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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/23 in all areas

  1. So what's your stance on Rolf Harris? He was a fantastic TV presenter and artist even if he was eccentric. He was more artistically gifted than I am. I'm sure his indiscretions warrant a different viewpoint too.
    9 points
  2. How do you explain the numerous sites that have chosen to ban him for life, are they all overreacting too ? OR Irrespective of the quality of the players he's up against, his attitude, playing style, alleged cheating, & poorly edited clickbait videos portray aspects of Airsoft in a very negative light for all to see ?
    7 points
  3. 6 points
  4. His attitude of escalation is by far the worst part of his content. And it's not alleged or rumor, it's right there in the videos he posts of himself. "Ok mate, no worries" fixes 95% of problems and he just isn't interested in it. He'd much rather ruin someone's day over a mistake for "content", instead of showing airsoft can be an actually fun hobby and a good way to make friends. He also seems to have a hold over every ghillie crafting group online and it's annoying af since they slowly turn into his own fan pages.
    6 points
  5. Is that you- Licking Cumstain??? just signed up to comment?? πŸ˜πŸ™„πŸ˜‚
    6 points
  6. One repeating factor I see alot in this discussion is when people first started playing Airsoft they watched his videos and that got them into the sport I know he does go for painful areas but another great way to make those areas less painful is to wear proper face protection noone is ever going to leave an Airsoft game happy after being shot in the face unless they have full mesh face pro 😁 he's a fantastic player and shows alot of what's available in the sport and you have to remember these people who slag him off usually aren't as able bodied to play Airsoft properly and so they get annoyed when someone manages to outplay them, not trying to trigger anyone with this just trying to give it a different viewpoint on it
    6 points
  7. No, people slag him off because he is a cheating crybaby who is far more interested in generating revenue than in playing airsoft. Faking hit markers, spawn camping, going out of bounds and creating confrontations are how he abuses our hobby. He gets very upset when people give it back to him.
    5 points
  8. Understand your trying to diversify the opinion pool here. Its a respectable thing to do But I made a profile on this forum just to express how incredibly stupid trying to defend the Crying Cumstain is. He's a man-child with a cult fanbase who cheats, commits borderline illegal acts and whines in his videos. He literally fucking threw his gun into a bush and cried when it wasn't working properly in one of his videos.
    4 points
  9. If by that you mean that he sneaks out before game-on and camps 20 yard from spawn points, or out-of-bounds, then adds fake hit makers, sure. As above: do you think he's been banned by most UK sites for excessive awesomeness? Into the what? πŸ˜•
    4 points
  10. We have a cumstain fanboi 🀣
    4 points
  11. If he's such a stand up guy who's an excellent player then explain the following Being banned from so many sites, Why he has to go out of bounds to get in spots to shoot at players in their respawn, Places hit markets on shots that clearly missed, Deliberately creates drama where there isn't any, Cries like a toddler when called out on his bullshit, Racist and sexist outbutsts
    3 points
  12. Oh I'd like to watch that one! Link?
    3 points
  13. Send the fuckers to Rwanda...
    3 points
  14. I highly suspect Airsoftn1nja = James Bailey, AKA KickingMustang.
    2 points
  15. Just a quick tip for anyone that has one of the above, mine was sometimes misfiring by either being super gassy on shots or doing a full auto burst. I thought it might be one of the mags being a bit sticky, and made a note of which ones it was misbehaving with, but there didn’t seem to be a pattern. As the mags were all relatively new I resigned myself to just rolling the dice when I pulled the pistol. However, because I’m a tart I found a Crusader steel extractor whilst browsing around and thought I’d pimp the pistol a little bit. It turns out that the stock extractor, which acts as the nozzle return spring guide, had broken and was jamming the spring intermittently. So, for all of you out there with a VFC/Umarex USP/P8A1 check your extractors, and consider proactively changing the extractor out.
    2 points
  16. Pretty sure it's the shitty bandwidth that scares them off.
    2 points
  17. Cheapo trick - find an old AOL CD (yes, it must be AOL) and tie it with a bit of string to dangle off something close to the pond, the moving reflections will scare animals off.
    2 points
  18. Contact engineering at its best πŸ‘
    2 points
  19. The MC51 was the G3 version I wanted, but I have to say the long battle rifle thang feels GOOOOD Totally impractical, but good 😁
    2 points
  20. Can you hear a quiet hissing? 🀣
    2 points
  21. Am I the only one that wants to see someone else film their gameplay, only to come across KM shooting from "out of bounds" etc, confront him about it & then knock that cnut out, all on cam. Now that I would go out of my way to watch, that shit would go viral overnight 😈
    2 points
  22. Silvapmr


    Hi gents, My name is Silva and im airsoft player since 2004. I have been playing Airsoft between Uk and Portugal and with 3 Berget events in 2009, 2010 and 11. im looking forward to see you in the fiel around East of England. πŸ’ͺ
    1 point
  23. PigDoggy

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Cause someone had to do it.
    1 point
  24. Oh my GOD. James, you are a moron. This thread was practically dead and buried! Why would you bring everyone's attention back to it with this poorly timed and completely unconvincing mess of a post? "I know he does go for painful areas" > This alone is indicative of extremely concerning behaviour. Please, quit the hobby and get help.
    1 point
  25. Consistency is key Tackle πŸ˜‚
    1 point
  26. Gonna thoroughly disagree with all airsofters knowing what deodorant is/that showering every day is a necessity lol. Tbh I don't see much of a difference between a bunch of airsoft players going to The Mall back when that ran (or one of the many other currently operating sites that are in the middle of a dense urban area) vs con attendees heading to their expo centre... or me just transporting a RIF from any address to another for a reason that's within the law i.e. to one of the techs I use. Or buying a RIF from an airsoft shop and bring it home. Or buying an air rifle or crossbow or whatever else from a shop and taking it home. If you let people see a 'gun' in public (in the UK) then guess what, ya dun fucked up son. If you keep it totally hidden until you are within an area where gun-shaped things are legal to display and the appearance of said items is very much expected by everyone around, then that's going to be fine.
    1 point
  27. He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy
    1 point
  28. Don't forget his obvious love for animals 😒
    1 point
  29. Percussive maintenance....πŸ‘πŸ˜‚
    1 point
  30. I think your problem is that you are clearly using the wrong wooden cylinder. Tropical hardwood is what you want, just not that Beech!
    1 point
  31. I have to admit it was his videos that first got me interested in playing, sort of, as for some reason they just started filling my feed. He came across immediately as a bit of a knob but watching a few of his brought some of the better sites to my feed and then the rest, as they say, is history.
    1 point
  32. ak2m4

    High FPS variation

    At this point I recommend taking the build back to stock gears and see what happens.
    1 point
  33. I started playing with an mc51. Lovely balanced little bit of kit for any sites. Find me a gbbr or ngrs one and Id be all over it. Just can't justify the grand plus it'd cost to acquire a gbbr g3 and make a working one.
    1 point
  34. Because cosplayers are speshul..... even by airsofter standards. From going to one comicon at least we know what deodorant is. But if I dont have a real looking mp5 it'll ruuuiiiiiiiin my resident evil LARP. And because Ive put all this time into my costume it'd be a shame not to walk all the way to the con through the centre of town without my kit on display....... @Rogerborg also its a well known fact armed response don't take their hits and their fps is above site limits.
    1 point
  35. MrTea

    How to protect your rmr

    Would something like this be of interest? Or like this?
    1 point
  36. There was a time around the end of the freefloated quad rail era (but before KeyMod) where the latest cool tech in handguards was direct thread attachment i.e. screw-on accessories. The holes in handguards of that era do resemble M-LOK, but the many threaded holes are the key indicator when trying to discern. We're talking right around a decade ago now though so I'd imagine most folks just aren't aware. Honestly it was a great system that made forends thin and light, but often the accessories were proprietary to a given make of handguard which hampered adoption in the market and it all mostly vanished once KeyMod hit the big time. Q are actually kinda going back to it now with their Q-Sert alternative system.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Whats

    G3 SBS/G3SD How to

    Hi folks - built myself my G3 SBS over the summer & just want to share a how to video incase anyone else fancies a go.
    1 point
  39. This times infinity. While you might save a few quid if they fail you could loose alot more. The same goes for second hand face protection, it may be a reputable brand but you don't know the history of it so could already be damaged even if they appear fine
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. put some silicone grease on it🀣
    1 point
  42. Pics of your mates mum please, that's the only way we can give you the best answer
    1 point
  43. The legal position: You're 14. It's an offence for you to buy any imitation firearm, realistic or otherwise, or for anyone to sell one to you. The only way you can get one without an offence being committed is to be gifted it. At the point of transfer to you, it doesn't matter if it's realistic or not (because of your age), only that nothing changes hands from you to the person gifting it. The practical position: Once a realistic imitation firearm has been sold by a retailer, the State won't take any interest in where it's transferred later, as long as it's used sensibly. If it never gets taken outside to show off to your mates, no problem. If it's taken in a bag, in a private vehicle, to and from an airsoft site, nobody will ever care, and nobody at the site will ask how you got it. The dad position: Talk to your parents about owning and using an airsoft gun, and getting to and from sites. Whether you can get a gun, and whether you should get one, is really down to them. I'd repeat the advice to go and play airsoft as a rental at least once before thinking about buying anything. It's a great hobby, but it's not cheap, and YouTube videos can give a false impression of the reality. The classifieds are full of guns that were bought on a whim and then never actually used to play. Don't be that person.
    1 point
  44. No, definitely not. But if your friends mum wanted to buy it & then gift it to you, that would be fine, just so long as no money changes hands. Although, How you show your gratitude to your mates mum is between you two 😏. 😜
    1 point
  45. Real world drills often fail when faced with a 14 year old with an ARP9 and a drum mag .
    1 point
  46. In the airsoft "community" everyone and their mother are ex-military when in reality people are just full of shit. 🀣
    1 point
  47. Names Nicco, who constantly touts that he is an ex-rifleman, without mentioning that he was a Reservist.
    1 point
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