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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/02/23 in all areas

  1. Safe zones are ‘safe’ Game zones are not ‘safe’ Appropriate eye protection is to be worn at all times outside of the safe zone, and not removed until in the safe zone All guns are to be made safe before leaving the game zone —— or the guns stay outside of the game zone. But people are dicks, whether there are 200 or 20 someone is going to shoot at ‘nothing’ Safety briefs belong in the safe zone, game briefs are best given in the safe zone, any ‘staging’ area brief needs to be very brief
    5 points
  2. 100%. The reality is that Adjutant ADHD is going to prematurely ejaculate his balls once he's in the game zone. Shouldn't happen, will happen. So get him to the spawn and start playing.
    3 points
  3. Golden Age of Airsoft was Circa 2005. Everyone ran normal AEGs and a few snipers... Who had hot guns because Joule creep hadnt been invented yet. Running either 0.5 teflon coated or 0.29 Maruzen Super Master Grades. It was a level playing field with no HPA Shit or speed softers. You tuned your AEG to 350 FPS on 0.2s and that was it. You ran ran 0.25 Excel if you were fancy or you hosed 0.2s Hops were stock except for the cut down biro tubes to replace the stock bit. So everyone had fairly equal ranges. BBs were £6 for 4000 and everyone ran 8+ Highcaps. We all have 9.6v 3300 Nicads in bags on stocks or the nunchuck ones somehow crammed into the foregrip. No one was a whiny prick and cried about being lit up .. Because being lit up was how it was. Health and safety was no existant. If you got hurt then you shouldnt have been doing what you were doing to get hurt and everyone knew that. Pyro was crow scarers in tenis balls. £20 for 200. AND.. This is the most important bit. The sites.. There was so many amazing sites. Ex Military, factory, entire industiral areas, shopping centers and TV Stations. They are all houses now but there was a 5 year or so period where the sites were incredible. That and the companies that ran the games were fewer and more focused on the game play. Not turning a profit. Fuck Airsoft now is total shit by comparison
    3 points
  4. Having often wondered this myself, rather than Google it (cheers @alxndrhll btw) I dusted off a can of Nuprol 3.0 that I've had for a while, and a can of my regular Zero One Pro Gas, which is effectively Abbey Predator "green" gas, and reached for the MWS. Reasonably warm room, mags cold on filling, stock MWS with SixG nub and .28g Open Blasters. Both mags had a timed 12 second fill from empty. First clip is the Zero One gas, second is Nuprol 3.0. It was filmed one handed (steady!) and very quickly, so apologies for any motion sickness they may cause, Green Gas.mp4 Red Gas.mp4
    3 points
  5. Was this happening in the safe zone ? 'cos anyone doing that should be banned imediatly
    2 points
  6. The real problem that you raise is people removing their eyepro outside the safe zone. Of course people are going to pull the trigger while waiting; they are NOT professionals, so should not be expected to behave professionally. However shooting and arsing around during the briefings, in particular the safety brief, should be an instant "pack your stuff and go home".
    2 points
  7. Went to Rift Redcon-2 yesterday for a long time in a while. Sportsmanship from both teams was good during the gameplay but there are some things I find rather annoying and unprofessional. From the get go I am strong believer that during safety briefing and during the pre match information there should be a strict no magazine in guns policy. You will be waiting for the safety briefing or something to start and there are just idiots walking around shooting bbs everywhere. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. People are more to accidently take their eye pro off whilst they are waiting doing nothing and people are just generally closer with a higher risk of accidents happening. I just think sites need to start addressing a policy of no magging up until you reach your start location and as soon as the game is finished everyone should un mag straight away and clear their rif at the floor. The only times people should be magged up is either whilst they are in the game or they are at the range/chrono. I understand people don't want refs to be "over the top" but this is general health and safety. To be honest majority of the time the only people shooting their rifs during this time are just messing around and have no logical reason to be shooting.
    2 points
  8. All that and no Tamya to Deans adapter? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    2 points
  9. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Well we could take off and nuke the entire site from orbit 😁 But since I am very easily led and have no will power to resist, a pulse rifle it will be then 😂
    2 points
  10. Some pics of my loadout + a pic of my friend from a recent game trying out my 416
    2 points
  11. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    There really is NO other option 😁
    2 points
  12. Apologies! Didn’t understand the implication of the original question. I am in the US. This form seems the most active, which is why I ended up here. Reddit didn’t provide any answers. To answer your other questions, I’ve tried it with multiple mags from different manufacturers and it comes out the same. It will not put any bbs through the barrel. It’ll just jam the first one. Is it my motor that needs to be replaced to keep up with the M120? If the gearbox wasn’t such a booger to reassemble, I’d just pop the old spring back in at this point. Really appreciate the responses!
    2 points
  13. Hellfish

    Gun picture thread

    Currently faffing about trying to recreate My in game Modern Warfare AKS74u .... not 100%, but I'm pretty happy otherwise
    2 points
  14. Arnies . Combat south woodland site lunches . TOP M60’s . Fireball weekenders . Town Assault 2 . Metal slide Glock 19 & Mac 11’s for £60 . Pyro … lots and lots of pyro being thrown like confetti . Road trips to Airsoft Warehouse & Airsoft Armoury . happy days & fond memories
    2 points
  15. https://prefired.co.uk/ads/tokyo-marui-mws-gbbr-3/ £650 for a franken-gun, with aftermarket parts that aren't as good as the original. Oh, and you need a stock too.
    2 points
  16. First skirmish in 10 months (ffs!). I should have been at other sites, but never got off my slightly-fat arse to go try somewhere new. So Special Ops opened up again, and I'm back on the field. I had a selection of new guns to try, so I basically took 'em all, except for the M14. I wish I'd taken that too, but no room in a long gun bag for it AND the sniper rifle, so the sniper got the nod. I made a spreadsheet to try to get a grip on all the bits I needed, and what I could do to check / fettle before the big day (I posted it on another thread, I won't repost here, I look like an OCD loony enough already). That approach actually worked quite well, I remembered everything I needed. However, the sheer quantity of stuff it enabled me to drag along became overwhelming. To cut a long story slightly shorter I had intended to take some time fettling my new VFC GBBR and the Tippmann, but with the very large number of people on site (87 players?) I didn't get around to spending very much time on-range. I ended up firing a few shots with each, didn't really do anything to them, and then concentrated on getting Ol' Faithfull (the magnificent Double Eagle M906C) and the TM AUG HC (shorter range spray'n'pray) ready for combat. So what had been intended to be a major effort to fix my two most expensive (and potentially fun) guns instead became a rush to sort out my kit 'just to play'. This really wasn't helped by the kit overflowing off the one small table I had to set up on. I spent too much shuffling kit on and off to make use of the limited space. Lesson learned : If I'm going to try to sort out a gun or two - just take them, plus the DE My mood took a distinct turn for the worse when someone started firing their gun *on purpose* in the safe zone. As the first shot actually fired a BB that pinged off a tarp very close to me, I very nearly lost my shit. I'm going to draw a veil over what followed, because the chap came over to me and apologised profusely and shook my hand afterwards. He realised he'd messed up big time. Lesson learned for him : just because there's no mag in the gun, doesn't mean the barrel is empty Hmmm. I've typed a lot already and we've not got to the chrono'ing yet The chrono'ing took forever because of the sheer number of people. There were already mutterings of discontent. (I don't suppose I helped, turning up in the queue carrying 3 rifles and a pistol, but I got through it quickly and painlessly) The safety briefing kicked off maybe 30-45 minutes late? Carlos and Will did their usual good humoured job explaining the site rules and splitting the players into teams. Eventually the skirmish kicked off. Zombies game to start, as a warm-up, then onto the normal stuff. The morning was a bit disappointing for me, and by the louder mutterings, quite a few other people. Basically there were just too many players given the limited vegetation cover - so it all bogged down too easily. People got tired of the long treks back to spawn after getting zapped by long shots from unseen players (as much 'too many angles to cover' as 'man disguised as tree with sniper rifle') Those mutterings of discontent got louder and more frequent. I don't think I've hear people complaining at Special Ops before. The good news was that a lot of people left at lunchtime (half-dayers and/or malcontents). Yet the next games didn't go brilliantly either. There was an unfortunate game where the out-of-bounds area was misidentified by a marshal, so a bunch of us were moved from our defensive positions just as we were being attacked in a 'no respawn' phase of a game. That didn't go down well. After that game, a bunch more left, and between the reduced player count, and a different style of game, things got a lot better. I finished the day much happier. I'd got killed (probably mostly by Dan from these forums, including a pistol shot to the back of the head!) an awful lot, and racked up relatively few kills myself, but I left happy enough. (If I'd gone home at lunchtime I would have been very disappointed with the whole experience) Personal highlight of the day : My first attempt at sniping, with my Rossi M40/VSR clone .. first 3 shots = 3 kills at 60m. (I could have had a few more with that but I'd loaded up some of the mags with 0.25's for no sensible reason, and couldn't get the hop adjusted. Also the safety lever kept falling into safe at very inopportune moments, so went back to my AEGs)
    2 points
  17. Got a picture? After some quick googling they look the same but I don't know a lot about mp5s
    1 point
  18. 👎 I had a Star L85 when they first came out. It was an excellent reproduction as it hardly ever worked. 😉 👍 Robocop Auto9 pump action. Just quite a lot of fun as a plinker, thirty years ago. 😁 👍 Custom (TM based) RPK. Again many years ago. Not especially high rof or power but when the support weapons were very limited it was very unusual and had a lot of “presence”.
    1 point
  19. I understand that is a problem however I have seen it at numerous sites people taking their eye pro off when they shouldn't be. Quite often it is young kids however majority of the time it is done during the downtime moments. Don't really think it's a case of "being a professional". There were 204 people playing yesterday which were all forced into a confined area waiting to listen to the head marshall. Why should people who are waiting patiently and being sensible have to put up with the idea they might be shot in the back of the head from close range because people are messing around and being silly. Yes people have paid to get shot with bbs but they have paid to be shot during the games. Rifs should only be fired around people inside of games only. There's no real need for people to have their mags in the time before the safety briefing, the mission briefing and whilst walking to the start location.
    1 point
  20. I spent the weekend learning to meditate. It beats sitting there doing nothing.
    1 point
  21. Was never really one for collecting patches, but it’s still mad to think where this ended up…
    1 point
  22. Yesterday was a reminder of why i have sank so much money into this game. Was an awesome day, pulled off some sneaky plays and came away buzzing, still was this morning.
    1 point
  23. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    You sure like the ugly ones 😂😂😉
    1 point
  24. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    ...and if you don't like it I'll take it off your hands 🖐
    1 point
  25. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    So, Pulse rifle then ? 🤣
    1 point
  26. Lozart

    Gun picture thread

    Pulse rifle or GTFO.
    1 point
  27. Thanks bro and yea im new to the forum didnt realise😅
    1 point
  28. Tackle

    Issues after upgrade

    LOL sorry Nick, I didn't spot you'd asked the same question, it was the mention of "fields" that caught my eye, in the UK we generally term them sites etc, fields tends to be USA ?
    1 point
  29. Nick G

    Issues after upgrade

    I took it from the answer that he is in the UK
    1 point
  30. Tackle

    Issues after upgrade

    What country are you in ?
    1 point
  31. Nick G

    Issues after upgrade

    Doesn't matter if you play at sites or just in your garden. If you have a RIF capable of full auto firing that is producing over 1.3j you are technically in posession of a section 5 firearm. Whilst plod is unlikely to come knocking and do checks It can happen. You don't need a a charge of a firearms offence, and neither tbh does the sport. Stick an M100 spring in that will get you to a decent power level and should keep you legal. Will also put less stress on the gearbox and battery. You might try it on a lipo to see if that improves the locking up, does it do it with different mags ? Define underpowered ? these usually come out of the box at about 1j which is plenty for the garden tbh. If it's lacking range have you adjusted the hop ? I know you replaced the rubber.
    1 point
  32. alxndrhll

    Lack of Green

    Best guess is they're consistently the worst selling versus black and fde options. When needing to hit minimum order quantities to make the production of an item viable in terms of profit margins it makes sense that they'd omit the ones that struggle to sell through. TLDR - It's probably boring business/production reasons.
    1 point
  33. Lozart

    Lambda/DCA GPMG

    I like you, you're funny. DCA custom shop stuff is expensive and stays that way.
    1 point
  34. Ta-dah! https://www.tacticalgeartrade.co.uk/flyye-industries/flyye-tactical-vest/flyye-1000d-molle-force-recon-ciras-vest-ver-mar-multicam.html
    1 point
  35. An M130 spring seems excessive with only 4 teeth removed. That is the same short stroke as as stock CYMA platinum and mine gets to 340+fps with an M110 spring. I have others that I have short stroked with cut down M120 springs, but never had to go as high as M130. All springs are different in airsoft, there is no standardisation across different manufactures, even within the same manufacturer you can sometimes get ones that don't match up to what you expect.
    1 point
  36. I use some pouches made by them, they are good. Years of use and no material failure and they have have had the colours consistently.
    1 point
  37. Lovely. There is a load out thread:
    1 point
  38. Their kit is generally pretty good quality
    1 point
  39. Go for it, just don't be surprised if it double-shoots on semi when sprung for 1.1J - I doubt it's got any sort of active-brake. Although as it's already wired for one, if you get on with it you could treat it to something like a Perun AB++ and get all sorts of tricks out of it. I'm loving my JG G36C on 11.1V, Big Dragon M140, and 3 round bursts.
    1 point
  40. I was at the beach and saw a man out past the breakers flapping his arms about and yelling "HELP! SHARK! HELP!" And I chuckled to myself, "There's no way that shark is gonna help him!"
    1 point
  41. Nick G

    New AK firing hot

    I'd check out AK2M4, he is on here but has a site to look up. Does a good range of springs that do seem very good, I've used a few of his.
    1 point
  42. hunter511

    Lambda/DCA GPMG

    To be honest a LOT of the prices on DCA seem to have been decided following heavy use of the crack pipe.......
    1 point
  43. Nick G

    New AK firing hot

    Yep that'll be the spring and is over 1.4 jouls so it is indeed hot. You will ned to try a weaker spring , probably M100 , or you could lop a couple of coils off the one thats in there.
    1 point
  44. Feels like a big case of LMGTFY but there you go. Literally just googled 'Nuprol Gas PSI' and was greeted by this article as the first result which states 2.0 is around 135 PSI at 72 degrees Fahrenheit (about 22 degrees celcius) and 3.0 is around 160. While the chart lands on around the 110 PSI mark at 20 degrees celcius for 2.0 and the 145 PSI mark for 3.0.
    1 point
  45. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I've just renamed my WiFi network to "police surveillance van #1” That should keep the neighbours on their toes for a while!
    1 point
  46. What the actual fuck…where’s ya eye pro boys?
    1 point
  47. Tackle

    Interesting weapons

    I've figured it out, he's been kidnapped by Airsofters lol, no one else would bastardize their gnus like that🤣
    1 point
  48. I'm playing my first game in a loooooong time, and went a bit bananas today trying to work out what I needed. So I put all my kit into a spreadsheet (and greyed-out the stuff I'm not taking / don't need) It's a bat-shit crazy amount of kit I know it's quite an OCD thing to have done... I wish I could attend to important things with as much diligence The TL;DR version is Comfy clothes (plenty of cheap army surplus available) Decent boots with some ankle support (the first time you trip over a tree root or stick your foot in a hole, you'll thank yourself for buying them) They're a very personal thing, but I took a punt on Swiss Paratroopers' boots which are heavy, but good. Eye protection: Bolle Tracker 2's a cheap and good starting point, or British Army ESS goggles perhaps. Half or full face mask (cheaper than a visit to the dentist) Perhaps a Dye full-face mask if you're thinking of CQB. Baseball cap or bush hat (scalp shots hurt, protect yourself at least a bit) Gloves (knuckle shots hurt too) - Mechanix are great value. Battle belt or chest rig + mag pouches. You can just stuff things into pockets, but it's just not tacti-cool If you're thinking of spending upto £500 on a RIF then you could be choosing AEG, gas or HPA "The world's your oyster" - make some friends and ask to try their guns out on the field for a few shots, you'll soon get an idea which way you want to go (might be all 3 of course, in the long term) We usually advise it's best to rent for a few games, make sure you really enjoy it first before splashing major cash though. There are plenty of separate threads for more discussion on all these things so have a search... see if they help at all. Good luck and have fun! (And call your hits)
    1 point
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