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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/23 in all areas

  1. You made the point that you are aware of the law on power , but were asking for recomendations on a spring that would break that law. Maybe a thread that asked about converting your gun to a DMR would have been more apropriate and stating that you intend to semi lock it before upping the power would have rung less alarm bells. This is a decent forum with good people on it , but none of us are going to intentionally help you break the law .
    4 points
  2. Private land means nothing when you are intending to break the law. Just because you are 40 makes no difference in the eyes of the law. If (And I am aware its a big if) you're caught doing it and is publicised by the media, it will only mean trouble for Airsoft as a whole in the UK. I will not be an accomplice to helping you try and create a section 5 firearm and I urge other people here to not help you either. Get an Airgun instead as it's far more suitable for what you're doing and more importantly legal.
    4 points
  3. Yep had a lad come to me to ask for help with his brand new TM Scar L that had just "stopped working" (hint he had fired 82 bbs)
    3 points
  4. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    First mock up with the GBBR thompson. The base gun needs work yet to get it running properly, but fits OK Ammo counter resets when mag in
    3 points
  5. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    Since we were all discussing how wonderful the mp5k is to a new person, I thought I'd post mine now that the new buttplate had arrived. Will use a QD sling mount and a one-point sling done tight, so I can carry it around while sniping and just quickly unclip it when I need to use it. Things I still need for it are: - M-lok front - Picatinny-mounted folding stock - More batteries and rewire it to deans connectors
    3 points
  6. That's it, make the rest of us look like arseholes😜
    2 points
  7. My latest purchase for my ratnik loadout when the makarov cant put fire down quick enough...
    2 points
  8. It doesn't matter what your intent is, only what the toy-that's-suddenly-a-firearm is capable of. We're also aware that private land tends to be viewable by the public, and Patty Panic likes to screech "MURDER-GUN!". The news section here has plenty of cautionary tales of airsofters being given unexpected involuntary close-up views of real steel firearms. All that said, most HPA rigs are likely to be Section 5s, and the chances of anyone actually being done for that are so tiny that I don't see any great threat to the hobby. So in general terms, I'll say that a V2 gearbox will take V2 "AEG" springs. There are no actual standards in airsoft, and no two "M150" springs are going to be the same, either manufacturer to manufacturer, or batch to batch. Suck it and see. However, I'd caution against fitting an M150 not for the legal issues but because V2 shells are prone to cracking at the front: a heavier spring can literally blow the front of the gearbox off. You may find that your motor struggles to pull an M150 as well, and could be prone to locking up. And for airsoft purposes, more energy often doesn't mean more effective range anyway: there's little point slinging BBs 5 or 10 metres further if they're all over the place at that range. If you want to increase target accuracy, it's all about consistency. Air seal, barrel stabilisation (put some tape on it until it's as snug as you can get it), and the hop unit pressed back against the gearbox solidly. Barrels, we like ZCI (or AOLS) for value. Hop units, the ZCI plastic rotary hop is loved, and is likely to work well enough in any generic M4, but there's nothing standard or guaranteed in airsoft. Maple Leaf 50, 60 or 70 degree hop rubbers (Macaron or Autobot, not the silicone MR), and Maple Leaf omego nubs or knock off equivalents. ak2m4.co.uk is a great source for parts, and is run by a very decent chap.
    2 points
  9. Been working on a M41a/Thompson midcap insert for someone (I dont personally care for either gun but Im happy to help a fellow player), figured Id share it here.
    2 points
  10. "bullets" fnar fnar 🤣😜 Lighten up pal, in essence your asking legitimate players for assistance, even if it is only information, on how to manufacture a section 5 firearm, nowt else you've said mitigates that, not here or in the eyes of the law. Doesn't matter if you use it 5 miles from the nearest public boundary, in the unlikely event you got nabbed, maybe travelling to or from said private land, & anybody is in the ensuing chain of authority investigating your rif & it's abilities is non pro Airsoft, we could all potentially suffer, given that many of us have many many years & considerable financial investment tied to the game, any change to the status quo is likely to negatively affect us, so salty responses are perfectly justified all things considered. & yeah, rather than stick an overpowered spring in a mediocre quality gearbox, likely drastically shortening it's lifespan, get a half decent air rifle, more power & accuracy, & the the ability to hunt live prey (vermin obviously), if your shooting grounds are suitable ?
    2 points
  11. If I'm spending nearly 600 readies on a rifle, you're damn sure I'm gonna read the instructions/watch manufacturer's videos. Did with my SRS. Did with my Tac41, did with the MDRX. I want to understand a platform so I don't break it. Not all airsofters are the same, I don't think it fair to tar them all with the same brush. Wiring pinch is easily avoided, you *use your eyes* 😂 Yes, it's not ideal that the wiring is so close to the rear pin point, but if you're careful, it's easily dealt with. I've swapped batteries in the safe zone without issue and frankly I'm not the most technically minded individual. Gearbox failures? I'm talking about Silverback's own testing. They have rifles that have had tens of thousands of rounds put through them without issue. They've also had rifles running 3+J for extended periods, no issues. When a product is produced at scale, there's bound to be a few lemons. It's law of averages, so sadly some people will get unlucky. I've pulled my own rifle apart and checked the gears and there's no issues at all, and I'm a few thousand in by now. It isn't the nicest of sounding rifs I'll give you (especially if you forget to grease up a newly installed spring), but if it works? If you do have a failure that's what the dealer network should be picking up on and sorting, and why I always use Jason at LongbowBB. His aftercare support is superb, and if you look at the followup videos people have made, he's even been involved with helping out owners that have bought rifles from different companies. You talk about Silverback only releasing a fix if they sell, well that wasn't the case with the Tac41. They sent out new feed ramps to owners pretty much once they found a problem. So that's why I'm more than confident a new gear will be released and sent to existing owners. 👍
    2 points
  12. The problem with the UAR is that It is built to such a tight budget that the bodies on them are really horrible and plasticky. They don't -and never will- feel like a solid platform. Other than that they can be upgraded performance wise to whatever you want, relatively standard V3 platform underneath it with a trigger linkage. I loved my RDB until the mosfet shat itself, and the reliance on a magnetic sensor not a cut-off lever made it almost impossible to get a custom mosfet working for me. I actually have another stock mosfet on the way to fix it as it has just been sat in bits underneath my bench for months. Yes I did have to upgrade the piston, piston head and nozzle out of the box just to get a decent air seal, and then fucked the mosfet probably by using a high torque with strong magnets which has just caused it to go haywire. Externally and ergonomically it is fantastic though, one of the best bullpup platforms.
    2 points
  13. Tackle

    Best aeg pistol

    As above, mp5k is awesome, & there's loads of options for securing them, real steel & Airsoft. If your adamant on a battery powered sidearm option, the K is the most versatile out there.
    2 points
  14. Impulse

    Best aeg pistol

    Pretty much this. If you get a good one they're decent, but the power and range will always be a bit lacklustre. My TM mp7 will float .25s out to 45m and fires around 0.6J, but that's it and it's much larger than most AEPs. AEPs with a 7.4v lipo and a mosfet will do the job, but as I said in the other thread, you'll find a lot of people won't take the hits on semi because they simply won't feel it as they don't hit hard at half a joule and lightweight ammo. There's a reason not many people use AEPs. If you want something reliable for all weathers, I'd get a small SMG like an mp5k and run it on a sling
    2 points
  15. Shootin Aces

    Nato Works Scp-90

    Never thought I would get hold of one, with around only 20 being made, but luck was on my side with this one, a Nato Works SCP-90 the only AR70 variant on the airsoft market at the moment
    1 point
  16. Frank98

    Nato Works Scp-90

    I would like to buy this SCP-90, please contact me
    1 point
  17. Eyepro........ Always go with recognised real steel brands you only get one set of eyeballs. Emerson, OneTigris etc are IIRC china based and can make as many claims as they like but are untouchable by any form of enforcement. Bolle, ESS, Oakley, Revision and other real steel brands are tested and proved...... TLDR Version, spend good money on boots and eyepro.
    1 point
  18. Honestly, id recommend holding off and returning anything you have bought if you can. Pretty much everyone who tries airsoft loves their first day. The sport isn't perfect and when you play your 2nd, 3rd day etc the things that hold it back start to become visible and a lot of people then give up the sport, often leaving them with a small fortune of money invested in kit that is hard to resell and won't recover the money spent on it. Also, some people love helmets, alot don't but almost every new player thinks they need one. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but lots of people think they do on game day 1, spend a fortune and don't make it to game day 5. If after 3/4 game days you're still loving it, then yeah, start to buy kit and guns etc. Before spending, chat to people on site who have what you're thinking of getting, is it any good? What do they wish they had known before they bought it? Knowing what they know now, would they rebuy that one? Are they super experienced players who have their stuff squared away or relatively new players spunking cash. I get its tempting, a helmet is only £50, rig is another £50, sling is £20 etc and you could want all in operator. But it adds up and you'd be better off to wait, make sure you love the reality of the sport and build some knowledge on kit before spending your hard earned money. There is a lot (and I means loads!) of crap airsoft kit that isn't worth anywhere near what they charge and it's the stuff new players look at and seem to spunk cash on.
    1 point
  19. depending on where it is tappet plate would be the most likely culprit just act casual and hope nobody noticed, that's what i always do
    1 point
  20. Get one of these... https://www.screwfix.com/p/magnusson-1-4-hex-magnetic-screwdriver-bit-holder/7698v ... and the buffer tube is off in the blink of an eye 👍
    1 point
  21. Now one of the kewl kids. Waiting for my pre-order SD6 from Wolf to arrive. Now to get mids and batteries.....
    1 point
  22. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Sorry missed the bit about the hop ! The base gun I was gifted came with 2 outer barrels the original and a steel one. I've cut the boss off the original that the hop unit fits into and installed that back into the receiver. At the moment the large block that holds the outer barrel is secured by its bolts through the body . I plan to drill and tap into the block so I can bolt it to the bar that would hold the front hand guard on the thompson.) That is fixed perminantly on my base gun due to the damege it recieved before it came to me. ) probably not strictly necisary tbh as everything feels very solid , but might as well. I'll get some pictures of it when I strip it back down.
    1 point
  23. Mmm, they even look nasty and toyish in the promo images. Shame, just a few more £££ buys you decent enough polyplasticmer. To... uh... owners. Because... umm... because it sold. Fair point though, Silverback do seem to be one of the few exceptions that don't just say "Tough, buy another one" to their customers. I'm not bagging on them as a brand, I'm a happy TAC-41 owner (new version with the sorted feed ramp). Well, me too, but bear in mind that we few, we happy forum few, represent the most interested airsofters. How many times have you seen someone on site who's dropped mortgage money on their DEVGRU SOCOM PDW WTF and yet hands it to a tech or marshal or mate to adjust the hop.
    1 point
  24. Have you tried standing further away? Aw, maaaan, it's the anniversary of both Dermot Morgan and Frank Kelly's deaths.
    1 point
  25. Rogerborg

    Best aeg pistol

    Here's one I memed earlier.
    1 point
  26. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Yep, that'll do it 😂 I'll take a load of pics when I strip it down Certainly plan to do something with it. I'm wondering about one of those micro launchers that sit under a pistol at the moment, but that's liable to change yet 🤣
    1 point
  27. sp00n

    Gun picture thread

    I am about to start my m41a build soon, I just need to 3d print a base so I can swap the Thompson stick mags. what did you do to secure the hop? I found a YouTube build series and they had to fit a spacer, as it doesn't support it unlike the AEG Thompson are you doing anything with the shottie?
    1 point
  28. that type of mag catch looks to be the type that the bar is threaded into the button, so you gotta push the button all the way in then unscrew the other side. they're a bit of a pain as often the bolt catch paddle needs to be removed to give clearance. as for the spring, sounds like initially it got kinked and dropped downwards, not really a big deal unless it gets stuck or bent permanently, just pull it out and reinstall. for the piston in the rear position, the lazy way to solve that without cracking the gearbox is to use a flat ended tool (a punch or a flat ground hex driver, basically anything that won't scratch the piston head more than you're happy with) up through the nozzle to push the piston all the way back then it'll usually be able slide forward again. you don't have to pull the motor, but doing so will reduce the force required to push the piston back. at the risk of creating a "do'h" moment the clicking after reinstalling the motor, sounds very much like the polarity of the motor is reversed, so it's running backwards into the arl before the mosfet kicks in and starts complaining.
    1 point
  29. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    As an owner of the snow wolf Pulse rifle but a preference for GBBR …. I’m interested , hope that’s enough 😂
    1 point
  30. There are quite a few versions of the ‘paintball’ holsters about at varying price ranges. Many of them come from the same factories with different brand labels, I’m not endorsing any of the specific links, but this one is the general type with a tan option which should go with MTP/multicam : https://amzn.eu/d/9QwOYER I’ve ended up acquiring a few over the years, beginning with a generic one when I began in paintball which I cut up to insert a plastic ‘pocket’ making a holster for the old style giant paintball pistols like these: I cut the stitching open, shaped it to size and then stitched it back up This type can ‘easily’ be modified for a shotgun etc, depending on your dexterity and strong needles An alternate is this style which wraps around in a ‘one size fits all’ style: https://amzn.eu/d/gpnuEE9 I was looking around for options as I plenty of shopping during Covid expanding my revolver/pistol collection and ended up with the wrap around style which will let me adjust rather than having just more and more specific customs for each combination: Edit - I didn’t realise that one would animate ! I’m now reminiscing more over the wasted CO2 for the slide action ‘feature’
    1 point
  31. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    fancy doing a full along the way guide ? Pls 😛
    1 point
  32. Thinking out of the box, what about a single P90 mag pouch, either bungee top or velcro flap, with a polystyrene packer to aid fit in the space from trigger guard to barrel tip........... Might work well ? 🤔
    1 point
  33. The stockless Cyma's are thin on the ground at the mo, but the pdw variant is available, run as is or just change the stock for an end cap. Alternatively pay a little more & get TM's version...... https://www.airsoftdb.com/search/?q=Cyma+Mp5k&r=uk&s=t Why talk about upgrades before you even own one, most brands are competent & will hold their own in all but the longest engagement distances.
    1 point
  34. I've not done any Ghillie stuff myself, but have you looked at the Novritsch camo screen stuff? Seems less expensive
    1 point
  35. As above, put an M150 in a full auto capable gun and you've got a section 5 firearm. Or have you locked it to semi auto only ? If it's for proper target practice on your own land an air rifle is a much better option. Did you ever buy the chrono you were talking about after you were made aware of the 1.3j legal limit on your previuos thread ?
    1 point
  36. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    Couple of recent WIP builds MRE done on the cheap , optics TBC. KC-02 /Magpul 10/22 build
    1 point
  37. Aww friend... airsoft friend.
    1 point
  38. That specific holster is made by Serbu for that shotgun and I think it's out of production. UTG made a Paintball Tactical holster so maybe look for paintball pistol holsters. They seem to be open ended and adjustable so may just work for an Auto9
    1 point
  39. Mine short stroked itself after messing around with some bigger springs. The last tooth of the sector gear came off and I found it in my piston head.... Back up to power again but after I finished laughing I was a bit concerned. Seems ok now though....
    1 point
  40. Hmm, I have one that's already in bits awaiting conversion to a laspistol (the better to server the Emperor), and wired to Deans. If I ever get it back together, I might see if I can blow it apart again. Try running a 6 shot revolver at 0.5J with no hop up. Every hit is a triumph. If you want performance, then I'd find reasons not to get an MP5K.
    1 point
  41. Got some errant lube getting onto the rubber to lose grip?
    1 point
  42. gonna need some more to go on, was anything done to the gun first? or has it just drifted out with use?
    1 point
  43. What aspect of the MDR requires it to be designed in such a way that necessitates splitting the gun in half just to install a battery? My first thought was that Luke was going to pop off that black plastic butt pad to install the battery (like most other bullpup AEGs), but you have to split the gun in half instead? What's the reasoning for that?
    1 point
  44. Haven't been out in a couple months so got the gear ready, charged a couple of batts, pre loaded the mags. Got on site brought the wrong holster and left all my mags on my desk. So just Marshalled all day. I am so out of shape I fell over trying to duck under a fallen tree. Today was not a good day.
    1 point
  45. Second trip to Special Ops yesterday, and a much better all round experience this time... Did I cure myself of my predilection for taking everything plus the kitchen sink with me? Did I feck. 3 gun carriers (de m906, Tippmann, vfc hk416, g&g36c, Rossi sniper) , an IKEA bag with spare battle belt and clothes (that did stay in the car, along with the scuba tank), a kit bag full of ammo and gas cans plus assorted bits and pieces, and a tool box, meant I was struggling to get my get my gear from the car park to the safe zone. Luckily a chap volunteered to give me a hand and we ended up talking to each other for the rest of the day, made a friend! I was a bit more organised though and spent less time farting around and more time concentrating on my guns. Fewer people at the door helped too. Apparently the ticketing system broke the previous time and oversold tickets, this time it was 60ish rather than nearly 90. Made all the logistics easier, and so the chrono proceeding went more smoothly and the safety brief kicked off on time. Before that I tried to sort out my Tippmann and the VFC HK416. I failed. The Tippmann, after I changed to the recommended G&G green rubber, it shot inconsistently. I hadn't applied PTFE tape around the barrel or re lubed the action, it seems I have an inconsistent airseal... Sometimes running too hot, it didn't pass chrono. Also it was set to too high a RoF so would sometimes double fire on semi. It's definitely fixable but I decided to work on the 416 instead. I admit it, I sort of lost patience with the magazines. One decided to vent gas, maybe a dry o-ring, and with the other the cheapo BB speed loader wasn't very speedy... And I was finding it hard to get more than 10 or 15 BBs in there. It made tuning the hop and zeroing the sights a bit of a faff. The thought of trying to skirmish with one half full mag was a non-runner so I gave up. I really need to buy that HPA high cap off Powair6! I also sorted the G&G G36C. Got the hop set, full auto is a blast on that gun, but the semi auto isn't quite right... Sometimes I seem to get a low power shot from it, not a double feed. Odd. Nice gun though! Will be using it more in the future. The games were the usual mix but just seemed to flow better with all the marshals knocking off the rustiness from the long lay off, and fewer people to contend with. A bit of non hit taking from the youngsters in their bullet proof jackets, but if they don't take the first couple of hits, a long burst usually encouraged them to change their mind ☺️ I racked up a lot of kills (and a lot of deaths too), mostly thanks to the Double Eagle which stills surprises me with it's range and accuracy. I had the hop nicely tuned in, and once I zeroed the Eotech I was using (worked beautifully), I was getting nice headshots on the tree trunk peepers. A great day out all told, but I'd really like to get the other guns sorted properly. TL;DR... it seems I can only do 'too long', so you did't read this 🥴😂
    1 point
  46. Shootin Aces

    Nato Works Scp-90

    Thanks mate!! It did indeed, and the build is beyond great, not an issue with it and the condition itself is amazing, I am thinking of doing a video review on YouTube as none exist that I know of Not as much as I thought, the seller was one of if not the best I have dealt with, reasonable and I am very thankful to him for contacting me and making a deal with me
    1 point
  47. Asomodai

    Nato Works Scp-90

    Dare I ask, how much did that set you back?
    1 point
  48. Cromulon1994

    Nato Works Scp-90

    Did it come from Scotland by any chance? Absolutely excellent find. Genuinely chuffed for you that you've managed to get hold of one btw. What's it actually like?
    1 point
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