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  1. No, definitely not. But if your friends mum wanted to buy it & then gift it to you, that would be fine, just so long as no money changes hands. Although, How you show your gratitude to your mates mum is between you two 😏. 😜
    5 points
  2. Ah, have you played at all? We'd always recommend playing at least once and renting to find out if it's for you. And ideally, get site membership / a UKARA number before committing, so that you can buy a RIF rather than a two-tone. That said, I played once, loved it, and bought a cheap M4 and never regretted it. It's now a cut-down backup-backup-backup-backup gun. If you are intending to purchase now (despite any advice to the contrary) I'd snap that up. It's a genuine bargain. Any differences in construction and performance between the FLEX and CORE will be minimal, and down to the QC on the actual example that you buy. If you don't stick with airsoft, they won't matter. If you do stick with airsoft... they won't matter.
    5 points
  3. @SeanM, I can't comment on what works for you mate, only my own experiences, thing about deep heat is it's not like calamine lotion, wiping a bit on the skin isn't gonna do much, it needs to be worked in to the muscle like a deep tissue massage,applied properly it will last most of the day, so much so that if my lower backs niggly, I'll get the missus to give it a good rub in, much easier than trying to do it myself. I've tried the tiger balm, yeah the reds just mental lol, but then I've also tried most of the other stuff, the over the counter gear like volterol, or the prescription gear like fenbid (feels cold when applied), or the higher percentage capsaicin creams, much of it is counterirritant based, half beneficial ingredient & the other half annoying placebo, as you mentioned, designed to distract you from your pains, but ultimately its about what works for any one person, not every person. Which is why people need to act sparingly with this stuff, especially the atopical gear, throw a load on when your not used to it, then wrap the area in some kinda support made of artificial fibres could lead to some serious skin irritations🔥, that will definitely distract you from your usual aches & pains. As for the the various stretching exercises & warming up, definitely, fill yer boots if your able, unfortunately Ive got 29years on you, if I tried to do the kind of warm up exercises I did when I was 27, I wouldn't make it out of the safezone 🚑. When you start carrying the long term wear & tear, & associated injuries, acceptance plays a big part in enjoying the game, not feeling the need to behave like red rum when the whistle blows, but rather employ a more tactical approach, aka sneaky mofo, & let the young gazelles on the opposite side run in to my occasional well placed BB, it can be very satisfying😈. It is what we make of it I guess🤔
    5 points
  4. I'm by no means old (27) but spending the majority of my teens to early adult hood 14-24 training and fighting (Muay Thai) paired with a labour intensive job, my body is pretty knackered already, constant aches and pains, I can't shrug my shoulders without my collar bones clicking, so I'm screwed as I get older 🤦‍♂️🤣. Top tip for you guys.. deep heat is a no go, it heats the surface of the skin giving you a nice placebo of warmth and heat but doesn't really penetrate deep into your muscles. Do yourselves a favour Get some tiger balm instead, they come in red and white, I recommend to get the red stuff, but try both and see which your prefer if the red is too intense for you, They're only small, but a little goes a long way. I used to swear by this when I was fighting. Also invest in some Thai oil (Namman) and rub this onto your 'injuries' or 'weak' points (for me it's usually legs, knees, ankles, lower back) before a skirmish or exercise, it does wonders in preventing injuries like pulled muscles etc, I used to put this on every day before I trained, be warned it does have a strong smell but it's not a bad one at all, I love it! (smells very similar to deep heat) if you've ever been in a fight gym, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. All very good stuff and a worthy investment for messed up bodies and/or preventive measures! Lastly, stretch, stretch and stretch! Both before and after skirmishes. The amount of injuries and niggly pains that can be prevented by getting the muscles warm and stretched out before a game day is immeasurable. Everyone (including myself) often neglects this, but we shouldn't.. We might not realise it when we're out there blasting people with our new little pew pews, but Airsoft is intense on the body! You've got heavy gear, you're running, jogging, crouching, crawling, jumping, Airsoft is a workout in itself, we just don't realize it because we're too busy having fun 🤣.
    5 points
  5. I've given my position away a few times after being a sneaky bastard and ending up in the perfect spot, only to stand up, both my knees going "oh no you don't sunshine" and yelping in pain. 😱😆 Hereditary knees (thanks dad! You with your shiney titanium ones) and being a lazy 17 stone engineer has definitely taken its toll. Tactical walking, tuned pews so I don't have to get right in amongst the chaos and carnage and a keen eye for watching what's going on help. Have to say that other than a fractured wrist (watch me climb this barrier to get to the perfect firing position....clunk thud) I haven't ever broken a bone. I let the younglings take the lead and then sweep up when plan A goes to shit. 😂
    4 points
  6. I source most of my gear through EBay , mostly for collecting sake so for me all that’s required is a little patience for the right piece or a little cash on standby for that bargain popping up This Eagle MPCR in excellent condition was £85 , absolutely bomb proof rig , comfy and loads of load carriage should you want it .
    4 points
  7. The OP is 14 according to his previous posts so wouldn't be able to get on the ukara database, hence why he's looking for loopholes Along with being a bit Jimmy Savile He's 14 so even selling him a 2 tone is a no no
    3 points
  8. Dude, if your gonna give advice on a public forum, make sure you know what your talking about. The op cannot purchase a rif, he has no defence of any sort, he's never played before, & the tone of his posts indicates to me that he's probably under 18. The absolute only way he can get a rif without infringing on the vcra is if it's gifted to him, with no payment of any sort, my earlier comments were purely banter. Personally I'm not a believer in the vcra as a way to legitimately curtail gun crime, & if people with 100% honourable intentions want to sensibly fiddle with the grey areas in order to use rifs on an insured skirmish field, good luck to them as long as they use common sense at all times. OBVIOUSLY I WOULD NEVER EVER RECOMMEND THAT COURSE OF ACTION ON A PUBLIC FORUM. 😏
    3 points
  9. But it happens all the time with no legal complications........ On Pornhub🤣
    3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. @Cannonfodder, cheers mate, talk about kill the mood, now everytime I think about his mates mum, I picture a woman that looks like Jimmy Saville 🤢🤮 🤣
    2 points
  12. The legal position: You're 14. It's an offence for you to buy any imitation firearm, realistic or otherwise, or for anyone to sell one to you. The only way you can get one without an offence being committed is to be gifted it. At the point of transfer to you, it doesn't matter if it's realistic or not (because of your age), only that nothing changes hands from you to the person gifting it. The practical position: Once a realistic imitation firearm has been sold by a retailer, the State won't take any interest in where it's transferred later, as long as it's used sensibly. If it never gets taken outside to show off to your mates, no problem. If it's taken in a bag, in a private vehicle, to and from an airsoft site, nobody will ever care, and nobody at the site will ask how you got it. The dad position: Talk to your parents about owning and using an airsoft gun, and getting to and from sites. Whether you can get a gun, and whether you should get one, is really down to them. I'd repeat the advice to go and play airsoft as a rental at least once before thinking about buying anything. It's a great hobby, but it's not cheap, and YouTube videos can give a false impression of the reality. The classifieds are full of guns that were bought on a whim and then never actually used to play. Don't be that person.
    2 points
  13. UKARA is hardly difficult to register with. Play a few hire games, see if you like the hobby properly and then apply yourself. If you are using the rifs legitimately, UKARA is no problem at all.
    2 points
  14. First thing any cat does upon waking is stretch liked hell! Don't forget to stretch down either, it eases anything that you may have pulled without noticing. Since muscle supports/surrounds joints, staying fit helps a great deal. Of course my preferred ways of getting fit are what led to the injuries in the first place; probably the same for most of us? If I hadn't a love for martial arts and bikes, I'd be less injured, but I wouldn't be fit for my age either. Written sitting supported by cushions whilst elevating leg/foot due to sciatica, planter fasciitis, arthritis, tarsal tunnel and (re)torn rib cartilage. Enjoying a very effective muscle relaxant isotonic sport scotch called Bell's.
    2 points
  15. Still illegal... payment in kind.
    2 points
  16. Burn it with fire. Nuke the site from orbit just to be sure. Fugly awful thing.
    2 points
  17. I keep buying basket case boneyard things. A £30 AK47 that looked like it had been painted by ray Charles on coke, then managed to shoehorn a load of bits into it that probably shouldn't go into an ak. Than I bought the "crusty little m14" off here. I genuinely don't care about what people do or don't do to their pews, it's theirs, so be it. I like the almost forensic way of fixing them. Although my wife/bank manager may disagree entirely. Crusty m14 is currently in about 50 pieces and awaiting parts from Hong Kong. 😂
    2 points
  18. After getting myself the Type 96 LMG Tuesday, and being in love with it I somehow ended up ordering a Type 38 & some extra mags to go with it… it just sort of fell into the basket… honest 😂
    2 points
  19. Edit, I should say back in my ice hockey days, freeze spray was "medicine" of choice for everything that hurt, probably helped by the fact that I was lean & muscular, unlike now lol. You & I are targeting similar issues, but approaching them from different ends of the age/fitness spectrum, so hopefully all our experiences are of use to other members going through similar stuff🤞. LOL, I've definitely got no shortage of bigger softer areas🐖, been a very long time since anybody described any part of me as bony🤣
    2 points
  20. As others have posted get a game or 2 under your belt and you'll have a far better idea what suits you. There's no big difference in what the bodies of either gun linked, as listed under specifications
    2 points
  21. Like @Rogerborg said, play a couple of games with different rentals. And ask player if you can shoot a couple of bbs with their replicas ( most of us will happily let you do so ) I was going to buy a steyr aug for my first RIF, because it looked so cool, tried it, turns out i hate the ergonomic of that particular replica, it’s entirely personal, biased and it can be a very decent pew pew. But i would have sunk a couple of 100s in a replica that does not fit me. Same with the Svd, looked cool, the gun is 120cm and I am 170, not exactly the best for mobility as a dmr. You are likely going to build your loadout and your play style around your first replica, so try a couple before committing, you might be more of an AK or G36 user than M4.
    2 points
  22. Flex from here (£90): https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/specna-arms-sa-f01-flex-aeg-carbine-replica-black I was quite impressed with the Flex series guns I've seen in the Z1 showroom. Most of the CORE guns have metal rails - which jacks up the prices. Internally, there's little to no difference between them (confirmed at the 10min mark).
    2 points
  23. Thank you for the simple answer. No, not that bad...
    1 point
  24. I do know what I'm talking about, the law is there for anyone to read, posted at the bottom. He stated to 'use' which is the key part, because what is done with the RIF is the difference. Airsoft is covered, but plinking in the back garden isn't. The offence is committed by the seller, but they have a defence if the RIF is to be used for airsoft/re-enactment etc. UKARA is not a legal requirement. Having played before is also not a legal requirement. If he's under 18 then that's that, thread over, but I only can only reply based on what he said. The law: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/part/2/crossheading/imitation-firearms
    1 point
  25. So this friend's Mum buys it, and then you buy it from them? If so and the RIF is to be used for an actual insured airsoft site, then yes, that's fine, she will have a defence. But if you mean play in the back garden, then no.
    1 point
  26. Sad news. From Shane MacGowen to Shane MacGone...
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Dude, this is an air rifle, not allowed to be sold on here, 6mm (or 8mm😏) Airsoft only.
    1 point
  29. SeanM

    Playing with old injuries

    Ahh yeah, very true mate in regards to what works for different people. Deep heat will definitely be easier to apply and work into the muscles with a massage as you say as it's more of a cream consistency. With me, I'd usually go home after training and apply some to my niggles, usually knees, shins, ankles and top of my feet but it just didn't do enough for me, perhaps I wasn't working it in properly as you say, or maybe it's better for bigger softer areas rather than boney ones. Tiger balm when I first tried it blew me away and did everything I needed it to with the way I was using it, so I've sworn by it ever since. Have you ever tried Namman Thai oil? It's incredible stuff, You could probably skip the warm up and just use that 🥵 you'll be flying out of the safe zone 🤣🦸. I do love a bit of sneaky gameplay myself, Nothing more satisfying than doing a sneaky little flank around and objective and just picking the enemies off one by one with a sniper, completely undetected. Or better yet, hiding and waiting on a popular route like an ambush predator for the enemies to walk past you before picking them off haha.
    1 point
  30. TM MP5A4 for £440 in airsoft direct... very very tempting but i kinda need to use the a5 and sd6 that have both been sat since i got them
    1 point
  31. Fair enough, suppose tbf i've never been one for displaying pews, more the stack em all in a corner type.
    1 point
  32. Welcome to the wonderful world of airsoft mate! Just had a look at them both for you. As others have said above, Internally they're pretty much the same, with the same features (Rotary hop, 6.03 tight bore inner barrel etc). The main difference between the 2 is that the F-02 FLEX is longer with a longer inner barrel whereas the CORE is shorter and more compact with a shorter inner barrel. Which ever you decide to go for will depend on your play style and which you prefer the look of, they should both perform pretty much the same. Ask yourself, is your site more CQB based or longer range outdoor? do you prefer getting balls deep in the action cutting tight corners whilst clearing small buildings, doorways and corridors? Do you prefer and feel more comfortable handling a longer or a shorter RIF? This will help you decide which one to get as the main and only difference i can spot is the length. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  33. Here's a good deal, nearly pressed "buy" again myself, then I remembered I clearly have a problem lol🥴 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225890743148?hash=item349823336c%3Ag%3AHFMAAOSwFThlZJ4C&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4PUOU4TkpYfVO%2F84yr04sltQg5k0U9ZcVDUbbbXdCcc4ABup8ngxb4B82t5G6f3f8cZlG9x72YKvPNJvu2wTjN92sXJ%2FID%2BYiSFezxM8rtrlBRwkHzsj15Ifc5rQ50qtqoq4iSaVfcpAftI8MsfzF%2BZL4w4ldIXy81DxGLnVEh%2Fl2wpWgH7yVjUoCKw5QEG6kRYgkjuY130F%2FFkocCqYoUcWgqDHI4GzOS4O3%2B49wkA21Ec0pr7ICEGkuFE8YiskEH0a%2FBlmAqkDp422ZEFOggYO6yRlWiiRnikd3eaVzaKU|tkp%3ABk9SR8bBo6WEYw&LH_ItemCondition=4
    1 point
  34. If the listed fps is correct then I'm going to think the rear sight isn't the only thing that's broken Yes I know muzzle energy varies with conditions for gbb guns but that's still a bit low
    1 point
  35. Available for a ton (at the moment) + delivery. Price cut, an outburst with accusations of sabotage or silent rage?
    1 point
  36. As they're pretty much the same internally I'd say go for which one you like the look of.
    1 point
  37. Every rif in Airsoft is a bad decision dude! it’ll only come down to patience and how much you love playing with it 😉
    1 point
  38. They're all black pictures
    1 point
  39. I haven't been yet, but intend to take my air rifles and possibly some airsoft guns to this place, when it gets a bit warmer. https://gowildatthewarren.uk/
    1 point
  40. I'm weak & not got many pistols...
    1 point
  41. Not gonna lie... that took me a couple of reads.
    1 point
  42. So I may have just bought a GBB MCX legacy to go with my GBB rattler recently.... Oops
    1 point
  43. A massive congratulations to Hugh Zapritti Boyden for being voted chairman of the budgerigar appreciation society.
    1 point
  44. gavinkempsell


    Will sellers please stop adding bucket list pews to the classifieds... I'm weak & my credit card is taking a hammering.
    1 point
  45. DFX

    Crosman SBR semi auto Co2 rifle

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    You are buying a Crosman SBR semi auto Co2 gas air rifle . This is brand new and only been tested RRP £294 plus shipping (so over £300) uses 2x12g Co2 cartridges in Mag extras include: 1x rubber mag pull RRP £5 1x tub of 4.5 blaster BBs ( few out) 1x tub of 4.5 steel BBs ( some in speed loader) RRP £8 1 x foregrip RRP £12 1 x semi rigid rifle case ( no sponge needs replacement) RRP £50 this is a bargain!


    - GB

    0 points
  46. What about this wally wanting near enough full retail for his junk. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/gas-powered_1/like-new-various-rifs_i54530
    0 points
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