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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/23 in all areas

  1. So I will be joining this thread on behalf of Airsoft Cymru. The first point I will absolutely defend to the death, is the use of a specna arms gearbox. We have never and will never use these gearboxes in any products. I have copies of all invoices to prove this as well. The second point is we were not accepting tech work at the time stated, and we only started accepting new tech work when we contracted out to White Wolf tech and build in may of this year (2023) after many requests to resume this service. Thirdly, at no time has any issues of this nature ever been raised with us personally or professionally. Fourthly, no tech worth their salt would ever downgrade a gear box when trying to maximise potential (personal opinion on Specna gearboxes from someone who does not profess to be an expert). Fifth, I would like to thank everyone who contacted us regarding this thread for allowing us the opportunity to defend ourselves. I am very sorry that this person has not had a good experience with their gun and wish them all the best with RAT. I am also very sorry that it has resulted in unfounded accusations and mild threats on marauder's part and having to resort to us ever having to defend ourselves from what is quite frankly libelous in nature, considering our positive footprint on social media and reviews platforms.
    5 points
  2. Yes, I am part of the team, and have been since the first day we came up with the grand idea of opening our own shop, from getting the keys, dealing with our first delivery, installing the new till systems to building and organising our first playing site at the checkpoint, to expanding again to include our current cqb site and shop in Treforest. It seems you do not know Parrot as well as you might think, as I am his wife and answer just as many of our emails, social posts, phone calls etc as he does. I simply choose to stay in the background and not be on the website, also because I was holding down my own career with the NHS when the business first began. As for the shop owner doing a "one off job", I can assure you he does no such thing. He is more than capable in his own right, however our tech chose to take a step back from technical work due to personal issues back at the beginning of 2022 when the shop had been open for almost a year. We did not resume tech work until we had sourced a reliable, skilled replacement after many requests from customers' returning business, because we do actually care about the services we offer and strive to be the best we can be in an ever expanding arena. Whilst I have also stated that I am by no means an expert in the field, Specna has always come in as a "starter" brand and the lower end of budgets. We have used Specna hop units as standard replacements, but when upgrading, there is, as a rule, usually a more robust and reliable option available or simply a higher spec option available. On a separate note, Many players and customers will have also seen me take up the marshalling reins at our sites recently. I have manned the shop singlehandedly quite a few times at the old shop on Crwys Rd as well as the new shop in Treforest.
    4 points
  3. mightyjebus

    What have you made?

    bought myself a new toy for Xmas and just trying out a few things. Still trying to get to grips with using a Laser Cutter/Engraver but it seems promising.
    4 points
  4. No you're not, in fact the more this thread goes on the more I'm inclined to think the op is full of shit. His story has more holes than the Bismarck Check the companies house website and you'll find you're the one posting bollocks
    3 points
  5. Am I the only one questioning the fact the gun was working but somehow had a broken nozzle, which the op has then opened up their gearbox to replace. The gun then breaks, he takes it to a proper tech who finds several issues. How do we know op didn't create said issues? Some super glue to hold in wiring, ok that's not great but sometimes necessary (but granted too much is just stupid), and a broken gear which could happen at any time conceivably but conveniently straight after said nozzle replacement. Not pointing fingers, just curious 🧐
    3 points
  6. If it was indeed the ultimate question, we could answer that one. It's 42.
    3 points
  7. See rules no 5 & 7 Seller must have a pic of the ACTUAL item for sale NOT a manufacturer image
    3 points
  8. i'm gonna offer the alternative solution: don't bring anything or in longer form, trying to work on a pew in the safe zone is at best going to be an exercise in frustration and at worst the easiest way to lose bits. do the work at home, get your gun in good order, and bring a spare (or two) if you can't accomplish it with a leatherman within a minute, it's probably a job worth waiting until you get home.
    3 points
  9. Gotta love the BBC. Just list all the 'controversial' aspects of the Glock platform, ignore the fact that it has been deployed to numerous warzones, issued to police departments the world over, and oh....become the standard issue sidearm for the UK military for the last decade. But it was in the Matrix, a much more important aspect to report on....🙄
    3 points
  10. How often was the gun used between the gearbox having work done and the problems being found? Almost a year and a half is quite a while and the bevel gear could've quite easily failed after it was installed
    3 points
  11. I have barrel C-clips, D-clips, a spare hop unit for AK and M4, a few hop rubbers and nubs in different grades, E-clips, D-clips, shims, electrical connectors, gas o-rings, a battery tester/multimeter, wire, self annealing, gaffer and electrical tape, screwdriver with hex, torx, flat, Philips etc, non-contact connection tester thing, plus all of the various bits that I've taken off of rifs over the years. AK butt plates, mag-wells and the like. Being an engineer on call, I carry a fair bit in a big van. Your best bit of kit is sometimes the mobile phone and the University of Youtube instruction video! All the airsoft kit fits in two shoe box sized boxes. Another well useful bit of kit is an anchor magnet. It's worth its weight in gold recovering lost bits, especially springs.
    3 points
  12. It's a good idea. You'll want an unjamming rod somewhere in there, just in case, but here's my kit (which does move away from 'tools' towards 'accessories' I admit...) (It spans both a tool box, and a tool bag which lives inside my rucksack. The latter also holds my ammo and gas and goes to the game zone. The box stays in the safe zone) Allen keys, both metric and yank (... Very cheap from Amazon) Assortment of screwdrivers Assortment of tape (electrical, heat wrap, PTFE, velcro) Bungee cords Paracord Cable ties Head light, torch Reading glasses, spare contact lenses Anti fog wipes Lubricants (silicone grease and oil) Pliers Tweezers Scissors AR tool (for stock nut, barrel etc) Spare batteries (AA, AAA, CR2032 etc) Battery tester (for LiPos) Chrono Loctite thread lock glue (low strength) Super glue Assorted m-lok and RIS spare nuts and bolts, grips etc
    3 points
  13. Speedbird_666

    PS5 for Christmas

    The difference, for me, is the load times. Whilst I'm an Xbox user (yeah yeah, I know), the new generation has a game loaded and ready to play in seconds rather than minutes. Playing older games on series X makes some games that could be really frustrating on old gen much, much better to play - Fallout 4 springs to mind. On the other hand - as a born-again PC gamer (finally bought a new rig at the beginning of the year) I now barely play console.
    2 points
  14. Isn't that one of the main purposes of being a man? A cave of tools that only ever see the light of day every other year?
    2 points
  15. The graphics are getting better but to me the games aren't getting better, I think the industry is getting stuck in a rut.
    2 points
  16. As someone who was looking to "upgrade" from 4 to 5, are the actual graphics etc enough of an improvement to justify the additional expense. I don't actually get to play that much so I'm reluctant to buy an overpriced paperweight, especially as my lad is an xbox user (poof😜), don't want him taking the piss out out of me too.
    2 points
  17. Either return or sell it, buy pew pews, problem solved 👌
    2 points
  18. I'd be set for life.
    2 points
  19. Kat answered the email that I sent the company earlier today.
    2 points
  20. Taken from their google reviews. There's also mentions of Kat on their facebook page too.
    2 points
  21. Tackle

    Sniper path feedback

    Hey mate, didn't immediately recognise your username so thought you were a noob, shock horror when I checked your profile & see your more akin to a Chelsea pensioner in forum years lol😜. Jokes aside, getting in to sniping is a big step, your mindset & fieldcraft is just as important as your gun, maybe more so. Whats been your playing style up to now, & types of gun you favour ?, I ask as when players have previously mentioned getting in to the sniper role, I'll usually recommend trying a hybrid role first, think a single shot dmr role using their longest most accurate gun & focusing on the fieldcraft (& patience) aspects, no point in shelling out good money on a rifle & possible upgrades if after 5 minutes of concealment or crawling, you want to run towards the firefights.
    2 points
  22. At least they didn't perpetuate the myth of the "ceramic" pistol that doesn't show up on metal detectors....
    2 points
  23. More red flags than Germany in the 40's 😂
    2 points
  24. Action Army AAP-01 basically.
    2 points
  25. As above. For me it's a small set of allen keys, a couple of screw drivers and a roll of electrical tape. Anything which requires more than that can be done at home
    2 points
  26. With 25 out of 28 reviews being 4 or 5 stars it looks pretty positive to me
    2 points
  27. This👆, I've no doubt some, possibly all the work done is dubious at the very least, but raising issues 18 months later is open to all sorts of interpretation & assumption, not least by the "tech" your accusing who will throw counter accusations your way. Gotta ask, has anybody else had issues with this mob, because if their public profile is viewed positively, doesn't give your claims much credibility ?
    2 points
  28. The MOSFET has 2 extra wires otherwise it's the same as the Airsoft one. The motor is unlikely to be too strong, the effort in the gearbox is dictated by the spring. Isn't it possible the bevel gear was damaged when the nozzle hit the mag knob thing and the gearbox locked up? It doesn't sound like they have been diligent but the timeline is a bit confusing for me.
    2 points
  29. It may be nature (Darwin). It may be nurture (Locke). It could also be Nietzsche though. Maybe he has the will to power to be an arsehole. Given his bigoted nonsense, anything's possible. He doesn't deserve the oxygen of publicity, nor the oxygen of oxygen to be frank.
    2 points
  30. a long shaft screw driver, long cleaning rod and micro fibre cloth, small rubber mallet, a work mat, gas/battery powered soldering iron, solder, shrink rap (maybe a few deans connectors) a multi tool with wire cutters/strippers.
    2 points
  31. I bought some new bed sheets which says on the packaging it helps you sleep like a baby and they weren't wrong. Last night I shit myself and woke up screaming every 3 hours
    2 points
  32. It's adjacent at worst, think how many film and music personalities have different names than what's on their birth certificates. If I had access to his phone number or address and released that information, that would be doxxing. I've said for a while of him that there's two possibilities: The Kicking Mustang persona is a character that he uses to drive engagement, sort of like Borat or Keith Lemon. The truth being that he knows exactly how controversial he is being and its all done for a bit, for the sake of content, however his behaviour off field and online would indicate that's not the case. Or He genuinely is that guy, the few times when he's friendly to people is the mask (almost exclusively reserved for younger airsofters encountered in person) and that he truly believes every ridiculous thing he's ever said, including all the racist/homophobic codswallop he spat as his "Jedi Economist" twitter account. Honestly, he's so close to being the 'Airsoft Alex Jones', I feel like he's one strong cup of coffee away from claiming they're "Puttin' chemicals in the black gas to turn our mk23s gay!"
    2 points
  33. It's an even bet that he and his cronies are watching this forum thread and just stroking themselves raw at the comments about him. I'm one of the people that had been quietly trying to raise awareness of him and his antics for a while, but I became a bit more.... enthusiastic, about trying to bring him down when he doxxed my friends and several others from UKAL on social media. He's an absolute buffoon with a 99% non-airsoft viewer base, as well as strong evidence of using view/comment bots, which entirely invalidates his favourite metric of 1/8th the world seeing his videos. He's banned from 40+ sites in the UK, publicly and who knows how many more who just don't want the hassle of being known as banning him. He regularly outs himself as cheating in his own content, as several other creators have reviewed and highlighted inaccuracies in his narratives as well as his shooting. He's said in interviews that he doesn't see himself as an ambassador for airsoft and all airsoft is, is a way for him to make money. The sooner he's out of the hobby, the better. He's been getting away with literal crimes for too long. Oh and his real name is James Wool, not "Bailey" or "Trouble", so every waiver he ever signed for any site is void, that's a fun one for insurance, eh?
    2 points
  34. Ma88en

    Swat timed BFGs

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale x2 swat timed BFGs. £40 for 1 or both for £70. Price includes postage and PayPal fees.


    1 point
  35. concretesnail

    PS5 for Christmas

    I played games for year and drifted from console to pc amd pc to console then back to pc. Gaming has certainly lost its way in the mainstream, so many 'new' games are just the same old things with shinier skins. For me consoles since xb360 have been on the downward spiral. PC and indie developers, who dont have the resources for AAA graphics are a much better bet.
    1 point
  36. The aap is pretty good, fine in std form if you don't go full auto. Better buckings are always a good idea. Most of the noise is the nozzle and bolt hitting things
    1 point
  37. DaktariT

    PS5 for Christmas

    Because I'm a dickhead and mis-posted. I claim grandad rights.
    1 point
  38. Why didn’t you go back to Airsoft Cymru and get them to sort out the problem rather than going to something else? Their work should have had a warranty. What you claim to have been told about the Aster is wrong, as Sewdhull has pointed out. It is far more likely that the gear was damaged when the gun locked up and it is unlikely that a Nuprol motor was too strong. When was the work done by Airsoft Cymru? I have emailed them about these threads so that they can give their version of events, if they choose to.
    1 point
  39. Bored of swapping my slings about, I decided to just get another. I got one of these earlier in the year, and it’s really good quality and solid despite how little it cost. Also been wanting an IFAK pouch for my belt loadout too as it was looking a bit sparce. Pouch is two parts, the “sleeve” can either molle on with malice clips or slip over the belt, with the internal quick pouch with plenty of pockets and bungee’s to secure the necessary’s Ali Exp to the rescue Ordered on the 18th, arrived today
    1 point
  40. That's great thanks for the help, much appreciated.
    1 point
  41. I almost posted something similar last night; there is something about this entire saga which is a bit odd.
    1 point
  42. Yet both adverts use the same photos. Compare the position of the knots in the wooden flooring and it's obvious they used the same image in each advert The £200 gun Now the £150 gun
    1 point
  43. I actually have that same style of crimping tool but it doesn't have an exact crimp for 2.8 mm for some reason and I ended up having to use needle nose pliers to do a better job, in principle you just need to make sure you apply enough crimping force to make it secure but not a deadly amount of crimping because you need to retain the diameter for conductivity
    1 point
  44. I dunno, those connectors are supposed to end up with the tabs bent back in a u shape. A good crimp is better than a soldered joint, but a poor crimp will loosen and the cable not make proper contact, get warm and fall out. 2.8mm connectors are a bit small for these motors, some automotive connectors are better but the fit might be an issue. If you don't have a decent crimper you're better off soldering the wire to a pre-bent connector, crimping the insulation for cable relief then heat shrinking the lot.
    1 point
  45. Having seen his spawn camping, experienced his cheating as a marshal, and read his bigoted comments, I am pretty sure that he is just an egregious little shit who has found a way of monetising his behaviour.
    1 point
  46. Yup, they're all equally meaningless, in so much as they profess to waive your rights to redress for injury due to negligence.
    1 point
  47. Needed a gas block to replace my front iron sights, got this from airsoft world.net and they gave me a free patch and a bounty! Thankfully I don't mind a bounty, controversial topic 😂
    1 point
  48. Tommikka

    Sling Lenght...?

    How about in the blackness of an underground bunker after tossing a flashbang down the corridor ?
    1 point
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