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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/04/24 in all areas

  1. Civvy UKSF gear and KS-1 Build finished (I think 😂)
    7 points
  2. Mine and my sons setup for now. MWS + Glock 26 GHK G5 + 4.3 Hi-capa
    5 points
  3. Mint

    University airsoft

    Hello. I'm Liam, the current President of Cardiff's Airsoft Society. I've seen that you've spoken already with some of the other members on our Discord but just wanted to pop our experience and advice here for others to see. Unfortunately, in Cardiff University accomodation (and most other University Accomodation), airsoft guns are not permitted as they would be considered a "replica weapon". The specific line from your contract to be concerned about is: 15. (2) "You must not bring into the dwelling or Building anything which in the University’s reasonable opinion is or may become dangerous, noxious, offensive, combustible, corrosive, inflammable, radioactive or explosive including, (but not limited to), firearms, air rifles, pistols, cross-bows, or any other weapons (including replicas or deactivated weapons), gas cylinders or oil burners." Based on this, our official advice as a society is to follow your accommodation's contract. Luckily, we have a locker that is provided by our Student's Union. Unfortunately, this has limited space. We sometimes allow members to store their equipment in the locker however this is typically limited to a maximum of 1 gun case and we do not guaratee that this will be a possiblity. It is at the discretion of our Quartermaster. As far as I am aware, this is not standard for University Airsoft Societies and some others do not have any space to store society equipment at all, let alone member's equipment. There are people who decide to violate their accommodation T&C by storing their equipment in their accommodation room (including myself in my first year) though this is not our official position. For those that do, this is generally what is noted and the advice given: - Typical room inspections at Cardiff's Residences do not include opening closets, drawers, looking under beds etc. When I was in halls, this never occured to anyone I know. I had a security camera in my room and when the inspections occurred so I saw what they did. They simply opened the door, took a note on the general condition and left. This isn't definitely what would happen now (there was a degree of covid worry still at this time) and doesn't necessarily reflect what happens at other Universities either. You should also receive 24 hours notice before any inspection. - Your flatmates should not be able to access your room. To my knowledge, in all Cardiff Accomodations, your personal room will have a lock to which only you (and security) will have a key. Hard cases can usually be locked with a padlock to prevent easy access also. - Don't bring your guns into the communal areas of your flat. Security are permitted to enter communal areas without notification. Other people may also see through windows and be alarmed. - Don't show your flatmates your guns, especially if you don't know them well. They may not be comfortable with it or may report it. If you want to show them the sport, bring them along to a "Give it a Go" session ;). - Store guns in gunbags/hardcases at all times. Don't make it obvious what is inside (don't put gun stickers on it). It is very unlikely that an inspection would involve opening your case. To my knowledge, we have had no cases of anyone getting in trouble for storing airsoft equipment in University Accommodation since Covid. Again, our official position is to advise against breaking your accomodation T&C. However, we aren't going to stop you and certainly aren't going to report you ourselves. In terms of transporting around the city: - Keep your gun in a case/bag at all times. - Don't make it obvious what is inside. Don't put stickers with guns on it. Don't put military insignia on it. - Don't wear full equipment while walking around. We have a policy of half camo maximum (so either camo trousers or top, not both), all other equipment must be carried in a bag (chest rig, helmet, .etc). - If you're particularly concerned, Cardiff's Taxis and Uber are pretty cheap compared to the rest of the UK. - We provide transport to most games so as long as you can get to the Student's Union, you can get to the games. Again, we have had no issues since Covid with people transporting equipment. In fact occasionally we take public transport to gamedays (though we notify BTP beforehand). Money saving tips: - We sell BBs and equipment to members at reduced cost. I wont go into detail here as I am unsure of advertising rules on this site. There aren't any particular laws in Wales you need to be concerned about regarding Airsoft. Any other questions, shoot me a message on the Discord. Looking forward to seeing you next year hopefully Luckily, we also have not had any cases of this. I (and many other of our members) regularly did and do research regarding airsoft on the Eduroam network without any issue. If it were to occur, I imagine we'd be complaining pretty quickly.
    4 points
  4. It's really refreshing to see new slogans such as game changer being used in airsoft, I really can't think of a time where that has been used before I praise you for being the first No wait 😂 If you are a dealer, manufacturer or distributor and you've come here to the consumer, why the fuck are you keeping who you are supplying to a secret? Do you not know how business works? Also, that is THE MOST CRINGE video I've ever seen in airsoft in my life, it was so bad I wanted to crawl back inside my mother after 40 years to escape it
    4 points
  5. A hi-power or makarov would be wonderful. The hi-power more so as it's been on all sides of conflict. Rather than trying to convince marui to produce the gun you want, you are better off convincing capcom to stick it in the next resident evil game. I have good money that says you see a VP70 before a hi-power or makarov.
    3 points
  6. A logistical dilemma caused by the convergence of the last rehearsal before our 25th Birthday gig and the London Marathon means that I am spending tonight in a Premier Inn in Woking. However, every cloud has a silver lining, so this seemed like a good opportunity to spend the afternoon at Driver Wood, a site about which I have heard and read a lot but have never visited. So, this morning, in addition to my video mixer, projector, video loops etc, I loaded my airsoft gear into the car, including the lad's C7, which I had done some work on last Saturday evening as it seemed to have lost power. Arriving at Driver Wood was a bit of a culture shock; there were paintballers, kids' parties, airsoft beginners' sessions and about 60 airsofters. This actually seemed like a proper business! Checking in was straightforward; I got my wristband and I was in. I found a table, chatted to the players on the next table, one of whom admired the C7, and chrono'd the C7 (1.04J and great range). The safezone was well organised, clean and had WiFi! The only negative aspect was a number of signs stating that no food or drink could be brought in. I then sorted my own stuff out, remembering to ensure that barrel socks were in use in the safezone, chrono'd my rifle and pistol, and set off for balancing of teams, distribution of us afternoon arrivals to teams and a mercifully short but complete safety and rules brief. Immediately after this, we set out for the game zone, passing various areas full of kids having great fun shooting paint and BBs at each other. The first game of the afternoon involved collecting a downed pilot, getting them on to a stretcher and transporting them to one of the helicopters. Each side had a stretcher and, if the two players carrying it were killed, they had to drop it; the opposing team could then try to prevent them recovering it but could not steal it. However, if the pilot was on it, they could transfer him to their stretcher if it could be brought alongside. I teamed up with a few players who decided to try to work around into the enemy's left flank and rear; this went rather well until we encountered an enemy force who had decided to try to work around into our right flank and rear. This resulted in some great fights; I found a spot in a ditch under a bush from where I could control the convergence of two paths that the enemy were using; it was what WW2 U-Boat crews called a Happy Time; a target rich environment and a hidden Colin with a very accurate rifle. Ultimately, as for the U-Boat crews, the Happy Time ended and I was sunk. Regenning, I encountered the two chaps from the table next to mine and we fought our own little war against a group of enemy who were continuing to try to push into our team's tactical rear, holding them off until the end of the game, which our side won, getting the stretcher and pilot into the helicopter after a stand off. Hurrah! After a short break, we started the second game of the afternoon; a three point domination. The targets were the green tent, the six wheeler and one of the helicopters; whoever controlled each of them at every 10 minute interval got a point . I have no idea what happened at the six wheeler or the helicopter, as I was solely involved around the green tent, which the enemy grabbed at the start of the game. This was a really good action, with people flanking all over the place, hiding in bushes, and generally popping up where they were least expected. Despite us pushing hard, the enemy held the green tent for most of the game, with us only capturing it for the very last point. My first impressions of Driver Wood are positive, despite the signs about not bringing your own food and drink. The playing area reminded me somewhat of Battle Lakes, albeit without that site's bottlenecks and choke points. I will definitely be going back. After the game, I stopped off at Surplus Store UK in Crawley, with the possible intention of buying a JG T3 SAS. However, the size, or rather the lack of size, of its battery compartment, put me off. Armband watch: Bright green (I thought they were yellow!) and purple. Weapons used: SRC T-91 ASG Commander XP18 (CO2)
    3 points
  7. Perhaps we might prepare young people for the society that we'd prefer to live in.
    3 points
  8. Madhouse

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    What’s the difference between a pick-pocket and a peeping tom? One snatches your watch and the other watches your snatch.
    2 points
  9. sp00n

    Gun picture thread

    Finally my sten mk2 has arrived 😎 also I decided that my APS AOW needed a stock …. Sorry little buddy 🤣, it’s surprisingly ergonomic now imho
    2 points
  10. An Irishman walks into an Irish pub and as he pulls up to the bar and has a conversation with a couple of other patrons. “this bar is OK, but it doesn’t compare to O’hara’s…At O’hara’s you buy two drinks and then he buys you one.” “Well,” says the guy sitting to his right, “At O’grady’s you buy one drink and then he buys you one. You buy another and he buys you another!” “Ha!” says the patron sitting to his left, “At McDougals he buys you a drink. Then he buys you two more. And then he takes you out back and gets you laid!” The other patrons scoffed and said he’s making it up. “No really” came the reply - “It happened to my sister"
    2 points
  11. DanBow

    JG Works MP5K

    Not what your asking but did you not throw it back at him and get a refund? EDIT: This one? - https://e-tactical.store/en/gearbox/9787-jg-works-metal-gearbox-for-mp5-series-a-x102.html
    2 points
  12. @DanBowWhat a bloody kerfuffle you have whipped up mate. My cat would have had it done by now. Lost a spring,found a spring,bearing to high,no it's not,yes it is,spring to long.....😂😂😂
    2 points

    G&G LevAR 15

    Any site that plays semi only but allows hpa spam at a faster rate than most stock ages on full auto are just stupid. Same with the sudden aversion to tri-shots or gas shells. I had a site the other day tell me no moscart's at close range. The old mosquito mould 180's that are probably older than some players. Where else are you supposed to use them? You could probably throw a hand full of ammo harder but no, that's over kill. 7 rounds to the face though at dead on the limit in semi auto... Rock on! I don't care about trigger spam, that's how they have set up the gun. If they want to use that then groovy. What I do care about is a level playing field. If they are going to do that then the opposing player should be able to light them the fuck up.
    2 points
  14. So, as kind of a 6 month update on a three year update, i thought i'd chime in... Martin has left now completely. He suffered some serious bereavement over xmas, losing his mum and his son. Which is s shit sandwich in anyones books. Jon has full control now and Dimitri (the mad russian) have been busy beavers. The village has been extended with extra structures and cover, the trenches have been redug, the safe are has lighting and the marshalls are on point. Which is all good. The toilet block is STILL coming but alas has not made an appearance yet. The hill is still a killer (and i'm not getting younger!!). The shop is getting bigger and the food is getting better each time i go, although the lunchtime queue can be a bit painful. They've been trying to put on night games and Milsim type stuff, but i believe Jon has been uber busy sorting out the shops at several other sites. I still go on saturdays when i can as i usually have the boy and his "hangers on". Havent been on a sunday for a while.
    2 points
  15. Fully aware of the history thank you, I've been in this game since 2005 You still haven't answered any questions pertaining to who you are supplying to, are you just a re-distrobutor of ICS?
    2 points
  16. And they are selling. Tokyo Marui does not give a shit about any market out side of Japan.
    2 points
  17. How do you expect to sell stuff if you don't publicly disclose where its sold?
    2 points
  18. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Key Information: Full Metal G&P AEG. Customised. Skirmished. Sold boxed with extras. No gearbox or motor - drop in your own. Operator’s Notes: Bought as a G&P M4 SF, a full metal rifle equipped with a 9.24 inch RAS. The original foresight and barrel have been removed. A shorter barrel (CCW thread) and low profile gas block have been installed. The original gas tube has been shortened to match. The King Arms KX3 Fire Pig flash suppressor completes the improved front end. Attachments: King Arms Folding Battle Sights Knock-off Aimpoint powered by a short stack of those little button batteries. Single-point ambidextrous sling mount, installed to the buffer tube, and a sling. Makes the rifle really easy to position. Magazines: 3 x Canadian Style Midcaps. 1 x Marui Hicap. M4 Style Marui Speedloader Taped to avoid rattling around in the mag well. Original G&P “SF” parts included: Two additional RAS panels, for a total of four. One was sanded a tad to fit under a scope. RAS Mount Carry Handle / Rear Sight. Battery kit - a handful of clobber to make or fix your own Deans T battery pack that fits the stock. Extras: A King Arms 14mm CW to CCW thread adapter, required to use the silencer with the original CW threaded barrel. Inner barrel. Notes: The rifle takes a crane stock battery. Originally, using a Deans T type connector. With the rifle right way up, hold the back of the stock adjuster and hinge it downwards, then slide the stock all the way back, off the buffer tube, for battery access. Take care with the battery cables. The installed outer barrel is around an inch shorter than the original barrel. As a result, the inner barrel protrudes slightly into the Noveske Fire Pig Flash hider. If you wish to swap to a smaller flash hider (erm, why!? ), you’d need a shorter inner barrel. The buffer tube screws to the lower using a bolt that goes through the back of the gearbox. Presented in the original G&P box with manual. Collection from Putney, London. Add £30 for postage in the UK only, via ParcelForce 48. That includes the cost of a box and packaging material to make sure the original box gets to you in one piece.


    1 point
  19. DanBow

    JG Works MP5K

    Hope you get it sorted. Keep us updated.
    1 point
  20. Jmason98

    JG Works MP5K

    Filed it with my bank just, shall see what they say tomorrow
    1 point
  21. Hudson

    JG Works MP5K

    Nope, the K is different from full size MP5s, in that it uses a V3 gearbox, but with a long type motor. For a disassembly and detailed view inside you can check it out here: https://rockoairsoft.blog.hu/2017/03/06/jg_mp5k (Just bear in mind you'll need to translate from Hungarian).
    1 point
  22. That path does seem somewhat exposed to public view, which seems rather lax. £29 is pretty high for what sounds like a pretty average site. As to the plant, that sounds like wild garlic, which is incredibly pungent.
    1 point
  23. Krisz

    JG Works MP5K

    MP5K? It has to be V3 not V2. Regular sized MP5's use V2 gearboxes.
    1 point
  24. Tackle

    JG Works MP5K

    Also, where was it purchased, on here ?, if not, where ?
    1 point
  25. You dont need to tell me what a kerfuffle its been!!! 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  26. If you shorten the spring by 17mm, the power will drop immensely. Take off a coil or two.
    1 point
  27. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/30753-src-electric-ak Seller wants 80% of retail value for a two-tone.
    1 point
  28. Lol, just watched it, stand by my earlier post, what a load of absolute bollocks🤣
    1 point
  29. hitmanNo2

    University airsoft

    A nice, rational response. Covering everything I was too lazy to type. Good job.
    1 point
  30. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop colt model 602 rifle vfc v3 gbb airsoft deep marking detail fix https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhbT0dJyKSUAY2WKG7KAt5qVCrt65zSGJYHu4ipDrX6zt7MX0039BPPt_JsTG5_QNgKj62vcUvMa27ddLIRj9uC-Ow0lsQEp9dP9eHX5K45Eznu2Xd5wU8ac07BQCmz-4rJbDpzvd54ac2cE7_AOJBZ8CAD3PveurRsZI1TzScRNu1HAt23a68ic6EfZ0/s1200/01.jpg
    1 point
  31. Krisz

    ASG B&T USW & extended Mags

    60-70% of the original price you spent on it should suffice. If you want to make it even a better deal you cover paypal fees and shipping.
    1 point
  32. You mean you want to reach 1.13J. I stress this because thinking and talking in terms of fps (implicitly with a 0.2g BB) is legacy thinking. The only way you're going to get it tuned for the ideal amount of power for the BBs that you actually want to use is to test with them, properly hopped. I know that this isn't practical for kitchen-table teching, but there's no magic solution other than going through a few iterations of actually shooting it in the field. That said, those numbers do look low for an M105 spring, so I'd be thinking air-seal now. This is how to test for end-to-end airseal, then if it's not perfect, you'll start working backwards to find where it's leaking.
    1 point
  33. Then what's the point in posting at all 😂
    1 point
  34. I suspect that they would not be able to put that information in a public forum without the explicit agreement of the companies they provide procurement services to.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Your Instagram says you're a manufacturer What do you make Who do you supply to in the UK
    1 point
  37. The food looked pretty good. There was also a vending machine with bottles of cold drinks for reasonable prices. https://driverwoodactivitycentre.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DriverWoodFoodMenu.pdf
    1 point
  38. I went there for the boot sale at the end of January but not to play though I got a similarly good impression of the organisation from the signage and the tannoy announcements so I will go there to play at some point. It sucks that they don't allow players to bring their own food and drinks. I thought that captive market mentality was left in cinemas.
    1 point
  39. It's a glock. You're welcome.
    1 point
  40. Not a necessity, but we have a lot of unknown entities joining & posting links in their threads, unfortunately more often than not their scammers etc, so as a community we try to look out for each other & raise awareness of possible risks. Don't take it personally, we just need to be diligent, anyone could join claiming to be xyz & use links that lead elsewhere.
    1 point
  41. Dan Robinson

    University airsoft

    We would have been fookked on many levels if they did this when I was at university. After we left halls (a large house just of campus) apparently we were the straw that broke the camels back and next year it was converted to an Islamic Studies department. Multiple times the Student's union bar manager had to walk 300m up the river bank to ask us to turn our music down 😎. University tradition was to invite final year students to return to halls.....we had no such invitation. Academia was very much second fiddle to the University of Life. Thinking about the carnage we caused with hair clippers and CO2 fire extinguishers.... I dread to think what could have been achieved with RIFs and pyros. 🥶. Fun times. Thankfully the year before a Labour (of all things) government brought in tuition fees. One of the first things we did in private rentals was work out how to "hinder" the smoke alarms. It was embarrassing how often they went off during Fresher's Week...... Of which I have stories I will not risk the boy reading here 🫣. Long live the 90's.
    1 point
  42. Random room inspections can and do happen. I have been in the slightly awkward position of having to run a disciplinary case against a student whose RIF was found in his wardrobe. I am my faculty's Prevent officer, so I have to check up on students who have been accessing websites and content on university WiFi or via university PCs that could indicate that they are at risk of radicalisation or are potentially a risk. Recently, a Chinese Year 3 direct entry student was flagged for accessing a number of airsoft sites. I called him in, as I am required to, and asked him in particular about an airsoft site whose website he had repeatedly accessed. He explained that he and his friends were looking for sites to play at; I asked him if he had played at that site and he said he had. I asked him when and, when he told me, asked him which team he had been on. When he told me, I mentioned that we might well have shot each other. We then spent a great hour talking about airsoft. The moral of that is that you should not look up airsoft related content using university PCs or WiFi, including Eduroam.
    1 point
  43. Magpul’d the Apache , Magache? 🤷🏼‍♂️
    1 point
  44. So...after three different outfits, light grey, dark grey and bronzed black, I gave up and went mainstream..... It's not much to shout about but 1.1j and not too bad to look at now.. 😁 Cheers for the ideas. 👍😁
    1 point
  45. If you can get the fps values of a few shots in a row (5-10) to give an idea on variance, that'd help. Could be just be it being a factory m90 spring with not great air seal. A lot of variance is probably poor air seal. You should also be able to lift at least .28s, but probably .3s or .32s with that rubber.
    1 point
  46. Excuse the picture angles. my attempt at an impression based on 2nd Infantry Division 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Iraq 2003-2004. All genuine kit besides the PRC-148 radio as the genuine ones are encrypted and restricted. The M4 is still a work in progress as I’d like to add some more genuine parts to it. I’ll then post that on the gun pic thread. The base uniform is the CCU Close Combat Uniform in 3 colour desert. These were trialed between 2003-04 by the 2nd ID and 25th ID SBCT in Iraq along with some 173rd AB.
    1 point
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