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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/23 in all areas

  1. i was also at AI500, but unlike @Impulse, i was on tan team (not sure what team @Badgerlicious or @wicksy101 were on) after Rochdale, this event was much better, and i can also confirm that myself and other tans i spoke with didnt encounter any suspected hot guns, unlike at Rochdale where BB hits were sending brick dust everywhere when they hit the walls, and obvious ricochets were still hitting with the power of direct hits. the accusations of blind firing impulse mentioned were not unique to tan team, as i and another tan player had several greens moan that we were blind firing over the fence between the road and service yard. we were definately aiming down the sights though, my teammate running a full length rifle, while i was running my KWA Skorpion. after explaining this to the marshal that popped his head over the fence to address the complaints, he was satisfied that we were within the rules and advised the greens accordingly. there was also an issue that occurred regarding the sliding gates into the service yard on Sunday. all through Saturday i saw greens firing through the gap at tan team as we tried to advance (and naturally we returned fire through the gap) but on Sunday we were told we couldn't fire through that gap, nor could the greens. despite being told multiple times by marshals that the gap was to be considered hard cover, we were still being shot through the gap, then accused of not taking hits despite us and the marshals reiterating again and again that it was hard cover, which is why we weren't returning fire through the gap, despite having several clear shots on greens. got to site Friday afternoon, and despite bringing everything but the kitchen sink (literally) i discovered i had made one massive balls up, by leaving the remote line for my Tippmann at home after filling the bottles, so i was forced to use my backup AEG. with a limited round count allowed in games, i decided to mainly stick to semi auto, even in the full-auto zones, but also switch to my Skorpion as well. also discovered that all my APS shells were leaking from the fill valves, so i was unable to run my striker12, which i was incredibly annoyed about Saturday was a pleasant day weather wise, and things seemed to run well. though i did spend most of the day fine tuning the hop unit on my m4 as it has mostly seen use in CQB sites that didn't require much hop, so long range shots were hit and miss (mostly miss) until near the end of the day where i was semi-satisfied i had things dialled in. i also brought out my galaxy G31 (Barratt m82) having finally obtained a new CO2 bolt for it after breaking the old one during lockdowns where i was trying to get it setup ready for the end of restrictions, but i found that the rifle needs a lot more tuning before its remotely useable =( went to get ready for the night games, but when i knelt down to get some supplies out of my bag, i felt a pop, followed by pain in my hamstring, so i was forced to sit out the night game and rest in hopes i could play for the full day Sunday. thankfully my legs held out enough for me to muscle through Sunday, though i certainly wasn't running around much that day. spent a pleasant evening with other team mates chatting shit and drinking whiskey Sunday definitely had a lot of people getting wound up, and there were definite non hit takers. i personally saw multiple greens not taking hits, and heard many more people complaining about others, especially on the road and in service yard. one guy i shot as he was stood behind a barricade, but exposed half his body to my position. shot him once centre mass, once in the arm, watching him flinch before moving back but not far enough, so i shot him 3 more times, watching his shirt flutter each time, only for him to step back behind the barricade. second guy was casually walking backwards between two barricades, and i shot him 10 times, myself and a team mate both confiming that BBs were hitting him centre mass, but he carried on walking and then took up position behind a barricade and directing his team despite clearly having been shot. tempers were definately flaring towards the end of the day, and i was forced to break up an argument before it became a fight, all because of a misunderstanding. tan team assaulted a shop through the open service doors. i had looked through the gap between the door and doorframe and had spotted a green hiding in a cupboard just inside the service doors with the cupboard door pulled closed so he could fire through the gap. as we breached, my focus was the green hiding in the cupboard, and we ended up trading. green exited cupboard and we fist bumped as he went to respawn. i was about to go to respawn myself when i heard a commotion behind me, with another green that was at the other end of the shop f ing and jeffing at the tans, firstly shouting "were greens you morons" to be told that we knew, and we were tans, then he started accusing us of closing one of the service doors to gain cover. this green and one of my teammates got into a very heated argument and i was forced to step in and separate them just as the marshals ran in. after the marshals arrived and spoke to everyone, it became clear that he had mistaken his teammate coming out of the closet (not in that way you perverts) for the service door being closed (which was still firmly wedged open). apologies were made and everyone went separate ways. despite the issues, i still enjoyed being able to meet with friends, have a laugh and a drink, and i was glad to have been able to get out of the house and be active for the bank holiday weekend. I was also bloody glad to have had today off to recover and rest my aching body, as well as begin making the phone calls i never thought i would have to make, and cancel all my bank cards. as i was breaking camp i realised my wallet was missing, and after going through all my kit after unpacking i confirmed that it is not just tucked in a pouch or down the side of my car seat. tomorrow i need to try and contact the DVLA to get new drivers licence issued as well =/
    4 points
  2. Desert Night Camo, or DNC for short.
    3 points
  3. Looking through the classifieds, and there seems to be too many to list! What on earth has happened to make 2nd hand prices go absolutely mental? Or has everyone had some kind of collective psychosis and believe their "highly modded" (read probably badly done and shagged out, everyone thinks theyre a tech, with no warranty) Cyma/JG/other cheap chinese gun that you used to be able to pick up for like £100 brand new is now worth £200+? Like this guy: £180 for a JG MP5... What?! Theyre about £140 brand new And this guy must be having a stroke £255 for a CYMA AK?!!!!! One that retails brand new for £170! I miss the good old days where you could pick up a 2nd hand Cyma AK for about £70, maybe £100 if it was a really nice one. Is this another weird side effect of Covid and all those Chinese factories being closed down for ages, everything short of new stock so the 2nd hand market has gone mental?
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Picked up some parts from a couple sellers here to build out my VFC into a vintage model, super happy with it
    2 points
  6. Not that I'm in the market for this gun but I think it's a fair price.
    1 point
  7. Well enough people talk out of theirs so I suppose breathing through it is the next logical step
    1 point
  8. I've noticed recently quite a few are parents selling on behalf of their kids, like the example below, so may not know they're asking silly amounts. This still doesn't excuse them though as that's what the appraisals section is for
    1 point
  9. JHHG1

    Well R-4 MP7 AEG

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Well R-4 MP7 Replica AEG FOR SALE 1 x Well R-4 MP7 Replica (AEG) 2 x 30 Round Mags 2 x 150 Round Hi Cap Mags 2 x 7.2 volt batteries 1 x 7.2 volt battery charger 100 Round speed loader Gun is in used condition. Works well. As can be seen on photos, it was two tone, but was painted green by a previous owner. FPS = 210-220 with 0.2g BB, as stated on box. (We have not chronographed this gun). Nice little electric pistol. This was my son's first airsoft gun, he bought it second hand a couple of years ago. He has moved onto GBB pistols. £80 Contact me if you have any questions. Advertised elsewhere, seller reserves the right to end listing, at any point.



    1 point
  10. I use this simple hydration system which is compatible with this slightly more advanced hydration tablet system
    1 point
  11. I saw a man going up a hill with a trolley full of horse shoes, 4 leaf clovers and rabbits feet. I thought, "wow, he's pushing his luck"
    1 point
  12. Yes, I run a plastic Murcan canteen. It carries liquid, you can drink from it, it worked fine during all those wars that Murca lost "drew". Plus side, it's easier to clean than a CamelBak, downside, it's totally "not" leeching plastics into the water. I should really look into finding some sort of stainless steel solution with the same dimensions before my cognitive fakulties deegrayd 2 fur.
    1 point
  13. think the heaviest tracers I've seen are .30 or .32. I looked for some too a while ago
    1 point
  14. Finally stopped putting it off and took the gun apart. Considered just swapping the hop rubber and see how we go, and not opening up the gearbox because I hate it. Glad I did though as I found the problem, piston head O-ring has zero compression at all! Unsure why as it still appears to be in good condition, just... shrunk? Did the ol' "put it around the cylinder and heat the cylinder with a lighter" trick to expand it slightly, and a slather of silicone grease for good measure, and now getting a really good seal. But as I dont know how long that bodge will last Id rather just replace the lot whilst Ive got the gearbox out. Annoyingly my local store has no suitable parts in stock. But does mean a chance to shop around for upgraded parts to replace it with. It seems the only available aftermarket piston is the Prometheus one which goes for about £30+ if you can find it in stock anywhere, dont really wanna pay that much for just a piston Thinking of just slapping a new piston head on the existing piston as it seems solid enough. I know the piston & cylinder are unique to the gun, but are piston heads a one size fits all? this seems like a good a choice as any and says itll fit a V7, but the same item on another store says "V2/3 only but might fit others". Might replace the cheap nasty looking bushings with some nicer bearings too whilst Im in there. Anything else worth doing? New gears? Motor? I dont really know much about gearsets, dont plan on using full auto ever just want a nice snappy semi auto, but not locking it to semi as I have a fear of the gearbox locking up from spamming semi too fast and needing a quick blast of auto to unlock it. Also turns out I already put a Modify 6.03 TB barrel in it, which Id forgotten Id done. As well as an ASG Ultimate cylinder head. Fitted the Macaron & omega nub. Will be nice to see how it shoots once Ive gotten the piston head sorted. Also, lost that tiny spring, pinged off into the ether as I was trying to put it back on. One cannibalized clicky pen later and it works just fine 😛 (yes I will of course be replacing that spring with a proper one just wanted to test it actually fired once I'd put the gearbox back together to check it fired)
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I am guessing (hoping) this means something different where you are from. 😶
    1 point
  17. Had a mild, wet, rainy and muggy day on sunday I got my turn to player marshal, and was blowing out of my hoop by the end of the day. Still on target with my weight loss but my stamina is holding me back. Still had a cracking day despite slippy conditions and steamy eye pro 👍
    1 point
  18. Wudgey

    Help Raven meu 1911 spares

    I’ve found some mate do look the same cheers matey
    1 point
  19. sjhirst

    GBB Upgrades

    I know you're asking for a tech, but how confident would you feel doing it yourself if needed? I had the SD version and its very easy to work on. One pin holds the hop unit and barrel in, and then it all slides out of the guns receiver. The unit itself is easier than some to work on aswell.
    1 point
  20. C-Diddy

    Gun picture thread

    50m? I'm lucky to get 10 with my "Offishul lysensed" VFC 🤣
    1 point
  21. Very nice. I'd be tempted to add a maglite to the top for the early 80's look
    1 point
  22. I've not heard anything like that. Might be about a comment I saw on how the exit road was the current play area. I can't imagine the marshals would stop the game to let one player go home just cos they're having a strop. We all knew this would be the case, and I imagine someone with a legit reason would be able to leave. They have poor communication, they're not monsters. We ended early on sunday anyway. Also forgot the hilarious levels of bitching about spawn advantage, apparently from both sides. But one tan in particular despite green having a much longer run due to being all they way in the tan half of the field both days 🤣 @Spartan09 I was green, but it's a real shame to hear about some greens being scummy that way. I think those mesh covers on the barriers spawned a few instances of grumbling on Saturday morning, because they were impossible to see from any distance, the tape helped but I found people still shooting at me despite being behind a big piece of "floating" tape 😂 And the rules on hard cover with flappy bits of tarp plus a ton of ricochets didn't help either.
    1 point
  23. Broken quiz machine for sale. No questions asked...
    1 point
  24. Thank you for giving your take on the weekend. Gangster city was an immersion that I had been keeping an eye on, to hear they have gone the way of ai500 as to customer relations sucks a fair bit. The point counting on the Star....not really surprised at that level of thick being in the hobby. As to the rest, I'll have a think
    1 point
  25. After years of "No, don't like those trousers, nah, notthat rig" etc, I am finally mostly happy with my standard loadout for my DMR.
    1 point
  26. Event was ok, quite a few of the opposing side were no-shows so they were at an immediate disadvantage so really struggled and unbalanced sides doesn't make for demanding play, especially on such a convoluted site. Some good taskings and role-play but still plenty of times where we were making our own stuff up. On site catering was great though. Mostly good hit taking / sportsmanship but still the odd idiot moment on both sides. The alleged anti-semitic bit was actually because the numpty drawing the banner didn't know how many points a pentagram had so it ended up with 6....FFS. As to the mutilated sex doll - I guess that was a castrated former prison guard? Figured the props bill wouldn't stretch to more than an Inflatable Ingrid which given the £100 fee was surprising 🤔 EDIT (re-reading previous comments, missed the first time as still knackered) - I didn't encounter any misogynistic behaviour / language / abuse during my time there. Was it the best immersion event I have been on? No. Was it more interesting and varied than a regular skirmish day? Yes. Would I rather Sterling ran Op ACRE II? Oh defo yes.
    1 point
  27. Skullchewer

    Baofeng Radios

    I use this antenna Radtel Foldable Tactical Antenna 18 Inch with SMA-Female Connector, Dual Band UHF/VHF (134-176/400-520Mhz) Compatible with Baofeng UV-5R UV-9R (or Plus) GT-3TP 88E Kenwood Ham Radios https://amzn.eu/d/ehFUra0 This adapter allows you to use standard two pin peripherals 943 K-head Audio Cable Adapter,2Pin Cable Adapter for Baofeng BF-9700 A-58 UV-XR UV-5S GT-3WP UV-9R Plus,K interface 2Pin UV-5R headphone https://amzn.eu/d/dXvhhUp And I have two of these PTTs, one for each of my rigs K Head PTT Cable, Military Adapter TK-208 TK-220 Mobile Noise Reduce Headsets TCI Round Waterproof PTT for 2 pin BAOFENG Kenwood Puxing 2-Way Radio, TYT Qusheng https://amzn.eu/d/iEeOZbh
    1 point
  28. Picked up a unicorn 🤙🏻🤙🏻 P*’d tm scorpion mod m. and I’m love with the thing. Sacrilege or not, I’m as happy as a pig in s**t The question is…. Buffer tube and ctr stock or the original folding stock 🤔
    1 point
  29. No further explanation necessary. 120 on site for Red Alert yesterday. Great day, fun game modes, my DMR rocked as always. A friend broke her ankle when she took a tumble down a hill, unfortunately, but she's taking it in good spirit. Her biggest concern is that she won't be able to attend the battlesim this month! Also in attendance was Monsignor @Lozart. A fine gentleman to play with, who has a very pretty pew pew.
    1 point
  30. This is how my day went … yes it was great … that is all 👍🏼
    1 point
  31. Colin Allen

    AEP battery query

    https://www.tacticalairsoftshop.co.uk/ElectroRiver7-4v-Lipo-battery550mAh-for-AEP-with-Mosfet It has a micro Deans connector. Ignore the "with Mosfet" element.
    1 point
  32. I'm making a lemon meringue pie for Mrs shamal. The recipe says to separate two eggs. I've put one in the shed and the other out by the front gate. Do you think that's enough? Oh and how long should they stay apart? 🤔
    1 point
  33. Today on how to get someone to laugh in your face. It's a 6mm bb not a .50 beowulf
    1 point
  34. Good to hear they're listening to and acting on feedback, I just wish other big event organisers would do the same
    1 point
  35. Nick G

    Help Raven meu 1911 spares

    Let us know how you get on
    1 point
  36. Hey, I said less, not none! 🤣 I just decided that part of the site was mine and no tans were allowed there
    1 point
  37. So I went to AI500 this weekend and.... honestly, it was the best one I've been to so far. I preferred it to the Citadel in Dover and I definitely preferred it over what was a relative shitshow in Rochdale. It wasn't perfect, but it was a fantasticly fun weekend of airsoft with team Beans from Worthing Airsoft. I traveled as light as I could, as I was getting a lift up with two other guys and didn't want to monopolise car space, which meant that my backup rifle had to be left at home since I already needed to bring two rifles as bolt actions weren't allowed in a lot of the site. Brought the m700 and the MWS, as I was going for my US recce setup and therefore wanted long barreled rifles. We arrived on the Friday, dropped some kit off at the Premier Inn where a lot of us were staying, then headed up to the site. Chrono was present, but it was a bit of a mess through lack of communication. We were told we would be chronoed using their ammo, but they were told we were being chronoed on our own ammo. As a result, I got chronoed on .2s, which with gas guns is totally inaccurate due to joule creep, however using your own ammo can also be easily cheated so I don't have too many complaints on how they did chrono and was happy that they made a point to do so. Fortunately, I've got both of my guns set up honestly, so the m700 only chronoed at about 1.7J since with heavy BBs it creeps to around 2.1J, and the MWS chronoed at 0.9J and rises to around 1.1J when I put .3s in it. This means there could've been bad actors being dishonest with the chrono, however I will say that I didn't hear any reports of people taking hits from overpowered guns this weekend unlike at Rochdale where I definitely heard, saw and felt some questionable hits. HPA rigs were tournament locked and I think that outside of the lapse in communication it was done well. A large obstacle was thrown at the organisers last minute which sort of ruined the plans that I had for the weekend as the local farmer was kicking up a fuss, meaning the entire car park area was out of play, which was where they were going to put the exfil boxes (objectives had to be exfiled to score) and where I planned on playing with the m700. They reclassified the service yard as outdoors to try and make up for it (as originally it wasn't just to try and prevent full auto fire going into the buildings), but it did narrow the game significantly. First day the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Forecast was overcast for Ebbw Vale, but this was incorrect and the weather was absolutely perfect for me. I think the temperature was the late teens (18 - 19C or so) and the sun was out pretty much all day with very little wind. I spent the entirety of Saturday realising that a good quality scope with a decent reticle and mil-dots is the next step in my kit, as at my local site there aren't many opportunities for long distance shooting but at this event there was ample opportunity and I loved it. I had a few spots that I took with the m700, but my favourite was on top of a small hill with a rusty box of some sort on top of it as it allowed me to see pretty much the entire service yard and road alongside, meaning I could call out enemy movement across the entire outdoor area from my perch and take some very long distance shots. I think I spent the entirety of Saturday on 9x zoom on my scope, so anyone who says that you don't need more than around 4x for airsoft is a liar . I think I went through about 700x .45s since all of my shots were long distance and I often had to adjust for wind and distance. Longest hit I scored was 114.7m according to the my Vortex rangefinger and it was a beauty of an arced shot that accounted for a slight left to right breeze and it felt super satisfying. I could also see the tan team complaining to a marshall about me, but since I wasn't breaking any rules I don't know what they expected to happen. The negative was that while I would say most players were good with their hit taking, it only took a handful of absolutely laughable examples to start having both teams crying about people not taking their hits. I can't comment on greens, as I spent most of my time not that close to my team, but looking through a 9x zoom scope I saw some hilarious examples of non-hit taking, where you see the fabric of the clothes ripple from the impact and the guy suddenly tucks in more. We even had one guy crawling through a relatively thin bush get lit up by 5 guys on full auto and he just kept on going. As I said, most people from what I saw were good on the hit taking, but there were a few who let both sides down . Final score at the end of the first day was 36 - 0 to the tan team, as they managed to get an exfil done (basically, teams gathered objectives and then had to put them in a box that they had to take to a specific location to "exfil" them, obviously without getting shot in the process) and we didn't, though there were grumbles on that as the tans exfil crate was gifted to them at lunch time since the greens had it locked down super hard. One of the guys on my team was part of the group that locked it down through the morning so he knew exactly where it was (it was in our side of the map, like our crate started on the tans side of the map) and said it just disappeared during lunch as it wasn't there when we got back out. Oh well, I'm not too bothered as I don't care too much about objectives as long as the gameplay is fun, and the gameplay was very fun! Sunday came around and the weather was... not so perfect and the weather forecast got it right. Day started with a drizzle, that misty rain that makes everything soaking, and that continued through the day, with the rain picking up in intensity in patches, so I quickly gave up on trying to use my m700 since I couldn't see anything through the scope. However, the start of Sunday was another lapse in communication and this one annoyed me and was probably the worst part of the weekend. The evening before we were told in no uncertain terms that the CPs weren't flipping and that we would be playing from the same sides for the weekend, so a bunch of us greens, including the green team 1IC, got to the site, unpacked cars and started setting up only to have tan players coming over and telling us that CPs had been flipped. We then heard that people were being told at the gate that the CPs had flipped and we eventually got confirmation, had to chuck everything back in the cars and drive down. Rather annoying, but we carried on as the rest of the event had been pretty great, plus looking at the map we knew the other side had a massive advantage on the objective exfil locations and were looking forward to showing the tans who denied that fervently. CPs were also moved to get both teams out of the rain so everyone's kit didn't get absolutely sodden, meaning both teams were moved into the shopping area, moving both greens and tans closer in to the objectives. Where Saturday was a bit closer, with a bit of push on each side, Sunday was incredibly one-sided. Tans started well, pushing down the road hard and almost taking it in its entirety, however it left the service yard undermanned and greens took control of both exfil boxes, exfilling objectives every half an hour as soon as the exfils became available. I don't know how many we got in total, but it was something like 7 exfils through the day (so spoiler alert, greens seem to have won by a pretty big margin). Over the day, we managed to push the tans back to their CP to the point where we were told to push no further to prevent spawn camping, and I made the tan team *very* unhappy by being 6'5" tall; there was a fence that was about 6ft tall (which was annoying in its own way as I had to constantly duck to not get shot in the head) that I was able to shoulder my rifle and fire over if I stood on my tip toes (good thing I don't skip leg day). The tans started throwing accusations of blind firing, so I had a marshall stand next to me while I did it to show the staff clearly that I was shouldering my rifle as I went up to shoot, which was what I wanted anyway as I was using the iron sights to get some good shots down the alley with the MWS. What it did mean though was that between my position and other greens on the doors to the buildings, we had a crossfire setup that meant that the alley was just completely closed off to the tan team. I lost count of how many kills I racked up from that spot and, just like the Saturday, managed to get some rather salty complaints levelled at me despite breaking absolutely zero rules. I'd be lying if I said I didn't take some enjoyment from that, especially as there was a lot of trash talk from the tans leading up to the event over Discord, so a hearty serving of humble pie needed to be served. All in all, I loved the weekend. Yes, there were a few hiccups, mostly around communication, but I think the event was better run than the last two I've been to and it's nice to see that they seem to be taking at least some of the feedback onboard as they move forwards. It wasn't perfect, but it was an incredibly fun weekend and I think most people would agree that they had a blast. The most negative voices will be the loudest in the coming days, but I figured I'd chime in with a positive recount of the weekend before the inevitable salt. The site was larger than it looked and even with 150 players per side it felt like there were a lot less chokepoint battles than both the Citadel and Rochdale. TL:DR - AI500. Not perfect, but a very fun weekend with the boys.
    1 point
  38. No, definitely not; this was a one off (probably). I thought Townshend was a smasher rather than a burner; Hendrix burned a couple of guitars.
    1 point
  39. I don't know if other brand have this issue, but if you get a camelbak make sure you don't pull on the tube too hard it's not in the right place. I learned this the hard way while on a hike on a particularly hot day and lost about ¾ of the water before I sorted it. Fortunately my route took me past a fishing club who let me refill it
    1 point
  40. A recent study has revealed the most common sexual position for married couples is doggy style He'll sit up and beg while she'll roll over and play dead
    1 point
  41. Looking at my new belt this week
    1 point
  42. Schnitz

    Gun picture thread

    4 kocks, the 4th one being the kock behind the camera
    1 point
  43. Buy some good boots, and break them in before you go running around all day. Get some good eye pro and remember it is a consumable. Something that takes replacement lenses is best. Ignore Mr "PUSH UP!!! COME ON!!!" I have only ever heard him from behind somewhere. Most people love to show off their guns. If you want to have a look just ask. I normally give out the M60 to rentals to have a go with. Communication wins more games than big guns. Don't be afraid to walk over to a table and start talking in the safe zone. That table of freaks? That's normally the fun people who don't care if they get a kill all day and some how are wrecking machines. The guy with the 2k AEG is normally the first guy to pack up if it looks like rain. And just sound advice... Once you are a bit seasoned try and help out the rental guys. Either call follow me or ask where are we going. They will carry you to victory when you realize you are too old to move after 2:30pm 😇
    1 point
  44. Energy loss in semi, but not in full auto. That's a new one for me!
    0 points
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