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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/23 in all areas

  1. It's WELL, it will be cheap and probably nasty
    3 points
  2. I'd heard that the GATE Aster problems were more to do with them just being slapped into the gearbox, tested working to a very basic level and that was it, no effort to tune them in any way (plus they didn't ship with a USB Link so a customer couldn't really do any good tweaks without buying one). I suppose the difference between the DE M906C and your £300 is around £120, so what do you potentially gain from this? Things I can think of... # Double Eagle customer service is really zero, you're relying on the the reseller you buy it from. You can get a response out of them to questions if you really pester them, but they're not interested as their margins are so low. Specna will be better than this. # The Falcon controller is good for what it is, a very cheap clone of a GATE Titan, but this can show in certain ways. For example there are no firmware updates so in theory it will never work with a brushless motor if you one day wish to have one, it does drain batteries, the low voltage cut off is so low to be non-existent, it can be fried by heavy full auto use on an 11.1v battery. The GATE Aster absolutely is better, can be updated with GATE Control Station, supports brushless motors, has pre-cocking, has low voltage cut off that you can adjust, and can better handle large current draws. # The quality of the rifle in general will be better than a Double Eagle, materials used etc., but not massively better. ... so personally I'd say that the £120 is buying you some more reliability, customisation through the GATE Aster, and hopefully a rifle platform that will last longer overall. If "money's too tight to mention" then maybe this is not the best of posts from me but The Maxx Model M4A-PRO fits perfectly in the M906C and I'll put my neck on the line by saying that it's substantially better than the ZCI plastic (it should be for what it costs!). Couple with the Maxx 21.25mm nozzle you will get small increase in FPS, potentially enough to drop down a spring strength which is a good thing for stressing everything less. Also the solid metal concave nub with an ML bucking is just so good, lots of hop applied with little pressure, so less power lost from the BB.
    2 points
  3. Lozart

    Omg this mini gun

    Utterly hilarious!
    2 points
  4. I saw that this morning and am now in my sad place.
    2 points
  5. At that price I think we need a "da fuq" emoji in the drop down menu😱
    2 points
  6. One thing to try is adjusting how hard the motor pushes into the bevel gear. My SIG sounded a bit laboured, but setting the height in the pistol grip made it sound so much better with just a couple of turns on the adjuster screw.
    2 points

    • For sale
    • Used

    Protech tactical plate carrier , early version in AOR1 & tan Molle , size L/XL , used with two minor points on the Molle loops as seen highlighted , one needs stitching the other on the internal cummerbund where the loop was cut to accomodate a knife sheath ( by the previous owner ) . overall in good condition , velcro all good although the elastic inner wrap is showing it’s age . great piece for the gear collector or impressionist ( reference pic above ) £145 shipped .


    1 point
  8. Yup. I've made a few orders with them. Very good service and good products. My first order seemed to arrive in about 7 days. Very swift processing.
    1 point
  9. I have a full OD setup, and wouldn’t consider ditching it for (in my case) Vegetato. There’s something so old school about an OD rig, and it goes perfectly with a jeans/shirt combo for CQB as it does with a bit of camo for woodland. In my opinion very few can pull off the camo over civvies look (one would be expected to be single-handedly saving a hotel in Nairobi for example). Equally, you do you mate. As long as you’re not wearing anything inflammatory then knock yourself out.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, I’ve recently ordered a replica Surefire 660 flashlight from them and was very impressed with the service. It arrived relatively quickly, well packaged and I’m very happy with the torch. I’d buy from them again. I first heard about them from people on Facebook groups, regarding Gothic Serpent Delta loadouts, where a few people had bought stuff from them and they recommended them as the place to go for a replica 660.
    1 point
  11. After a several month wait, the Vorsk VMP-1 was awaiting me when I got home tonight. Many joys!
    1 point
  12. Realisticly you need to clean the barrel after every day of use. Get some rubbing alkohol and then soft cloth to dry it up. Watch out as not to put alkohol on the hop rubber. With the bolt of you use silicon it will travele everywhere but if you use grease it will stay in place and don't soil everything. With grease there is no need to re apply after every game and makes the gun cycle better.
    1 point
  13. Tackle

    Omg this mini gun

    Wow, that much for a Well, I'll definitely pass, as has been pointed out, might as well "wanker gun" something that's half the price (& probably twice the quality lol)
    1 point
  14. Colin Allen

    Omg this mini gun

    If it was HKD, it would be the bargain of the decade.
    1 point
  15. Lozart

    Omg this mini gun

    It's Evike so US.
    1 point
  16. EDcase

    Omg this mini gun

    Its USD I don't see one in my future. Its going to be annoying if several people have these at a game. Luckily the range seems rather poor.
    1 point
  17. Specna listened to the criticism and fixed a lot of the problems with the Orion gearbox.
    1 point
  18. Weak springs: Yes, the stock one is a linear cheap thing that loses it's oomph fairly quickly - but it'll last a good few skirmishes. Changing the spring is very simple. Hop-up lever: The Omega nub does fit into the arm on my 906C, and I ran it perfectly successfully for a while. When I took it apart and put it back together I've got a weird situation where the gun started over-hoppping - basically with the Omega nub in place it seems it was applying more force on the contact patch than before. And it still does with the stock one in place too - I think this problem is down to me! I'm going to see if I can resolve this - a ZCI hop unit will probably get ordered when I'm gainfully employed again. But the gun is still shooting beautifully at the moment, so no rush. Chrono's at 330fps with 0.20's with hop set for 0.28's (yeah a stupid combination I know, but I just had a mag of 0.20's to hand when I was chrono'ing other stuff, and just did it quickly out of curiosity) Battery: "Not gonna lie" - the Falcon unit draining the battery has been a PITA as it killed a couple of batteries before I realised the gun was doing this. And another since, because I was forgetful. Luke at Negative Airsoft hated the Specna's Orion gearbox, not because of the design per se, but shitty QC. Unless you hear positive evidence they're better QC'd now, I wouldn't risk it. They make a lot of very nice looking guns though. The 416 design looks very cool (glances admiringly at my VFC '416), but all the chunky RIS rails do add quite a bit of weight. A polymer or metal hand-guard with M-LOK slots is noticeably lighter. Just something to be aware of.
    1 point
  19. There used to be one that was in like a fake PEQ box but from the website it doesn't look like they pursued that.
    1 point
  20. Perhaps someone will comment who actually has experience with both. In the meantime I can say I own one of the older Specna Edge 2 models and I like it a lot. Unless someone can point out a specific flaw or benefit of either one I think it will come down to your choice in the looks. Also check the material of the body in case that's important to you. Metal or polymer/plastic. Maybe look for disassembly videos to see inside the gearbox and compare. Good luck
    1 point
  21. From the latest newsletter: $650-$750? I don't need it that much!
    1 point
  22. Could be that the motor is set too high. Try turning the adjustment screw counter clockwise half a turn at a time. If its not that then its probably a dying battery. Would be worth getting a 7.4v LiPo and decent charger. (There are no LiPo specific motors. Its just that LiPos deliver more power in each trigger pull)
    1 point
  23. So erm.... Did UKAPU actually get their act together or is it back to "please gib us monies, we totes do stuff behind the scenes that you won't hear of" as a business model again?
    1 point
  24. Cannonfodder

    Rossi L119A2 AEG

    Also didn't the septics use the HK416?
    1 point
  25. Great news - thanks for the update. Fair play to the tech I suppose - if you are a one-man band, you are only one significant life event away from (inadvertently) wrecking your business and pissing off your customers.
    1 point
  26. Shortly after after I posted this, the tech was made aware of this and got in touch with me here. He explained as to what has caused him to go quiet and promised to sort my rifle out ASAP. I got it delivered today, finished as wanted and most importantly - working. It's unfortunate that I had to end up posting this here but lessons learned on both sides. Hopefully he can sort out his current issues as I'm satisfied with his work on the rifle itself and his service/approach before any issues mentioned here was great.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_F_to_pay_respects
    1 point
  29. I know the whole John Wick thing has been done to death but just could not resist a proper Pit Viper kit. This included everything needed for a scratch build (not in picture includes hop and barrel, BBU, nozzle, springs and a few other items). Just arrived from Boomarms.
    1 point
  30. Just arrived this morning: WE Samurai Edge Gen 2 bought from @Daveoc33 <- big thanks. The mag is gas tight as it still arrived with some left for me to fire it full auto for the giggles. This thing is clean with very few signs of wear. Stripped it already and the inner barrel looks like it's never had a BB through it. I plan on clear-coating the emblems on the pistol grips to preserve them as i've heard these can wear away quickly. One issue i've noticed is that it looks like the hop isn't being applied centrally (when looking down the barrel) so I probably need to strip the hop unit and have a play with it however i'm going to replace the bucking with a new one due to the potential age of the stock one plus buckings have likely massively improved since this was released.
    1 point
  31. Lozart

    Are lipos worth it

    That explains a lot.
    1 point
  32. Armo1000

    King Arms L1A1

    Its not an L1A1 though...
    1 point
  33. That’s not so great. locktite the PH screw if you’re still worried.
    1 point
  34. Just received a boneyard Classic Army UMP from @THE FNG. She'll need a bit of work, but I'm hoping to have her up and running for my next day of BBwarz. I forgot how much I love H&K plastic spaceguns (*looking at my big pile of boring M4s*).
    1 point
  35. Evening folks ive gone a splashed some dollar on a classic Army micro mini gun. Yep it’s a nice toy but then it dawned on me………………….. how on earth do I chrono the dam thing does anyone know how?
    0 points
  36. Well, just join the ranger green master race then.
    0 points
  37. strykerles

    Omg this mini gun

    Someone would probably try and HPA it immediately 😂
    0 points
  38. EDcase

    Omg this mini gun

    To get an idea of price: Well Pro Micro M134 Tactical Vulcan Airsoft AEG Gatling Gun, Airsoft Guns, Airsoft Electric Rifles - Evike.com Airsoft Superstore
    0 points
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