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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/07/22 in all areas

  1. So I thought it might be nice to start this thread as a nice place to share what else you all like to make when getting creative... So I'll start it off.. i have many other hobbies, one of which is wood turning. So today I made my first inlaid bentwood ring on my lathe. Made from zebrano negro with a pyrite 'fools gold' inlay. It's far from perfect but have learned alot from this first one. Will only get better.
    5 points
  2. My first night game at Reforger last night, had an absolute blast. First thing about night games is that it all hits a bit different when you've already done a days work, I got there about 5:30 (half hour early!), and left at half past midnight, and this morning now I'm back at work I feel like I've gone 5 rounds with Mike Tyson. But in a good way. Humidity was very high for the first part of the evening and I sweated more than I ever have in a day game, but luckily it cooled down a bit and a breeze picked up once the sun had gone down. Was interesting trying to put into practice some of the tips I got on here, mixed with my own bright, and not so bright, ideas. First thing was that, yes, red filters on your gunlight are good for preserving your night vision, but not so useful if every other player is running very bright white lights... I'll be taking the filter off if I do it again. The little trick with the glowstick taped to the acog fibreoptic worked a charm, but I didn't seal it off as well as I could and there was some bleed through from the edges, which may have accounted for one or two of my deaths. Very glad I bought some Bolle Pilots to use rather than my usual mesh goggles, I would have struggled to see anything at all through mesh. I did try wearing my prescripition glasses under the Pilots but it was just far too humid for that and they steamed up completely before I'd even left the safezone. I had an idea to take some cheap cob stick lights and put them forward of our position to silhouette the enemy, but this was a bit of a miscalculation on my part; it just meant that the other team avoided that area completely, flanked us and shot me in the back. So I used them in the wrong way but the principle is sound, just use them to funnel movement rather than light people up per se. Identifying teammates was perhaps the trickiest thing - for the last game we decided on a call-and-response so that if you saw someone and weren't sure you could confirm if they were a teammate, with some attendant risk to yourself. I still had a shameful amount of teamkills over the whole evening though. The night itself was run very well, no dramas or misbehaviour at all, hit taking was good. We played some new and different games - one an equivalent of that 'wink murder' party game, we also did some 3v3 and 1v1 in the village killhouse, winner stayed on. Overall would definitely do it again, with the caveat that I had to leave work two hours early to get there and this may not always be possible, saturday night would probably be a better night for it.
    4 points
  3. That no battery or motor will increase power by itself. You only get more power by: Eliminating/reducing air leaks and inefficiencies from piston seal and hop seal Increasing the swept volume in front of the piston Increasing spring strength (assuming you have haven't reached the maximum possible power for your given swept volume/seal/barrel arrangement) Lengthening, or shortening, the barrel. Context dependent. Changing the battery and motor will simply affect the rate of fire and usable shot count. If you're doing any upgrades or modifications at all, your No1 diagnostic tool is a chrono, which will tell you whether you are actually increasing or decreasing power. 'Feel' of the shot cycle is a terrible metric and often counterintuitive. The harshest, 'most powerful' feeling guns are often just running inefficiently or at the edge of tolerance for the internal parts. Back in the day people used to cram massive square section springs in air rifles, and because they were hard to cock and thumped like hell when you shot them they thought that they had made their airgun super powerful. The truth is that usually they had ruined the gas efficiency of the gun, shortened its operational lifespan and, ironically, often made it less powerful.
    3 points
  4. Rogerborg

    Painting over two-tone

    Scotch schools broke up weeks ago, all the kids are up on the roofs sniping away.
    3 points
  5. Have some schools broken up for Summer already?
    3 points
  6. Sell the Raider. Buy the wild hog. Simple. Buying a new front end for your gun will be costly and you wont recover that money if/when you come to sell. G&G hop units are fine, as is their hop rubbers. The tin foil barrel is the issue. Bin it for a ZCI or similar.
    2 points
  7. Stupidly high price for an acm gun, two toned, "as new" and comes with accessories which should probably be binned. All I needed was "shoots like a laser" and I'd have a full house on my Mack's bingo card
    2 points
  8. Agreed one of my faves. Great work @Floperator very talented.
    2 points
  9. I like the Christopher Walken one. I think he is a great actor.
    2 points
  10. That's very cool. When I have the time I like to draw and paint, mostly portraits. What I've done most recently is usually on my instagram (@fourwaterreed) but here's a few old ones:
    2 points
  11. Had you not heard that before? I have on at least several occasions. Mostly from, errmmm....let's just say the type of people who will move on their guns by uploading a single dark and/or blurry pic of it on their duvet (bonus point for feet also being featured).
    2 points
  12. If your site chronos green gas pistols. Mk23s point-blanking at near-DMR energies is a pet peeve of mine.
    2 points
  13. Maybe pick-up just the arm and an I key. Possible a new hop rubber too. You don't want to buy a tightbore barrel and increase past 310, then not be able to use it.
    2 points
  14. I chrono'd it at a game last week at roughly 290-310 with .25's and it was relatively consistent. I have taken apart the hop up unit and given it a clean. The nozzle end of the bucking was a bit squashed inside the hop up unit housing. Having sorted that it did improve slightly but still having some wild flyers off to the right
    2 points
  15. Have you disassembled the unit, cleaned the barrel and wiped any excess grease off the bucking? The standard setup should be fine to hop 0.20's 30M or so. If still no success, change just the rubber first.
    2 points
  16. I finally got round to this and ptfe tape did the trick, thanks
    2 points
  17. Cheers guys purely from reading all the comments I'm going to grab the 340mm even if I don't end up sticking with it as they are only cheap and see if I gain anything or nothing and feed back my results. I did skimp on the details it's an 416d with 3/4 cylinder short stroked by 4 teeth (2 pickup 2 release) warhead motor stock nozzle which has an oring and seals perfectly, zci hop unit and maple leaf Mr hop 60.
    2 points
  18. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    So it was Mrs shamals girlie weekend last week and I was feeling neglected. I had £25 pounds save up so took myself off to Pompey docks and hired a lady of the night( I say night but it was about 6.30pm because it's cheaper before 9pm. Rush hour) And I know £25 is a lot but it's only once a year. Anywho we do the business and afterwards the cheeky mare says "You've not got a very big organ have you" to which I reply " yeah well I've never had to play in a fuckin' Cathedral before!" "Fair enough" she says and gives me a fiver back. P.s none of above is true. Purely to personalize the gag.😂😂 Qué Mr Tackle.....lol
    2 points
  19. More importantly how can you charge them considering the charger in the photos has a two pin EU plug 😆
    1 point
  20. Lancer Tactical!? I thought they only existed in American YouTubers mystery boxes!
    1 point
  21. That should be called the "PatrolBase Buyer's Remorse Starter Pack". Is he actually asking more than new, even when you factor in the two-tone, extra mag and... oh wow... nimh batteries?
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    Lancer Tactical Interceptor SPR M4 Carbine GEN 2, which comes with 1 300 round LT branded magazine, a bag of LT branded 0.2g bbs, cleaning rod and barrel extension with the 2 original screws to secure it in place, also comes with 2 NiMh 9.6v crane batteries with charger. RAVEN Hi-Capa 5.1 Gas Blowback Pistol with 25 round raven branded magazine, and 2 spare hop ups if you want to convert to CO2 and also comes with WE Europe 4.3 Hi-Capa 28rnd Gas Magazine. Both in mint condition as only been used on the field twice respectively, no visible damage and still work as they did out of the box. Can sell together or separately, just message for prices.


    Pensby, Merseyside - GB

    1 point
  23. Nearly binned off Airsoft after my detached retina. Now thinking about where I should play for the third time in a row, this weekend 🤔
    1 point
  24. (Almost) anything is possible with sufficient determination. The easiest way to do this would be to get a new outer barrel and swap it over while you're changing the handguard.
    1 point
  25. Yeah I know 280 is pretty reasonable so I'm not overly worried but I have a cqb gun that is bang on 290 on .25 and this gun is my outdoors gun so if I can cheaply get it closer to the 1.14 mark then why not. I have one of those small pottable rechargeable chrono's which I take to all my games and I have compared it to my 4 local sites that I attend so I know the biggest variance is 6fps over my chrono the rest are all within few fps either side. I've bought this barrel now not out of need anymore but just out of shear curiosity to see what if any difference it will make
    1 point
  26. Apparently it was their first night game in 2 years - the owner said he may put more on if it goes well, which it seemed to.
    1 point
  27. Ran it last night for the first time and no complaints at all, retention was good and I didn't find the button release awkward. Didn't have to think about it at all, which is what I look for in a bit of kit. Certainly good for the price. Not sure if it fits the makarov or if it does if it will be as good a fit as the FNX, but Amomax have a list of compatible guns on their website. This is the AM-UH model btw. You'll need to get a mounting plate if you want to put it on molle, it comes with an IWB pancake thing.
    1 point
  28. You're right, I get that most pistols are naturally below 350 but stick red gas inside one of those "John Wick" Hi-Capa's on a 25C day and I'd be very surprised if you're not talking the same kinda power too.
    1 point
  29. @Floperatorwhat's your verdict on the amomax holster? I'm thinking of getting one for my makarov but can't find any reviews which aren't written by the shops selling them
    1 point
  30. Mid week games at Reforger? Might have to look into this as I seem to be working a lot of weekends
    1 point
  31. I have the Maple Leaf hop unit in my 1911 and it's great. Assuming the hop unit is good, I always get a Maple Leaf rubber (typically autobot, 60 or 70 degree as I don't like 50) and a Hadron H-plate, then usually get a Maple Leaf Crazy Jet barrel or a Nineball 6.03 tightbore because I like stainless steel barrels. The only difference is I get the Maple Leaf I-key instead of the H-plate if I'm using the Maple Leaf hop unit like in my 1911 as it works better with the Maple Leaf hop arm and how it's designed/shaped. These setups, usually give me a pistol that will range most AEGs while keeping below the 1.1J limit for pistols, which is very helpful as a sneaky-beaky bush monster as I sometimes feel like I'm running pistol primary, sniper rifle secondary. With this I'll typically run .32s in all my pistols with this setup, because I believe any heavier in a pistol is a dick move. Yes, I'm looking at you guys with your mk23s loaded with .48s...
    1 point
  32. Or playing at a dinosaur site that chonos in 0.2g, or says "hop off, mate, hop off". For example, my G36C also chronos bang on 1J (OK, "280fps") shooting and hopped for 0.28g. Put in 0.2g and hop for that - or dial the hop off - and it leaps up to... well... not quite Section 5, but enough to make CQB sites shriek in horror. Luckily it has an adjustable spring guide / pre-tensioner to cool it down. If you're absolutely sure about the sites and testing policy, then chasing 1.13J is reasonable. I'm fine keeping my AEGs down at 1J with 0.28g though.
    1 point
  33. So why worry? The very max on a 0.28g is 295fps and you wouldn't even want to go that far due to variance in site chrono's.
    1 point
  34. I cannot remember the spring but its shooting 280fps with .28 bb's on average with a variance of around 5fps I would like to get it up to around 290 without having to mess with my spring as it's a right pain getting to it
    1 point
  35. Lozart

    Crimping Tool

    This is the kind of fun shit we get to deal with: Plastic grinder panel Gas temperature controls for JET fusion reactor Biogas generator solid feeder controls Fusion reactor shell temperature monitoring ...and a machine that makes bread rolls.
    1 point
  36. Pistols are short-ranged but that does seem excessively low. Have you Chrono'd it? Inspect the hop in case its loose or torn before you start lobbing £££ at it.
    1 point
  37. Cannonfodder

    Gun picture thread

    If it helps that's a 3 point sling for extra heresy
    1 point
  38. Ironically it's plumbed into the river Thames....so it's isn't even sourcing anything from the ground. A flipping liberty if you ask me. 😁
    1 point
  39. You could always cut it down if it’s too much 🤦🏼‍♂️
    1 point
  40. Had to sort out this gem the other day: British Gas left me this abortion to sort out once: Fuck Knows What this dude was smoking: Shit like this is why we charge by the hour 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This was another fun one: An electrician was responsible for this lot: The challenge was I had to add more shit into it. Had to take a run up to get the cover back on LMAO
    1 point
  41. There will not be much in it. Should get it chrono’ed, then change the barrel straight away, then retest and you will have your answer.
    1 point
  42. I have had a few months off purchasing but I do want to get a decent sling of some description at some point. For now I can trust what I have with the sewing I have done. I have the 2 bungee sections attached to my shoulders on my chest rig and both attached to a dual qd rear reciever/buffer tube mount. I like it like that as I can transition shooting hand to hand as its equal both sides.
    1 point
  43. L3wisD

    Painting over two-tone

    1 point
  44. No. Sometimes even if it's the same brand, they don't fit.
    1 point
  45. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    I'm undecided 🤔
    1 point
  46. Heard while I was queuing for chrono recently: Airsofter 1: You not chronoed yet? Airsofter 2: I tried but it was too hot, so I'm using a different battery. Airsofter 1: Nah, your best bet is to turn your hop all the way up but just remember to dial it back after. That was my first game back after my eye issues too, made me question if it was worth associating with these muppets!
    0 points
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