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Status Updates posted by L3wisD

  1. Apologies for the delay in dealing with the Fat shaming spammer. Busy weekend :(

    1. Sawyer


      What did I miss!?


  2. WAITASECOND! When did the V2 Tippmann M4 come out?!

    1. Rogerborg


      Specna put a ring on you, no seeing other RIFs on the side.

    2. L3wisD



      I wouldn't have bought the fuckin' Breacher if I'd known there was a Tippy V2!!!



    3. SgtTalbert


      I'm looking for a breacher....

  3. In the interests of transparency: I am a Specna Arms brand ambassador for the UK.


    Please direct all requests for freebies and autographs to my inbox 😎





    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ak2m4


      Good job, one thing you can clear up right now and they Polish or HK owned?

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      Discount for AFUK members? 😅

  4. Thanks for the reports - no one want any Viagra then? 😁

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Nah, I mostly visit PornHub for the comments these days.

    3. EvilMonkee


      Can you ban this Kathleenhardy 72 as well Lewis? Obvious scammer 

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Wait, is it too late to order viagra? It's... For a freind....








  5. Before I order one. Anyone got a TM USP (Or compact) they wanna sell? :)

    1. heroshark



      Compact it's my recommendation. 


    2. L3wisD


      Over the full sized 9?

      Not much in the performance between them then?


      (Plus I have tiny hands. Prefer the G19 over the G17 etc)

    3. heroshark


      Not sure on the difference as stock but yes there is the standard barrel length is quite short. Thing I like about the compact its so snappy due to the tiny light weight slide. I have the hk45 similar internal set up and although snappy to it seems sluggish in comparison and they both have the same upgrades. I fit lpe route shims, 9 ball routes, ml hop and hadron fang plate. I also fit the threaded outer barrel and 90mm CJ inner barrel. Stock outer barrel will only cover 75mm which is the stock barrel length. Chronoed Sat pretty consistent at 250fps on 0.28. About 300ish on 0.2 , stock power 280ish so 20fps boost. Stock usp is 290ish although if you did something similar it too there would be and extra boost. I did have to fit a harder buffer spring on the recoil  as it was still moving too quick at the end of the cycle for the slide stop to catch.

  6. Zero In has been hacked... So I'm doing my part:





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Huh, I'd forgotten about ZeroIn.


      Whatever's happened, it seems to be back up and much snappier now.


      Which probably means it's been rehosted on a Raspberry Pi in Russia and is harvesting all our datums.

    3. StayOnTarget


      Fucking Legend 🤘🤘

    4. Sneaky


      Better not head for us next...


    1. EDcase


      The ban stick will save the day

  8.  More reports of spammers trying to buy guns.


    If someone PM's you with "I'm interested in buying you (INSERT GUN NAME HERE) Please report them to the moderators (it's the little "flag" button on any post, advert or private message)

  9. So... There's another Specna inbound to the LewisD house. SA-E12 in tan/black this time...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Musica


      Good pick that is my favourite of the edge series. Not too long but not too short. Rails in good positions.

    3. EvilMonkee


      So would you like flowers at your funeral? Or a donation to a good cause?

    4. L3wisD


      She actually doesn't mind, so long as I sell an older one to keep it sane.


      So, she's either cheated on me and feels guilty, or she's blown the savings and doesn't want me to get mad.


      ...either way - new toy! Woooo!

  10. Good day at Gunman eversley today.

    Trigger spring broke on my M4 though and the PDR-C still won't shoot straight.


    Luckily I was loaned a brand new Specna Arms Edge SA-E12. It was lovely to shoot! Fast and smooth!

    1. L3wisD


      The PDR-C is like a super sexy ex-girlfriend. Fantastic to look at and get your hands on, but utterly bonkers crazy mental. 😁

  11. My first Negative Airsoft video 😍



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L3wisD


      I'm not allowed lipos in the house under penalty of castration. :(

    3. Lozart


      "Grindy" - technical term that. 

    4. Rogerborg


      If I send Luke anything, I'm going to say that it "smells twerky", and fill it with glitter.

  12. >Friend asks me to look out for 2nd hand TM Breacher

    >Spend all night contemplating buying a TM Breacher for myself 😕

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Druid799


      @Albiscuit and funnily enough it is a s**t load of fun !😂

      @L3wisD can most definitely recommend a TM gas shotty as very BIG fun ! 😍

      when ever there’s doubts about a purchase and any of my team mates ask for help from the others the reply usually is “willpower is for pussy’s REAL men give in and buy it straight away !” DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! 😁

      I do hope my voice of reason has helped you to make the right decision ?😉

    3. Druid799


      I had a cheapo Chinese gas shot gun yrs ago that went bang really loudly!😱

      just the once mind , but was really really loud 😳

  13. Off to the Isle of Wight for a week.

    Be good for Jedi and Ben!





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L3wisD


      Nah, we don't do that sort of thing :)


      I'll still send the photos of the missus as agreed though ;)

    3. Jedi_Master


      Have fun, good weather and no storms predicted for that dangerous crossing over The Solent. 

    4. StayOnTarget


      Bye daddy have a good time promise to behave......now where does he keep the booze again?😁

  14. Super Mega Tactical Airsoft News are giving away a Specna Arms RIF on Facebook!


    Gotta be in it to win it!



    1. Musica


      comment on an old post from last week? tag 2 people and share it? 😣brain hurts social media overload.



    2. L3wisD


      Aye, few hoops to jump through (seems to be par for the course for giveaways these days :( ).


      The other post to comment on was from 3 days back:


  15. We've had a couple of reports of spam accounts posing as buyers for your classified adverts. Please try not to fall for it. They use quite an obvious template, but please use your Noggin.


    You'll lose your guns and the money.

  16. New Zed site announced from the Mall guys. Called Acid Drop.

    It appears to be a woodland site in Eversley (Reading).

    First game is Sunday 11th!



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MisterG


      Isn't this where you used to marshall?

      Tell Luke you know the terrain 😉

  17. Before I order from Japan - anyone got a Laylax Nitro VO carry handle for sale?

    1. L3wisD


      Not too keen on the quick release version. Prefer the normal Allen fixing version:





  18. There's a scammer called JANETSTOUT12 PMing you about classifieds. Please don't respond.

  19. I don't want to sound like your mum, but:

    Please make sure you drink plenty of water tomorrow if you're playing. No monster, lucosade etc. Water.

    Keep your fluids up and make sure you take a game off if it's too hot. Hang out in the shade in the safe zone.


    Apparently it's going to be horrendously hot tomorrow. Be safe :)


    1. Druid799
    2. StayOnTarget


      Off to get my pew today 2 liters minimum,its in the woods so plenty of shade but I do really appreciate this advice it should be right up there with eye pro 🖖 

  20. You warned me not to join UKAC on Facebook... You were right. *Bangs head on wall*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. clumpyedge


      @Lozart I learnt a very long time ago not to engage with our colonial brethren unless on pre-agreed terms and a mediator present

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Hey, we arent all bad. Just most of us.

    4. BibbsOnTour


      Now I want to join UKAC and the US BBQ groups just to see for myself 😂

  21. Those Chinese Spammers sure are persistent! Thanks for the reports!

    1. djben9


      still no UKARA licenses on there! :lol:

    2. StayOnTarget


      Thats because they know we cant get enough of it


  22. Apologies for the spam - I presume no one wanted to attend Chinese university?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AshOnSnow



      visions of half the AFUK community sitting in a classroom in Sichuan province in full camo, repeating lines in mandarin.


      on the upside, at least we’d finally be able to understand the Chinese instruction manuals on JG guns.

    3. Prisce


      Isn’t that Japanese?

    4. AshOnSnow


      Nah that’s TM.

      JG is chinese

  23. Please use the classifieds section to advertise your guns/gear - and have proper photos!

  24. I think we're getting some spammers on here tonight. Please report them and we'll nuke them :D

  25. *Come home from work*

    "...ohh Mack's busy this afternoon... 😐"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Druid799


      Nothing to apologise for bud the ‘guy’ was being an out and out wanker ! Personally I thought you were very good the way you didn’t lower your self to his level (mind saying that to have reached his level you’d need some heavy duty mining equipment it’s so low !🤦‍♂️) well done 👍 

    3. EvilMonkee


      I was so tempted to go dox'ing him as his FB profile is so wide open it really wouldn't take me very long to find out literally everything about him. Its kinda what we do where I work... LOL.  Glad I didn't waste my time now.

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