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Cannot afford a UGL, nor can I find one. Just got a TM M320 though in a swap for my MP5...


It's not permanent, but i will be using it tomorrow lol. I expect my wrists to be broken this time tomorrow as it weighs an absolute ton..



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  On 11/03/2016 at 20:34, Aengus said:

"Only £160" - Must be an airsofter.

I will be an Airsofter after i play my first game! ;)

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  On 11/03/2016 at 21:33, Spatch said:

More to the point, 'you haven't played a game' then what valid defence did you use to procure said RIF?

Living in Ireland at the moment and will be moving home to the UK fingers crossed some time this year.

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Aye Southern Ireland don't need defense


Northern Ireland is part of UK but Eire is not


yet NI has a higher % of population of firearms than rest of UK

(still not as high as places like France & others)


Also there was a few sellers from Eire that sold to others without carrying out proper checks that ukara people have to do

(some sales did not always go to plan but buyer often had little comeback if buying buying RIF without proper defense)


If gun works ok and buyer is happy - good on ya sir, ya first RIF is always very special - well mine is/was

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I see a bit of both ends here....


I was aware the new member said he was from UK and moved to Ireland but is moving back

so taking that guy at his word I'm assuming he is 18+

but even if he wasn't he could of been gifted a RIF never skirmished living in UK and still no laws broken


I purchased something from a guy and did not go quite according to plan so I know about Eire's guidelines


The new player was naive as to possible vcra stuff in UK

but no rules broken if obtained in Eire

but all the same it attracted interest/concerns how a RIF was obtained without skirmishing yet


These concerns - and I admit if I hadn't said hi to the guy's new player message a few days ago from Sussex

I would of had concerns too, but all the same when the full picture is put together then there is no law broken


So with that - then I can see why after that no one cares - well not anymore until the guy tries to return to UK

Then he will need some form of defense perhaps...


So I would suggest he gets out and skirmishes a bit in Eire or where ever to build up a defense should need arise on UK return


Yes I do take this sport or toy gun malarky seriously = guidelines

but not too ultra seriously that every single loadout has to be perfectly represented or i's dotted & t's crossed on stuff I use

All the same we have to respect and abide by the regulations so we can protect & continue airsofting


So new player - I would suggest maybe not stating so vividly what you just bought and not skirmished yet as it adds confusion/concerns on AF-UK

and strongly suggest you get out and skirmish a bit - shooting targets is nothing compared to getting out and having targets light you up in return


Peace n love and all that crap x x x

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VCRA covers import, so I think you need a defence to move a RIF from the ROI in to the UK. I'm not 100% on the law of how the countries are separated etc, but I'm fairly sure that such a move would be considered importing to the UK. If anyone's read that bit of the act more recently feel free to correct me.

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Its something i will be looking into as i have other firearms to bring home as well, thanks for the concern guys.

This is home at the moment @1 o'clock of centre pic and top of my drive being out of shot at the bottom of the pic so plenty of places to run around un-disturbed. :D


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Just got my first Proper gun, a GBB KJW Glock 23, Very Happy with it! Obviously it's not modded or anything, Wouldn't trust myself to do that just yet. I did get a cheap £5 Torch attachment from JustBBGuns, And once I'd replaced the Batteries it came with, I was pleasantly surprised by it's brightness. And it looks pretty nice too. Also good that it fit, after the horror stories I've heard of Fat Glocks XD Not any wobble what so ever.










Overall, Looking forward to some awesome games in the future with it!

Was just looking at my post, and Damn my Phone camera is good!

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  On 14/03/2016 at 16:11, B.S said:

Just got my first Proper gun, a GBB KJW Glock 23, Very Happy with it! Obviously it's not modded or anything, Wouldn't trust myself to do that just yet. I did get a cheap £5 Torch attachment from JustBBGuns, And once I'd replaced the Batteries it came with, I was pleasantly surprised by it's brightness. And it looks pretty nice too. Also good that it fit, after the horror stories I've heard of Fat Glocks XD Not any wobble what so ever.






Overall, Looking forward to some awesome games in the future with it!

Are they madbull BBs?

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  On 14/03/2016 at 16:21, Aengus said:

Are they madbull BBs?

Bulldog, although there's some KJW's Mixed in that came with the Glock

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