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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/08/14 in all areas

  1. Don't usually do this sort of rubbish when a celebrity snuffs it, this time though, I feel it's truly deserved. Throughout my childhood, I can only really remember the odd bit, frankly my childhood was riddled with grief, loss and anger - and I'm not exaggerating, nor am I bitching because it made me who I am today (and I'm f**king proud of how I turned out). One of the things that sticks out clearest in my mind is that Robin Williams starred in a great many of the go-to films that were there for me when I was down. Throughout the rest of my life, his more 'educated' and 'adult' stuff has also been hugely important to me, because frankly, anyone can be in a film, but very few people can claim to have a true talent that runs down to their very foundations. I never met the man, I never spoke to him or had anything to do with him in his life as a 'real person' rather than as an image on a screen, but I'll be eternally grateful that when everything was going s**t for me, he made it a bit better through his work. One of the things that's really stood out to me, is that people are really upset about this, I've seen more of my friends on Facebook getting upset over this than at any other time and I think it speaks volumes to his worth, people at work are properly shocked by it too. I think it's really sad that a man who brought joy to a large percentage of the planet can die alone in some room because he thinks he's so worthless, and it's so bad he'd be better off dead and I think for that, society has a lot to answer for - in a world where paedophiles get it cushy in prison, or murderers are executed humanely and knowing their loved ones are watching them (and can take comfort that they're at least there for them) - it's very wrong that anyone who has spent their life making people happy can be allowed to despise themselves so much that suicide is a good idea. Anyone else feel as strongly about this as I do or am I just a tit? Either way, let's chat s**t about our favorite Robin Williams stuff?
    7 points
  2. Monty

    Site rule

    Regardless of how effective a live round is, this is airsoft, and the rule is ridiculous.
    4 points
  3. Airsoft-Ed

    Site rule

    If the object falling at terminal velocity happens to be a bullet that came from a gun, I fail to see how they're any different at all. They can both kill you if they hit you.
    3 points
  4. G&P ones are nothing special, I'd go for a clone.
    2 points
  5. M_P

    Bolt SR47

    A guy on Nickona's team had an sr47. He said it shook itself apart.
    2 points
  6. I'll just leave this here ....
    2 points
  7. two_zero

    Site rule

    Thou some sites I've played at plywood does not protect against grenades.. which is a bit funny seeing how they protect against a .50 browning. This.
    2 points
  8. It's going well so far! It amazes me so simple a gun is made up!
    1 point
  9. There are a couple of grub screws which may need tightening where the barrel slots into the upper receiver, you should be able to sort them using an allen key if you pop the front handguards off. That model has a 2part hop unit so if you need to split the upper from the lower you may need to push the upper part of the hop unit forward via the ejection port while carefully pulling the back of the upper receiver upward taking GREAT care not to damage the lugs that locate with the rear receiver pin and also locate into the cutaways in the gearbox. Once these lugs are clear of the lower and the gearbox it should be possible to prise the lugs outward slightly to slide the upper forward off the lower. It's a hamfisted method which is harder to explain than do tbh!
    1 point
  10. I've used a clone 551 for about 6 months now and I've never had an issue with it. It's been used in dim light and in the rain and never seems to faultier. However when it rains it can be temperamental, as in turning in of randomly but it's fine once dry.
    1 point
  11. I ordered a Clone 552 from Ebay for £27, ill tell you what its like when it arises.
    1 point
  12. M_P

    Which holographic sight?

    You'd be surprised. I'm a big g&p fan but their optics are awful, probably just re-branded clones to be honest.
    1 point
  13. Tariq

    random picture thread

    Not enough ainsleys.
    1 point
  14. AK47frizzle

    random picture thread

    Baest gaem yeaht, n00bs gaet rekt buy da peppars 15/3 ~ IGN 100/69 ~ Metacritic Yeaaahhh Boiii/100 ~ Ainsley
    1 point
  15. Sappysid101

    Site rule

    +1 - Ant
    1 point
  16. though i've nout to put them on currently XD will be changing that soonish(yeah i used their images as lense is knackered
    1 point
  17. Monty

    random picture thread

    I got bored.
    1 point
  18. A we bulldog, 2 mags tan lower version. £50
    1 point
  19. I don't know very much about the bolt AEGs since I've yet to molest one,however one bit of information going around,that's been proven pretty well is that the gear train is utter sh*t. Bolt/LCT(The OEM according to several reviewers and WGC shop) cut costs on gears and mixed metals that generally shouldn't be mixed. Example,the spur gear is made out of stainless steel,not heat treated. Good right? except it contacts a heat treated carbon steel sector gear that chews up the spur gear. Not only this but the spur's teeth are not very big and have a bevel to allow more tolerance/forgiveness for poor shimming. The pinion gear and bevel gear are sintered steel which is weaker and not as dense as stainless steel,so the bevel could be damaged by the spur or vice versa,I'm not sure if the bevel is heat treated. Aside from this internal quality has been met with 'meh' to acceptable. The recoil mech is designed similar to the modify tremors kit, however bolt and LCT did a decent job at keeping it reliable by changing some things like recoil weight position and not breaking all the time,bar the crappy gearset. They kick really hard and external quality is top notch from what I hear,but a it pricey for what you are getting. KWA and Tokyo Marui recoil shocks are much more reliable and better options.
    1 point
  20. He was one hairy SOB - and so is the Gorilla. No, he was a true comic genius. One of the greats. Unfortunately, funny men are often the saddest out of the limelight. Hollywood is not very forgiving. When you're up, you're the best thing since sliced bread and when you're not, people cant get away from you fast enough. Such is the shallowness of that society. I heard he was verging on bankruptcy, was having to take second rate parts to pay the bills and of course, had his alcoholism problem. Can you imagine the pressure of being someone who achieved so much. Everybody you meet expects great things - go on, Robin, make me laugh, tell us a joke. Its an uphill climb that cant be maintained. Many famous comedians end up depressed. I also imagine its very easy to get hooked on the adoration, the applause. So many bright stars just burn out. For me, the epitome of Robin was Mork and Mindy and of course his superb acting in Mrs Doubtfire. Unlike many comedians, he was incredibly versatile. His daughter capped it all. She said he would have been happy to have known that he made so many laugh. For those full of negativity for him, she said he will direct a flock of pigeons to crap on your car just after you clean it. I can hear him laughing at that..
    1 point
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j1Hq8L28Us My favourite video ever.
    1 point
  22. Sitting Duck

    Site rule

    Ahem - back onto topic - it is a stupid feckin rule yes site can come up with their own bollox even well you deserve a kill for all the effort you put in - you was trying so here is a kill for you being such a good little soldier - jjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez uhm not being funny - well yeah I am always taking da pi$$ but...... Oi m8 - adjust hop up or if ya that $hit Point ya gun fecking upwards a bit and it might actually fall nearer the target but here is a kill and a shiney star of the day for trying the hardest - ffs
    1 point
  23. Sort of depends on the size of the battery ;-)
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Mr Monkey Nuts

    Site rule

    A bullet being fired from a gun and a projectile falling at terminal velocity are two very different things.
    1 point
  26. sounds to me like it's sticking somewhere rather than badly assembled. I'd recommend opening it up and putting it back together, Richard Young from Eagle6 did a really good tutorial on the bolt catch assembly here:
    1 point
  27. Airsoft-Ed

    Site rule

    I don't think anyone's disputing the fact that hitting anything at that range would be impossible to do on purpose, even with an entire garrison firing all their small arms in the air, but people have been killed by stray rifle rounds from 21 gun salutes and stuff from obscene distances away. I'm trying to find an article on it, there was a famous case when a guy just dropped down dead as he was waving goodbye to his wife or something. Turns out a stray shot falling from the air just happened to hit him square in the back of the head. I think they worked out it was fired from 5 miles away or something. The danger is there, it's just infinitesimally small. Even a .22LR round is lethal to over 1000 yards, yet it's only accurate to a couple of hundred.
    1 point
  28. Russe11

    about Evike.com

    Evike are good. Only worth the hassle buying from them if you can't get something from anywhere outside the US. It's just so much hassle with customs charges etc.
    1 point
  29. I question my sanity sometimes.
    1 point
  30. Esoterick

    Site rule

    I think a lot of the Airsoft rules(in terms of so called realism) outside of ammo limits and enforcing specific weapons being used for their typical real role are silly. It could become a massive list but off the top of my head are bits of plywood providing cover against both bullets and frag grenades in close proximity. Nope that's fine but let's enforce rules about drop on BBs because real bullets wouldn't drop off after ~50 metres... Just look at computer games where games like Arma know where to draw the line between what feels authentic and what becomes annoying and arbitrary. Like Two_Zero said it is up to the site what rules they run with. Just like it is up to us to not play at sites that enforce rules we don't agree with
    1 point
  31. two_zero

    Site rule

    If you said stood in the open in a military training they'd tell you that you where dead/injured. In the case of this site I think it's to add "realism" ea, people are shooting at you but the bbs does not fly as far as bullets would. Then again.. where to draw the line? what about bushes or plywood? I'm not saying I agree with it, but I can see their perspective. Thou I would like to add this.. IT'S THEIR SITE. Thou you might give them polite feedback, it's for them to do as they see fit. Just as they should not try to impose their rule on other sites.
    1 point
  32. Sitting Duck

    Site rule

    HA HA PMSL LOL & ALL THAT where is this place coz if I am running out of cash & bb's I can go there and just fvcking dry fire at everyone FFS - rebounds/ricochet and now this bollox, I didn't get my UKARA to play with NERF or fvcking waterpistols and Laser Quest though fun is best when ya half pi$$ed (Airsoft n alcohol don't mix but funny when doing Laser Quest and ya m8 runs full on SPLAT !!! into wall) Jeez - lets leave our guns at safe zone and go round doing peeyaoooowwwwww peeyaoooowwwwww bangg bangg peeyaoooowwwwww peeyaoooowwwwww bangg bangg On second thoughts lets just play tag - your it instead but only if we have that spongey tarmac stuff used in playgrounds OK - getting silly now, soz but c'mon - who runs this site, JBBG so their guns don't seem so $HIT at range - ok I stop now
    1 point
  33. Russe11

    Ares Amoeba Honey Badger

    In CQB, its a really good way to get shot in the hand a lot.
    1 point
  34. Monty

    Site rule

    I lost IQ points after reading that. Seriously, what were they thinking when they came up with those rules?
    1 point
  35. Is it damp under that rock?? PTS dropped the 'Magpul' part officially well over a year ago now, probably more like 2 or more, hasn't been any production of Magpul replicas for a long time but they've carried on making airsoft stuff this entire time and aren't showing any signs of stopping. They've been doing a lot of muzzle devices for a while now, there was the Mega Arms LM4 and recently the EPM to replace the PMAG line. They've shown prototypes of a pistol grip and a stock that are coming in the same aesthetic vein as the EPM to replace the Magpul replicas, as well as EPMs for other platforms (and all in much better plastic than most airsoft stuff and indeed some RS stuff).
    1 point
  36. ronnyjodes

    British Night Camo

    Or perhaps even Belgian seeing as The Dutch come from Holland ;-)
    1 point
  37. Lozart

    Gun picture thread

    Here's all the guns I actually use (well...the AKs first day out tomorrow so... ) From the top: A&K M249 G&G SCAR-L with Dytac tracer and DBoys EGLM CYMA 045A with lower rail set and a B&T tracer TM (well sort of, more like the Franken-M4 or maybe Triggers Assault Rifle now) based M4 Pistols SOCOM Gear M9A1 Desert Combat with Nextorch WL10 TM MEU
    1 point
  38. Yawns

    New to it all

    Welcome to the forums! The Ainsley Harriott trend is on it's way out, So consider yourself thankful you missed it.
    1 point
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