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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/03/24 in all areas

  1. No higher than a crack whore's knickers
    5 points
  2. Enid_Puceflange

    Mid Suffolk

    I was replying to this, then stopped myself and deleted it 🤭
    4 points
  3. I've had a whipround in the workshop and ive got £2.86, 3x M6 washers and an inline crimp. Should just about cover it.
    4 points
  4. 400fps? This is not useable at any UK site and, if it retains the full auto function, is no longer classified as an airsoft weapon but as a firearm.
    4 points
  5. Oh dear.... https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/49152-aap01-hpa-crazy-upgraded/
    4 points
  6. “So smooth n criss brand new oiled up n smells like money”
    3 points
  7. It's a great video, really got me wanting one. And great to see Ollie being himself, in spite of everything
    3 points
  8. Just add a can of monster and a Dye mask for the perfect no girl will ever touch my pee pee loadout
    3 points
  9. I'll put myself down as a maybe. Subject to pictures up front
    2 points
  10. GenuineGerman

    Mid Suffolk

    Please don’t or at least erase your search history afterwards haha
    2 points
  11. Emergencychimps

    Mid Suffolk

    Can we put requests out for these things? Asking for a friend
    2 points
  12. Dan Robinson

    Mid Suffolk

    That's very specific..... in a non specific way.
    2 points
  13. Tackle

    Mid Suffolk

    For what ?, car sharing, mutual pegging, more information would help 🤔
    2 points
  14. Sorry... I posted this in the wrong thread. What an amateur.
    2 points
  15. Think I'd rather look at that bubblegum capa, and that's ugly
    2 points
  16. Bankholidayatworkandithinkivehadtoomuchcoffeealreadyyyyyy
    2 points
  17. Isn't it though ! I particularly like the way he has written it to sound 'gangsta '
    2 points
  18. God that description is atrocious
    2 points
  19. I was useless learning knots as a kid. As an adult, I've become slightly compulsive about learning them and failing to teach them to my kids.
    2 points
  20. But they have such good ideas
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Kelly kettle, now that is decadent sir! Get the tiffin tins and it’s four course meal time. 😁 I’m going to discuss a couple of shelters setups. Starting with British Army Standard Hotel Accomodation. For skirmishes there’s basically two (non emergency) uses. 1) Weather protection at some sort of harbour area. and/or 2) Concealment for an observation post. I’m a bit wary of tarping over location that will definitely get bumped. Just because I like pyro a lot… ACF YouTube video about the basics. For our purposes quick and easy is what we want. I am not a big fan of bungies however. Mostly because when they go ping they are bound to hit you in the face or nuts. But your mileage may vary! Centre ridgeline basha General use shelter. The setup below is a variation of the basha with the cordage and ridge line already in place. If tying between two trees it uses minimal hardware. Avantage of pre-rigging is that is very quick to pitch. Disadvantage is that you’ve lost some flexibility so as you have to take stuff off to change the set up. Bundled up. Main ridge line is just wrapped around the whole thing. Partly unrolled. You can set this up by tie one end to a tree and unroll it as you go and then trying off the free end. The basha Will the just hang from the line. The line is pretty thick and it easier to work with than paracord. But that works just fine too. The ridge line is pre rigged run through the centre loops on the basha. The knots on the two one loops are PRUSSIK’s. These self lock under load. This means you can tension the basha separately along the ridge line and move it along to where you want it. Staking straight to the ground is the most weatherproof. Using the guy lines gives more clearance. These I quite long as as I often pitch it above a hammock. If I intended to use this for concealment I’d rig the ridgeline along one edge. There are a lot of ways to set up tarps and the Aussie hootch/basha has a variety of eyelets and studs so you can button it into a tube or join them together.
    2 points

    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    Solid performer, what else can I say...comes with mount (not QD)



    1 point
  24. gavinkempsell

    Mid Suffolk

    1 point
  25. At last 👍😉
    1 point
  26. Jesus us bloody christ, message me your address.
    1 point
  27. With the frame, grips and receiver he started well, but just like Sarah Winchester, he couldn't stop adding to the build.
    1 point
  28. I thought this was a design feature 😰
    1 point
  29. Sadly the previous owner has royally fecked it, there's no screw head left at all I'm going to try and drill it out tomorrow and replace it with a new screw. A few people have recommended to do so now, so seems to be a common fault
    1 point
  30. Well that's more than I've heard about the place. I agree on not listening to internet rumours as all too often they're started by childish idiots with an agenda
    1 point
  31. I think the 3-in-1 is this sort of stuff... y'know, proper oil from a proper man's garage toolbox. WD-40 is a water-repellent primarily, the fact it's slippery is a bit of a bonus. That's the interesting fact I've gleaned from my time on this forum (so not entirely wasted, amirite?) Ahem. Except (from WD-40's own website)... "Myth: WD-40 Multi-Use Product is not really a lubricant. Fact: While the “W-D” in WD-40 stands for Water Displacement, WD-40 Multi-Use Product is a unique, special blend of lubricants. The product’s formulation also contains anti-corrosion agents and ingredients for penetration, water displacement and soil removal." The other interesting fact I got from t'internet was that it was originally manufactured to prevent rust forming on the outer skin of Atlas ICBM's. So it is (sort-of) rocket science behind it So... :shrug: not sure where that leaves things. I've got cans of WD-40 and WD-40 Silicone and I've avoided using either of them on any of my toys... so far. I've also got Muc-Off chain lube, both wet and dry varieties - I'm gonna try the dry one on the GBBR bolt first, see how it goes. The plastic slidey-bits will still get silicone grease mixed with silicone oil, which (in my ignorance) I was using on the metal bits. Which probably means they've worn faster than if I'd used oil.
    1 point
  32. Agreed, I'll use just about any gunk in a gearbox, but for sliding parts, only lightweight oil (3-in-1) for metal to metal, or silicone lube for anything involving plastic.
    1 point
  33. TM P226 from this very forum, very much regretted getting rid of my last ones so really happy to have one again!
    1 point
  34. Memento 😁👍
    1 point
  35. Deja vu is strong with this one! Oops! Sorry.🙂
    1 point
  36. Its much cheaper and safer to buy from Asia than US. Most Airsoft stuff is made in Asia anyway
    1 point
  37. My son wanted to play this thing ‘Airsoft’ that I never heard of before. He told me that I have to play 3 times and then gift him a RIF. At first I was against it but he convinced me to try it out. I’ve enjoyed it and we’ve been going every month since. My relationship with my son has improved dramatically. Before we didn’t have much in common and now we talk Airsoft, equipment all the time (much to my wife’s annoyance 😉 So I would try to approach your dad from that angle. As Dan already said there are lots of Dad&Son combos on the field. I thought I would be far too old for this but I’ve seen lots of grey middle aged (and older) men out there.
    1 point
  38. Sadly..... You're still a "a little bittle kid" in the eyes of the law even though you likely have some fluff on your top lip now. Also a point to consider - if you live in your dads house, you need to live by his rules, he may have his own prejudices against it regardless to the legalities. Take him to a skirmish for the day, bit of bonding, you never know he may get the bug and then you'll have all the guns you want.
    1 point
  39. As a father to a teenager I second that - the boy and I have our own distinct loadouts. Looking forward to him coming home in June so I can shoot the crap out of him again: We have (I like to think) a pretty solid relationship as a result of spending Airsoft days together. I certainly know him better than he thinks I do. The boy also has some school friends who's mum was into Airsoft - her and her partner's loadout's were pretty awesome. We had some fun gameday's as a group. However, your dad may have genuine reasons for being apprehensive - I was at first TBH. It's not just the financial cost of owning a gun. My brother and his missus are completely against guns of any kind for example so my nephew would have had no chance if he wanted Airsoft as a hobby. It's part of what sucks to be a kid. You have to respect the boundaries your parents put in place. Of course I am giving the OP the benefit of the doubt that this isn't a wind up thread.
    1 point
  40. That Abbey link is poorly worded. It is illegal to sell an airsoft gun to anyone under 18 But it is not illegal to own - it can be irresponsible to supply one to a person under 18 If the father was confident in their child being responsible enough then the father could legally buy an airsoft gun and gift it (with no exchange of money or other service) Unless the father is an airsofter then they would not be able to purchase a RIF, therefore could only buy and gift a brightly coloured IF There is seperate legislation for the storage of air weapons that if minors have access to the property the owners must secure air weapons. The police recommend a gun cabinet - but that is not the legal requirement, and subsequently seperate firearms legislation exempts (compliant) airsoft guns from firearms/weapon definitions (which can depend on different parts of legislation) Therefore it’s not illegal for the OP to own an airsoft gun, but it’s up to the adult responsible for that child
    1 point
  41. My grip, was mostly due to the length of game with little in the way of gameplay...sure wet days need a touch more grace but still it's the time between games and the allowed bombing up time. It was the "your lucky we are using the whole site for this game" but what that game needed was a little more focused area. I will go back in the summer to give it another go, but on wet days I'll head somewhere else
    1 point
  42. It's one of my local sites, and generally my go-to site for the past few years - appears tighter run than several others that i have been to, and I do feel that my eyesight is somewhat safer there than in many other safe zones that I have experienced. The barrel sock rule always catches out people that go there first time, and I regularly hear the marshalls pointing it out to people and sending them to the shop to collect one for a deposit, but generally all well natured. It caught me out the first time I went there - and prompted me to sew up a load of them over the next week or so after. To be fair to them, they regularly remind people about the requirement over the (slightly annoying at times) speaker system too. I've been there approx twice per month for a few years - only ever spotted agro once with players shouting at each other (Why? What's the point? If people are getting that het up and aggressive in their play that everything matters THAT much, they probably need to take a long hard look at themselves and choose a weekend hobby that is more suited to their temperament such as trolling B list celebrities on twitter or something), and that time I saw the marshalls doing a pretty good job of de-escalating in a friendly manner. I quite like the owner actually - definitely has opinions about things, and I certainly don't always share those opinions. But that's fine, and indeed, that's life... I find it nice that he cuts about the safe zone, asking people how they are getting on, providing advice to the newbies, and generally being present. Not something that all owners do...
    1 point
  43. Impulse

    MP5 Mag Pouches

    These are also good. I have a few for my (many) mp9 mags: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/8fields-tactical-double-magazine-pouch-smg-5-smg-7 Outside of that I have a pair of Viper triple pouches on a front panel for my plate carrier.
    1 point
  44. I can smell this comment
    1 point
  45. did a couple of things 3D printer related. First up, as I'm an idiot I managed to break the stock catch on my Well PPK20. Well make the part replaceable but currently there aren't any parts available so I designed one and sent it off to be printed in aluminum. I got a few extras for when I'm an idiot again. Next up I printed some of the impact grenades in a luminescent filament I had floating around. and lastly I designed a ammo tin styled box for the impacts for no other reason that I wanted to use my laser cutter.
    1 point
  46. These HPA rigs are really starting to get out of hand...
    1 point
  47. No soldering this week - it's all been crimpy crimpy: And unless I screw it up - there shouldn't be any soldering on the wiring tomorrow. Cheeky fecker.
    1 point
  48. Been spraying kit for a while. Thought id share a few tips ive learnt over time. Halfords camo spray paint is top quality for price, works just as well as higher priced brands like krylon and EC paint. Best way to make stencils is put a laminator sheet through the laminator to get a thin perspex like sheet. Then trace the camo patterns off the back of a shirt and cut with an exacto knife. Gives nice clean lines. Stencils held away from the item you are spraying gives less clean edges which actually work really well for camouflage. Using a light colour spray far away from the finished product to create a light dusting that dulls all the colours youve sprayed. Airfix/ modelling matt sealents work well to protect the items from lots of chipping Dhobi mag/netting works ok as a spray template, but can look bad as a finished product. Using a net with bigger holes works a lot better to break up shapes. Appreciate most people probably already know this stuff but hopefully helps someone.
    1 point
  49. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop colt model 723 with m203 vfc v3 system & bell m16a1 type lower c7 upper steel our barrel steel FSB steel barrel nut anodized phosphate coating detail fix
    1 point
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