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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/09/22 in all areas

  1. I've got some glove puppets going if anyone's interested. I don't want much for them. I just want them off my hands.
    3 points
  2. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    What started as a plan to do a plain jane GBBR m4 has ended up the way all my builds go
    2 points
  3. You really want to move to country primarily to own guns? I thought about moving to USA awhile back because of the money i could earn in my profession and had fallen in love with the side of America I had seen( I am a geek and regular travel to Atlanta for Dragon con basically geek mardi gras). Any way the more I looked into the more I saw the UK is shit the USA is shitter (it ani't getting any better). I have made friends over there most are professional all of them have been laid off multiple times with little warning and no restitution whats so ever in the time i have known them. An English friend who married a local has been there 8 years has had 8 jobs and only got his green card last year (he can still be chucked out the country for any reason). What ever state it's you'll miss the NHS, first year we went a friend had a drunken fall, went to get checked out at the hospital. A sprained ankle cost him 5k up front that he had to claim back on his travel insurance. " love shooting and I'm an advocate of responsible gun ownership for sport shooting, hunting, pest control and self-defense. Guns were all-but outlawed here and we're still murdering each other in the streets, just now we do it with handheld sharp objects instead." 5 times more people were murdered with knives in the USA in 2020 than in the UK. I really don't want to live in a country that i need to be armed to feel safe. The Whole self defence thing is a red herring you are more likely to be rob/burgled for your guns and much more like to kill a family member/friend, yourself than a "Bad guy". Restricting gun ownership works. Ever country with gun control laws has significantly less murders even by proportional population. The USA needs to get over the second amendment as the out dated deliberately woefully misinterpreted legislation it is( it also needs get universal health care, reform education and Employee rights). I know I'll be in the minority in this group with my stance. I would never want Americas gun culture in UK. I don't think guns should be banned but they should be heavily regulated.
    2 points
  4. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    2 points
  5. WE G3 GBBR 😁 Comes with a tactical dildo too 🤣
    2 points
  6. Hopefully you get something more constructive than this.
    1 point
  7. I hated the manual programming process on the Baofeng to be able to quickly add a freq to which ever team I would be on. So I ordered the bluetooth dongle. I can use my cell instead of having to drag along a laptop. Well, I had no idea that having the app would also give me a better chance of having sex at the field. THIS IS WINNING!
    1 point
  8. Do you think you should have one? Do you think I should have one? Where would you draw the line?
    1 point
  9. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Something like that I think , got to admire WE it's certainly destinctive !
    1 point
  10. Wouldn't chamfering the mag itself achieve the same effect / help even more? With countersink bits £5 like these
    1 point
  11. Knapp86

    TM M4A1

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hey all! Here’s my TM M4A1 lovely old gun. Been around for a while but it quality. Never misses a beat! Just had it serviced new motor and put a gate nano mosfet in there so you can run 11.1v batteries. Would do someone who’s just getting into our beautiful game! Doing about 300fps shoots straight and true.


    Oxted , Surrey - GB

    1 point
  12. DaktariT

    AY Spectre Upgraded

    1 point
  13. (Sorry about steering off-topic into airsoft site design in general) The 2021 International Building Code (which is used in America and some other countries) have had updated to include "Puzzle rooms (escape rooms) are now defined and regulated as special amusement areas, requiring compliance with Section 411 and special means of egress requirements". (Which includes indoor airsoft sites) This would affect affect (new) indoor airsoft sites (outside UK) because it deals with fire escape routes markings and distances and so on (so cannot be an absolute maze or you have to be clever about it) and sprinklers are mandatory in indoor sites bigger than 1000 square feet, and voice alarm PA systems, and fire rated interior finishes, etc. Which I imagine would make it a little more expensive to start an indoor CQB site and you have to be more thoughtful about it, and in terms of gameplay it may have some implications on the complexity of layout you can design because now it should be simple and obvious enough to escape from in any emergency. Unless you come up with some clever contraptions to collapse certain areas to show an escape routes from the game area or something. So while our castle and church in Glasgow is in sort of a grey area (they are "buildings" but not really), I would assume building regs do still apply (as they needed planning application) and this aspect was probably covered by the builder/contractor themselves who are self-certified on the Competent Person Scheme. And by the looks of it it seems to be built at least semi-professionally judging by craftsmanship etc. So at the end of day I suppose as long as they are structurally ok, and safe in a fire (easy to escape / extinguishers etc) and safe to use (slip resistant chicken wires is questionable even though it is used elsewhere) etc it should be covered in terms of liability. They also can say the structures are only entered when there is real time monitoring by marshals standing at an observable distance so that by itself is a big plus. I suppose you guys need to sign a waiver to play as well? And I just thought of there are people airsofting in abandoned buildings that are clearly dangerous, so this Glasgow site is far from being dangerous all things considered. And arguably the uneven terrain surrounding the structures is more dangerous than the structures themselves.
    1 point
  14. Yep. Markets, once worshipped as 'free and fair,' have introduced a logic that impedes the independent decision making which they were trusted to ensure. Imagine an insurance industry overseen by 17th century liberal today. 'To hell with your claim sir, you took the risk as a free and rational man.'
    1 point
  15. I realise the difference in liability issues re: natural features and man made structures. What amused me was that we 'stop' people climbing by telling them or putting up signs and a tape. The old example from Mill is that we should for example put up a warning sign on a weak bridge, but not impede its use, as this would impinge on peoples liberty and agency. Some idiot will manage to injure themselves whatever we do or say; but surely some may argue that we have a duty to protect those less capable of making decisions, or a moral duty to risk minimization full stop e.g. Sweden's Vision Zero concept. It's an issue that people have grappled with for centuries, and I expect still will do. How we deal with it can be as ritualistic as the 'tell them the rules and then don't enforce them' safety brief. The quality of construction won't be altered by a few feet of tape. Quite how anyone was supposed to infer all that from the brief sentence I don't know!
    1 point
  16. SBoardley

    Gun picture thread

    As the saying goes; “ anything is a dildo if your brave enough!”
    1 point
  17. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    LOL, I'm still trying to figure it out, is it meant to resemble a T-Rex head or summat ? 🤔
    1 point
  18. On a practical basis it’s not going to make much difference whether you signed up as a sole trader as yourself or a group as an association. e.g. If I signed up naming an association as the team TFD for gameplay and game organising - then it would be the team li licence covering all members plus on any particular day I can hand radios to hangers on that are playing with us or helpers with running a particular game Or if I signed up under my photography as a sole trader IWAC it would only be my licence - but I could have helpers that I want to use it for the day Note that I have neither - we have considered it but have stuck to PMR and existing site systems. Good enough for our purposes and the only time we have had range issues with PMR it was also due to terrain which also affected more powerful licenced site raidios, which we work around by relay and/or mobile phone Again not relevant to the licenced OP….We also have someone in comms who would not mess with OfCom - as above ‘sensible’ law breaking won’t be found out and ‘nobody’ cares, other than those like my teammate who would care about being caught with particularly reputational damage to him professionally
    1 point
  19. A man walks into a bar and asks the barman, "Can I have a pint please, but not Stella. I had ten pints of it last night and ended up fucking skint. The barman says, "But it's only £3 a pint." The man replies, "I know. Skint's my dog!"
    1 point
  20. So happy, my oldest pig wasn’t in good health but a bloke at the farmers market said if I come back in 28 days he’ll be cured.🙂🐷
    1 point
  21. Anotsu

    Gun picture thread

    TM MP7 AEP - 11.1 lipo in the grip keeps it a nice slick unit. PEQ boxes always dwarf the MP7 and eat up rail space. Both ROF and trigger response are improved with the 11.1 over the 7.4 Lipo via the adapters. Converting the fore grip to the A2 railed front rails makes the whole thing more solid.
    1 point
  22. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    Not mine, in fact not even Airsoft, but I like it in a weird kinky way lol😋 (someone should make one for Airsoft) https://m.facebook.com/groups/1027867587386572/permalink/2175272602646059/
    1 point
  23. What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? One's really heavy and the other is a little lighter.
    1 point
  24. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    A pair of Peruvian owls have been introduced at Marwell zoo. They had to have two of them due to them hunting in pairs, that’s because they’re Inca hoots.🦉🦉
    1 point
  25. 2004, the high point was $2 to £1 I bought so much stuff.
    1 point
  26. If all you show is your head, fair enough but I am of the opinion and its a pet hate of mine, if you have a large visible centre mass and you intentionally shot for the head, then you're a c*nt, end of. Had this at NAF22 with Bravo Team all shots were to the eyes and one player, a sniper took an eyepro shot and I called him out for the w*nker he was as the shot came through some light cover, not enough to obscure view of my shoulder and chest. Something I never apologise for is calling out assholes.
    1 point
  27. He thinks you're a cunt.
    1 point
  28. I wanted a PC in US woodland for yeeears but none on the market quite did what I wanted, so even though it's not setup yet I'm gonna have to post the SHAW because I bloody love it tbh, lol.
    1 point
  29. So, the local nail bar had a refurbishment job and slung out a load of coated 18mm mdf... Myself and my two boys have a few pews, so a plan formed pretty fast... 18mm mdf is VERY heavy. Lol. Got the boys to drill and hold things, life skills and all that. The plan is to outline the guns in a cod zombies way and put the question marks on the storage box like they mystery (aka the jingly) box. Need some shelves to put mags and chargers but not bad for a grand total of £20. 😁
    1 point
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