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  1. GiantKiwi

    Gun picture thread

    And that is it finished :3
    4 points
  2. My usual kit; WAS 901 with back panel 2x WAS Double 5.56 mag pouches 1x WAS triple 40mm pouch 1x WAS large suppressor pouch 1x WAS Admin panel MilTec duty belt with Condor Gen 2 Battle Belt 1x WAS double pistol mag pouch 1x WAS dump pouch Replica Safariland style drop leg holster
    4 points
  3. I think we all know one like that. Worst I've seen was Captain Teamkill at the Malls.
    2 points
  4. Things are coming together. double stacker triple mag pouch with Midcaps Double pouch one with backup Hi-Cap the other for Mini Binoculars. Admin Pouch for phone and Car keys. General Pouch for First Aid Kit, Swiss Army Knife and spare battery. Single point sling 3l Hydration Pack and Radio Pouch on the rear Belt has a triple Pouch, double pouch and a fold up dump pouch. I use it in place of vest when it is too hot, Mich 2001 Helmet with mesh goggles.
    2 points
  5. EvilMonkee

    My first time

    My first time, it hurt a little but then I relaxed...oops
    2 points
  6. Finally caved and got an M4. I went for a G&G GR15 raider, used but in great condition. Came with a couple Hi-caps, battery, front grip and sights. Just need to sort out some pouch and some better mags. Which is the most reliable mags? I like the idea of mid-caps.
    2 points
  7. its been a long day, my confusion between dutch speaking and the dutch got crossed
    2 points
  8. Lozart

    British Night Camo

    Have you tried Google? All the cool kids are doing it now, it's quite the rage you know.
    2 points
  9. Cheeky vimto


    It's coming together! Currently only holding 5 bangs.
    2 points
  10. two_zero

    which gun is better?

    then again, the Ares Tard21 is particularly infamous.. like the windows millennium of airsoft :F oh and welcome to the forums, Chris, as well as Tchiu! but yea, I agree with the above comments. Would also recommend G&P, personally I'd get them over G&G. The Combat Machine is probably the best value cheap gun you can get, don't think it's 'better' for beginners than say Top Tech or G&P, but you don't have to spend as much. Good thing if you have not skirmished and do not realistically know if you are going to continue in the future.
    2 points
  11. I suspect she is talking shite like she normally does.
    2 points
  12. I run these: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-1300mah-25c-continuous-discharge-101mm-long.html I have D-Boys stock tubes on my guns (cheap!!) and they fit fine They stick out a bit, but not a probpem once the stock is on - I just can't collapse it all the way in, but one notch out is fine
    2 points
  13. Lozart

    Gun picture thread

    Here's all the guns I actually use (well...the AKs first day out tomorrow so... ) From the top: A&K M249 G&G SCAR-L with Dytac tracer and DBoys EGLM CYMA 045A with lower rail set and a B&T tracer TM (well sort of, more like the Franken-M4 or maybe Triggers Assault Rifle now) based M4 Pistols SOCOM Gear M9A1 Desert Combat with Nextorch WL10 TM MEU
    2 points
  14. Not the most practical and yes, cycling it dumps your grenade on the floor but OHM MY GOD I WANT IT!!!!!
    1 point
  15. Frosty0769

    My first time

    I just thought I would, as a first timer put down my views of my very first skirmish. Sorry if it's not in the right area. I went along to the boot camp day at Skirmish Billericay. I had pre-booked a specked up M4 for myself which was supposed to be better than the standard M4 they rent out. The only real difference externally was the collapsible stock, fore grip and external battery that blocked the view down the iron sights. The insides were apparently upgraded as well but considering I can compare to anything else Im not a great judge. In reality the weapon was a pain in the a**e as I had to keep getting it fixed as it wasnt firing consistently and would only fire on in six on full auto. I also rented some webbing and an extra high cap magazine. The mags were ok and seemed up to the job and the webbing once loosened was ok but had seen a lot of use as you would expect from a rental set. There was over 100 people on the day and was a real mixed bunch and most of those I spoke to were very friendly there were two incidents during the day that made me think that some were taking it all a little too seriously and not taking into account that is was just a boot camp and not the final battle in Platoon. But considering the amount of testosterone and adrenaline I cant complain. The site itself was really good with five or six different areas but we only use 4 on the day. After a quick 5 min game of domination for the new people to get a feel for everything we set about a game of capture the flag with about 50 a side. About 15 mins in the cloud cover came over and it was almost dark, and the heavens opened and former hurricane Bertha said hello after about 10 mins of the deluge the marshals blew the whistle and sent us all back to the safe zone to wait it out. 45 mins later we were back out and the red team went on to win the game. I took a hit directly to the eye and was very thankful for my glasses and also took a hit directly to the plums (that one hurt). After lunch we had a game where the teams took turns to attack of defend the 4 sites we used and pick up TNT then plant them on the 3 bridges. The differences in the teams was quite obvious and unbalanced as the red team won all but one game all day where the reds would attack and gain an objective quite quickly, the blues would hold back a little more and this made the difference. We were then given two more shot games at the end of the day to make up for the time we lost in the morning. The downsides of the day for me were, that the gun I rented was pants and was a real let down in the CQB Im not that up on the makes but it would put me off buying and ICS rif, the marshals were not easy to see and some were ducking down and drawing fire. The seating area needs more cover from the elements. Apart from those I got soaked to the skin, I ache all over and have a giant red lump on my jaw that looks like a big red spot, but I dont care, I had fun and am now hooked. What a great day out, I will definitely be going again!
    1 point
  16. I love that Inigo Montoya patch Lozart!!
    1 point
  17. You tend to meet the best sort of players in WW2 games. Last game I went to, our squad was trying to keep the right flank of the other British squad safe and they were taking fire from their left flank (where the Americans should have been). We therefore swung round to outflank the Germans on the right. A head pops out of a bush right by us and asks us very politely if we wouldn't mind not trying to outflank them as the German side had a few people drop out due to illness and gun malfunctions. a ). He could have taken us all out as we hadn't seen him. b ). In what other type of airsoft game would such a request be considered c ). Why can't the Americans stick to the plan?
    1 point
  18. Those players that stick in my mind are the selfless ones .. those who do little things that make your day that much more enjoyable .. those that will lend you a spare mag, ammo or gas in the middle of a firefight to help you continue .. those who stay behind end of the day to help clean up a site, sweep up bb's, collect rubbish to put things back ... those who help noobs with gun problems or queries .... those who give you a sandwich or sausage roll when you have forgotten your lunch box or food .. these people are the ones who will always be the best players to me, the often unknown people will think of others before themselves in order for others to enjoy their day just a little bit extra.
    1 point
  19. Lozart

    Gun picture thread

    No, it started life as a standard M4A1. I bought it from a mate 10 years later and started mutating shortly after. Pretty much the only original parts are the gearbox shell, buffer tube, trigger and front sight!
    1 point
  20. edrat

    My first time

    ^^ This This makes me question whether I want to bother going at all- I mean, sure, it may get a little heated at times, but fundamentally, it's a game of soldiers!!! Some know it all dressed to the nines in unquestionable amounts of gear telling me what to do is likely to be met with problems. I don't appreciate being told what to do at the best of times, let alone when I'm out for a bit of fun..... Don't take me wrong. It's not like I want to mess about, I'll take it as seriously as it needs to be. Not seriously, full stop. And not as someones b1tch. That aside, glad you enjoyed it. Hoping to have a go at the end of the month all being well, at The Sandpit.
    1 point
  21. Sitting Duck


    But if you did message them and BBGuns4Less have given that reply themselves then I think they have just seriously shot themselves in the foot - for real shame coz they recently got their UKARA status and was kind of trying to improve their range of stuff - if they have foolishly replied like that though to a customer then I think they may future customers may become a very rare thing now.... dunno how all the message stuff works hence me just seeking clarification or if others can see if it went to a forum section and others replied or if BBG4L really think this of their customers..... jeez
    1 point
  22. Sitting Duck


    Wow - but before we jump to conclusions here..... is that really BBGuns4Less reply or somebody else's comment ??? trying to suss out if it really is BBGuns or another poster saying that normally they have this on their facebook:
    1 point
  23. SimonQuigley


    If you haven't put it on the facebook page, you should.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Lozart

    British Night Camo

    Last time I do your homework for you.
    1 point
  26. Yeah they're awesome! I think I remember reading it was all bad timing, it was just as ICS had released their new launchers so did not want this as competition or something like that. Tried contacting renegade for a commission ?
    1 point
  27. Custom built I'm afraid. The guy who made this also made an SKS,Remington bolt action pistol out of a VSR and lots of other things. Some talent. RenegadeCow,the builder was in Talks with Ares to make a production version but Ares tried to pull idea stealing shenanigans so he tried ICS but didn't get far with them.
    1 point
  28. I often feel completely and utterly wrecked after games,especially if it's a 12/27 hr milsim. My legs give out and everything aches. The way it's supposed to be! On bringing things over,I have one gun bag which I keep in the car. Tent clips on the side of a small rucksack,which is a tiny little thing with only the essentials-socks,''field rations'', tools,spare gun parts and a change of clothes. Usually it's around 5kg of weight so I can hike around with it and still be relatively mobile. Thing I regret doing is bringing a glowstick to my first 27hr game. Fucker was a lemon,plastic was bubbly and it was obviously not structurally sound. On the jeep ride to the FOB at night I decided to break it open. Enter premature ejaculation. Covered myself and a few guys in that foul smelling shit the chinese pack into those things.
    1 point
  29. Reloaded a 40mm yesterday and forgot to re-gas it. Only found out when faced with a bunch of enemy and had the "click.............."
    1 point
  30. Annoyed for bringing a much stuff with me as I did. Not that I reduce the amount next time
    1 point
  31. Normally a post match McDonalds to accompany the mornings McDonalds Breakfast then when I'm home usually a hot shower to sooth the wounds of the day, then uploading and posting any photos or videos I have made before settling down and thinking though the day, what went right/wrong/good/bad/ugly and if I need any kit or accessories for future games then I used to strip and clean all my guns and kit before usually going to bed because I was up at stupid o'clock the morning before.
    1 point
  32. ronnyjodes

    British Night Camo

    Or perhaps even Belgian seeing as The Dutch come from Holland ;-)
    1 point
  33. P90's are Belgium... When she can speak English I may take her a bit more seriously
    1 point
  34. I got my 6094a from www.shootercbgear.com - very good they were too
    1 point
  35. Samurai

    DMR vs Single shot snipers

    If the DMR is 400 fps or lower but you have 20-30 meters of minimum engage distance, then there is no point in getting one, simply use an AEG and make it perfect. On the site I've been a few times here, 98% of ppl have decent looking gun and absolutely cr*p useful engagement distance. Mostly because they use 0.20g BBs and don't spend time to set the hopup. If you are a sniper, you already know you must spend a few hours just to set the hopup and the sights. Use quality heavy BB too, and mostly single shots. I do use my gun this way and consider myself a dmr (even though I use just a red dot - you can perfectly see to 50-60 meters) and not having a minimum engagement distance is a huge advantage to actual DMRs. Between 350 and 400 fps there is absolutely no noticeable difference if your gun is set up right.
    1 point
  36. Cheeky vimto


    So the question of how to store firing blanks for BFGs has always bothered me. I've seen people carry them in zip lock bags or take te whole box that they come in out on the field with them. I went down the route of converting a berroca bottle but kept finding the lid would pop off and I lose a load of blanks. I'm currently working on an idea to dispense them like the old PEZ dispensers used to work. It won't hold many, maybe 7 or 8, but then I find I don't use that many per game anyway. And they're so small if it works I can always carry 2 out with me. This is where I'm up to at the moment; I'm hoping to come up with a sort of clip to attach to molle. What's everyone's thoughts?
    1 point
  37. <---heres one! Sorry, saw the name of the thread and couldn't resist
    1 point
  38. For a good quality chest rig try this http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/odtmb6nx.html I've had mine a good 6 months and its a good bit of kit, tough, plenty of mag space and pretty compact
    1 point
  39. Del Monty

    British Night Camo

    Black is very much the new Black ... Jus Sayin' .....
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. A Friday night drive up to Mateyguv in Chester and after a tour around his amazing mancave came home with this beauty. A full metal Magpul lower, VLTOR upper, with a Madbull JP 19inch barrel. for the princely sum of 50 of the queens finest sterling. I initially only wanted the reciver, but the whole thing is amazing quality, it would be a real shame to not use the barrel as well. It even came with a gearbox inside, which after a tinker works, a bit inconsistent and only shooting 270, but after a little work should be a cracking gun. Thanks again Mateyguv.
    1 point
  42. M_P

    which gun is better?

    Option number one is your best bet. Though the other g&g is also a safe choice. Avoid the ares chances are it'll cost you a lot more than intended.
    1 point
  43. Hello new guy here from Canada. Here is my loadout currently it may change in the near future to a Osprey MK4 Or maybe I'll just get lazy and add a battle belt... we will seen. Oh it's a MODI JPC in CB and before some says AOR1 or Marpat Desert it's Desert Cadpat. Also sorry for the bad quality of the photos I'm on vacation and this is the best I have.
    1 point
  44. Well I got a ticket for zero woodland I think but kinda fell on its ar$e like I said so went to epsom bunker instead as wasn't gonna drive like nearly 2hrs if nobody was going to zero my usual TWA is on Saturday so may pop along for half day - £10 not sure if I'm going back to bunker just yet but free ticket from zero one gun I bought is valid for 6 months (cost me more if fuel ffs but I will go) other people were either working or couldn't get there - so kinda gave up the following Sunday to Sandpitt Dartford and now we have 10th August upon us
    1 point
  45. Happy

    Airsofting in the rain

    Personally love playing in the rain as everyone congregates in the areas where there's overhead cover - like shooting fish in a barrel as another poster said. That said I always make sure to travel light when it's raining, often completely ditching a chest rig as it puts pressure on the shoulders and lets water in. Poncho, boonie hat, camo trousers, mesh face protection, penknife/multi tool, pistol holster, rifle and sidearm (plus mags) - sorted!
    1 point
  46. cropzy

    Need help (PC Parts)

    I can build you one for around £160
    1 point
  47. Del Monty

    For the Fallen

    Candle from my house .. With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres, There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain; As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain.
    1 point
  48. Finius

    CM121 or CM030

    They'll both perform the same but AEP Desert Eagles strike me as ridiculous!
    1 point
  49. Bloody hell mate, could your arse get any hungrier?!
    1 point
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