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Status Updates posted by proffrink

  1. Sorry dark theme users if you've been flashbanged this evening. Every major IPB update I wipe the theme and apply our changes afresh (thereby wiping your default selected theme).

  2. This is the newest IPB version and I imagine the old skin we were using is not compatible with it yet so yeh. It's pretty awful though and makes really poor use of the space.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. proffrink


      Tried to go on WaybackMachine to get a comparison (couldn't get one) but maybe you can see what I mean. Even for 16:9 the main body is a fair bit smaller and that really reduces functionality.

    3. Deva


      Someone has a big monitor.. just made it fluid (80%). Any better?

    4. proffrink


      Much better, thanks.

      And yeh :D

  3. Is anyone in direct contact with Sam or anyone else at Kingdom of Airsoft? I'm trying his email but getting no response.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. clumpyedge


      I think for the people i know that had work done by him it was the constant excuses rather than just saying "look I'm snowed under please bare with me" then posting pics of his own builds and tech work that should have taken a back seat to paying customers

    3. Governor


      Best way to get in touch with him was via facebook. He is most active on the TM Recoil groups!

    4. mattkirk1995


      Sent a Gun with over 500£ worth of upgrades in august last year got it back last week! took maybe 2 months between replies possibly longer

  4. Any suggestions for colour of Cerakote on an AK? Probably just going to get black.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. proffrink


      Not that any of you are interested but I've ignored all suggestions and gone with sniper grey (what is it about American gun-related companies and horribly cringey names?): https://www.cerakoteguncoatings.com/finishes/H-234Q/sniper-grey/


      But seriously thanks all. I did look at all the proposed colours.

    3. warlord


      After seeing the new VFC Saber SD in grey I was going to suggest that.

  5. Some of you are leaving feedback in the old place. That's fine, but you may lose it if/when we move over to the new feedback system.


    As such, you may wish to double-up and also leave feedback through the new system too by going here: https://airsoft-forums.uk/feedback/


    We're looking into ways in which we might be able to migrate old feedback to the new system if we keep it, but this is not guaranteed.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. proffrink



      We're looking into ways in which we might be able to migrate old feedback to the new system if we keep it, but this is not guaranteed.

      If it can be transferred it's a manual job, so might not happen. Old feedback will always be visible when linked to at a minimum, however.


      More discussion here:


  6. Got around to applying the new logo. Please let me know if this cocks up anywhere on the site as it's a scalable vector (which IPB doesn't support by default) so it's a bit hacked in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CES_williamson
    3. proffrink


      Oh and it's 'new' in the loosest sense.

    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      Greg new logo looks great

  7. Does anyone have recommendations for Cerakote-ers in the UK?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proffrink


      Thanks. I was also looking at LWA who offer pistol frame and slide for £50, but I can't find any reviews on them.

    3. Hef Legend

      Hef Legend

      Mike Cripps does pistols and I imagine other things,

    4. jcheeseright


      riflecraft.co.uk will also do airsoft stuff.

  8. Can someone try uploading some images to an advert and see if it works? I'm getting an error when I do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gepard
    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      added another Bulldog for sale to my post....




      Meant to add this to description:

      2nd one needs attention as it runs a bit RRRRUUUUUUUFFFFFFF

      (I'll get my coat)

    4. proffrink


      Well at least it's working for you guys.

      Thanks for the help :)

      Ok, I've deleted your adverts/threads now too so that you don't have to suffer through the embarrassment of having a cross-armed smiling man in a camo onesie on your phone and ready to go.

  9. Which one of you is responsible for this


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proffrink


      I've already found them, but I want them to know what they've done.

    3. Gepard


      So wait a sec.. does this mean the thread takes a photo within the discussion and displays it as it's thumbnail?



    4. proffrink


      Yes. The first posted image becomes the thumb.


      This is dangerous information.

  10. Latest batch of patch orders will go out Monday. Final chance to order for October (if you were considering doing so).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skintrade


      Any idea when this batch will arrive with us?

    3. proffrink


      Depends when you ordered. Not all of them made it into that lot, but I'm going to send out another batch tomorrow as well as quite a lot of new supporter patches need to be sent.

    4. skintrade


      No probs, order was October 3rd if that helps

  11. Merry Christmas all. Hope you all find BFGs under your trees.

    1. Druid799


      Merry crimbo t you too !

    2. RostokMcSpoons


      I cut out the middle(wo)man (Santa/Wife) and bought myself a gun.   

      So there's no 'hope' about it now ...

      I wholeheartedly recommend this approach :D

    3. Paul72


      Merry Christmas 

  12. you dint see nothin

    1. Sacarathe


      I did see nothing.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      how much is my silence worth to you?

    3. Duff


      I felt it tho...

  13. Ok, done.

    1. Gepard


      MRW there's two minutes of downtime


    2. MisterG


      That was quick, I didn't even notice.





    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      As the actress said to the bishop....


      Not a happy ducky, new classifieds didn't work for me

      So looks like I'm keep my bad boy B500A1


      muchas gracias to the team for all your recent efforts

      you have gone more than just the extra mile to revamp this place

      much obliged sir

  14. IPB update has broken the classifieds. Fixing now.

    1. proffrink


      Fixed, but now missing the warnings about feedback. Will fix that this evening.

      Let me know if you find any bugs or whatever as this is a reasonably large update.

    2. MisterG


      I think the smileys aren't as good as before.

    3. proffrink


      That's probably not a bug. Go post in the forum suggestions :)

  15. Good time to remind everyone that the forums do have a Twitter and Facebook account used almost exclusively for tracking any down time and making announcements on any maintenance or crashes.


    Might be worth checking the links at the bottom of the page so that you know where to check if there's an next time (here's hoping there's not)

    1. L3wisD


      Plus it's well good for sending sad reaction GIFs to Proff to keep his morale up.

    2. Jedi_Master


      I am not one of the twatterati so have never looked there. And have never used f-book.

  16. Forums were down again due to an issue identical to the one from the other day. Looking into it.

    1. sonofsammo


      Good effort on fixing it so quickly! :D

    2. proffrink


      Well it was the same issue so took about 2 minutes :)

  17. A lot of new faces around here apparently

    1. Rogerborg


      Hah, I've just been promoted to "Rookie".  One day I hope to reach the exalted combat rank of "Mostly Harmless."

    2. MiK


      @Rogerborg never gonna happen :P

  18. Brace for spam, I just approved 3 pages of members who've been waiting since last year and were in the spam filter. Some look legitimate but many might not be.

    1. proffrink


      Usually they're just sat to fester for a bit but it's getting a bit silly. Let's see if those Swiss or Philippine accounts are spammers or not :)

  19. Spam issue has been addressed with the addition of an extra plugin that claims to help. We'll see I suppose...

    1. proffrink


      Well, that didn't quite work. Back to the drawing board.

  20. Done testing the new anti-bumping stuff. Thanks for all your help (you did nothing to help).

    1. Prisce


       Very welcome. Any time you need assistance like that again, don’t hesitate to ask!:D:lol:

  21. Server restart tonight. Could be 5 minutes, could be 15. Don't panic.

    1. L3wisD


      My reaction when I find the forum down again



  22. So it turns out that forum-breaking bug is still very much alive and kicking.


    Apologies guys, but do have slightly more to go on this time as I ruled out some stuff last time this happened.

  23. Expect the ban hammer to come down hard and fast if you're going to be a racist on here. Thanks for the reports people.

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