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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/05/24 in all areas

  1. Whatever colour the next government is they've got bigger things to worry about than a bunch of people running around the woods playing soldiers
    9 points
  2. I was also at Redcon-2 for Shift Your RIFTs, but was there for the whole weekend; a very warm Saturday followed by a very warm, then very wet Sunday! I packed my m700, AAP-01 and p226 as a backup pistol in case I had issues with the AAP. We booked in on the Friday and it was incredibly smooth. Plenty of staff were around to direct people who were camping and those of us who were just there to sign in. Got my wristband and goodie bag and then hung out with my friends for a while as there were quite a few of us there. Gates closed at 8pm, so we left at about 7pm to go get dinner at the pub a few of us were staying at and got a good night's sleep for the next day... or at least it would've if my heart didn't decide to act up that night. Anxiety around it made it worse too, but it wasn't so bad I had to take myself off to a hospital, so I popped one of my pills and powered through it. Anyway, next day was glorious. Weather on Saturday was incredibly warm at around 20 celcius pretty much all day! I had a similar experience to @Galvatron; chrono was really efficient with 4 marshalls on them and then another 3 or 4 marshalls after them with cable ties to tag guns that had passed. There was a long queue when I got there, but it moved very quickly and I got through very easily. I did have an issue crop up here though, as I noticed two of my AAP magazines had lost the o-rings in the fill valves, so I decided to use my p226 that I brought as a backup pistol. Everything passed chrono nice and easy and so that was that. We then hung about until the legendary brief and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. It was long, probably clocking in at about 1 hour in length, but it covered everything that the players needed to know. Also, I heard last year that people on the weekend had to listen to the brief on both Saturday and Sunday, but this weekend we only had to attend the Saturday and could just chill on the Sunday in the safe / camping zone during the briefing, so that was nice. I decided to try and play as much as possible while the weather was good, as the forecast was bad for Sunday. The site itself was a breath of fresh air for me; where Worthing Airsoft is fairly small and quite close-up, basically woodland CQB during the summer, Redcon-2 was huge with a lot of very open areas, though there were also plenty of close-up areas and dedicated CQB areas so when the marshalls said "any gun you have will find a use out there", they weren't lying. I went out with my new under £100 ghillie setup and my m700, p226 and my belt kit; no chest rig as I packed light. We were on blue in the morning and for the first hour I was a bit useless. I had no idea where anything was and bumbled about the site as I tried to work out how I wanted to play it. Fortunately I quickly got into my groove after we took a respawn on the far side of the map and started pushing along the boundary. I managed to tuck into a bush to cover the advance and had a great time plinking at the reds, though some of them were really well dug in! I eventually got taken out, so I went back to the respawn we captured, but as I was returning I saw the other blues who were with me also walking back, so I opted to set up in a position to intercept the reds if they pushed up after us. I took a few out that did, but then I saw some reds coming from the other direction as they must've captured the respawn from the other side, so I laid low and waited for them to pass, before shooting them both in the back. I love moments like that It was then lunch that I was about 10 mins late to, because none of the marshalls called that it was lunch over where I was and I had recently taken out a red from my position; I only went back because I heard one of the vehicles and poked out to ask if it was lunch yet. They had said that they couldn't have tap water to drink due to MoD regulations (as it's an MoD site), so I was expecting some extortionate food and drink prices, but I was pleasantly surprised. I spent £7 on a massive double jumbo chilli dog that was very welcome after the morning games, as well as two bottles of water. After lunch our entire group got balanced onto red team as apparently the morning was pretty one-sided in blue team's favour. This time, I decided to just stick to the massive runway area that the teams spawned at (one at each end, it was really quite long!). There were a number of bushes and some lovely tall grass that worked wonders for concealment, though due to how airsoft guns worked I had to poke my rifle barrel through the grass, which made it a little bit visible, but oh well. I managed to rack up an impressive number of kills from here and completely denied a fairly strong position at a corner as I had it totally dialed in with my bolt action. During quiet moments I found myself hand-loading my magazines as otherwise I would've run out of ammo pretty fast and I was very pleased to discover that my magazines will easily shoot three full magazines on a single fill of gas if it's a warm day. Photographers got some great shots of me too, so that was a nice bonus as I rarely get caught on camera! Towards the end, most people had given up it seemed as I ended up getting hit from behind and having to respawn in to hold the flank pretty much by myself, however due to the tall grass I was able to easily get into a concealed position to do so. The Sunday I wanted to play in the morning as while the forecast said it would pour with rain all day the sun was out and it was nice and warm (a bit windy though!), but most of my kit was locked in the car and the guy with the key was out in the gameplay area. Most of my kit included my hat, so I have a bit of sunburn on my head, and also my armband so I couldn't go and play. I instead opted to have a good wander around to see what people were selling and I picked up the exact TM hi-capa 5.1 that I wanted for £80 and I had a long chat with the guys at Empire Airsoft, so it was nice to put a face to a name there as I order from them quite a lot and have asked Kenny to get me some niche m700 parts from Europe a few times! I also had a long chat with Big Steve Builds about my AAP build and picked up a bunch of parts for that too; only bit I'm missing now is the hammer set as that sold out on the Saturday, but I have a really good idea what I want to do with mine now. Also going to experiment with the flamingo buckings as I hadn't used them yet and he seemed to be very impressed with them in his builds. Went out in the afternoon after lunch and the heavens opened up. It absolutely chucked it down and I got really wet. Didn't play for as long here, playing around the runway again. I managed to crawl into a very forward position and started sniping blues in the tank graveyard from the side; the m700 is so quiet I managed to basically burn through all of my ammo doing this before I was finally taken out by a stray shot just as I was going to shoot someone colour checking me. I was soaking wet and out of ammo and I didn't want to open my ammo bags in this weather as water + bio BBs is not the best combination. Emptied the rest of my pistol mags as I wasn't putting those BBs back in the bag either for the same reason and headed in. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and will be going back next year. I will, however, bring a DMR next time. I was planning on doing so this year, but my MWS was not happy at all lifting heavy BBs, so more tinkering is needed there. The site itself with all the long distance areas combined with the 2.32J DMR limit makes the site very, very good for DMRs. Usually I use my pistol a lot when using a bolt action rifle or a DMR, but I think this weekend I only got 2 - 3 pistol kills and burned though about a single magazine in total, whereas I got dozens and dozens across the weekend with my bolt action and went though many mags. Being able to engage at long distance is a definite advantage at Redcon-2 (as long as you avoid the CQB areas!). If someone is locking down an area with a DMR, it's very strong, but it's also possible to counter because the site itself is so damn big; you can simply go around them. I think the marshalling was top notch and I didn't come up against any issues all weekend with the singular exception of one guy who was blatantly not taking his hits as I took out the people around him, but then every time I hit him he'd look in my general direction and step back behind the bushes and every time he peeked out the same would happen. Everyone else without fail took their hits from what I saw and I didn't hear any complaints about it. Going to be bold and say that Shift Your RIFTs is the best weekend event in the UK at the moment. The airsoft quality is better than AI500 and definitely better than the NAF, and for £85 you get a really solid weekend of airsoft at a great site with great marshalls. Food and drink isn't extortionately priced and there were lots of different retailers about who were more than happy to chat and cut deals you wouldn't get when you buy online. The whole atmosphere was really great across the entire weekend and I'll definitely be going back next year as I loved it!
    7 points
  3. There isn't a single mention of Airsoft on the labour website, nothing for firearm and a reference to tackling knife crime for gun. It's very hard to say, though I don't think there's real demand for banning the sport in the UK and seems widely known about, so if people wanted it banned/cancelled I'm sure there would be people calling for it.
    6 points
  4. Joined less than 24 hours ago ✅ No effort made ✅ On Mack’s before the accounts a day old ✅ We should have a new account bingo sheet 😂
    6 points
  5. If everyone continues to be sensible, we shouldn't have a problem with pretty much any government, irrespective of party, after all our expensive hobby generates an equally high level of taxation, which governments love. It's when people behave like cnuts & the media get hold of it, or criminal activity involving rifs, then the light is on us, & if said event coincides with a government fuckup, of which their are many, then we need to start sweating lol.
    4 points
  6. Sorry to hear that airsoft isn't for you. However, as a constructive suggestion: if you want to sell all that stuff, you're going to have to put in the effort to describe it to interested parties anyway. So you'll have more success if you do that up front. List everything that's there, honestly and in as much detail as you can. I mean "Systema needs to be put back together" could mean anything from the stock is off, to it being a pile of parts in a box. Also think about postage costs - remembering that until the items are delivered to the buyer, they're sent at your risk - and PayPal fees. No sane buyer is going to pay Systema money by bank transfer or Friends and Family, it'll be face-to-face or PayPal Goods and Services with a fee. Selling individual guns or items is easier. If you do want to just be rid of the whole bundle, then expect to get lowball offers, half which will be from timewasting fantasists anyway. The more work you put in, the more you'll get back. Best of luck.
    3 points
  7. I was boot selling for both days for this ( i was the guy with the RE2 lightning hawk for sale) Lots of pink arms and faces on saturday. Lots and lots of people. Sunday was noticeably quieter (considering both days were sold out player wise) - i suspect the ever changing but always pessimistic weather forecast had something to do with that. In the end, apart from a bit of a breeze and the odd spitting shower, it wasn't too bad at all. But myself and a few of the suppliers and boot sellers packed up around the end of lunch. It's a long weekend with early starts for most.
    3 points
  8. Chr1s

    Systema ptw mk18 loadout


    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    Everything for sale the systema needs to be put back together message me for any questions thanks.


    Bournemouth - GB

    3 points
  9. My Saturday was at Redcon-2 in Dalton Barracks near Abingdon, Oxfordshire for the "Shift Your RIFTs 2024" weekender organised by RIFT Airsoft. Getting registered and booked in was quick. Along with the wristband to distinguish between weekenders or one day only, we got a goodie bag with a site map, a raffle ticket for a RIFT game pass, flyers for some of the retailers at SYR, a little plastic wallet from Empire Airsoft (containing a company sticker and patch along with a 50-degree Flamingo VSR/GBB hop bucking) and a few other little bits. Chrono testing flowed quite quickly as at least 4 marshals were at the testing range ahead of the safety briefing and anything we planned to shoot with (including pistols) was tested and tagged if it within the limits. HPA players were apparently required to be tournament locked. Tony's brief was the stuff of legends and we all survived it! The main gameplay went quite smoothly where hit taking was pretty good though there was the odd squabble and a few tellings off by other players that "hit players don't talk" (other than saying they're hit) but it didn't escalate. We were allowed to call for a medic's help (any player able to put a coiled wristband over the hit player's wrist without being hit) if we were hit by a BB (melee and grenade kills didn't count). The medic was only practical for players in groups and certainly not for lone wolves. The morning session did become somewhat unbalanced as a lot of Red Team returned to the safe zone well ahead of the lunch break so Blue Team did become more dominant, especially as we pinned Red Team to their spawn location. In the interest of sportsmanship, Blue Team voluntarily fell back to allow Red Team to spread out and return something of a fight. In the afternoon gameplay, there was some team rebalancing as some players had taken a break. During the morning and afternoon sessions, convoys of military vehicles, including Sntach Land Rovers, were at our disposal to board and be driven along predetermined routes and dropped off at certain points. There were a few additional activities players could take part in off the main gameplay field including a 4v4 Arena Tournament, a Bunker Bash, a Revolver Duel (lots of laughs) and a Target Maze time trial. Food and drink options were plentiful. Breakfast rolls were available prior to the morning brief, hot savoury pastries, chocolate bars, water and canned drinks were available all day. Lunch on Saturday had hot dogs and chilli dogs (the chilli was homemade). In the evening, the MoD fired up the BBQ and served burgers and RIFT opened up its bar for beer and cider to round off the evening. Queues did get long during the lunch break but they moved quickly thanks to the catering staff being so efficient. RIFT's White Sphere Tactical partner store for RIF and accessory sales ran raffles across the weekend. Saturday had an 11-prize raffle with items including a Nuprol (I can't remember if it was large or XL) hard carry case, a tactical vest kit, several RIFs, a lifetime RIFT Airsoft membership. Sunday had 10 prizes available for the raffle. The weekend raffle was for a Tokyo Marui NGRS Mk 18. In addition to the raffles, there were promotional items for the event including t-shirts and morale patches. White Sphere Tactical also offered a 20% discount on Deadly Customs and Viper Tactical gear and they had the TM MP7 GBB available in limited quantities at £250 - they sold out by lunchtime. Charity donation buckets were around the shop and in RIFT's own shop (selling ammo, gas, merchandise and memberships) raising money for blood donor services. As the name of the event suggests, players could sell their unwanted RIFs, parts, gear, etc so there were a few bargains to be had. In addition to the private sellers, there were retailers selling RIFs, parts and gear, including the likes of BZ Tactical, Only Airsoft/Combat UK, Empire Airsoft (joined by Big Steve's Builds), Two Four Delta Surplus, Second Summit Surplus, Finch Embroidery, Viper Tactical and a few more. In terms of staffing and facilities, the event was well covered. As there were a lot more people attending than normal days/weekends at Redcon-2, everything had to be scaled up. There were 30 or so marshals to cover 500+ people on the gaming area, safe zone and camping area. As the event was open to the public for the boot sales, there was security patrolling the site also. I had no cause to fault any of the staff so if you got any grief from them, I would assume you had behaved like genitals and probably for the second time. There was no drinking water for the campsite - you'd have to either bring along your own or buy it at the site. For showers or bathrooms, none were available so it's up to your imagination for cleaning yourself if you stayed overnight. There were lots of portaloos about the site, some of which were turned around intentionally on Saturday so there would be "fresh" ones for those attending on Sunday. Inside White Sphere's shop leads to plumbed toilets but it was reserved for ladies only for this weekend. I had a brilliant time again at SYR and will certainly go back next year. The atmosphere was really good, helped by either catching up with friends to play alongside or making new acquaintances as we were all there for the same reason.
    3 points
  10. So before I used a tekmat when fiddlin my glocks. Which is kind of crap since the tekmat is black/dark grey and all the tiny screws and springs are also black. So today I got this in the mail from ali. About 10£ posted. Light blue soldering mat. Got magnetic compartments and all. No more wasting fiddlintime looking for a screw!
    3 points
  11. Airsoft is a 'huge' business so I'd be extremely suprised if any gov would like to ban it. What goverments (aka corrupt politicians and their cronies) love more than anything? You guessed it right. Taxpayers' money.
    2 points
  12. A quick look on Google shows the green party only have 83 candidates named as standing so they've got as much chance of winning as I've got at becoming the next Pope. Full disclosure, I could only find 1 website with the list so I can't be sure how accurate it is Edit because I posted before finishing. Alot of people will be put off voting green by their other policies such as increasing road fuel tax and cutting funding for road building
    2 points
  13. Will never forget that thunder cunt Hazel Blears was Labour so always a worry.
    2 points
  14. Rogerborg

    National Service

    What I think is that volunteering has merits and should be encouraged. However, what I know is that Uniparty Blue has cut funding for the National Citizen Service by 2/3rds since 2019, and reportedly Sanook personally tried to scrap it entirely as chancellor. So what I conclude is that this is an unfunded, unplanned, entirely fantastical Hail Mary announcement by a man who doesn't mean a word of it, and whose wife is already picking out the curtains for their Malibu mansion. When James Dimly was rolled out to explain that this definitely compulsory probably unpaid indentured servitude would likely not have an element of compulsion, maybe, it became pure farce.
    2 points
  15. This wins “Least Effort Exerted in a Sales Post” 2024
    2 points
  16. No Info ✅ Scuffed PTW that ”Needs putting back together” ✅ FPS: 3-7 ✅ Amazon Drop-Shipped Gear ✅ Weird blurred photos of gun despite other photos having it in full view ✅ Random BAR ✅ Random Pistol of indeterminate origin ✅ 2K I know what I have
    2 points
  17. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    So God was just about done with creating Adam and Eve. He called them over and said 'listen up you two,I've got a couple of design features left over. I've got the ability to pee standing up and'... Adam jumped in shouting ' Me,me. I want that,I want it'. God says ' ok Adam it's yours'. 'So Eve, that leaves you with the multiple orgasm feature '
    2 points
  18. I've been planning on purchasing a small batch of TM AKM full travel parts printed in multi jet fusion. Which I plan to sell for £15 a set posted & paypaled. Are there any TM AK owners interested? Here are some shooting videos: https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/fwqP1BzVRZ https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/WTDJ0eA5pU 20240213_125127.mp4 20240217_114107.mp4
    1 point
  19. Looks like an air filter that I had on an old Scirocco MK2 lol
    1 point
  20. I've commented on this before but never underestimate "but dad I wanna" as a force. I know that Combat South have previously sold a 2toned Systema. From what I was told the dad couldn't gove a flying fuck about what airsoft was but wanted jr to have "teh bestest" cos otherwise it'd reflect negatively on him or something.
    1 point
  21. Honestly as a grown adult who has a mortgage and has seen that payment go from "tm recoil" to "GBLS DAS416" a month courtesy of Truss (elected by the Tory membership) whilst seeing a 14 year slump in my actual take home pay honestly, I love airsoft, but the less the current tory party (who by the way have a very nasty tendency of knee jerk bans and sneaking stuff into legality through "questionable" means) have to do with running the country the happier I am.
    1 point
  22. https://www.airsoftgi.com/product/HOT-SALE-Ferfrans-CRD2-Simulated-Concussion-Reduction-Device-Black-68657/
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Rogerborg

    What have you made?

    Lost a part while teching, triggered me a bit, but I'll spring back.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I’m a Green Party member, we’re embroiled in leadership power struggles, internal politics and various other operational issues. I wouldn’t worry, and if we did get a sniff at an election win, which we won’t, but if we did I assure you I’d personally take a significantly more active role as a party member to ensure the right people are put in front of the right decision makers to ensure the longevity of airsoft. As much as I or others don’t want to believe it, party donors have a lot of sway in the Green Party, a fat donation could wipe that policy right off the manifesto.
    1 point
  27. rj1986

    Cyma ebb grach aep

    EBB pistols have come on a bit by the looks of things. Does look and sound rather snappy.
    1 point
  28. That is an extract from a brief dated in 2004, which relates to what subsequently went into consultation and ended up with the VCRA legislation (covering the quoted film & theatrical uses and clear IF definition) and the additional statutory instrument which resulted in the Skirmisher defence https://www.greenparty.org.uk/files/reports/2004/Gun control.htm As others have posted airsoft (and other recreational gun like activities) aren’t really on the politicians radars. Scotlands politics is a very different beast with a long tradition in politicians targeting ‘guns’ Back in the day when paintball arrived in the UK the nearest legislation was for low powered air weapons, but paintball ran on CO2 (and still does for some) The difference between CO2 and air was ignored for the majority of the UK but not for Scotland. In England paintball (on legal & safe commercial sites) was ignored, but in Scotland paintball sites were regularly raided and prosecuted for firearms offences. Ultimately CO2 was added to the law on air weapons In recent years the ‘air weapon certificate’ was introduced, and though the specific legislation wording could be interpreted differently an ‘intent’ was shown that airsoft and paintball would not be air weapons under that legislation (Airsoft has also had explicit amendments to firearms legislation excluding compliant airsoft guns from being firearms / air weapons - paintball has no such exclusion but Home Office guidelines set paintball aside provided other projectiles are not used) Don’t be a dick, keep showing ourselves as ‘responsible voices’ on the forums etc and don’t act in a knee jerk manner in anticipation of a knee jerk action
    1 point
  29. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    I will probably regret this. But my clear-out to make my International exit easier has to continue! This is the jewel of my collection. This has been upgraded almost as much as can possibly be done to a TM Famas. The EG560 Motor has had the original 22TPA standard magnets replaced with Neodynium Magnets. So reliable TM Armature with the power of modern magnets. The really decent part of this is the Real Steel Full Length top rail. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to buy one these days, even in France itself. Aircraft grade aluminium, it had to be modified and then reshimmed to get it to fit onto the Airsoft FAMAS (So basically it has to stick with this FAMAS). https://lebivouac.fr/produits/rail-pour-pgm-poignee-garde-main-famas-597.html Laylax Inner barrel 469mm Basic inline mosfet for contact protection Maple Leaf 50 Degree bucking, Ohm nub Systema FAMAS Metal Spring guide RA M100 Spring RA 16:1 Gearset Nuprol 6MM metal Oilness Bushings Prometheus FAMAS Air Nozzle EG560 Motor Upgrade with NdFeB Real Steel full Length Top rail. Cybergun Metal Hanguard Tri Rails. Brand new Unopened King Arms FAMAS Silencer Adapter. 6 practically unused Cybergun FAMA MidCaps. 4 TM Hicap Mags. Collection from my place in Central London is MUCH preferred. Shipping will cost extra.


    Greater London - GB

    1 point
  30. If it's not going to be used for airsoft skirmishes, you can pick up a Weihrauch HW30 air rifle for less than £200. Infinity more accurate than any airsoft rifle and will last long enough to be handed down through generations.
    1 point
  31. Depends if you throw it off a cliff whilst it's firing.
    1 point
  32. MrTea

    Best MK23 magazines

    ASG are supposed to be the best, most available and easiest to maintain. LongbowBB make "easy maintenance" Mk23 mags that work with TM Mk23s. Can't see them not working with other brands but I haven't used them. If I lose my current mags, i'll try them out.
    1 point
  33. I could be way off with this but I'm sure I saw a negative airsoft video where he rebuilt his Kwa TMP (stockless mp9) with vorsk vmp-1 parts. I'm wondering if you could use an exploded tmp diagram as a guide. It's amazing there's so little online for vorsk parts or diagrams! I only had a quick look and I saw that a vorsk vmp-2 is a thing (a ruger 10/22 like thing) but that's for another thread.
    1 point
  34. Not if your hamster needs a kidney or something.
    1 point
  35. Hamster spare parts... its wrong.
    1 point
  36. Yes, all the old feedback prior to 2018 was archived and is no longer accessible. That would explain your lack of feedback if all yours had been prior to the new feedback being implemented and all members getting reset to zero.
    1 point
  37. hunter511

    National Service

    Don't be silly, Rishi's kids'll be safely at school in California shortly after the general election.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. What's got eight wheels and flies? A bin lorry.
    1 point
  40. Because airsoft doesn't sound evil or lethal, so won't sell papers or generate clickbait. poxy media, free press my arse🤬
    1 point
  41. DaktariT

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    My girlfriend dressed up as a policewoman and told me I was under arrest on suspicion of being good in bed. After 2 minutes all charges were dropped due to a lack of evidence.
    1 point
  42. Impulse

    Best MK23 magazines

    I'd advise against the TM ones because they're a pain in the arse. They often leak from the baseplate and fixing that issue is hell as you have to knock the pins out the right way and then drill part of it to actually remove the baseplate to replace or re-lube the o-ring there. I advised a friend to get ASG mags and replace the feed lips (because the ASG ones suck) with either TM ones or the Hadron ones; he did that with the Hadron lips and seems to be happy with it.
    1 point
  43. AngryDad223

    Best MK23 magazines

    I’d stick with Marui or ASG to be honest. I use a mix of Marui and ASG they work well in both my TM and ASG MK23s
    1 point
  44. Rogerborg


    Wait, if you can regard something, can you...
    1 point
  45. Kls77

    Gun picture thread

    My KWA erg ak74 converted to 105 alpha style . Full recoil with last rd cut off and charging handle remag.
    1 point
  46. Here's a full image from silverback breaking down the material used for each rifle part and various other specs. The LS does appear to be good value. A guy on YouTube has done tests at 4j+ and it holds up without issue so far.
    1 point
  47. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    That was the Model 715/C7 that was also issued. Had a M16A2 export lower, but with an A1 upper and A2 brass deflector. The upper type is called the M16A1E1. Here's a pic of my C7 showing that upper. But was also on the 715 issued in GW1 and the model 723/725 carbine also issued.
    1 point
  48. https://x.com/SamoonAirsoft/status/1788846318645080076 https://samoon.com.tw/glock-17-gen5 https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22419510567125 RMR cut slide FTW.
    1 point
  49. Actually, £1250 for the hicapa is about right. approx £1000 worth of parts individually plus assembly and tuning plus custom cerakoting. Most skirmishers won’t benefit From the outlay but if you are a speedsofter and only use it as your primary especially on hpa or a competition shooter the increased longevity of parts and reliability makes it a little easier to swallow the price. plus given that a decent tuned hicapa shoots as well as any tuned aeg then I’d personally rather put the money into the fully cnc airsoft masterpieces hicapa than an internal tuned but still a pot metal krytac
    1 point
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