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Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread

Message added by proffrink

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Lol, judging by your numerous replies you clearly do care about getting your opinion across, but now, knowing you'll never win the "Mack's" argument, your fixating on whether Edcade is a bad man for maybe, or maybe not ?, calling someone out.

Chill, no one died BRUV 😜

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15 minutes ago, Sboardley said:

1. The fact that Edcase hasn’t denied that he called out an innocent third party for lying about not selling his fal, thus it not being the £190 rif ‘inflated’ to £x sold by avenger is the point. Not avenger. 

2. no one got to buy something they think is too expensive. 
3. I’m past caring bruv. 

Hell of a way to get your post count up lad.

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14 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Let's all just get along and take anything on here with a grain of salt, for mild amusement at best. One of the reasons I like airsoft is escapism from politics and stuff that actually matters and I've seen far to much of both on here recently.

Well said sir.👍

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37 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Let's all just get along and take anything on here with a grain of salt, for mild amusement at best. One of the reasons I like airsoft is escapism from politics and stuff that actually matters and I've seen far to much of both on here recently.


lockdown has us all bored, plus we haven't been out shooting to grumble about what really needs to be addressed: speedsofters

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2 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


lockdown has us all bored, plus we haven't been out shooting to grumble about what really needs to be addressed: speedsofters



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11 minutes ago, Tackle said:




You sir have just hurt my inner snowflake.... <insert waa waa emoji>


Where's the report button and dislike button and the thumbs down button? FFS you call this Facebook....


Oh wait wrong web browser session.... <insert duh emoji>

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16 minutes ago, Tackle said:




see how much better the world is when we can have open and reasoned debate where we respect each others opinions


fortunately the limitations of the internet prevent it being obvious that i couldn't type that with a straight face :P

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11 hours ago, Tackle said:

Lol, judging by your numerous replies you clearly do care about getting your opinion across, but now, knowing you'll never win the "Mack's" argument, your fixating on whether Edcade is a bad man for maybe, or maybe not ?, calling someone out.

Chill, no one died BRUV 😜

Ahhh. I think you’re trying to hurt my fleesings, or what ever it is women have...

and no, I still think this thread is ‘owned’ by a bunch of toxic back slapping bitches, who think they can say what they want with obvious impunity. 

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I feel like “Toxic” has become the go to word for a generation who don’t know how to handle criticism or confrontation nor have they developed the interpersonal skills to simply hold a differing opinion on a matter without feeling the need to “out” the other party as wrong.


I for one am offended and demand this is stopped now. Macks is part of the rich cultural tapestry of AFUK and this thinly veiled attack is no less than an assault on an institution 

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I want to comment but i think it would be considered toxic, But sod it i will, completely agree with @Alimcd people can't handle criticism. If you don't like what's being said either deal with it or don't read it.  

And if members of this board are so toxic i would also suggested reading through this entire forum to see how many people they have helped with information and knowledge. To me that is far from toxic.

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31 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Having looked through Sboardley's previous posts I think we should just ignore or laugh at him. Nothing but pissing and moaning with zero useful contributions 

I'm torn, can't decide if he's a troll or a butthurt snowflake 🤔

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Remember the good old days when we used to talk about people’s TM recoils and ripping the guts out of them and slapping in so many upgrades that the TM fairies all died in a horrible prommy death and then trying to sell the gun for £1k coz that’s how much was spent on it. Don’t ya miss them days. Don’t ya?  <Insert TM fairy dust emoji>

And in other news.....  Elsa has popped up to build a snowman coz of the abundant snowflakes falling 😂😂😂

Edit: Now I can’t get that bloody song out my head.... see what you’ve all gone and done 😂

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4 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

Remember the good old days when we used to talk about people’s TM recoils and ripping the guts out of them and slapping in so many upgrades that the TM fairies all died in a horrible prommy death and then trying to sell the gun for £1k coz that’s how much was spent on it. Don’t ya miss them days. Don’t ya?  <Insert TM fairy dust emoji>

And in other news.....  Elsa has popped up to build a snowman coz of the abundant snowflakes falling 😂😂😂

Edit: Now I can’t get that bloody song out my head.... see what you’ve all gone and done 😂


Just let it go mate.

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For some reason I googled bitch slap (no idea why) and this came up. Is that a TM recoil and a TM Glock 17 and what I assume is a TM samurai or have I got that wrong? 🤔


Looks like a great gun movie? Right lads?



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