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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/24 in all areas

  1. my application is in !
    4 points
  2. I spoke to Ollie today for a good 20 minutes - he had a table with PewHub at the Midlands Airsoft Fair. As you'd guess, he was well enough to attend and is in very good spirits despite the very grim situation so it didn't dull the tone of discussing his GBBR builds and he gave some excellent advice on MWS builds that I will certainly take on. I'll leave it for Ollie to give a clearer update on his condition with his next video as he's awaiting something more certain from his oncologist.
    3 points
  3. WW2 Glider pilot regiment at Arnhem
    3 points
  4. Really just an old fart who enjoys airsoft pistols but in IPSC format rather than skirmishing. Too old and failing joints for that. Joined the forum to get hints and help on technical issues as well as hints and tips on maintenance etc. Looking forward to browsing some more of the content, my go to Tech is Luke Dobson (Negative Airsoft) very helpful and I'm used to him giving me a hard time for the style of my pistols!!
    2 points
  5. Having collected the lad from university yesterday, which involved 9 hours of driving, today we set off for Dragon's Lair, a nice little site in Essex which is soon to move from its current location to a much larger site which is conveniently much closer for us. Attendance was unusually light, with only 46 players in attendance. We started off with a simple attack and defend game; the defenders had three lives in the village, while we had infinite regens on our rearmost player. There were two routes from our start point to the village, one either side of a lake; as usual, we took the right hand path as there more structures on that side, providing more cover for the attackers. We advanced steadily, eventually taking the central building which was our objective. After a short break to reload, the game was turned around. Along with several others, the lad and I took up positions on the right, covering the approaches to the two bridges that the attackers had to use to cross the stream. The lad disappeared into a large patch of ferns, several of which he attached to his hat, rendering him almost invisible. The opponents made a series of determined attacks, eventually crossing the bridges; however, by putting up a coordinated defence, our little band held them up and they never managed to break through. The little PP-19-01 reached out, taking out lots of runners and opponents lurking behind whatever cover they could find. To be fair, attacking from that side is really difficult due to the very limited cover. However, those attacking the other side of the village eventually wore down the defenders in that direction and secured the building. Following this, the next game involved us attacking the fort; again, the attackers had infinite regens on the last player and the defenders had three lives. The lad and I decided to attack up the right hand boundary ditch; the sight of the lad crawling up the ditch on his belt buckle seemed to surprise several players. After clearing the ditch, we started to attack the flank of the fort against strong resistance, eventually moving into it and helping to clear it, despite one last enemy player popping out from the basement and shooting me in the back; he died in a hail of BBs from my teammates. Lunch then followed. In the reverse of the fort game, I took up a position in the same ditch, intending to help stop the attackers flanking the fort. After being hit, I moved back to a new position in the ditch. As the enemy moved up, I noticed an enemy player to my front who was half concealed by a tree while he shot at the fort. I put a number of rounds into him, watching them hit him and him flinching while he continued to shoot at the fort. I decided to shoot other people instead. Eventually, of course, the fort fell. The next game, with similar regen rules except that the attackers had to regen on the back wall of the fort, involved us attacking the two bridges; we had to get either a smoke grenade, a flashbang or a foot onto each bridge to take it. This was hard, as it always is; eventually, one of our players got onto the right hand bridge and we then focussed on the left hand one. The lad managed to crawl close to it and lobbed a couple of grenades, but they both fell a bit short. He also launched a solo assault against two enemy players behind a barrier, taking them both out with his pistol, albeit at the cost of a walk back to regen. At around this point, about half our team suddenly decided to go home, which was slightly frustrating. Eventually, one of our team managed to reach the left bridge! As there were not many people left, we then played a game of infection in the village; four of us decided to conceal ourselves at the top of the tower; unfortunately, one of us was the initial infected player and he shot the rest of us as soon as the game started. After everyone had been infected, the game was run again; we decided that the best approach was to come out of hiding and generally mooch around with the infected players, hoping that they would think that we were also infected, akin to when people in The Walking Dead covered themselves in gore in an attempt to convince the Walkers that they were also zombies. This worked well and, when the game ended with the infected claiming that everyone had been infected, we announced that we had not, as did three other players who had been hiding on the top floor of the barn. It was a good day of old fashioned airsoft; it will be a shame to see the site close after so many years, but the new site promises to be even better. The lower player numbers today made for much more open games, with more opportunities for sneakiness and movement. Weapons used: Me: LCT PP-19-01 APS UAR ASG XP18 Commander CO2 The lad: CYMA AK105 CYMA AKS74U ASG XP Commander CO2
    2 points
  6. Hi, lot of old farts here so you're in good company 🙂
    2 points
  7. Airsoft is patient zero for "You get what you pay for". I mean, you can't buy one of those cheap Ravens if you want a good brand, you have to splash out on a Vorsk for the extra manufacturing quality.
    2 points
  8. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    Another H&K recently added into the mix
    2 points
  9. I got you...
    1 point
  10. I went out to Gunman Eversley Alpha this weekend for a weekend of shooting GIs in the 'Nam. We set off on the Friday to get there nice and early and set up our camp compound. The guy who drives us all up there and introduced us to 'Namsoft loves his glamping, so we are always very well stocked. A bit of a squeeze this time as his grandson was with us as well, so we were four people instead of three and therefore needed a 2nd tent as we couldn't all fit in the one. We managed to get everything packed in and got there 2nd out of everyone. Another pair was there when we arrived and were setting up, but were setting up away from where we usually like to camp, so we claimed our corner and set up the tents, gazebo, literal kitchen etc. I was a little worried, as my heart was playing up a lot a few weeks ago, but it had been quiet since the Tuesday before last, so I made the decision to go along. Also, the guy driving couldn't play due to tendonitis in his hips (but he still wanted to go as he loves his camping and wanted to see the familiar faces), so we were down to three during the gameplay. He did get out there though as a civilian to help Josh with some objective placements and stuff. Friday night I found it difficult getting to sleep due to anxiety around my heart, but eventually got to sleep without any issues. Anyway, first day was... slow. I headed out with my new PPS Kar98 set up for 1J on .32s and we were put with the main squads to go and put up some observation posts. It's not usually how we play, as our little group does our best work when we're a bit more independent and just focus on making the lives of the GIs hell, but we went along with it to avoid conflict and also help show our new addition around and get him used to the 'Nam. He's only 12 and only started playing airsoft recently, so it was a very different experience for him from normal skirmish and we wanted to make sure he didn't get overwhelmed. Our first little sortie went... pretty poorly. I think part of this was that Josh said it would be game on in 5 mins after the brief, but it probably took closer to 20 - 25 mins for the NVA/VC team to get out to our respawn and go through our objectives and how we wanted to do them. We didn't get too far outside of our base before we got attacked by two separate groups of Americans (well, one was the Aussies, one was the Americans). My friend tried to sneak into one of the many thick bushes just ahead of us, but as he did so a third American team popped around the corner and him also being armed with a Kar98 was not the best weapon to engage a whole squad, so he dived for cover but got hit. He managed to crawl over to me (as you can crawl to a teammate in these filmsim events), so I medic'd him back in. We took a couple of the Americans down, but there were way too many of them and the firepower was overwhelming. I managed to take a few out with the Kar98 and as it's fairly silent they couldn't pinpoint my location. One guy definitely ignored the hit I put on him, but outside of that I put non-hit taking down to them being fairly long distance shots while they were moving and I think we've all been there; a single shot at long distance so the impact isn't massive is easy to not feel when you're moving about. The rest of the group tried to move on the flank and my friend eventually got hit again by the m60 on the hill that had been medic'd back in as well. I held down in the bushes until my friend's bleedout, as the dogtags I hated from last year's game made a return and I didn't want to abandon his to be collected by the US for a free point. I think that the US thought it was just him there and were trying to mop up the other squad to our left before coming to collect the dogtag, as I managed to scoot out of there and link up with the other squad higher up in the valley without much trouble. We kept going around until we got to the first observation point and set up to defend it as we had to hold them for 15 mins to score. We held our ground, but eventually got attacked by one US unit who managed to sneak through the ferns onto a flank. We managed to repel them though and eventually got reinforcements to push them back and around to the other side of the valley. I got left behind somewhat, but linked up with a few others and we also pushed up, however only four of us (me, my friend, my other friend's grandson and another VC guy) went to the next observation post. However, it was fairly quiet around the mortar pit, so we placed it down and dug into the bushes. No US forces came across us, so it was an easy 15 minute hold to set it up. We then lost the other VC guy (no idea where he went!) so the three of us pushed to the fort as it was a central location and we thought we could do some damage from there. It was fairly quiet, but one of the special forces teams did walk right by us while we hid in the bushes; one of them even looked directly at us and my friend's grandson was standing up! Either he didn't want to get shot as we all had guns trained on them, or they actually didn't see us because their whole team walked past us. In hindsight, we should've shot them all as they passed, but we let them pass instead to stay undetected. We then discussed our next plan of action and when I left the bushes to go do that... they didn't follow, so I was left by myself. Apparently they had gone to the gate of the fort and held there, while I went around the back and had to Metal Gear Solid my way through another three whole US teams; one of 5, one of 10(!) and one of 4, as with the Kar98 there was no way in hell I could engage. Well, I could, but I'd probably just give the US troops a free point as they'd likely take me out with BB spam into the bushes and take my dogtag. Managed to sneak by all three teams undetected, despite wearing all black and sticking out like a sore thumb; who needs a ghillie to stay hidden, eh? I finally made it back to our base and called it a day there. It was about 2:30pm, so another 1hr 30 mins left of Saturday's game, but I was exhausted after having to sneak my way across half the site. The results of the Saturday was 58 points to the NVA/VC against the 42 points to the US/ARVN, so a win for the NVA on the first day put us in a good place. Saturday night I also managed to sleep decently well, though I did wake up in the middle of the night and was short of breath, but when I put my little heart rate monitor on it was reading very normal so it was purely anxiety around it acting up and not actually acting up. Didn't play on the Sunday. My friend had a chest infection and a really bad back so he couldn't move much and my other friend still had tendonitis in his hips as that doesn't just go away over night. His grandson was too tired to play and I really wasn't feeling it, so we instead had breakfast and then took a couple of hours to dismantle the compound. NVA/VC handled business on Sunday and won handily, culminating in a battle that pushed the Americans out of their base and had the NVA/VC closing in on them on all sides. The NVA managed to set up their anti-tank weapons, which was their main objective, and Josh said to us it was probably better that we didn't play as it could've been very oppressive for the US/ARVN players if our group of 4 was also out there causing mayhem. So, what was good? Everyone there was playing in the spirit of the game. Lots of banter and bad acting on both sides! Also, a new rule where if the US/ARVN harassed a civilian and that civilian doesn't have any contraband like intel, a radio or a hidden weapon, then the civilian got a token to give to NVA command. 5 of these tokens was a point for the NVA/VC, so it adds something to disincentivise the US forces from interrogating every civilian player as before there were no negative consequences for them stopping and searching every civilian they found at gunpoint. Also, as usual, peoples kit was great. I'm no stitch counter, so I'm generally fine with inaccurate kit, but everyone at least looked the part which made for some great cinema. It was also good to see @Tactical Pith Helmet (and Mrs. TPH!) again; what a lovely chap that guy is! However, I didn't enjoy it as much as usual. So, why didn't I? Well, the Saturday was incredibly slow for us and we were folded into squads. I felt like I was playing PAVN in black, not VC, and I didn't enjoy that; it definitely felt more on the milsim side of filmsim and I don't enjoy that; I like a bit of silly BB wars in the woods in fancy dress. Also, the dogtag mechanic singlehandedly kills my enjoyment. My usual tactics would just be free points for the US forces, as it's a high risk harassment campaign all weekend that sees me getting shot and every time I get hit there's either nobody or only 1 other person around to stop them getting my dogtag; it's very easy to get overwhelmed, especially with a 1J bolt action. I don't want to be the reason the NVA/VC side loses because my tactics don't tend to score points; it's more indirect scoring as I try to make the US troops fearful and wary of moving about as they could get jumped by a crazy villager with a rifle at any moment! The dogtags very much hamper those efforts, but at least this time it was only one dogtag. Last year it was one dogtag per life which absolutely crippled my way of playing, but one dogtag was enough to dissuade me from my usual harassment tactics. Thirdly, it was the sniper ban. Gunman do a sniper ban during the summer as the ferns grow quite high, but me being a veteran of the sniper hell that is summertime Worthing Airsoft was constantly finding locations where I had great line of sight and wished I had my 2.3J m700 with me. Yes, there are locations that are close in, but that's what my upgraded pistols are for and compared to Worthing Airsoft, Eversley Alpha is incredibly viable for sniping with a 30m MED. I probably won't make the next one in September, as I've got a hospital appointment in a few weeks with cardiology, so I'm likely getting my heart sorted soon (probably in August with the timing of this appointment). This means I'll be on blood thinners in September (as I have to be for a few months afterwards) which will mean no airsoft for me for those months, which will include September if I'm correct about the timings. Got a year to think about how I want to go ahead with Vietnam games in the future, and one potential avenue that we're exploring as a group is putting together an ARVN kit and then asking Josh where he wants us, as we'd have sets for both teams. US/ARVN have been getting hammered for the past 3 years, so it might be time to try and redress the balance by playing a bit of imperialist gameplay. Give the NVA/VC team a real sniper threat to worry about
    1 point
  11. Yes you are right cgc but Tal were keyholders and did some of the management of the club. I used to do range officer duties there and after sessions were finished the keys were returned to the shop.
    1 point
  12. Good God man... try not to fart in your sleep, you'll prolapse.
    1 point
  13. Welcome to the forum! I appreciate a nice Hi-Capa.
    1 point
  14. Disappointed with my game today - headed to imperium in Kent. I'm used to games started at 9 so a 10am start had me anxious to get going but by the time they got players to the spawn and the objectives set up it was almost 11. Unfortunately I had to end my day at lunch as didn't feel too well but will have to go back again and see if I get a better experience.
    1 point
  15. First day out in a couple of months today, got to Combat Airsoft in Thetford. Not a bad day at all, was on my own but bumped into an old work colleague. Didn’t hear a single complaint from anyone all day, the games didn’t stagnate, and everything seemed to work!
    1 point
  16. It is good to hear that the VSS performed well; a pity about everything else though!
    1 point
  17. I'd say it's a combination of the metal = good plastic = bad fallacy and that many are released in that race gun style with all the bells and whistles already attached, giving the appearance of a well tuned high end gun
    1 point
  18. Hi bud and welcome to the forum. Another old fart here but still active in games despite failing joints lol. I did quite a lot of IPSC disciplines with my old gun club in Christchurch Dorset. That was with 177 co2 pistols. I've just today passed one of my guns onto my son. An Umarex smith and Wesson 686 6inch. Lovely satin finish. It's just been sat under the bed for years. Still got the 686 4 inch though😉 What part of the country are you in? You will find plenty of info on teching and maintenance here. Enjoy the forum 👍 Regards
    1 point
  19. Headed down to my regular monthly site, Splatoon in Essex. Great day (Well, half a day...) as always. Took the VSS and my new E&L AK105, sun was out, the team was all there minus one, the day was looking hopeful! And then... My battery I had taken with me for the AK105 didn't fit under the dust cover, then the other skinnier batteries I had - Same thing, luckily a team mate had a battery I could use that did in fact fit. Great! Off to the first game, for a warm up. 3 spinners situated throughout the middle grounds, yellows had to put the spinner yellow side up, non bands (Me) with the red side up. The yellows held it down amazingly well, until the last few minutes when we managed to get it red side up! Sadly for the yellows, the point went to which side it was up at the end. Sadly though, I missed out on half of this first game as the E&L was shooting up and far left, regardless of where the hop was set - Very disappointing for a brand new gun. So that was out of action for the rest of the day. Second game was an attack and defend game, non bands was the attackers and had unlimited lives to push up and push back the banded team until a non banded player touched the grey helicopter in field 4. I decided to take out the VSS and give it a run, straight away the scope fell off the dovetail mount so I was running iron sights all game. Got a good few shots in though! Game ended after roughly 25 minutes, when one of our team ran up to the helicopter ending the play. When I got back to the safe zone for lunch, I had noticed my LiPo I had tried in the AK had doubled by at least half its size - Bye bye battery! After a good chat with the team mates for lunch, we geared up for the third game - Only to find out, my gate had drained the battery of my VSS over lunch (Due to me forgetting to unplug it, to be fair) and wasn't until I got to the top of the field that I realised I had no battery, sadly putting an end to my day... 😢 On the positive though, the LCT VSS had some nice range and accuracy despite the lower power output which was a lovely surprise!
    1 point
  20. I believe the incentive may be that Nuprol/Vorsk has quite an influence on retailers and distributors at a premium, so you often see them sold at RRP half-price by many online stores - many are also exotic two-tone factory standard.
    1 point
  21. If this rif goes for 200 brand new, where is 500 coming from?
    1 point
  22. Fine as long as it's on properly private land, with the owner's express permission, and nothing goes wrong. Even if it does, if Alice shoots out Bob's eye though negligence, then there's a direct claim between those parties, and it's Alice's problem if she has no liability cover in place. However, random members of the public can wander on, and someone who's lost the ability to earn money is going to go after the deepest pockets they can find, whether it's Alice's, whoever formed the contract with the landowner, or the landowner themselves. Note that whether you're getting paid or not isn't relevant. Vowles vs Evans and the Welsh Rugby Union established that even an unpaid volunteer referee can be liable if they fail in their duty of care.
    1 point
  23. That is nothing, the 501st will let almost anyone in. The mando mercs costume club however, check this out https://mandalorianmercs.org/costume-requirements/
    1 point
  24. Fresh CYMA 'ZEUS' v2 mosfet to fix up a friend's CM.009 M733, had it apart and had a nightmare shimming it, ten hours later and it's working - only for the solder on the positive wire to detach the moment I disconnected the battery 😅, can't beat it.
    1 point
  25. I looked at doing this myself some time ago. There was a Debenhams in a local shopping mall that had closed and was almost perfect for a CQB site. After some research it seems that it would have ended up as a full time job and as already mentioned would also have been requiring a complete health and safety assessment amongst many other things. Bottom line was that unless I was willing to devote all my spare time, cash and attention it would have mutated into a massive failure at best and a raging court case at worst. That said I really would love to do it one day but as things stand its not feasible. After all that I can't honestly see how a temporary site could be set up and made workable in today's litigation heavy world. I do wish the OP best of luck all the same.
    1 point
  26. wish there was a way to check if my ukara is still active. I requested an extention, and got the affirmative from the site. but no email follow up to say it was done. Risky to buy from hong kong without knowing
    1 point
  27. Sorry I’m a little late, love ur site main brought it all from u expect 3 things change: motor 22 tpa gear to shs 13:1, gate aster v2, maple leave mr 60, maple leaf barrel with the slip thing for the mr hop. compression is stock. but I have switch back to the old bucking and barrel and now getting 230fps and I thought it was the barrel and bucking cuz with the maple jet and mr hop I was betting 100 fps nozzle idk but with both bucking lips touch nozzle and the nozzle is stock j did try switch it with one I got in a compression kit from u and exact same results but I changed the hop to the ZCI with that nozzle and like 1 in 10 shoots hit 260fps
    1 point
  28. My Ares L1A1 worked lovely! For half a game...
    1 point
  29. Wow... what a bunch of nerds. Now if you excuse me, i have to research what sling is now the Gucci thing and spend $400 on it.
    1 point
  30. Wink wink saucy eh eh saucy. Say no more squire.😂😂
    1 point
  31. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Cyber Gun Licensed FN HERSTAL P90 AEG with Red Dot Sight. Bought for collection, hence in new condition. Only fired a few rounds for testing. Constructed from a mix of metal and polymer, just like the real one. Metal upper with built-in Red Dot sight. Body stamped with official FN Herstal trademarks. Test fired at 350 fps and works perfectly. Comes with the original box, battery, and charger (not tested). Rifle: £85 Shipping + PayPal Fee: £15


    1 point
  32. You should put the price up; that is the incredibly rare left handed version.
    1 point
  33. Never seen a game, only shot in my Nans friends aunt's cousins uncles brothers back garden. Shoots like a laser will easily outrange teh bestest snipers! It's fully upgraded with every part £700 buyer pays fees, postage and for the box it comes in!
    1 point
  34. Lozart

    Gun picture thread

    Nice! Although that pistol grip is making my brain itch.
    1 point
  35. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    Why the hell does an AEG with a specifically designed longer gearbox made for more air volume for long barreled DMR builds come with a goddamn ported cylinder out of the box? Had a local tech fit a full cylinder, as well as a Perun mosfet in place of the cheap Cyma platinum one, programmed for semi-auto only and then had some electrical tape put over the full-auto sensor as well so it's doubly semi-locked! Also no pre-cocking because it's incredibly snappy on semi-auto anyway with an 11.1v lipo (ASG Infinity U-18000 high torque motor + Lonex helical gears) and I'd rather not risk extra wear on the parts and doubly not risk me accidentally leaving it cocked after a game day and killing the gearbox parts. Now comes my part. I've got a load of springs to go through as I want to find one that will do 1.14J on a .32 and another that does 1.88J on a .43. I think the current hop setup will handle it, but if not I'll need to experiment there as well. Thankfully, the hop and barrel assembly is a piece of cake to take out and it has a quick change spring system; I'd never do an AEG DMR build without a quick change spring. It's a bit of a heavy beast now with the massive 3.5-25x56mm scope (the eye relief on it is perfect for me on this) and the bipod and MAWL on the front, but I love how it has turned out!
    1 point
  36. Carrying on with the star wars memes
    1 point
  37. Nothingtoxic

    Various Guns

    Just wondering what your views are on the value of these guns? Thompson M1A1 US M2 Carbine ACS MP5 LuxAir HG-196LW Marushin T2 Shotgun Systema M4-A1 PTW SR16 M4 Stoner Rifle Mairu AK47S
    1 point
  38. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/airsoft-bundle-3-rifles-pistol-and-lot-of-extras_i61703
    0 points
  39. Typical airsoft outing recently for me it seems 😂
    0 points
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