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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/23 in all areas

  1. If in doubt...give a shout👍 So you may have to take a walk to your respawn or dead zone or even take yourself out of play for 5mins. It's not the end of the world. But consider that the sniper who hit you from a distance saw the hit even if it had the impact of a tap on the shoulder. Don't be the one that the marshalls have a quiet word with. 🙂 Regards
    4 points
  2. As someone who's sold a lot on here, it's like an episode of Wheelers Dealers sometimes. If this one was listed for £80, they'd still get chancers messaging saying "Can you do £50 all incl'!?"
    4 points
  3. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    Peanut buttered an LMT
    4 points
  4. If in doubt, take it. I once played at a site in the Midlands and we all had a tag (a price of hard plastic with a number written on it, attached to a string) around our necks that symbolised a "life" and the enemy team had to kill you and take it from you before your 2 minute bleed out. Which ever team at the end of the match with the most lives left won. I came out of respawn, started running and got hit instantly, centre mass. I stood bewildered, wondering where the shot come from. 2 mins pass, no enemy comes to take my tag, so I take the 5 steps back to respawn and come out again. I slowly start creeping cautiously forward and can't see or hear anyone. I start jogging....I hear the slap of a round on my plate carrier again. I called hit, look around for who shot me, wait 2 mins, bleed out and go 10 steps back to respawn. I decide I'm running full pelt out of redpawn to try and avoid this mystery sniper. I run out of the respawn, 2 steps, slap. Centre mass AGAIN. At this point I'm getting a bit annoyed at being spawn camped. I respawn and creep slowly forward. Because I'm looking for a hidden sniper, I don't look where I'm going and I stumble slightly. I look down to see my tag fly up on the chain, then slam down....onto my plate carrier....making the same bloody sound as a bb hitting my chest plate! The movement of me running was making the tag jump up and down, slapping on my plate carrier. I'd been calling a hit for no reason. Needless to say, the Marshall watching was quite amused! He did however commend my honesty about hit taking!
    3 points
  5. @ParHunter If you feel the hit then take the hit The difference with bounces etc is that if you see it ricochet off the ground/wall/object then you know that it’s an indirect hit which can be disregarded
    3 points
  6. Lucky you. Yesterday I had four pints of London Pride on top of a roast beef dinner, and it was enough to make the cat's eyes water
    3 points
  7. @Miêu Anh-Nguyễn, possibly an odd request, but would you consider posting a prototype to a long term respected member on here in order that it be reviewed fully & then returned to you, purely for clarification of any potential safety issues in its use. I think it would go a long way to reassuring the community as a whole & also give validation to its feasibility ?. Edit. I should add that I'm not putting myself forward, if I had to recommend someone I'd probably suggest @Asomodai(if he was in agreement), as he already has a long history of excellent site reviews on here. 👍
    3 points
  8. Well I really can't work women out. Mrs Shamal is on a ten day cruise of the med. So I hatched a plot to send her a video of her two most loved furry friends. Nonky the tiger and cheeser the mouse. She is so protective about them that it's unreal. With the help of @EDcasea video was produced that showed them both hanging from my drone at the local cricket club although they have never left the house.( Excellent production from Ed.) I sent her the video today thinking that she would go ballistic( imagine a five foot stick of tnt in the heat of a Turkish bazaar) Her reaction? "Ahh Sweet"🤔 Unbelievable! I asked her how many cocktails she had had. No reply. I may be on some sort of hit list for when she returns. If you don't hear from me then you know the reason why!😂 Regards
    3 points
  9. Unless you see the bounce or ricochet then call it.
    2 points
  10. Rogerborg

    Perun AB++ Front wired

    It's fine, I have a front wired Perun AB++ in my JG G36. I soldered straight to the trigger tabs on the outside of the gearbox, and didn't even have to open it up. On an external unit like this, with those trigger tabs, it's not relevant whether it's front or rear wired, so long as you can get the wires to the battery (and you can). The AB++ sits just inside the battery space under the handguard, which doesn't help the already cramped space, but I can get a 1400mAh 11.1V lipo in there with it, so it's all good. You can add inline connectors somewhere in the wiring, but I didn't even bother with that.
    2 points
  11. I have front wired one for an LR300; I am not sure how the wiring runs on a G36, but I just added connectors in the power and signal cables, so that the gun could be dismantled.
    2 points
  12. 'How's your meal sir?' 'This fish is dry.' 'That's because we had to take it out of the water...'
    1 point
  13. As said if in doubt take the hit. Only call a ricochet if you are absolutely sure it is. I am pretty damn sure i have taken water drops as hits, as unless your 100% you didn't get hit take the hit.
    1 point
  14. If your not sure, just take it, it's a rare & minor inconvenience, & not worth the aggro when someone is then adamant they hit you. Plus I've been hit directly from low power guns, such as a mates old tm mp7 aep, thing was like a laser, amazing range, but it hit like a feather & very easy to dodge if you see them coming, like slo-mo lol.
    1 point
  15. The OP didn't mention if he usually does woodland or CQB but here's my thoughts on GBBR's. I have a few: GHK SIG 552, GHK AKMS, TM AKX, VFC M4A1, VFC MP5SD, AGM M4, WE PDW, WE SCAR L, WE M4 CQB, Marayama ACP9K G Pro, TM MP7 x 2, KWA Scorpion, KWA Mac11, TM Siaga 12K and a Beretta SMG from 1987 which is more of a wallhanger. I did have a TM MWS but sold it a while back when I fell out with GBBR's but now think I need another or the DE clone. I've also got a couple of the GBBR 10/22's but I'll discount them from this waffle as they are set up for sniping. I don't use GBBR's at woodland sites during walk on days simply because I'm outgunned or more accurately out ammo'd. I tend to use my TM recoils, KWA T10 or GBLS on those days and get a similar level or recoil to keep me happy. When I use GBBR's it's mostly CQB sites and I don't run anything over .28 tracers as there doesn't seem to be a need. If I need more range the I just get a bit closer. I tend to carry at a minimum 6 mags when using GBBR's as anything less means I'm half fighting and half reloading after running away. I also carry at least one pistol speed loader and a fake grenade that is actually a gas can so I can top up my mags if needed. I've fired quite a few RS rifles over the years and I'd say the recoil on a GBBR is similar to a 22 LR round. Some GBBR's do a better job of increasing the realism, for instance, the TM MP7 has the bolt smashing into the rear, right next to your ear and this increases your perception of the noise from firing but to everyone else it just sounds like a GBBR. Firing hot can be an issue and I've found that using the Vorsk gas either number 6 on hot days or number 8 on colder days gets me through the chrono without issues. By using the different numbers I don't need to worry about fitting Npas's although in the WE GBBR's and 10/22's I've fitted Npas's. Looking at reliability, the TM GBBR's all work perfectly if kept stock and you want to use up to .28's. If you decide to go for heavier ammo then you go into the modding world and it can go either way until you hit the right combination. What works for some people doesn't always work for others. My GHK's both work very well stock and I'd put them as the same reliability as my TM's. Some people have had issues but my only issue has been with the GHK mag base plate falling off and loosing a spring and follower which was $8 to replace but still a pain in the arse. My VFC M4 again works all the time and it's a Gen1 version and I bought a bunch of spares, ready for it to collapse in a heap but I haven't needed to use any of the spares yet. The MP5SD took a bit of work and aftermarket parts to get it firing consistantly but now it's a steam train. I've slated WE GBBR's before and all mine are Gen 1 closed bolt version and work ok'ish in good weather but the Mags are a terrible design. It's a clam shell design with the worlds biggest square o ring that you will need to eventually fill with silicon and wait 24 hours to see if it still leaks. I wouldn't recommend WE as a first GBBR simply because you could come away with negative feeling about GBBR's at the end of it. My KWA scorpion is awesome and the MAC 11 will either work fantastically or vent all the gas depending on how it feel that day. I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned maintenance but GBBR's require cleaning now and again to stop the working parts getting gummed up from dust, twigs, leaves, bits of chopped BB's etc. It's good practise to wipe the bolt and upper recess where the bolt travels down and re-lubricate along with cleaning the barrel and hop up chamber at least every couple of games. Just like the RS versions, grease attracts dust etc which can effect the function of a GBBR. I was going to mention that the Marayama ACP9 G, the MPX and the up and coming ACP9 are all excellent little SMG's with the Marayama taking 50 round glock mags but you will probably end up buying a MWS
    1 point
  16. Cheers! It's the first paintjob I've done so I'm pretty pleased I've not messed it up too badly lmao Rifle wise, I've not had the chance to get out and about with it too much yet, so take this with a pinch of salt. Externally it's nice. It's decently weighty and it doesn't feel as flimsy as other stuff I've used. The charging handle is decent too and doesn't get stuck while I'm trying to adjust the hopup like the specna rifles I've used do. Performance wise it's snappy and it's nicely accurate (I do play indoors though, so I've not got any problems with wind)
    1 point
  17. My principle is 70% of cheapest retail price and 20 quid for paypal and postage and worked so far. But I mainly sell stuff and haven't bought a gun yet from here.
    1 point
  18. ak2m4

    Perun AB++ Front wired

    2mm banana plugs are a great option for adding a quick disconnect.
    1 point
  19. We were here first! Sinne Fianna Fail a ta fe gheall ag Eirinn!
    1 point
  20. This my experience too. Which is why I ordered a GBLS!
    1 point
  21. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop BERETTA 92FS INOX Italy WA gbb airsoft aluminum 7075 CNC barrel dlide frame steel parts wood grip
    1 point
  22. Nice scrim net paint job there. But that's not a style I'll be doing again. However I'm very interested in the rifle, how is that running for you?
    1 point
  23. I painted up my Rossi L119A2 recently. It's not much, but it turned out better than I was expecting. Picture quality is pretty shocking!
    1 point
  24. Dude, you need one of these...
    1 point
  25. Nick G

    VFC GBB M249

    Did a bit of a proper trial with gas capacity. Fully charged stanag and I got 200 rounds out of it which I'm impressed with. Lots of short bursts , did the first 100 then gave the mag time to warm up a bit. Then the second 100 . Nothing left in the gas mag at the end but it did it. Probably 150 reliably in a game . The second 100 were tracers , that was a scream !
    1 point
  26. you’ll need to file / grind them off .
    1 point
  27. Brill, thanks for the reply. Is it much of a faff getting the loops out?
    1 point
  28. All looks great,really good, but agree if those are real flames (they looked very real😳), then unlikely it would be welcome on many sites.
    1 point
  29. Managed to get hold of one , will try for play time & update later today
    1 point
  30. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    @Enid_Puceflange that Sig is a hard act to follow but here’s my stuff for tomorrow. Salient Arms WA GBBR SR15 DMR WA GBBR
    1 point
  31. Yes, I've actually already got some in the garage from when I covered my kitchen cabinet doors (too lazy to repaint them), so that's a great shout! I can print out some camo stencils or even just free-hand cut some splotchy shapes - job should then be a good 'un! I'll experiment on the M16's stock which is already ready for a repaint Edit: maybe I'll save myself from some curvy-cutting, and go for a take on the geometrical styling of Swedish M90 camo (already one of my faves)
    1 point
  32. It's good just so long as he doesn't sing it!😉
    1 point
  33. Oh fucking hell, dude.We just hit a new low, and simultaneously a new high.
    1 point
  34. I run a WE M16 with 20rnd mags. It's a good little rifle and a lot of fun. If anything goes wrong then parts are cheap and plentiful. Most problems occur when people "upgrade" it. One part is suddenly much harder so something else needs replacing, and them something else and so on... The M16 is probably as unreliable as gbbrs get if you read the comments. But I have founds it's fine apart from one broken nozzle due to excessive full auto during an oh shit moment. A lot of information is parroted along the lines oh "I've heard but never actually used one". Is it an MWS? Hell no. Is it a lot of fun? Hell yes! The KWA skorpion is also great fun for something different.
    1 point
  35. Jacob Wright

    Gun picture thread

    I've done it! It's finally finished (for now 😅). Fitted the storm grip and dremeled the life out of the rail and outer barrel to be able to fit a crane stock LiPo into tithes morning. Also had to cut down the front wire and re-solder a deans onto it - not pretty but the heat shrink hides it!
    1 point
  36. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop SPRINGFIELD 1911 L.A. Vickers Custom KJ gbb airsoft deep marking cerakote detail fix
    1 point
  37. july_pi

    custom gbb

    CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP SIG P229 SAS .40 S&W WE GBB airsoft deep marking cerakote detail fix
    1 point
  38. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop British military L9A1 browning hi power WE gbb airsoft deep marking real rare sight remove all black paint detail fix
    1 point
  39. Indeed, but this was deliberate.
    0 points
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