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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/15 in all areas

  1. I could argue that he's glorifying race hate, which while not a crime per se is cutting pretty close. As for not having the right to be offended, of course I do, I find the wearing of that particular uniform hugely offensive and I have the RIGHT to feel anything I want. Do I have the right to force him to change his behaviour, no of course I don't. Do I have the right to think he's a massive bell-end for wearing it, and to tell him so, yes I do, especially since it's clearly a statement piece. He's not wearing it for historical accuracy (because it's not, unless he's re-enacting herding innocent people into gas chambers in auscwitz!), he's not wearing it for practicality, it's a statement; "look how edgy I am, I'm wearing the uniform of the most despicable aspect of one of the most despicable regimes ever to have existed". It's not a massive jump away from turning up to an airsoft game dressed as the Grand Dragon of the KKK, which I'm pretty sure no one would advocate.
    7 points
  2. Either you were unaware of what this weekend represents to a lot of people, or you just don't care... either way, posting your shiny new SS Totenkopf brigade kit on remembrance weekend is such poor taste I can't even begin to explain how much of an utter cunt it makes you. As for ImTriggerHappy's comment, there's a difference between someone wearing a kilt which is traditional scottish dress, and someone dressing up as a war criminal. Do a bit of reading on what the SS did during the 1940's and you'll see why wearing that particular uniform is so unpleasant, I'd honestly rather see someone wearing a pointy white KKK outfit than that one.
    7 points
  3. Got it about a fortnight ago at this point - but thought l'd post it here anyway. lt's not actually attached yet as l'm waiting on a mount adaptor but it's just a matter of time... Going to be spraying it to match the rest of the rifle once it's properly on there too.
    6 points
  4. Funny thing is its frowned up on to dress as a Nazi because of the terrible crimes they committed and all the people they killed. But its okay to dress up as a Catholic priest and even to donate money to help fund them. Because lets be honest their history is so pure. Im sure the Vietnamese love the American Vietnam uniform, because they were so well behaved over there. At the end of the day if you put on a fancy dress uniform of any large group I am sure that someone will get offended by it because they have all committed crimes against humanity. Maybe the nazi SS uniform is still a bit too recent but lets be honest its still one of the best looking military uniforms ever. Its a cool looking fancy dress costume but if you attract a lot of hate remember its kind of your own fault.
    6 points
  5. Guys, I suggest we let this troll and his stupid uniform alone. He's probably loving all this attention, which is why he's chosen this uniform. Let's not feed his ego and just ignore him.
    5 points
  6. I find it hard to believe this isn't some kind of troll post that everyone is falling for, especially considering the timing. If it isn't however, interesting article here: Link to article redacted Not sure I need to point out the irony of wanting to fight ISIS because of their brutality towards Christians, then causing controversy by wearing the uniform of a group who commited mass genocide against the Jews. It's the Swastika that is offensive, and is still used by extremist groups in the US and Europe today as a symbol of hate. I suggest you wear a silly Hitler moustache so that at least people may think you are wearing it in jest, even though it's bad taste. Proudly taking selfies and posting them in public is not the best idea!
    5 points
  7. This is all a bit silly isnt it. The its a dress uniform and has no place on a battlefield. Well its all fancy dress and toy guns and fake grenades none of belongs on a battlefield. But then again its not a real battlefield either. The I lost my grandfather in the war comments. We all lost family in the second world and the first and I can find records of dead family all the way back to fighting the Scots. Doesn't mean I get all offended and need to have a cry in the corner if someone wears a kilt. A lot of people on here like Russian stuff and thats great. Even though the russian army is responsible for lots of atrocities throughout history. Anybody booked a holiday to the Ukraine this year? As for bringing airsoft into disrepute, think about how sad and pathetic some of the responses on this thread are. Get a grip. Get a life. Get over it. Im off to play silly gun games and hopefully meet some decent more normal people. When I do post next it will be to talk about toy guns with Proffrink.
    5 points
  8. But this load out has no place on a battlefield. It's not portraying the waffen SS who did the fighting. Even if it was , it's a dress uniform, not very practical for fighting in. The SS portrayed here were the ones responsible for the atrocities . And they were all die hard volunteer Nazis unlike the regular army who were conscripted. And the devil being in the detail , isn't that the deaths head insignia on his hat ? ( literally the unit responsible for death camps and the final solution shit?) In my opinion you're trying too hard to be an edgy cunt and push the limits of freedom of expression. I would rather airsoft not being associated with these kind of people - it's already embarrassing enough explaining what I do on weekends EDIT: googled the totenkopft insignia and it appears to be the 3rd SS panzer division so I was mistaken about the waffen SS bit. The unit portrayed still committed war crimes though, and it's still a dress uniform so I still think you're a bit of a prick EDIT 2 : more Google confirmed I was initially right, concentration camp guards, who also were use to form the 3rd SS panzer division . Initial point reinstated
    5 points
  9. I have no problem with people depicting combat units of any nation from WW2. The SS dress uniform however is not a combat uniform and is designed as a political statement. There are many great looking WW2 German uniforms that you could have chosen that would show respect for the millions of Germans who died and were also victims of Naziism and the war that was forced upon them by their government. DAK, gebirgsjager, fallschirmjager and even the SS combat uniform would be fine in my book.
    4 points
  10. Few words for this man: Tw*t, c*nt, could've Atleast waited 1 day d*ck. That's all
    4 points
  11. Bear in mind that most people measure their range like they measure their knob size.
    4 points
  12. I'm very offended but then my great grandfather did die fighting the germans and I spent my life serving queen and country and supporting veterans who lost their friends to these evil warmongers. If you were doing it for historical accuracy and ww2 events then We would have no problem, but the fact you wanna go skirmishing every week dressed as a murderous and genocidal SS officer worries me. Well done for posting this on remembrance weekend......
    4 points
  13. - It doesn't look like he's got anywhere to store spare magazines, batteries, water, anything else that someone might want to take onto a airsoft field, and if he's wearing it purely because he likes the style, he might not want to be adding bags or pouches that wouldn't fit the uniform (emphasis on 'might', obviously I don't know his preference) To be fair though, most hires don't either. I don't carry much beyond a spare mag or two in a pocket these days. Being a dress piece, it's not designed to blend in, so he'll be spotted easier. It's basically all black, I wear a black top and camo trousers, but I do regularly see people turning up to woodland in Black kit - It's obviously an item of pride to the owner, but running around an airsoft field, through bushes and brambles, kneeling or lying down, potentially slipping over, all risk damaging the clothes and ruining them. Why risk damaging a replica piece? Something designed for combat rather than ceremony is going to be harder-wearing, and isn't going to look so ruined if exposed to harsh treatment. >Not using an item designed to get used in fear of it getting used. Do you not take pride in your gear? Your rifle? Do you take so much pride in your gear that you actually own several plate carriers and ARs, but run around in pyjamas knife killing everyone incase the AR/Plate carrier become mucky? Can't say I'd wear it skirmishing -based on the perceived beliefs of the wearer- but god damn, I'll defend his right to wear it if he wants. As did all those who died on both sides. This, to me, comes down to a very simple rule: He has the right to free speech (which I think we can agree this is) and you DO NOT have the right to not be offended.
    3 points
  14. from my humble noob understandings.... 40m to 50m average 80m if you got it set REALLY well 100m very very few really get close to (over 100m and think are talking more bollocks than me - that is going some I know)
    3 points
  15. Yet you find people dress up as Jihadi extremists on game days and no one bats an eyelid, yet ironically some of the people that don't bat an eyelid to this are the same people that are currently serving / have served in the military and are fighting / have fought against extremists at some point. Just think about that.
    3 points
  16. This shit again? Just post some toy guns for christ sake.
    3 points
  17. Too young to be a SS Obersturmbannfuerer. Hugo Boss styling is great, black on silver, certainly eye catching. And I actually find the KGB and Communist party more offensive (killed 20 million of their own people). However, dress uniform less practical than wearing a camouflaged Waffen SS one. I prefer the Herr Flick look from Allo Allo.
    3 points
  18. ...and instead of going for, I dunno, a standard WWII German uniform, you decided to go for the one which will intentionally get as much negative attention as possible? What a fantastic idea, I'm sure you'll not run into any issues whatsoever. There's normally a reason why most trolls keep their activity to the internet and not real life.
    3 points
  19. We're well off topic now but that's a player problem not a rules problem. Having a joule chart for all of the popular weights (or even ALL weights of BB) attached to the site chrono isn't a massive ask, if a player is thought to be attempting to cheat the system they could be asked to have ten of their BBs weighed before loading them into the magazine for chrono, although I agree that is a little heavy handed. If someone wishes to cheat chrono, it's REALLY easy to do so.
    2 points
  20. Simple fact is, this guy wants to go like that a skirmish is upto him, he's the one who has to deal with what's going to happen, he's the one who has to deal with the aftermath of his actions, he's the one who may not be welcome at any sites after that So fact is, if he's not that bothered about wearing it then why raise it ?? Personally I think it's bad taste outside of 're-enactment but what has really pissed me the Fuck off is his blatant disrespect for what today is throughout this country We are reminded of all attrocities through out the world everyday but today is where we remember everyone who has died in all conflicts & not the murder of millions of people because of one mans racial hatred of a religion I say go for it you moron because plenty people will put you in your place & 're-educate you
    2 points
  21. I refer to "range" to include accuracy where the gun/shooter's range is on target or pretty damn close 100m with good accuracy - most of the time is not the same getting a bb to reach 100m the above is a very rare thing to achieve or come close to if anybody can do that easily then I tip my hat sir
    2 points
  22. Here is my review on the Alyan Arisoft and Reaper Airsoft GBBR m4 hi-cap mags. For the purpose of this review i am using my bog standard (no npas) WE SCAR rifle. why HPA mags?, i really don't like real caps, gas can get expensive, gas mags are not cheap, winter, and i already have HPA gear. (both mags are sold as 1000rd mags, but the Alyan is 1inch shorter so i suspect its only a 800rd mag) Alyan Airsoft mag This was the first out of the 2 mags i bought. from the outside this mag looks really nice, however its not very good at all. My first problem was i could not get bb's to feed, they kept getting stuck in the alloy top part, i found there was a small tube inside the head, 5mins with some emery paper soon sorted that, then on to testing. I could not get the FPS above 265fps (0.25's) and the FPS would vary wildly from shot to shot, i went as far as getting a palmers regulator and taking the air pressure up to 180PSI, with out joy. at this point i decided to open up the mag and see what was what. Just behind the fitting that screws into the alloy block, was clogged with PTFE tape, and this lead to another discovery ... the valve that Alyan use's is ... well rubbish. It is not one that's designed for gas, its backwards (literally), and you are relying on the spring that goes to the brass striker on the back to keep it closed! (unlike most valves that the gas pressure aids in keeping the valve closed, this one the gas fights against the spring). No matter what i did, i cannot get this mag to work. Its pants don't, buy one you will waste 120 Euro's Reaper Airsoft After being burned by Alyan, i noticed that a lot of people who ran GBBR's, used standard WE mags but with the russian HPA tap. This is where Reaper Airsoft comes In! They don't try to reinvent the wheel (valve arrangement) they do it right, basically they use the top end of a standard WE GBBR mag mated to the hi cap mag, and it works brilliantly, proper British engineering!. with approx 65PSI i was getting 300FPS (0.25's). They where brilliant when i was asking about the mag, and sent me loads of pics that i asked for. Now don't get me wrong, it is £140, but it works! and for me its worth every penny. also major plus points go to this mag, as should the gas valve fail, being standard WE item, its easily replaced Conclusion :- Alyan Airsoft= useless waste of time and money if they was on fire and i had a glass of water .. i would suddenly be very hydrated Reaper Airsoft = extremely well made mag, that dose exactly what it is supposed to do i would buy from them again.
    2 points
  23. I would probably bet money that it is, but it has opened up an interesting discussion.
    2 points
  24. it's only 4 inches, but it smells like a foot!
    2 points
  25. BAC died pretty much immediately, one of the members of this forum signed up with a bunch of fake details and was approved immediately with no checks at all... completely discredited the entire scheme and about 90% of retailers refused to accept it afterwards.
    2 points
  26. Pretty much the same as it's always been. 50-60m reasonably with a decent gun firing at <350, another 20 metres for a well set up gun shooting at ~500 Anyone who claims significantly more is talking shit.
    2 points
  27. Don't forget his other thread. @OP You could have at least uploaded it to imgur rather than to this forum, don't you think that was rather inconsiderate to the rest of the users here?
    2 points
  28. I've also just seen this kid lives not to far from me so in the likelihood of bumping into him at a skirmish it would be interesting to see what the reactions will be.
    1 point
  29. In my opinion I don't think there's anything worse you could possibly wear. To the people comparing other atrocities throughout time by various countries. None of it can compare to what the nazis did.
    1 point
  30. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds himself taking more face shots than usual at his next outing, can imagine the safety briefing now ''please try and aim for centre mass rather than head shots, unless your the plank dressed in the Waffen-SS uniform. Feel free to shoot him in the Ears & index fingers.'' To me it stinks of bad taste, but then so do all the fake twitter accounts of Hitler etc that post jokes that people share on and think are funny. I'm sure if he's actually brave/stupid enough to skirmish it he will grow tired of the negative/abuse it attracts and will ditch it to become 'the knob who wore the ss uniform'
    1 point
  31. I 've avoided calling troll, though I just found the thread on zeroin and in the title it states "first time on airsoft forums...." - A blatant lie, he's been here since July. Love the way no one responded to his use of "etc" over there. His lack of follow up makes it feel like we're in a Petri-dish for his entertainment. The only mystery is why there is zero effort to obfuscate his identity.
    1 point
  32. It'll be fine. The vast majority of AEGs use the same type of springs. It's only a special few that require a different style. I'd look at using an M90 though, if you're buying ASG springs; I use them and they tend to come out at 340ish, unless you have a poor air seal. An M100 could very well put you around 360, so best playing it safe and aim to be under!
    1 point
  33. Whats the combat outfit thing all about?Its airsoft not combat. By that reckoning the people who turn up in Spiderman outfits or onesies shouldnt be wearing them. Uniform is bad taste yes but whether its a combat uniform or not is irrelevant.
    1 point
  34. Got to agree with the timing comment. Its probably not the best weekend to post it. As for the atrocities committed by the SS yes they did some terrible things and deserved to be reviled. But so did everyone else. How many innocents died when America dropped the bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Look up the Prussian mass rape. How many war crimes were committed by the Allies? Not sticking up for the SS or Germany in general but remember a lot of the SS were basically brainwashed from a young age. The uniform is poor taste but then all of them are depending on your point of view. The kilt remark was meant to be a joke. It made me laugh that someone bought up a relative dying in WW2. We most likely all did but it was most likely by the hands of someone else other than the SS.
    1 point
  35. where the hell did you find that? it looks new
    1 point
  36. 100 or so then they are talking in imperial ft no mtrs or shooting downwards off the cliffs at Dover or something like that though my m8 got a gun from JBBG and out range everybody - best gun evvvaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
    1 point
  37. Got them on ebay for £80, the lenses were a complete write off but they're cheap enough to replace.
    1 point
  38. ^^ Jihadi like their black PJs so that they are ready for those 72 virgins Mind you Jimmy Savile liked tracksuit trousers too for his proclivities. Go figure.
    1 point
  39. It was always my impression that " " Jihadi extremists " " were just plain clothed civis in local middle-eastern attire with aks and assault vests? Is there an official uniform or something to which you and teddybhoy refer?
    1 point
  40. I certainly don't have a problem with anyone wearing what they want. Ultimately, it's just a uniform and I can see why someone might appreciate German engineering and tailoring to the extend that they would want to wear it. What I don't get is why there is now a thread identical to this on ZeroIn and here and how he's already told us about his SS uniform back in July. I come on here to talk about shooting people with toy gats. Not get my jimmies rustled goddammet.
    1 point
  41. I find them equally as much arseholes if I'm honest . They're a bit more understandable in the sense the majority of airsofters portray modern special forces and that's their modern enemy. As has been noted this would be more suitable at a ww2 event apart from the fact he's not portraying a combat look. He's portraying a death camp guard unit... It's also worth noting most of the jihadi load outs are found usually only at milsim a and are a bit of a "oh someone needs to be op for so ill stick on a funny hat . Cape and use an AK" rather than " I'm harbouring racist views or want to be offensive so I'll construct an accurate uniform which has no place on a battlefield anyway and say it's okay for me to wear it because airsoft"
    1 point
  42. You must have some better way to photograph that than a mirror, every thing's backwards! Surely you must have a better picture? Also you profile picture is too easy to reverse google image search and sets you up for doxing - not a good thing to do when you're operating potentially offensive behaviour.
    1 point
  43. Reminds me of a story, apocryphal of course: "My grandfather died in one of the camps, right at the end of the war. The allies were advancing and only a few miles away. During the celebrations, granddad fell out of his tower, drunk."
    1 point
  44. Where does he say that that was his intention? He likes the outfit, not what the outfit is associated with 70 years ago.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Perhaps you would be better to list all of those places which you found it in stock, and then say "should I avoid any of these?" Your initial post has no doubt wasted more time than that of those who merely replied, and for no gain to you or anyone else. There is no doubt that people here can help you, but please make it easier for them!
    1 point
  47. just googled it...simple really! for me, popped to firesupport........ and just got a pair of those googles....downside, don't fit very well with my fast helmet, may have to try the cap....but can see better than my nuprol mesh goggles resisted another AEG, need to use the current one a bit more before I buy a new one
    1 point
  48. Welcome! Have you got boots or some hiking shoes too? It's been raining a lot recently and you'll need them.
    1 point
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