I always carry a full hi-cap as a spare because one weekend my son was having a bit too much fun & managed to empty ALL FIVE of his mid caps in one game & had ran out of ammo. He couldnt see where I was & some dude threw him a full hi-cap so he could fight on. Back in the safe zone I refilled the hi-cap to hand it back to the dude who told me that my son could keep it as he never used hi-caps, it was just his spare & he had a few. I now keep this full just in case anyone would ever need it. the next time someone ask's me, that hi-cap is theirs & I hope that person will do the same. I also do this with Gaffa tape, I have given out loads of rolls to people in need. It comes from my mountain biking hobby, I'd never leave a fellow rider stuck with a puncture or at the side of the trail. Same with any airsoft dude.
    1 point
  45. Mid-game - I don't really carry loose BB's, but happy to lend someone a mag if it'll fit, or if they have a hicap to empty the midcap into. In the SZ - I usually take a back-up bottle of non-tracer BB, so happy to let someone dig into that if they've run out and no cash on them to buy more (done this once for a solo hire-gun kid walking round the SZ offering to be a human shield in exchange for BB's, he got through 2 rooms of people saying no (for shame!) until i gave him the bottle) Way i figure it is even if someone manages to eat half a bottle of BB from me, then that's still only the price of buying someone a pint, and the games a frivolous money-pit anyways.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. If I have some spare 0.2 or 0.25 then giving some away if they ask nicely and aren't a dick about it doesn't seem like a problem. I can understand not wanting to give away heavyweights but standard ammo is so cheap I really can't see a problem with it.
    1 point
  48. Happened to me twice last time out, I chose to dish them out like the milky bar kid so the guy could cover me while we moved up on to the objective. He topped me up when we got back so all good in the hood.
    1 point
  49. TBH i would have been happy to fill a mag of his, 350 BBs out of 3000 from a single bag isnt going to break the bank, but if the same guy kept coming to me then i might have been a bit pissed.
    1 point
  50. As part of Okto milsim I had two friends travel from abroad to come to the game. The one from Denmark had some issues flying and I thought I would share our experiences and what we found out. My friend flew with SAS and having spoken to them and heathrow security months before flying all that needed to happen was to tell them what was being carried to the airline and then it could be brought in for the weekend so long as it was in a locked hard case in the hold, they gave no further requirements. On the day however turning up into the airport in Copenhagen the airline was unsure, xrayed it (the inner barrel doesn't even appear and the outer barrel is clearly not strong enough to survive a round being fired) and then required it have a firearms tag attached to it and have it shipped as a firearm in the plane which cost £50 as they were unsure what UK customs would do with it. Then when it got into the UK customs security checked it and found a RIF instead and wouldn't let it pass without details of the insurance of the site we were going to. We provided all the sites information and they let it through but that actually didn't contain proof of insurance, I don't think I have ever seen a site say anything other than the fact they have insurance but regardless the site details were sufficient. I think it passed the attitude test more than the letter of whatever rule they had in place however, it was touch and go. The security guy did say this was only the second time he had seen a RIF come through security in 6 years. On the way back there was no problems in Heathrow the RIF was allowed onto the plane without further incident. In Copenhagen my friend went into the "something to declare" red zone and showed the RIF and the security guy took one look at it and laughed and asked why he was declaring a toy and sent him on his way.
    1 point
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