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  1. TL;DR Guys comes to forum to steal members for his forum?
    6 points
  2. Dan Robinson


    Been snowed under with work, covid, and entertaining the boy for the last few weeks/months. The good old double Eagle has been holding the fort while the other pews have been misbehaving. Big Specna needed a rewire, baby Specna was over spinning and not feeding properly. L85's accuracy has slipped a bit too. Until last week when it stopped feeding completely (More on that later). G36 is still at the pleasure of Bespoke and I haven't been in the mood to use the SVU. The boy's L85 has been dropping in fps/ range to. Oh the joys of airsoft 🤣🤣 Two weekends ago we double headered High Wycombe and Ambush near Cobham. That was an Exhausting two days ending in a total mystery.... loading the van on Sunday morning, I put my battery bag in the back. Then I decided to put it somewhere safer. Can i remember where that is? Can I feck. Thankfully, the marshalls at Ambush loaned me a couple of batteries so the day was salvaged.... great venue too. But I spent the day desperately trying to remember where I had put £200 of batteries and usb chargers. Even phoned a neighbour at 9am and got him to walk down the road in case I left it on the roof of the van. Got home in the evening, dead on my feet, and climbed into my loft to scrub through the cctv; only to find that it wasn't on the roof when I drove off. So it looks like senility is setting in already. 🤔 More on the actual gamedays in the respective thread when I get home on Saturday. We're off to AWA on Sunday for the Big Skirm, then Special Ops the week after, with a school friend of the boy who's coming over from the land of the little people. 1 Anyway, nice to see everyone still here.
    4 points
  3. Pretty much. Like a stranger walking into a pub and saying "Hey new besties, this place sucks, come and help me build a rival wine bar next door. Why? Well, it'll be better because it'll be better." Cool story, good luck, I'll love you when you win.
    4 points
  4. Forums survive for two reasons: Quality content and filtered access to it. You can't have only one of them, there is no quality content without filtered access and vice versa. A simple registration process (provide an email address, a username and a password) is a formidable tool to keep most of the retards away. Look at facebook pages, almost all of them are shitholes where the same questions are asked over and over and over again in a 15 minutes span from one another, where half the comments make you want to commit a genocide and where people mostly parrot whatever the celebrity of the month said. Also as Tackle said, spoon feeding information is wrong... What was the saying? Give a man a fish.....
    4 points
  5. Like many here, been a member of many good forums, most of which died a slow painful death when fb came along & most airsoft sites switched to an essentially free medium that was (then) easier to update, but then fb uk became part of the "nanny state" & changed all the rules pertaining to airsoft etc, which in turn wasn't helped by the average low iq fb user not being able to grasp the new restrictions, so pages started getting clobbered & disappearing, some might say not necessarily a bad thing. Now we've got players returning to the forums in droves, again, some are good to have, & some are a pita asking questions that have been asked, & answered, hundreds of times before (& can usually be found via the search fuction) Thankfully, most of the time, the quality of the longstanding members here shines through, as does their patience in helping these new members. In fact this thread is a great example of that, how many times have we had either new members, or longtime lurkers, pop up with a brainwave that's gonna revolutionise some aspect of airsoft, whether it's the mediums we surf to glean info, the kit we use to play the game, or some kinda new angle on how a site is designed & run, & within reason, sometimes through gritted teeth😬, we humour whatever wannabe entrepreneur that's fielding their ideas. End of the day though, when you break it down, it's a physical game, that relies on physical equipment & the KISS approach, anything else is wasted on some players, & the remainder probably don't have the time or patience to embrace something that's over conceptualised. @Bo B not a dig at you, your trying to field an idea, just the reality of getting new ideas off the ground can be a long & often fruitless journey.
    4 points
  6. I'd say that people gravitated towards social media based groups but are starting to be pushed back down the forum route due to restrictions being placed on firearm related social media content. Personally, given the nature of discussion around what we enjoy, I find the long form format of the forum more useful because it goes further than "sik gun innit" and technical advice can be in a more detailed style.
    4 points
  7. Airpig41

    Gun picture thread

    My favorite project gun. A TM 1911 MEU in a Guarder FBI kit and Cerakote paint job
    4 points
  8. Haha. I'm just old lol
    3 points
  9. You are correct, but everyones idea of "good UI design" is different. For example, I work in Industrial Automation, part and parcel of that is operator interfaces for machines. Every client we have wants their UI a certain way which in and of itself is fine but if an operator is familiar with how machine A works and then has to go and work on machine B which does exactly the same thing but is made by a different company then the UI will be different so will require familiarisation. If you design a UI from an iOS users perspective, it will not feel intuitive to an Android user and vice versa. You may not be familiar with the layout of this forum because it's not what you use but those of us that use forums a lot are very familiar with it because it uses the same platform a lot of other forums do. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that the utopia of universal UI is not easy at all.
    3 points
  10. lokkers

    Gun picture thread

    If we're doing URGIs, here's my "recce" TM upper
    3 points
  11. chris hunt

    CYMA CM.607 M4A1

    Time Left: 2 days and 13 hours

    • For sale
    • As new

    CYMA CM.607 M4A1, Bought last month used once. full specs see https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/cyma-cm-607-m4a1-aeg-rifle any questions let me know i also have the invoice proving the rifle was purchased last month. comes with the below: x2 high cap mags battery and charger m4a1 cleaning rod Fired 330 FPS when chronoed at site on 0.25 Good as new looking for £120 buyer pays postage



    2 points
  12. Have you forgotten to take your grown up meds? 😂
    2 points
  13. Druid799

    CYMA CM.607 M4A1

    So you want full store price for a 2nd hand gun ? 😳
    2 points
  14. Considering you don't know what this platform will offer, whether it's anything different or the same as what's already out there, makes this whole idea look like you don't have a clue about what you' want this new platf, hence the reason you dont have people lining up to pat you on the back and tell you what a great job you're doing. Oh, and loose the passive aggressive attitude. It just makes you come across as a petulant child who can't stand being told no
    2 points
  15. The wheel on the ZCI rotary isn't the greatest design, so much so I'm looking to get my own one molded that's a little smaller and with better notches so you can at least count the turns etc. As for your problem maybe take the upper off, turn upside-down, fit the rotary and barrel and try to see where the wheel is rubbing. A customer did mention this before I remember and it was the gearbox case.
    2 points
  16. You're getting defensive for no reason. Anyway, congratulations on your Usenet prize.
    2 points
  17. Oh for sure Lozart, new Youtube and Facebook guidelines going to kill pew pew content. Cant even show putting a suppresser on a barrel. Forums build more of an archive for future readers on topics they may find useful in the future and just offer more of a community. I mean stealing implies ownership, right? I don't think this forum has much to worry about one of the best run forums regardless of media around. (AFK while I clean the brown off my nose)
    2 points
  18. Honestly - fixing the hop to 0.28s might be a good idea. Means that the type of people I'm going to loan this to (mates, work friends, relatives etc) can't accidently cock things up and have it shoot funny 😅
    2 points
  19. Fair enough, my “URGI” as it’s a picture thread.
    2 points
  20. Finally managed to get a retro MP5 PDW stock to swap out all the modern hideousness on my Cyma CM041L so it's gone from this monstrosity to this classic but with the amazing range and rate of fire 😁
    2 points
  21. Decp369

    Gun picture thread

    What we thinking everybody. My TM MWS URGI. Not sure if I should keep the red dot or get a 558 holo on the riser….
    2 points
  22. So this is my glock collection at present: 12 various glock 2 FMG-9s. Got an agent tracer is one, made my own tracer for the other.
    2 points
  23. RostokMcSpoons

    AA G36

    Hi ho, you going quiet has coincided with me being on hiatus on medical advice... Which I've now decided to ignore. So hopefully see you on the battlefield at Spec Ops soon 😎. I might be going Sunday morning. Depends on whether I'm still alive, my wife might notice a guitar getting delivered on Saturday, and then.... 💩💩💩
    1 point
  24. gavinkempsell


    Good to see you back.
    1 point
  25. you would be better off dropping this thread and just go develop the app and release it. If it's any good people will use it. Forums have been around as long as airsoft has been popular in the UK. This one is a bit crap, UKAZ was better but was crap compared to the one before it and I can't even remember its name. Zeroin exists and struggles with scammers so has a low reputation whereas Arnies was the best forum, it's still there but no one goes there anymore, which is a shame. The forums are full of cantankerous old gits who fear technology, think Randolph and Statler wearing DPM. Your post comes at a time of year that regular forum users fear, the school holidays, and to be honest the replies so far have been a bit tame. Good luck with the app, I hope it works out for you.
    1 point
  26. I'd like to see some pics of the whole gun please.
    1 point
  27. I'm an old raver at heart.
    1 point
  28. Pleased to hear it. Now all you have to do is take it back to 'toys r us' 👍
    1 point
  29. Funnily enough I picked up my prescriptions after work.
    1 point
  30. This. When I worked for asda I was told a happy customer will tell 1 person while an unhappy customer will tell 10. Also unfortunately a lot of the information given is what the person heard from their mate's cousin's neighbour's uncle and are blindly repeating it without knowing how true it is
    1 point
  31. As long as the receiver isn't impinging on the arm in any way it should be fine.
    1 point
  32. It's a very old design so was never really intended for a rotary hop unit. You might have better luck with a decent quality traditional style hop unit as it's slimmer overall. Alternatively (with my engineering head on) you could try filing the adjuster ring down to a smaller size and cutting new knurls on it for grip.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Mint

    UKARA renewal

    It's pretty much entirely up to the site how long the duration is. We can set it manually. If I remember rightly, the default is 2 years from first registration. When it comes to renewal, there's a +1 year button which is the easiest way to do it. Hence renewals typically being an extra year, though I'm not aware of any rules meaning that it has to be and a site could click it twice or manually set a date if they desired. When we re-signed up as a site, we didn't receive any additional rules other than what is publicly available on the UKARA page, it's all up to sites being reasonable and acting in good faith.
    1 point
  35. Mint

    Private sales Question

    A UKARA registration number by itself will mean little to you as a private seller. Unless you are an airsoft retailer registered with UKARA, you cannot use the lookup feature to check that a number hasn't expired or that it is registered to the person you're speaking to. It is just a random number to you. Edit: You may be able to request information about a number by directly contacting the UKARA admin at [email protected] but this isn't certain. If you want to stay on the right side of the law, you'd be better off asking for a photo of the purchaser playing at an airsoft site or to provide the name and contact details of an airsoft site that is willing to act as a reference to confirm that they are a skirmisher
    1 point
  36. What's got 2 legs & bleeds? Half a cat.
    1 point
  37. In total agreement about not worrying about showing up on your tod. If I may plug as someone who's played there multiple times, might I suggest REDCON-2 at Dalton Barracks near Abingdon since you're looking near Oxford? It's run by RIFT Airsoft. Good marshals, varying playing environments, convoy vehicles to be escorted in, really fun objectives and gameplay, reasonably priced food and drinks in a captive market, prizes to be won with White Sphere Tactical. The player base is usually friendly and welcoming.
    1 point
  38. Your profile pic looks young, hardly a stretch to make a guess at your age, prove me wrong, what year were you born ? As for your project, good luck, I really mean it, I'm sure there's a market for it, probably all the gen z's that are incapable or too lazy to use the search function & expect to be spoon fed & have their arses wiped for them, we see them on here regularly, we'll send them your way. Your welcome 🙏
    1 point
  39. Welcome. As Rogerborg posted, don't worry about turning up on your own. You'd be surprised how many people do. If you're looking for a site have a look at https://playairsoft.uk/
    1 point
  40. Another one coming up next month.
    1 point
  41. Lol, I was running around with real guns when you were just an itch in your dad's pants, but I tire of every "gen Z" that thinks they're gonna reinvent the wheel. But you fill yer boots 😏
    1 point
  42. Really not sure why they're marketing it specifically for any type of MP5 to be honest. Barring a few exceptions most AEG cylinders are the same length (within tolerances). The important bit is where the vent hole is for your length of barrel. A 220mm barrel would be more like a 3/4 hole, that one looks like a 4/5 hole so may be a bit over volume for what you need. One like this - https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/cylinders/xt-cylinder-anti-heat-3-4
    1 point
  43. Problem: airsoft is split across too many groups, apps and websites. Solution: add another new group, app or website.
    1 point
  44. It's this Sunday, people! Weather is looking like it should be perfect, and we've got some fun objectives for you.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. This is my latest addition to my collection. Lambda Defence GHM9-G
    1 point
  47. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    The remaining guns that need testing and tweaking while I'm not allowed to play. Most are simple tests and tweaking, nothing major since I finally got the MWS hopping the ammo I want to put through it last Sunday. It's mostly just setting the hop for the weights I want to use, but a few other minor tweaks needed. From left to right: TM MWS w/ Modelworks mk12 kit - Need to make sure it's shooting straight. Scope I had on it was wonky because of the mounts on Sunday Tanaka m700 w/ real Remington stock - Installed a new hop rubber and nub as it was a bit crap before. Need to set the hop now with the new setup JG BAR-10 - Just need to find what psi to set for 1.1J so I can use it at night games / no MED games; disgustingly quiet since it's internally suppressed and half of that outer barrel is just alternating large/small foam baffles. Already know it shoots phenomenally at 155psi, which gives about 2.3J on .48s, and I can go as low as 80psi, so sure I can get it to 1.1J as well G&P m14 DMR - Ironically not a DMR. Wasn't hopping well, but power, noise and snappiness was all amazing, so installed a new MR hop rubber. Need to set the hop up now. KJW m700 - Usually has a suppressor on it! Finally got around to finishing this one with the threaded shorter outer barrel, as well as the AA hop unit, nub and flamingo rubber. Need to set it up, both power and hop up. I think I have a type... 🤣
    1 point
  48. MorganL

    Gun picture thread

    This is my Rifle”
    1 point
  49. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    G17 P80/Razorback Wanted to build something really aggressive after my latest kind of plain gen2 glock. This was the result. TM G17 gen3 donorgun. And I kind of dislike rmrs on pistols but somehow it feelt right to put one on this little monster.
    1 point
  50. novioman

    Guns Modify MWS nozzles

    Reply from Guns Modify Hi Douglas : As our experience , in some condition , the extractor cause jam or fly out .
    1 point
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