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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/23 in all areas

  1. My VFC LAR/FAL DX version landed in UK in late April, customs had it for 5 weeks. After the long and painful waiting, it finally arrived this week. Pretty confident it's the first DX FAL arrived in UK or even Europe. Shame that customs wanted to have more fun with it before I could get hold of The difference between the normal version and DX is the special wooden box, proper trades and every part of metal made of steel. Might be a bit overpriced but I'll pay for that as a super FAL fan
    5 points
  2. Had a surprisingly good day today at Worthing. I set my m700 up for 2.3J today, as I wanted to give it a go dealing with the MED and essentially handicapping myself at this time of year since Worthing Airsoft is pretty dense with foliage. This was by design and I tend to do this kind of stuff to make sure I'm not getting complacent, much in the same way that I don't wear the ghillie during the summer; plus I enjoy doing it. The extra challenge is fun! Nevertheless, I went in with the expectation that I might get hammered, but it couldn't have been further from the truth. It forced me to really consider exactly what I was going to do, where I was going to position etc, since with a lot of sight lines being cut off by dense foliage it was very easy to get up close if I screwed up. The weather was nearly perfect too, with the sun out all day only spoiled by a bit of a breeze blowing across the site, but we're in the season where I thrive; anything up to 30 celcius is absolutely comfortable for me, and I'll play up to about 40 celcius before I start thinking about calling it quits. Love my warm weather (it's my Spanish side, I swear...) So, with that in my mind, the morning went pretty well. First two games were at the top of the site where there are some sight lines if you know where to go, and I paired up with one of the other snipers I get along with well; he was also running a gun with no MED, but his scout is being weird and only chronoed at 1.3J today. However, we definitely made our presence known and I found myself playing a bit more aggressive than usual, which is weird since I had an MED today where I usually don't. Worked out well and I got quite a few people in the first game, and then the second where we switched ends. However, the third game took us all to the bottom of the site, and to say it's overgrown down there would be a hell of an understatement. It was the true Worthing woodland CQB experience and I ended up just slinging the rifle on my back and going with the pistol. I paired up with another guy that I usually partner up with this time who was running his AKM, so we did a bit of sniper/spotter work, which was really refreshing and I seriously enjoyed doing it. Working in pairs is definitely more fun than working alone for sure! We executed a massive flank, moving through the area of the site that never gets played (and it's ironically called Paradise) to get behind them, assuming the enemy team would push up and take a base that would've cut us off (we ran quickly and ducked into a pathway that only the regulars really know about). However, the enemy team didn't do this, so when we got to where we needed to be, our team was pushing from that side which ruined the plan we had as our plan relied on them completely not expecting someone to come from that direction. Oh well! After lunch we played at the top of the site again and... I found myself on the front lines with my bolt action again. It's definitely harder to play aggressively when there's so much foliage, but I think the way I play works well, since it's all about low and slow and you can really get into positions the enemy don't expect. It was a good game, though we got pushed almost into our spawn we somehow managed to win (3 base domination and I guess the other team just... didn't go to the middle base, too busy trying to trap us in our spawn ). After that we switched ends and 3 o'clock syndrome started to kick in. I hit a guy square in the face since he was lying under a bush, watched him recoil from the hit and then come out with his rifle raised after his friend shot me. Then as the game was ending I had someone full-auto me in the face from about 5m away, so that was nice too. Decided to call it there since I needed to get the m700 set back for 1.1J for next week's Nam game, as Eversley Alpha has a ban on DMR and sniper power at this time of year since the ferns are pretty out of control. Also, just checked and even without the ghillie suit and playing more aggressive today, I still managed to dodge the camera. No photos of me again 🤣
    3 points
  3. Before I played my first game 21+ years ago I did exactly this, my thinking being that I didn't want to squeal like a right "Mary" the first time I got hit, so set my wife up with my G19, stepped away about 40 feet wearing goggles & a T-shirt & told her to shoot me lol. After 5 or 6 shots she still hasn't hit me & my then 5 year old son pipes up "mummy can I try ?" (he was a bit of a whizz on nes duck hunt etc). So she stands behind him, he adopts an almost perfect weaver stance & promptly shoots me in my left nipple, I let out a squeal which he thinks is the funniest thing in the world & his cue to empty the mag at me. The next BB went so close to my left ear I swear I heard the crack, at which point I legged it for cover until he'd emptied the mag. Thing is, I still squeal occasionally when one catches me right, inner thigh or maybe the kidney area, so some things never change, I'm still a Mary lol😢 As for my son, played his first game when he was 8 or 9 & been playing occasionally ever since, 26 & dad himself now, my granddaughter is 3 next week & it's only a matter of time before he suggests we set a range up in the garden for her😱
    3 points
  4. Yesterday, I took a trip down memory lane and went to Battle Lakes in Kent, a site where I used to play and marshal but have not visited for a few years after it went a bit strange. It is now run by Gunman Airsoft and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that Tony, who was the site manager when I marshalled there, was back managing it. After registering and checking out the small but rather well stocked shop, I sorted my gear out and went to the chrono. The safety and morning game briefs were brief but complete and, as ever with Tony, rather entertaining. The morning's game was a domination style one, with the blue team holding three points (the village, the comms tower and the fuel dump), which we, the red team, had to try to take. In addition to the main regen, each team had a forward regen that they could position wherever they chose once the game had started, There was also a third team ("The Americans"), who were carrying out their own mission, which was to kill VIPs in both the red and blue teams. We decided to split into three groups, one going for each objective. My group set off for the fuel dump, which was the most distant; it soon became apparent that I was the only one in the group who know the layout of the site. We quickly located the blue team's forward regen and neutralised it, which meant that they would have to take it back to their main regen before it could be taken back out again. Circling around the fuel dump we attacked it from the rear, took out two or three defenders and replaced the blue team's flag with ours. We then got into a firefight with some blue players and ended up going back to regen. From there, a group of us set off to attack the village, which we took fairly quickly. However, instead of pushing on to attack the comms tower, we settled in to defend the village, from which we were eventually expelled. This was about the end of the morning session. In the afternoon, both teams were issued with a vast amount of money, which could be used to buy weapons from an arms dealer at the far end of the field, whose shop was only open at specific times. The Americans, as well as hunting the VIPs, were also out to recover the weapons, which both teams could store in their chosen FOB, ours being in the village. After much collecting of weapons, including a large and very expensive nuclear device, a sniper and I decided to go and prowl around near the Americans' base; we did not encounter them but we did take out a fair number of the blue team from well concealed positions. Returning to the FOB, we helped defend that against attacks by the blue team, only to be overrun by the Americans right at the end of the game. It was a very good day and I will definitely return. Thanks to Jez and Ollie for the recommendation. If you want lightweight boots, have a look at Iturri Patrol boots on eBay. They are light and very comfortable, although not as supportive as I like.
    2 points
  5. A sunny day at Special Ops ... Pleased to see @Dan Robinson and his son, and met a few of the other regulars, but missed a meet-up with Cowboy, were you there? A change to the usual warm up game in that it became a single-life defend game. Which really didn't work because I fired one shot to test my hop, waited 10 minutes, and then got shot from behind. Rather the opposite of a warm-up 😂. The switched game didn't go much better for me, I didn't get a kill! Probably a round of zombies is still a good idea. Anyway, for me the morning was a story of my beloved VFC HK416 not living up to its potential. Accuracy and range was pretty good at the outset, and the gun made a few new fans when I let them try it, but the hop setting seemed to slip very easily and quickly. As I've tried to take the hop apart recently, maybe I've made that slippage worse... so rather than spending too much time and ammo shooting at distant trees to adjust and check the hop, I decided to go to my DE 906. It racked up a goodly number of kills through the day. Good old thing did not let me down 👍 But during the day I managed to break the sliding cover in one of my Lonex mags (fixable, I'm sure), from trying to force the mag in when there must have been an errant BB in the well. And I lost my clone Leatherman tool (but it was found and I got back). To thank the God Of Lost Things and restore balance to the universe, I managed to find an expensive looking grenade in a pouch, and handed that in. Weird shit that happened today: someone had some money stolen from a rucksack. Not cool. Carlos got close to losing his temper about non hit-taking, not seen him that angry for a long time. Gave the young kids a lecture that it's not CoD, where you can take multiple hits before dying. I didn't have a problem personally, so just found it amusing ☺️ And possibly the same thief that nicked the money also decided to nick the badge off the front of my (cheap, old) BMW. Or the glue gave up the ghost and it fell off on the way home 😋 My old Karrimor walking boots decided to fall apart, I ended up with one held together by Gorilla glue, zip ties and duct tape! Did the job temporarily, but they are beyond saving. I need some cheap, new (ish) lightweight boots
    2 points
  6. True, but for many the realistic look of the guns is part of the appeal of airsoft over other similar games True but I can only go on the information available. However from what limited exposure I've had to reenactors they tend to take it far more seriously than even the most stitch counting airsofters. Also I thought reenactors also have to be part of an official group to be able to buy rifs Couldn't agree more.
    2 points
  7. First skirmish EVER at Players of War Airsoft near Falkirk, knackered beyond belief is an understatement (I'll blame the sun coz my weight & age can't possibly be the reason), I'm in awe of how many players were wearing the latest kit & using incredible RIF's (I wore what I could find in my size & used an old set of PLCE incase It got damaged or I didn't want to go back), The milsim players were so impressive too. As suspected I had too much weight on my plce (pouches & contents), had too many lipo's & mags (had to use my high caps), but everyone I spoke to was great, & thanks... the offer of a chip was much appreciated. Was already signed up for the 18th & now signed up for the 2nd July too (work most Sundays so will play when I can). What would I change for next time...? Well I have some MTP uniform & a stupid amount of Osprey kit already on order courtesy of ebay & a credit card. Might give my G36c a try next time but the SCAR I took performed better than I expected (proud to say I killed several trees today). Will take some of my Bullpups in the future but none are 2 toned so that will have to wait for now. I feel I'm more of a collector than a player but on my drive home I wondered if the STEN was still for sale on here as the SCAR mag did get in the way a couple of times & it would make a nice addition to my collection, Oh! maybe an Sterling SMG? (if that unicorn ever flies my way). Thanks again to everyone at Players of War Airsoft for a fantastic experience.
    2 points
  8. And I'd shift my pension fund into camo tape, and Poundland black rattlecans.
    2 points
  9. EDcase

    Are lipos worth it

    Yeah they're only dangerous when near full. I got a good reaction driving a nail through one🤪
    2 points
  10. One problem I've noticed with plate carriers is that they can lead to people not feeling hits and then accusations of cheating. Something like an assault vest or chest rig will help prevent this. Another possible issue is weight. Plate carriers tend to be heavier than other types of load carrying kit (even without plates) so might not be suitable for a 10 year old
    2 points
  11. Tackle


    As has been said, "if it ain't broke don't fix it", same goes for the pistol, you may do more harm than good & your wallet won't thank you for it. Get out & play, maybe compare range & accuracy against other players guns at your local sites range (most sites have one where they chrono), you might be pleasantly surprised at the results. If what your looking to spend on upgrades is burning a hole in your pocket, maybe consider putting it towards a second primary rifle, never hurts to have two as nothing spoils a day quicker than your gun letting you down & no backup.
    2 points
  12. Being shot with a bb can sting, it's worse on bare skin (hence full face protection) and my previous recommendation of gloves. While snipers shoot with more power, they have to be at least a certain distance away (known as a med, minimum engagement distance) so you aren't on the receiving end of the "full amount" if that makes sense. I'd be more concerned about him being shot close up close on bare skin than him wearing a plate carrier etc. Put a hoody on and get him (or someone else) to shoot you, then do it in just a t shirt.
    2 points
  13. Some kind of body armour isn't a bad idea, and protective gloves are a must. Finger shots really sting! Look at some of the 8 Fields stuff on Patrol Base. Absolutely fine for your boy
    2 points
  14. While ukara certainly has its flaws imo its the best of a bad bunch. Some of the other so called defences are quite frankly taking the piss as you can sign up for them without ever playing or intending to. This has the potential for us to loose our defence (which was given on the idea we would be self policing) as all that would be needed is for a MP who is wanting to make a name for themselves or need a distraction to latch onto how a bunch of gun nut potential serial killers (because that's exactly how airsofters will be portrayed) are circumventing the law and bang goes our defence
    2 points
  15. Rogerborg

    Are lipos worth it

    I use one, but it's old technology now, and we have had reports of issues with them, even on the genuine ones. As you say, RC gets the goodies, and the SkyRC S65 is what all the cool kids are recommending these days. Being aware that if you're using mini-Tamiya, then the polarity is reversed. But it's easy enough to swap the terminals, and, well... don't use mini-Tamiya.
    2 points
  16. I have been a long time wearer of skechers trainers and recently tried some of their hiking boots for the first time. Memory foam insoles and waterproof. For 70 squid I cant complian. Super comfy for prolonged wearing too. Maybe worth a punt
    1 point
  17. C-Diddy

    Unsure what to choose

    Rather than a PC, look at the slick body armour types. They're pretty rigid and you can definitely hear the ping of a hit. Chest and back hits are standard though. Hits to the inner thigh, love handles (he won't have those) neck and ears are, in my experience, the ones that get me creatively swearing the most.
    1 point
  18. Rumy

    Unsure what to choose

    🤣 that’s so funny, you’ve been playing for a long time that’s nice to know that both still play. I’m hoping when I do let him,I will tell him to aim for my leg he’s got quite a good shot now so hopefully all goes to plan 😆 I think he was around 5-6 when i started to let him have a go on the air rifle but he needed a garden chair to aim it and to knee on the garden chair 😄
    1 point
  19. So we assume, because we're airsofters, and it's been mentioned here in passing. We don't know how widely it's actually being abused though, by airsofters, or others. To be clear, I really wish that airsofters wouldn't abuse it. And "just cos" can die in a fire. I won't buy from AirsoftWorld any more because they started that nonsense. It's a deliberate attempt to bypass the VCRA, and to my mind meets the definition of fraud by false representation. While I hope that it doesn't come to the attention of the State, I'll have zero sympathy for those engaging in it if it does.
    1 point
  20. I was thinking worst case senario hence the word potential. While you're right in that it's the reenactment defence which is being abused, its airsofters who are abusing it. Also, unlike reenactment, airsoft is only mentioned in the accompanying notes not the act itself so it would be easier to remove our defence. What really gets me about the whole justcos bullshit though is that IIRC airsoftworld made a big song and dance about how they were a big part of the discussions with the HO before the act came in and now seem to be trying to get around it at every opportunity possible. Unfortunately though I get the feeling it'll only disappear if someone ends up in court and loose which would probably have other negative consequences for the game
    1 point
  21. Airsoft would still live on. Just with neon-coloured guns.
    1 point
  22. Damn it! If you had bigger feet I'd have snapped those up! Grow bigger! 😋
    1 point
  23. I went for a walk in the woods, late evening and saw this wise looking bird. But as I got nearer, it told me to clear off. I think it must have had irritable owl syndrome
    1 point
  24. Tackle

    Are lipos worth it

    I had a couple of lipos go "puffy" on me, still held a charge but I thought better off not risking it, so decided to dramatically destroy them, did everything your not supposed to but they barely reacted, how disappointed was I lol.
    1 point
  25. Leo Greer


    Controversial opinion incoming: you get way more accuracy from simply stabilizing your current setup than from replacing parts. Polish your current inner barrel, wrap it in scotch or teflon tape until it fits tightly with the outer barrel. Shim your hop arm with scotch or aluminum tape. Shim your hop unit with aluminum tape, O-rings, or whatever else provides consistent pressure. You want it to be just a little hard to put the upper receiver back on. (springs are fine but not optimal) Look down your inner barrel with a flashlight and make sure the nozzle is centered. Things like this are huge accuracy gains--in my experience I gain much more accuracy by doing these mods than by adding aftermarket barrels and crap, since without stabilization the barrel can still wiggle and wobble, and the upgrade is useless. A millimeter or less at the barrel translates to feet downrange. And if you want to go further while still keeping it cheap, flat hop your rubber and then make a flat nub out of 8mm vinyl tubing. You're probably in the UK, so a ML Super Macaron and plastic nub is a quality cheap option anyways, but if you want to feel like you really did something, along with saving just a couple more beans... flat hop is the way to go.
    1 point
  26. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop sig p226 classic full steel gbb airsoft
    1 point
  27. gavinkempsell

    Battery life...

    Thanks for the replies folks, I've packed some extra lipo's just in case.
    1 point
  28. navyvet86

    Newbie needing help

    Everyone is sick of UKARA, and resellers are also. I have been airsofting since before it came in and you have alot of options. First off if you need to get equipment lots of sellers like actionhobbies accept other defenses such as a insurance email from places that insure re-enacters. The insurance is only £20 per year. So if you can't do 3 games in 2 months that IS a valid defense that enables purchase. You can also order from websites such as Asiaairsoft that have a disassembly option and will send your equipment in 2 packages. If you are airsofting you are entitled to own them and have a defense. Welcome back and I hope this helps you get up and running buddy.
    1 point
  29. Found the GBBR user.... https://youtu.be/7PpFEbNVzOg
    1 point
  30. Yeh - got it in the end, hence my edit.
    1 point
  31. The question was about three wire mosfets. I have replaced a three wired mosfet with the AB++ by connecting it to the existing cables; it is a simple soldering job.
    1 point
  32. It's the pricing that puts me off that one - another £15-20 gets you the excellent Perun Hybrid unit with the wiring already soldered. Should drop into a Specna GB with no fuss. NanoASRs can be had for £20. Yes, you still have to solder, but the two signal wires is easier to deal with than two power wires plus a signal into the switch for cable routing. Obviously you don't get AB and precocking, but you do get the ability to hot-swap the unit later on if it dies, or you want to upgrade. But again, for me, the Perun Hybrid is the way to go. Edit: Looking at the wiring diagrams, you could bodge the AB++ onto the existing X-ASR wiring. Not sure I would want to do that personally but it looks like it could be done.
    1 point
  33. Yup, it's very well featured for the price. You'll need to do a bit of soldering, but into every life some flux must flow.
    1 point
  34. Good choice. It's a well thought out site, solidly run, and the playerbase is generally decent. Just ask the regulars where the objectives are, and you'll have a blast. The other central Scotland site I'd recommend (a bit more) is Area-66, which is a fair bit smaller, and therefore more intense, with more time spent playing versus walking.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. not sure if you got this sorted but it's showing in stock here: http://www.khmountain.com/airsoft/product_info.php?products_id=4329 might want to contact them to confirm.
    1 point
  37. Had a mishap at my last game. My sling snapped (at the clasp) and my barrel went head first into some soft dirt. Luckily no damage was done. I am now in need of a new sling. Any good suggestions. 1 point, 2 point? Want something strong and reliable.
    1 point
  38. Rogerborg

    Unsure what to choose

    Ahoy and welcome. I'd avoid the sub-£100 CYMA CM5XX M4 series. The internals are fine, but the plastic on that range is very cheap and toyish, and that's the part that you can't upgrade. The G36C would be my choice from those three, I rate them as a platform. I think the CYMA G36s have better plastic than their cheapest M4s, but would welcome confirmation. The internals should be fine. I'd echo that the battery and charger that come with it are technically functional, but weedy and unlikely to last a day. I'd get straight onto lithium batteries rather than spending another penny on nimh technology. I'd suggest something like 2 of these or equivalent (although I'd measure the supplied battery and ensure that these will fit in the stock). Note that the CYMA comes with a mini (aka small) Tamiya connector, and that means you'll need airsoft specific batteries (RC vehicle Tamiya battery connectors have different polarity). https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-nano-tech-1500mah-2s-20-40c-lipo-airsoft-pack.html And a SkyRC S65 charger from wherever you can find it cheapest. This looks like a significant added cost, but it's really not worth cheaping out on chargers given the potential for things to go catastrophically wrong. Oh, if you're not in a hurry, and intending to buy from bbguns4less, then put your order together, leave it in your basket for 24 hours and you may get sent a 5% discount code. Enjoy the time and money sink.
    1 point
  39. This here is why I shouldn't be given mod duties. I would've yeeted him ages ago for being a serial cockwomble
    1 point
  40. EDcase

    Are lipos worth it

    Its mainly common sense really.
    1 point
  41. Cannonfodder

    Are lipos worth it

    Lipo compatible is a meaningless marketing joke. I've been running lipos in all my aegs for about 15 years, none of which have had mosfets or any other "essential upgrades", with no problems.
    1 point
  42. EDcase

    Battery life...

    Yep, 2x1300mAh easily get me through a day though I keep it on semi and try not to waste shots. (Still get through about 2000 BBs though 🤣)
    1 point
  43. This is all making me think my DE is being extra hard on its battery. I've had issues with the motor getting very toasty, perhaps it needs some adjustment. Or it's finally time to open the gearbox and re-lube everything.
    1 point
  44. For me a couple of 1300mAh batteries is more than enough for a day (2-2.5k rounds mostly in semi auto). Infact what usually happens is the 1st battery often gives up about 1 minute into the last game so I either carry a spare or just swap for the fresh battery at lunch
    1 point
  45. Duff Beer

    Battery life...

    All things being equal (wiring, temperature, play style) the choice of motor you’re using will affect the battery life hugely too. This video on YouTube goes through a whole load of motors and show how many shots they could get out of a 1000mah battery (start the video at 42:18), and I bought a Warhead Black Standard as a result. I use a 1000mah battery, and usually do about 2000 rounds a day, and the battery usually takes about 10-15mins to charge which suggests I’m using about 25% battery life.
    1 point
  46. Depends on the type of game. I use a 1000mah over a whole weekend milsim/filmsim. CQB sees a 1500mah minimum in the rif and a spare in the pouch. I have a 2400mah for my support gun. I've never had to change a battery mid game.
    1 point
  47. Adolf Hamster


    Play several games with the gun as-stock, do nothing but clean the barrel. Figure out your playstyle, are you getting up close and personal? plinking from distance? Have a good notion in mind of how the gun is performing, and what about its current performance needs improving. Then its time to start talking about how to go about improving the performance to make it better at doing what you need it to do.
    1 point
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