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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/10/22 in all areas

  1. Started building in March & now finally complete. TM MWS system ground up build (took a lot of messing around 😐). Went for a "futuristic" look as well as I could. There is a torch on the left, but forgot to take a picture 🤠
    6 points
  2. So an update. The British collection so far. Law 66 L115A1 (Aw338) L100A1 (G3A4) L85A2/L123A2 l85A2 TES L128A1 (M1014 shotgun) L74A1 (870 shotgun) L91A1 (MP5 SD) L7A2 GPMG L108A1 (MK1 Minimi) L1A1 SLR Colt model 715 (C7) L119A1 SFW L119A1 CQB L92A1 (MP5 A3 embassy seige) L131A1 (Glock 17 gen 4) L105A2 (P226R) L9A1 (Browning HI Power) L85A2 (3 Para 2008) Colt model 725 (C8) L105A1 (P226 non railed) L22A2 L86A2
    5 points
  3. Another Gunman game, this time at Tuddenham. The theme was the video game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. Loadouts were varied, some teams had matching camo, some post apocolytic outfits and one team old Russian gear. According to FB there were 55 people attending. It felt like less. We were split into teams numbering from two to seven, and each person could be assigned one of four roles; engineer, captain, sniper or medic. Engineers could collect items hidden in the wasteland, and were essential. Medics could give each player one extra bandage. Captains had a radio. Snipers sniped. The wasteland/site is a woodland site that has a Second World War bomber base on it. I imagine that it’s what is left of the accommodation, being single story prefabs. There is also a more open section of site with oil tanks and trenches and tyres for cover. I played in a team of six as Mrs TPH was too unwell to attend. The game premise is that the teams hunt for food, water, medical supplies, alien artefacts and bullets all over the site. Each player has a dosimeter that shows radiation up to 100% saturation/the fatal dose. The site has radiation emitters all over it, and especially near the drop cases that held items. Each of these could only be taken from on the hour, quarter past, half past and quarter to. You had to take from another crate before you could return. This ensured that teams would arrive at the cases at the same time at some point and weigh up whether to fight for possession or search for random items. The game started after a decent safety brief and thought through game brief. The rules were fairly complex. Questions took some time. We got underway at 10:30 after a 9:30 start of brief. Each team drew a card and were escorted to a tunnel. This corresponded with an exit coded the same colour, in the game area. On reaching the exit, gas masks were donned and guns loaded. The players had tickets that gave them 10 minutes gas mask filter life. Each player started with three tickets. The items were all over the site, in bushes and in trees, as well as hidden in the ‘village’ of buildings. The radiation emitters were in random places, and the dosimeters were regularly buzzing. We watched for the other teams and tried to avoid them. The Russian team were fairly aggressive towards other teams in game; the two man team were very active and keen to exchange info. The team in urban camo were very coordinated. The atmosphere was epic, partly due to each player wearing a thick, highly tinted coloured gel over their eyepro. You could hardly see, the rad meters were going crazy and the gameplay was completely unpredictable. Games within game were issued over the radio. At one stage, all teams were called to attack a strong point held by ‘horsemen’. These were crew that could take about fifty hits, who carried a serious amount of ammo and who were fitted out with radiation emitting devices. They would shoot you as you shot them repeatedly, and when you were sat calling for a medic (10 min bleed-out time) would irradiate you to death. We managed to win this (I think) by lobbing an incendiary into their HQ). Once dead you went to the decontamination chambers. The doctor decontaminated you in a booth and charged five bullets for any bandages that needed removal. Next came the card game. Pick any card, and red you’re dead, you give up all your loot and start all over again, black you are back. You have a new dosimeter and go out to fight/scavenge/hunt again. Items collected were worth a different amount of bullets each time. Bullets bought tokens. The tokens were deposited in boxes dotted around the site. The team with most tokens won. The whole game was a total blast. I really liked the slow gameplay, the tactical approach and the uncertainty of the play. The loadouts, low ammo counts and complex rules needed real thoughtful play; and at end of game, we had not heard one argument, bad hit call or a single moan. It was solid laughter, adrenalin and immersion from 10:30 to 19:00. With all our gear/masks/props removed post game, old faces from other themed games were recognised. We had a quiet night around the campfire, keeping warm, swapping stories and drinking a few shared beers. We managed to forget all of our fresh food again, second weekend in a row. We ended up heating up last night’s doner meat in tins of chili. The butane was too cold to light, despite being kept in our sleeping bags. The handle fell off our pan. We borrowed a stove and realised that we had no cutlery. I ate the dish with a spatula and a pair of Leatherman pliers. The lad only managed ¾ of a beer before he flaked out. We had walked nine miles according to a teammate’s smartwatch thing. A good night after a good game with filling food and nice company is hard to beat, especially after the scotch comes out. Sunday was stormy, with heavy rain. The lad stayed in his sleeping bag complaining of a sore hip and exhaustion. The other four members of the team wanted to wait for better weather. I went out alone. I stayed alone. I actually enjoyed this even more. I manged to avoid the other Stalkers and the extra crew acting as radioactive zombies. It was exciting to hide as they walked past and hope that you had judged the distance well enough that the dosimeter would not go nuts and give your position away. Stalking the other teams and eavesdropping the order in which they would visit the drop boxes, taking from those that were free and outpacing the larger teams back to base and out again was great fun. It became obvious that teams would have to hit and raid each other to win by an hour or so in. I was so successful sneaking around that I raided each box unopposed and hit, robbed and ran stragglers without taking a single shot in return all day Sunday. I got so active that the Syntex jacket was not breathable enough and I just wore a shirt. I figured that I had a towel, fresh clothes and an hour’s drive home in a heated van ahead of me so I’d crack on soaked. At 20 minutes before endex, I found a drop box that had not been found all weekend. I grabbed a long bullet belt and raided another on my way back to the exchange centre. When I got there, it had been packed up. As the rest of my team had gone home, they had taken Saturday’s entire loot home, or handed it back to the props box. I’d picked up more items going solo than as a team, but our big haul from Saturday for the horsemen game was irreplaceable. The whistle blew game over. I don’t know where my team of one was placed. I don’t care TBH. I had a blast. I’ll be back next year. Hurrahs: Meeting old mates, solid gameplay, a complex and engaging game with brilliant atmosphere and imaginative roles, settings, loadouts and storyline. Excellent playing field. Damn good social. You know you’ll have a really good time at these events and you always do. Priceless. Moans: Mrs TPH was absent. A bank system could have avoided the loss of our loot. The gel material didn’t work with mesh. That’s it. Hardly the organisers fault. Final thoughts: my kit worked excellently. I essentially wore my skirmish kit for Tuddenham. It’s evolved over several years and consists of 90’s camo in random patterns so was good for game. The social and game were spot on. I do wonder though, how the fuck are people not prepared for the weather, camping and airsofting in the UK in October? Last game I was solo player in the rain, same again this time. It won’t kill you. It’s only water. Use a t-shirt as a towel and change into your non-loadout kit, and that’s if you can’t master wearing a decent coat and leggings. If your car has a heater them turn the bastard on as you drive home. Not a moan at anyone at the game. I don't know what else people had on or commitments that they had, just a general comment; and made by someone who works outside a fair bit. Office only bods are not as used to the cold I expect! Anyhow… I’ll e-mail a few suggestions for tweaks. I know that these will be taken on. I’d pre-book now if possible. I’d not miss it for the world. See you there next year.
    3 points

    WE gbbRifles

    Well she ran like a champ until the last game when the loading nozzle ate shit. An easy fix. Anyway cheers for a good day and proving to me that gbbrs are viable in crappy weather
    2 points
  5. FINALLY got my hands on an MP5 and four spare mags. Found a solution for mounting a scout light which works really well, and allows use of the original TM forend for maximum battery space. The claw mount is the wide TM version. You can mount an optic towards the back, with room to spare for a Surefire offset mount in front of it. The Scout light is long enough that shadowing isn’t an issue, but short enough that ambidextrous handling is still possible without having to change the forend and use a vertical grip. Pressure switch is just taped neatly on the top, as I like to shoot thumb over bore / C-clamp. Got a night game coming up soon and can’t wait to try her out. The suppressor is the TM pro tracer, attached to the adapter which comes in the box with the MP5. Looks good enough for me.
    2 points
  6. I had my son with me... honest...
    2 points
  7. Contrast that sterling effort from Mr Chewer with me rocking up at Special Ops with one of those big blue plastic Ikea bags with three or four guns poking out, and a rucksack full of mags 'n' shit ;D
    2 points
  8. A ‘Nerfed’ nerf by the looks of it. Doesn’t even shoot any real frickin lasers.
    2 points
  9. A strong Jimmy Saville vibe?
    2 points
  10. You could crucify dwarves on that.
    2 points
  11. Colin Allen

    Knee Replacement ?

    I cannot offer any insights or advice, but I hope you make a rapid recovery.
    1 point
  12. Nick G

    WE gbbRifles

    I love my GBBR's , always take an aeg along and it usually stays in the safe zone as the GBBR's are just so much fun ! Only switch to aeg's when it gets down to single figure temperatures , even then I can use the GBBR's down to about 6 or 7 degrees with good mag disciplin.
    1 point
  13. Making some progress on this cheeky thing. G&P WA gas system that I’m hoping to run off of AirTacs new GHK>MP5 adaptor when they launch in a few weeks
    1 point
  14. concretesnail

    Knee Replacement ?

    That's the bloody true, utnts doesn't stop us riding them.
    1 point
  15. I’ve got two spare tickets to the Prune Juice festival for anyone that’s not going?
    1 point
  16. I have saved a fortune from reusable pyro. I do try to push up but I have used at least 400 shotgun primers and 50-100 9mm blanks, total spend of around £200 for grenades and primers (over 10 years) or I could have spent £1500 on the same amount of bangs on disposable pyro (at £3 a throw) and I still have 2 grenades I could sell. As for go pros, the footage is rarely any good. But if you enjoy editing the videos it could bring you more fun
    1 point
  17. RostokMcSpoons

    Knee Replacement ?

    Sorry I'm kind of side-railing this thread, but... I was advised a long time ago that anything I could do to build up the muscle mass around my knees would be beneficial in preventing future injury - sounds like that's good advice then? The problem is at the time I worked at Santander which had a gym in the building. It's also had two machines which were absolutely perfect: one looked like a reclined bike, with one foot at a time used to lift a rotating pedal-like bar up against weight resistance. And there was another standing machine which developed kicking strength where the whole leg was used to kick against resistance. For a while I had great muscle definition and strength in both legs. And then I changed job. I've not seen these machines in any gym since, which has really pissed me off, tbqh. I might sign up to a local Pure Gym in the hope there's something that will do a similar job to those two gizmos.
    1 point
  18. The other team made up of 5 to 8 year olds did not know what hit them. Total campers pffft Recoil was controllable. Slight kick up and left. High speed low drag mag change system was quite intuitive. No chrono. So not sure on the power. Would recommend over HPA
    1 point
  19. Yep - Nerf ‘laser’ infra red It will be a ‘Nerf Laser ops Pro Deltaburst’ https://youtu.be/RlseDWS2u5M I know this because a short while ago I picked up a pair of the pistols at auction in a bundle, and gave them to a friends nephew - then a couple of weeks later I picked up a bundle of more pistols and a couple of the rifles. For a bit of run around laser tag fun they are very good, and can be used independently or with an an app and Bluetooth - then you get to keep scores (as long as the Bluetooth keeps connected) Southampton University Paintball & Airsoft university used laser tag fir some freshers experience days … Tournament style isn’t my thing, but for a few years I became a series photographer as a result of supporting some buddies ‘once’ which turned into ‘regularly’, and at the freshers day photographed above I was due to play my first competitive tournament so between sessions I was out in the inflatables with last minute practice. I wouldn’t want to encourage someone into becoming ‘one of those’ types of speedsofter - but I would always recommend having a go, bring the best parts of all mindsets into your game
    1 point
  20. concretesnail

    Knee Replacement ?

    I've had my left one done, the right is still a mess. Recovery wise. I got off the crutches very quickly for getting about short distances but fatigue in the knee brought quite a lot of pain so I took one crutch f I knew I'd be putting in the distances. Hot cold treatment helped me with tissue recovery, both the surgeon and physio were surprised how quickly I'd managed to progress. The thing that took the longest was flexation at the closed angle. Stick with the physio and grit your teeth. It's worth it but it feels like it takes forever at the time. My time off the field was about a year, though I did think that I could have get back a little sooner, but I'd consider the ground your playing on. My local is in no way flat or even ground but if its a flat industrial floor type site I'd say you would be able to lumber around that much earlier. I return to work was much sooner, even though I'm not a desk jockey. All that being said; grit your teeth, put the effort into rehab and you'll it'll feel much better.
    1 point
  21. Eye pro! EYE PRO! Fun times.
    1 point
  22. Tackle

    Knee Replacement ?

    I'm bone on bone on both knees, clean out & repair surgery twice on the right in '95 & '15, once on the left in '20 (I think ?, last couple of years have been a weird blur🤔), years of rugby/ice hockey/boxing in my youth, never mind the relentless tabs in full kit & bergans were always gonna take a heavy toll, I'm only 54 ffs so I've had to fight to get anything done, "your too young" has been the automatic response for all involved, until I eventually cornered the surgeon & pointed out that he was expecting me to struggle & suffer in so many ways until I'm considered old enough, maybe another 10 years, assuming my cancer doesn't get me first. He had no ethical reply to my argument, let out a sigh & said he'd put me on the list lol. If you need it, you gotta keep on & quite literally be a right nuisance, thankfully I'm good at that 🤣
    1 point
  23. RostokMcSpoons

    Knee Replacement ?

    I think I might be heading in the same direction in the near future... already diagnosed as arthritic L=Moderate, R=Severe. I play footy twice a week, and they'd been alright for a while, but recently the right knee is making crackling noises like a ball of cellophane being scrunched up, and every now and again feels like it's all trying to pop out of place, or just disintegrate like a wet sugar lump. Fun days! Is that anything like what you had? Anyway, best of luck, and I'll be keeping tabs on your progress...
    1 point
  24. C-Diddy

    MWS URG-I build

    I put the 9.3 HAO rail on mine and absolutely don't regret it. The fit is great, very solid, and the colour and finish is superb. The quality convinced me to get their Geissele scope mount too.
    1 point
  25. Shotgun slings are much the same, not ideal as they tend to move/flop about making grabbing shells fiddly, especially if your on the move. Much better to have a shell panel or pouch on your person so you gain some muscle memory in use, like any other mag pouch, or consider a shotgun belt system if you don't want to mess with your vest rig. Also recommend a small dump pouch for ditching "empties", otherwise their small size & weight is piss easy to lose if shoving in pockets etc.
    1 point
  26. Cut the Shadowfoam for my MP5K, and my "very favourite gun". All my cases now have Shadowfoam, the MP5K has room for a friend then I'll do something in the lid.
    1 point
  27. Updated Lightweight 3D printed super snappy build
    1 point
  28. Skullchewer

    Gun picture thread

    Finishing touches
    1 point
  29. Skullchewer

    Gun picture thread

    Continuing the post apocalyptic theme on my RIFs.
    1 point
  30. Diemaco collection. Model 715 (C7) Model 725 (C8) L119A1 Sfw L119A1 cqb Both L119's are still WIP. So I know there's a few errors.
    1 point
  31. PopRocket123

    Gun picture thread

    I wasn't going to turn this into a huge build I swear. It's not even finished yet. I'm still waiting for a sun shade for the scope and I haven't installed the new outer barrel. I'm also thinking it needs a suppressor sleeve and maybe some scrim net. The suppressor and weighted piston with air break piston head should make it whisper quiet. Edit. Just installed the fluted outer barrel. Looks badass
    1 point
  32. Clanktank

    What have you made?

    Some gear and shim holders for when the gearbox is in bits. Made from old bearings, brass hook stubs, and some wood offcuts. Can't have them lying around and getting mixed up. 😉
    1 point
  33. Alvin

    What have you made?

    Added some fans to my helmet. Beep boop. Will see how it goes.
    1 point
  34. A new liner for one of the cases.
    1 point
  35. Tackle

    Knee Replacement ?

    As the title says, I'm getting one in 13 days, my non dominant left knee, not that it matters, the right one is royally Fooked too😭. My question to the rest of the forum is have any of you guys had a total knee replacement, & if so how long did it take you to get back on the playing field, any issues ?. I'm realistically expecting to be good for nothing much for 2-3 months, but being the determined old git I am, I'm hoping I can meander round a flat site soon after that ? 🤞 Be good to hear anybody else's experiences following similar ops. Cheers guys Mark
    0 points
  36. Madhouse

    Knee Replacement ?

    Mum & Dad have three false hips between them, can only echo what’s been said about physio. It’s not the op, it’s the damage to everything they have to chop through to do the job. Personally, I had a disagreement with gravity on the MTB a few years ago, broke every bone in my wrist and dislocated it as well (along with a few other injuries) and again it was all about the physio. Not got full movement but you’d never know for daily tasks, oh and I can’t do a scout salute due to the metalwork holding my thumb on. TL:DR - do the physio
    0 points
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