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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/23 in all areas

  1. The other week i slipped sideways on some wet leaves onto concrete. Instinctively I took the fall with my shoulder due to a) many many years of playing rugby, I knew my shoulder could take the fall b) i had my shiny new mk46, and i would rather break my shoulder than that
    4 points
  2. Welcome Sean Second hand can be a bit of a gamble but people with good reputation on this forum are a safe bet. (Still use PayPal goods & services as Oth21 said)
    3 points
  3. Ahem. (Double eagle says 'hello' πŸ˜‹)
    2 points
  4. EDcase

    Hello everyone!

    Hi and Welcome As Shamal said, check out HERE to find game sites near you. In the simplest terms you have to play 3 games at the same site within a certain time (3 months) (Most sites don't really care about the timing. Most people will rent a gun (you can buy your own mask & goggles) If you know anyone with a spare gun then you can use that without having to rent. Once you've played 3 games at that site you can request to get registered with a UKARA number. It should be free but most do charge a fee Without UKARA (+18) you can buy a Two-Tone (Imitation Firearm) [IF] It will come from the shop painted 50% with the most common colours being Red, Blue or Green With UKARA (+18) you can buy a (Realistic Imitation Firearm) [RIF] Hope that helps. Loads more info in the forum so dive in and enjoy 😁
    2 points
  5. Welcome to the sport! You can find good deals on here, however there are plenty of not so great deals and some pretty awful "deals" as well, though the Mack's thread is pretty good at calling them out. My advice would be to not buy something someone has upgraded. whether upgrades are good or not is largely based on how good the quality of the workmanship and most people aren't as good as they think.
    2 points
  6. Having bought the majority of the RIFs I've had on here/other second hand sales sites. I'd recommend trying to get hands on the RIF where possible, at a site is ideal so you can test fire/chrono. One thing that's annoyed me is receiving a couple with bits of mud/dust/grime etc - makes me think about how well looked after they were. Only pay via PayPal goods and services, especially if you're having one posted to you. You're unlikely to get batteries sent in the post, because they can be a 'hassle'. Expect to replace at least the Hop rubber on any second hand RIF straight away. The argument to buy new is 'warranty' but if you buy a new RIF and put a new hop unit/inner barrel etc in it, then it's not standard and I'd expect it to be out of warranty anyway. Also unless specified on a shops website for the specific RIF, the use of an 11.1 LiPo voids the warranty also. Like any product, things can just stop working/bits go unexpectedly. If you're after new and affordable, I think @RostokMcSpoons might recommend Double Eagle. Personally I'd recommend a Cyma AK, but obviously not an M4 platform. Oh and welcome to the forum.
    2 points
  7. Just an update on the new mags being a tight squeeze. I found that if the top two screws that attach the plastic top to the mag body are too tight, it will deform the plastic part a little and will result in the mag needing to be forced into the mag well.
    2 points
  8. Cannonfodder


    It could be worse, he could be asking about the WE one
    2 points
  9. Welcome! Nothing wrong with going on your own, it’s what I do most of the time. Sounds like you have the right mindset though and that’s the most important bit. Definitely spend time renting to sort out UKARA and get a handle on what kind of pew you want to use. Definitely a good thing, although occasionally not overly wallet-friendly: Random chap (mid game) : here, have a go with this, I’m using my pistol for a bit (hands me an MP7) Me : don’t mind if I do ….. and I’ve just added an MP7 to my collection πŸ˜‚
    2 points
  10. One other thing, if possible make sure you've got the day after off work. You'll ache places you forgot existed, even if you think you're taking it easy.
    2 points
  11. That's my pet hate too, I hate it when I've got someone screaming in my face "COME ON PUSH UP, GET MOVING, MAKE SOME EFFORT YOU USELESS TUB OF LARD" I hate Saturday nights with the missus😭
    2 points
  12. Hi there I haven't been to any Airsoft events I've seen a few on YouTube they look fun so will be going to one soon. Anyway thanks for adding me πŸ™‚
    1 point
  13. Welcome! From my perspective, spending Β£150 on a brand new M4 (Specna Edge C12 was mine) will give you something easily and cheaply upgraded to be a solid backstop for when you grow your collection and get the eventual problems we have all experienced. Keep it stock internally until either it has proven itself to you or the warranty has gone.
    1 point
  14. SelbySelby

    New Berkshire Player

    Just about to join my brother and nephew in the world of airsoft. Hoping to get answers to kits questions on the forum.
    1 point
  15. _K4MF_

    Gate Pulsar

    Thank you for all this, I've not used a HPA build, but this has really helped me make my mind up. I think I'm going to stick with AEG, but using the Eon 450fps full V2 gearbox, with Eon hop etc, but it's great to know that the quality is there and that it's what it says on the tin! 😊 πŸ™
    1 point
  16. Rogerborg

    Inner Barrel Length

    Not at their current daft prices. They work well, and the plastic is decent, but when you can get fire control systems, quick change springs, rotary hops and all sorts for the same money, they just don't make a good argument for themselves any more. Probably. It really depends on the specific example that you get: airsoft quality control can be more what you'd call an aspiration. Interesting that PatrolBase claim less energy for the longer barrel one. It could be down-sprung, under-volumed, or just have a dodgy air seal - on the examples of each that they tested. A a first / only gun, for woodland and CQB, I'd go for one of the longer models. Short barrels do work, I love my MP5K, but for CQB or as a sniper secondary. For woodland primary, I run 200mm+. That said, the right gun is the one that puts the biggest smile on your face. If the heart say stubby, go for it. Worst case, you can throw a silencer and longer inner barrel on it for outdoor use (and spring, and cylinder and...), that's common enough.
    1 point
  17. Leo Greer

    Gate Pulsar

    It's nice. I picked up the rear-wired version in the second batch and have been working on it for the past few weeks. I'll confess off the bat that I'm not an HPA expert (AEGs are my thing), and that I haven't had the time yet to tune all the settings in detail and really work on getting the most out of this thing, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. First off, the Titan 2 Bluetooth makes settings an absolute breeze. You can adjust everything within seconds as you test fire, and being able to set the entire range of trigger sensitivity, etc, etc is very nice. Even nicer since you get the T2B included in the package. Second, having bought the Pulsar for a DMR build myself, I think it fits the bill. The range of settings on the engine itself is impressive. Though the settings aren't conventionally labeled, I'm pretty sure the Pulsar allows you to set poppet dwell as normal, but then also to set how long the air valve remains open, so you can control voluming precisely. Though I don't have a longer barrel or heavier BBs, the Pulsar was easily overvoluming .38gs in a 509mm 6.08mm, at 3.5J, with lots of room to spare. In my basic, rough tuning I was able to get ~2 FPS, which is in the realm of acceptable, if not as good as I'd like. I can probably get it better though with some smaller adjustments, though, so I'd holding onto hope. In speaking with some of the HPA techs on various forums, I did hear that HPA can actually be harder to get consistent FPS with than AEGs on these adjustable volume setups, which surprised me. My particular setup seemed to work well with the G&G hop unit and Maple Leaf 85 degree silicone MR.HOP, but of course hop rubber and hop unit compatibility is based on individual setup. As for RPS, for those who are interested... the particular software patch I downloaded allows you to set the Pulsar up to 100 RPS. Whether the engine will actually fire that fast is another question. The Titan telemetry tells me I'm getting 77, but as I've been tuning on .38gs, I haven't tested that with a chronograph for sake of my wallet. Overall, aside from some annoying shenanigans with thin solenoid wires, I'm extremely impressed with the ease, adjustability, and performance for the price.
    1 point
  18. Can confirm I would have preferred a day off today!
    1 point
  19. Yesterday, 260 of us turned up at Airsoft Plantation for a day's play. The large safe zone managed to hold everyone but it was fortunate that the weather was good as a fair number of players had to set up in the open. As AP is a large site, it was able to absorb such a large number of players without feeling crowded; games were vaguely coronation themed to the extent that they involved kings and crowns, the titles on which included such well known British monarchs as Burger King and Porn King. Both sides played hard and well and hit taking appeared to be good. As usual, the marshalling was on point, being relatively low key but always where and when it was required. At lunchtime, the food van served 240 people in an hour, which is pretty impressive; apparently, the food is very good, although I cannot vouch for that as I always take my own. For me, one of the highlights of AP is the rapport among the players; the site seems to attract the "right type" of player, whatever that is. This morning, I went to an airsoft boot fair in Kent; despite being somewhat on the small side, there was a good selection of items for sale, including something that I had been seeking for a while. I bumped into a couple of folk who still play at sites where I used to marshal; one of the sites appears to have improved massively due to investment from the current owners so a trip down there is being scheduled. Weapons used: APS UAR LCT PP-19-01 No weapons were melted or burned after yesterday's play.
    1 point
  20. Shamal

    Hello everyone!

    Hi Ulmo. Welcome to the forum πŸ‘ Where are you based in the UK? There is a website called 'Play Airsoft UK'. Have a look on there and it will help you with Airsoft locations near you. A good place to start reading is on this forum. When you find a Airsoft site near you, have a look on their website and maybe pop along to talk to the organisers who will help you. It generally takes about 3 months to get your ukara from when you first join and start playing at a club. Have fun and I hope you get playing soon.πŸ™‚ Regards
    1 point
  21. Welcome to both the forum and airsoft in general. If you are buying second hand for your first gun make sure you get to see and fire it before handing over any cash. Also make sure to check the Mack's thread first as this forum is pretty good for calling out people charging silly amounts. One thing that buying new gives you is the confidence that if something does go wrong you can take it back.
    1 point
  22. Specna arms edge stuff is good. I've got two from the forum and both work great with no work needed and neither cost over Β£150.πŸ‘ Regards
    1 point
  23. My first flat was so close to Heathrow airport, that every time I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich, a stewardess told me to get back to my seat.
    1 point
  24. I went to Skirmish for the first time in about a year yesterday. They have a load of new marshals who do seem more on-point.
    1 point
  25. ak2m4

    Inner Barrel Length

    at 110mm you're going to struggle getting enough air for sufficient power, you'll have to compensate with a stronger spring leading to more stress on the gearbox. it's not impossible of course but comes with risks.
    1 point
  26. Impulse

    Inner Barrel Length

    In an AEG, barrel length and diameter makes very little difference. I don't do AEGs, but this is my understanding of it. Smaller diameter will typically up the power a little. I like 6.03mm barrels as 6.01mm barrels don't really affect the accuracy, but if you don't keep them very clean you'll find shots becoming very inconsistent as anything in the barrel will affect the BB more as there's less gap between the BB and the barrel. Barrel length (and diameter to a lesser extent) interacts with cylinder volume. Cylinder to barrel ratio is basically the relationship between the air volume in your cylinder and how much of the barrel it will fill. In an ideal setup, your cylinder air volume will be able to fill the inner barrel but not exceed it, as that way you get the best compression and it will make the power very consistent. Generally, with heavier ammo, you actually want shorter barrels in AEGs because cylinders typically don't have enough volume to fill those longer barrels. Both of my AEGs are long and one of the upgrades I've done to them is giving them a full cylinder to increase that air volume to get through those 500mm barrels. As I said, I don't really do AEGs so I'm sure someone will correct me where I'm wrong or elaborate where I've missed stuff out. I typically use gas guns where barrel length is very much a consideration as gas guns suffer from joule creep with heavier ammo
    1 point
  27. There's a monkey who works in our local chip shop. Apparently he's a frymate.
    1 point
  28. To me it's that combination of availability and budget. There are a lot of airsoft guns that exist (especially 90s stuff) that look real cool and are valuable to collectors, but they're made of shit plastic and you'd never ever find an original replacement part no matter how much money you have because they've been out of production for many years. As I think about it, the number of airsoft guns that are out of production vs currently available is probably huge actually. Obviously a discontinued version of a plastic G&G AR is probably not something anyone will cry over if broken so there are levels and that's a personal choice, I wouldn't let anyone else dictate that for you. If something is fixable/replaceable but you can't really afford to fix or replace it, then that's the other consideration and only you know your budget so again, not something for others to dictate.
    1 point
  29. Good work on out-running him!
    1 point
  30. One thing I've just thought of. What are the gnus made of? For example the steel body of my E&L AK will take far more of a beating than the plastic body of my MP5K, so despite being significantly more expensive it's less likely to take significant damage so I'll feel more confident taking a fall (for example) with the AK
    1 point
  31. You shouldnuse what your comfortable having fun with. Worrying all the time isn't going to be any fun at all. I've purchased plenty of things that have great value mint/sealed than used but I still use them. Its much more enjoyable to use them than look at them, for me at least.
    1 point
  32. Salma Hayek is 56, your argument is invalid. You just need the right outfit.
    1 point
  33. C-Diddy

    If money was no object!

    I have an NGRS and MWS as my main guns. Both of them worked great from new, but over time I've done a few bits and bobs. The MWS is pretty stock internally, while the NGRS has probably had around Β£400 of internal work done. I only did this after a part eventually broke (stripped piston) and it now has a different inner barrel, gear set and is wired to Dean's. What I will say is, I carried on playing after the TM shit itself, using my Β£200, bone stock Cyma AK47, and it was amazing! No doubt (as TLH and Rostok say) you could pay half as much on upgrading a Β£200 gun, and get something that performs as well as, if not better than a TM.
    1 point
  34. Hwasan Mad Max shotty and 15 gas shells. Β£80 Yeah, don't mind if I do. And the 4 shells I've tested are still gas tight.
    1 point
  35. An elaborate ceremony like the coronation of Charles and Camilla takes months of careful planning - it's not just throne together.
    1 point
  36. What’s the difference between a Chick Pea and a Lentil? I wouldn’t pay Β£50 for a Lentil on my chest!! πŸ₯΄
    1 point
  37. Welcome Jeff (Same age as me πŸ˜‰) Have a look HERE for nearby sites As said above, get some experience renting before spending too much money. Buy the essentials like mask, goggles & boots and make do with the basic rental gun. If you enjoy that experience you'll love it even more when you get your own pew pew. See what other players use and ask questions if you like anything particular. Most will be very willing to tell you all about it. Don't worry about going on your own, many of us did too. You'll soon meet others on a regular basis and it goes from there. During play we seldom stick together anyway.
    1 point
  38. You know I have a memepic for that, right? If you have a Β£150 one, I'd play with that, at least until you're confident with the sites and hazards.
    1 point
  39. That's actually a decent attitude. Turn up to get shot, rather than expecting a fantasy YouTube kill ratio, and you'll have a blast. It is a fun hobby. If you get a chance, I'd recommend trying both woodland and indoor CQB as they can be quite different experiences. Filmsim / immersion events are also worth a go, once you've got some experience under your belt. You'll get a massive adrenaline hit from your first day, and it'll be the bestest hobby ever: just try not to come home and blow mortgage money on buying the bestest toy guns ever, at least not right away. Renting for a couple of months until you have site membership / a UKARA number is a good way to avoid making expensive mistakes. Spend the time cadging goes with a variety of guns - airsofters really do tend to be a friendly bunch, and we love showing off our toys.
    1 point
  40. One of the great things about this hobby is that you can play at the pace you want (or your body will allow😁). Let the youngsters and those jacked up on monster charge around and draw fire so you know where to shoot
    1 point
  41. Depends on the RIF in question, some are expensive because they're rare, some because they are good. I always see that these rifs, kit etc are there to be enjoyed and if you aren't getting the maximum amount of enjoyment out of them.....why bother? To some that will be keeping them as a collectors piece and to others fielding them. If they are just wall hangers.....do they need to work or just look pretty?
    1 point
  42. Local cartoonist has been burgled Details are sketchy... Police have not been able to draw any conclusions.
    1 point
  43. Great question but it will give you a range of answers. Typically people (airsofters included) will tell you to get what they have got, ultimately they have made their purchases based on the circumstances and what is most important to them. Be warned I am a TM fanboy. A TM MP7 is almost certainly one of the easiest and best gas guns to run, I wouldn't normally recommend it as a first purchase but as you have it they are considered great. You have just come out of the winter period and winter (cold) will always be the struggle time for any gas system, though the TM MP7 is probably one of the few guns that can handle it, I reckon in the coming months it will really shine. I'd recommend holding onto it for now, it's a fantastic RIF that will keep on trucking. TM NGRS are and can be extremely reliable, without upgrades they'll last ages and do a fine job. They are one of the few AEGs (battery powered) that have features such as the bolt stop (DAS GBLS do as well, as do a couple of others but I don't know them). They don't need upgrading and initially I'd recommend you don't upgrade or if you must, do a minimal amount. Often upgrades make very little real difference, cost a fortune and done by the wrong people can make a RIF worse. Camoraids are one of the few NGRS specialists and if they weren't so expensive someone I'd probably use (too tight, do it myself), I have heard of camo raid upgraded guns going down and the warranty service has been great. Think of it like a car, a standard car such as a ford focus will go for ages without breaking down, a specialist race car squeezing every ounce of performance will require more maintenance and is likely to break more often. An NGRS with a slightly upgraded spring, maybe a tighter bore barrel will beef up the fps a bit and not push the performance too much. FPS doesn't equal range, but I find it can be the difference in people feeling hits.....or not. You will be able to get similar performance, possibly even slightly better in some terms, from a standard AEG of a more modern design (Such as the Specnas or the VFC Avalon range) that come with a mosfet pre fitted for less money. However my feeling is that I have owned my TM NGRS's for around 10 years now and they are still some of the best performers on the field, they have had an upgrade here and a fix there, but they are the same base gun. From what I have seen some other AEGs lose their performance and then struggle to get it back so I think they are a great investment. Something else to think about is what do you like the look of? Performance isn't everything. The sport is to have fun and enjoy the experience and I can do that with an NGRS M4, some people love their weird and random RIFS. Could the saving be spent on other things that will bring you more fun (such as wine and women)? If I had to buy everything again from scratch, a TM NGRS would be one of the first things I bought and a TM MP7 or MWS wouldn't be far behind it. I wouldn't get a standard AEG at all.
    1 point
  44. Me too You might hear me shout "PUSH UP!!! COME ON!!!" but I promise you I'll only do that when I'm at the front. Just don't follow me, I'll be getting properly lit up within seconds
    1 point
  45. Gate Titan - Perun Hybrid does the same job for half the price, it's good if your son is after very fine tuning of the electronic part (Advanced and Expert versions, the basic is meh); RetroArms CNC anti-reversal latch - Unnecessary; Prometheus non-linear spring MS170 - depends on the inner barrel, cylinder, number of teeth shaved off the sector and target energy output; Prometheus EG 16:1 hard gears - Wouldn't spend that much on Prometheus gears, SHS sets are infinitely cheaper. Also there's not much difference between 16:1 and 18:1 in terms of RPS, so might as well leave the original G&G gears in there; Maxx CNC double o-ring air seal nozzle - nope, aluminium nozzles cause more issues than benefits; Maxx CNC M4P hop-up - I run the previous generation of Maxx units (ME, both Pro and Sport versions), they're generally really good but require some fettling in most builds, also they want a defined nozzle length otherwise they won't feed or seal; Maxx CNC steel aluminium spring guide thru hole - seems decent enough, maybe a little too expensive for what it is; Maxx CMC stainless cylinder - probabily unnecessary; Maxx CNC alu double air seal & damper cylinder head - NOPE, NOPE and NOPE again. These are known for destroying gearbox casings because they're off spec. Also aluminium cylinder heads in general transfer much of the impact from the piston head towards the gearbox shell, whereas polymer heads tend to absorb some of the energy; Maple Leaf super macaron hop rubber - This, paired with a good hop unit and decent barrel, will considerably improve range and consistency.
    1 point
  46. Wow, @DrFumbles, firstly thank you for sharing that, can't have been easy, but it does put a whole new context on the situation. The fact that you have her demands on text etc, plus the fact you have previously discussed this with your gp & other healthcare professionals is a massive positive, you can take this information to the police, in fact there's nothing to say that your not entitled to insist they take action against her in regards to "controlling & coercion", which could have numerous outcomes, possibly giving you an opportunity to return to the property under escort to retrieve what's rightfully yours (to that end I would consider putting together a list of everything that is solely yours, jointly owned items may not be touched at this time without shit kicking off). Allowing the police to act may also convince her to release your stuff, as a start to show contrition for her previous behaviour, something any legal representation would advise her to do as cooperation goes a long way if done in the early stages before cps decide on charges. As for you contributing to the break up by essentially keeping a confidential "diary" within secure email drafts, NO FUCKING WAY IS THAT ON YOU, it just highlights the extent she was going to in order to maintain control, & is another fact that supports your case for the police to act. Good luck mate.
    1 point
  47. Leigh batham

    ARES SLR stolen

    Hi I'm appearing from information about ARES SLR been stolen in Sheffield area
    0 points
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