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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/24 in all areas

  1. Boomarms MOS plate and SRO clone freshly installed to the TM G17 Gen5
    6 points
  2. No. Nopety nope. I've thought about taking the Mrs, but she has a real short fuse and would be pistol whipping people if she ran out of ammo.....😱😮
    5 points
  3. It actually happened at a game I attended, richborough power station, wasn't impressed, she had a spotty arse🤢
    5 points
  4. I should think the most obvious would be to have a stripper on at lunchtime given the target audience... Seriously though, given some of the 'banter' and 'funny' patches, some games are hardly welcoming to all. Mrs TPH has played at filmsim/milsim games for a while now. I'm glad that I didn't ever take her along to a few of the skirmishes that I've attended. If we could all confidently take our better halves it could make a big difference to numbers. That said, the same is true about a lot of events/sports etc.
    5 points
  5. So lots of videos of eating bacon rolls and walking back to respawn....🤣🤣🤣
    4 points
  6. Ok, but I'll need 1hrs pay in advance.
    4 points
  7. I can't think of much scarier than SWMBO armed with an AEG. She might be small, but she's got a hell of a temper. Thankfully she also has all the athletic prowess of an egg.
    4 points
  8. Herrgh

    GBBR or AEG?

    Neither. Use one of these:
    3 points
  9. Yeah... KickingMustang. 😉
    3 points
  10. Fuck the lefties! If we pander to them, they win! Advertise how much fun running around the woods shooting your mates is. Advertise the buzz you get from a well placed shot that takes out an enemy player. Advertise all of the things that they, they lefties, hate.
    3 points
  11. You generally want social media if you want to reach out to the youth of today. The problem is Airsoft is ran by old men whose idea of social media is Facebook (and I say that as someone who probably falls on the "old" side of the young/old divide in Airsoft by now!). The second problem is the current trendy platforms for younger audiences (like Instagram and Tiktok) are extremely hostile to Airsoft: accounts get banned regularly for showing airsoft guns on them. In terms of actual actionable ideas, reaching out to groups that contain youngsters that might be interested would be the way to go. Chat to the local Cadet Forces and local Airsoft sites and see if you can't get a Cadet day going, for example. Buy a billboard ad on a road the kids use to go from school or college to the local cuisine vendors at lunch time. Rent a stall at your local Fresher's Fair. Chance your luck on Instagram with buying a targeted ad and hope Insta doesn't ban you for it.
    3 points
  12. Simple, people are starting to realise just how shit they are.
    3 points
  13. As they say, war never solved anything, except slavery, genocide, naziism, fascism, and terrorism... Theres a huge culteral shift in young people these days. As a kid, nearly every lad at school had an air rifle or airsoft gun at home. People would talk about the military at school and half the lads I knew had aspirations to join the military. Now theres not a huge interest in the military for a number of reasons (mostly they know its a lot of work for little pay) and people just dont have the desire for it. I think this goes hand in hand with airsoft and most people outside of the sport see it as an old mans game outside of their own interests. As for changing that i do think social media influence is the only way to reach younger people. There more youtubers (licking spunkstain excluded) that can post content that appeals to younger people the better. Kids now just want to play call of duty and sit around, so if more content was to reach younger audiences showing exciting gameplay then i think more people would play.
    3 points
  14. UKARA records site membership, there's no reason to just have a single one. I've had three on the go at once.
    3 points
  15. As someone who has just started this journey I'll add my 2 cents. It was my son who suggested we try airsoft. He's only 12 but having played with Nerf guns (myself aswell) for a few years he wanted to try airsoft. After he got over the initial shock of being hit he really enjoyed playing. Personally I enjoyed it more than I thought I would! Cost - I think its comparable to other hobbies, fishing, paddle boarding, and cheaper than many, cycling, golf, sailing. Heath - I don't think this is mentioned enough, outdoors (mostly) and as physical as you want it to be, I know I come home knackered... Social - Team building, meeting new people, sharing experiences Mental - Keeping your brain active with marksmanship, strategy, problem solving. Most of all its fun and a good way to forget your day to day troubles. I'm not playing airsoft with my son to train him to be a killer, we are spending time together, he's getting more confident and learning to be responsible. I think its a great outdoor activity and good value for money. You can tell i work in Marketing LOL....
    3 points
  16. Fcuk it Ive asked him 😂
    2 points
  17. JinxDuh

    GBBR or AEG?

    If it's cold? Aeg If it's warm? GBBR It also depends on how energetic I'm feeling, if good then aeg because 120 rounds > 30 😂
    2 points
  18. A fellow ex air cadet. 👍 One of the reasons I don't have an L85 in my collection. I know how pants the cadet version was...🤣
    2 points
  19. I draw your attention to my earlier comment:
    2 points

    • For sale
    • As new

    Complete with insignia, battery, EU spring, test report. I imported direct from Specna as a stockist, but closed 18 months ago. This rifle is a display model and has been fired twice. It is powerful and a very good action. It has UK spring fitted and spare EU spring. In storage near Stratford on Avon and can be collected there or in Dudley. Or shipped via evri tracking £9.70 07400 052905. £150


    2 points
  21. This thread is getting heated but I'ill try to remain neutral. Like the others said, just-cos is very dodgy and non-universal. Fire-support and airsoft world are the only ones that states they accept just-cos. I have never used just-cos because VCRA doesn't count cosplay as rennactor. The expense of playing three games as a beginner is absurdly high, it's huge turn off for people without some sort of income. I understand airsoft isn't cheap in general but the price for playing in sites have some room for improvement. Also, UKARA only last for 12 months, 2 of those months is spent waiting to be approved. If ukara lasts for 2-3 years then the expense would be justifiable, but reality is that it isn't. If the expense is too unbearable or u felt that u won't play enough games to get ukara, there are less dodgy methods to get RIFs than Just-cos. Military vehicles trust is a bit more universal and is accepted as a rennactor defence. It's the defence I personally use. It worked on: -Patrol base -Fire support -airsoft world -Fubar bundy airsoft -Others
    2 points
  22. Sewdhull

    WE 999 DMR

    Hello, I fancied a DMR so I thought I would convert my G36k I think it is. There's nothing special going in, just a stronger spring and a simple MOSFET for the trigger. Here's the gearbox, I'll add more as I get on with it. I was able to lock it to semi by using a longer gearbox bolt and adding a nut to the end of it to restrict the selector plate travel. I can use teflon wire with this since I don't need or want the flexibility of silicone. It's thinner too for the same gauge. There's a working bolt cover latch on the model and a reversal latch release on the selection of safety( the black bit just above the motor on pic 1) The battery will be in the front with the MOSFET. Bolt cover catch ahead of the trigger in the above pic. Connectors for the MOSFET trigger in yellow wire and the motor with the bullet connectors at the rear, which will go forward through the body of the gun.
    2 points
  23. @GiantKiwi why do you think that exactly? how much are you thinking and what area? I'd say yearly pen test / audits would be a nice bonus but "significant" I'm not so sure
    2 points
  24. One of the sites up here (Area 66) does regular kids days Its parents & kids and allows the younger than average attendees to see what their dads get up to on the Sundays they vanish and come back fuckered and bruised. It does seem to be very popular, normally run on a sat with 40+ in attendance. I think it’s a great thing! My father tried hard to get me to enjoy his hobby of fly fishing, which I just didn’t have the patience or finesse for Then it was air guns & motorcycles…..
    2 points
  25. I did a couple of weekday night games last week. Thursday evening at South Coast CQB and then Friday evening at Ironsight. First time back at SCCQB for a couple of years. Cool site for sure. A shame about a few people kicking off with accusations of overshooting. It seemed that some people hadn't fully grasped that at a night game, it is more important than skirmishing in daylight that you make clear you've been hit with a loud "hit" and putting your arm up. I saw multiple instances of people doing neither and then having a little hissy fit. I don't know about everyone else, but I shoot at someone until they make it clear they're hit... Also, shout out to the absolute madlad (and lady) rentals on our team that decided their first airsoft experience would be a night game. Legends. They seemed to have fun and enjoy the evening. Ironsight. Again, a cool site. The rain just about held off until right at the end which was nice. Excellent hit taking and all round play. I got some very satisfying kills. I'm pretty sure I shot someone in the face on the top level of the bus so sorry if that was you and you're reading this ha.
    2 points
  26. Probably all the people that got them around Christmas, it's taken them this long to realise how shite they are 🤣
    2 points
  27. If your first post on the day you join AFUK isn't an overpriced listing, are you really an AFUK newbie?
    2 points
  28. No school like the old school
    2 points
  29. I was hoping it would make my son realise that in the army you only get shot once.....compared to how many respawns he had to do on a typical skirmish day. Don't mind him signing up to learn a skill/trade and serving that way. I don't want him being Cannon fodder for whatever cnut has managed to persuade an alarmingly small proportion of the population to put them in power....when was the last truly justifiable armed conflict we were involved in (outside of local peacekeeping)? The Falklands.... maybe the first Gulf War (the first part liberating Kuwait). No criticism of those serving....it's the ones hiding behind their power I despise for taking advantages.
    2 points
  30. I could have written that! My son was two years older but he as well came from Nerf guns and found Airsoft videos on YouTube. I was surprised by how much I liked it. It reminded me of the fun part of my army days without the cluster f&@k from who ever could shout the loudest and had more stripes than you. Playing Airsoft with my son has improved our relationship immensely. Before that we didn’t really have any thing to talk about. I tried to get him into Golf (my other expensive hobby) but he didn’t like it. So he got me into his hobby instead. My wife doesn’t know who is more nuts about Airsoft now, my son or myself. I do more research while he does more larping. Last month my son managed to recruit 6 other boy soldiers from his year group. Let’s see how many will join us for the next skirmish.
    2 points
  31. You'd best check for 'cad' too. Most bounders tend to be cads from what I hear
    2 points
  32. If I could offer a suggestion, you may be better off breaking this down to get the most out of it. The WE M4 Katana shouldn't be hard to shift and you may get the most value out of it, especially if you bundle it with a battery, another mag and a bottle of BBs. The ICS M4s should sell but being effectively two-tone, they won't hold as high a resale % as the WE M4. The Evolution M4 is also going to fetch less being two-tone though if the white marks are only cosmetic, you should still be able to move it on. The project gun ought to be sold as boneyard as by your honest admission, it needs work to get to working order. The rest of the parts could be bundled together though some could be bundled with the guns as a sweetener such as the mags and the sling. As a whole bundle, I won't be surprised if people lowball with their offers, especially as postage will be expensive for the whole lot.
    1 point
  33. Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit optimistic?
    1 point
  34. I'm not a lawyer but surely as a stockist, open or closed, you are required to downgrade any hot airsoft guns prior to resale? Swapping out the current spring (easy enough being quick-change) for an M90 or M95 should put this comfortably within the 1.13J site-permissible limit, not to mention actually make it legal for sale in the UK. You could land yourself and a buyer in serious trouble selling it as is.
    1 point
  35. Keep your mags close to a part of your body to give them a little bit of a chance I ran my gbbr last weekend at A66 , well after lunch I did. Ran the aeg in the morning as it was a wee bit chilly until the sun got overhead
    1 point
  36. So £50 more than from a in stock shop, generally £100 from others and I gotta take it apart to make it field legal... https://bombupairsoft.co.uk/products/specna-arms-sa-b02-one™-saec™-system-carbine-replica-black
    1 point
  37. And watch as airsoft gets banned and the "lefties" win. This is the great dilemma that airsoft faces; basing advertising on the elements that make it great fun is likely to bring those elements into the wider public consciousness, which will almost certainly increase the probability of it being banned. I am centre-left politically; if the political spectrum was my feet, I would be roughly where my left hallux is or, on some topics, where my left second toe is. However, in the world of airsoft, I am clearly far to the left of most players that I meet. However, I do know a few "leftie" players, so we are not all the enemy that you imagine us to be or have been persuaded to believe we are.
    1 point
  38. Exactly 😄 Not forgetting shaking hands of the other team after a game 😁
    1 point
  39. Specifically targeting youngsters with ads will land you in hot water with the lefties saying that you're trying to radicalise them and indoctrinate violent behaviour. Anything gun shaped is a no in today's society. Ads would have to emphasise the camaraderie and team building but avoid showing the 'toys'
    1 point
  40. I very much doubt that a retailer that would accept that as a defence will actually be bothering to check if you're buying an SMLE or a DD MK18!
    1 point
  41. JinxDuh

    S&T G36 Titan V3

    Update with the G36: So, I fielded it Sunday just gone and it ran into issues with the safety cut off locking if you wasn’t very precise with your selector position. Whilst having some time today, I decided to strip the gearbox (Which wasn’t necessary after all) to remove the catch that handles the safety lock off. This has fully corrected the issue, whilst still allowing for the ambi selector to function as it should. The gun still has a safety, as the mosfet handles that part. The next and final thing to solve now is the selector plate falling off of its “runners” if not carefully adjusted and then the JG into Umarex should be completed…
    1 point
  42. Why? Define significant money? A secure system, hosting and handling processes are required. That costs money. But why ‘significant’? GDPR does not prevent the sharing of personal information - in fact, as any system designed to form a VCRA defence would require some form of sharing to function then it would be a GDPR breech to not share information collected for the purposes of sharing the validation of a defence. It does require the security of information collected and to only share the appropriate information in the appropriate manner eg Collect suitable information to justify a defence, receive a query to validate a defence, share appropriate information back and forth with appropriate parties Eg request for defence number 54321, Joe Bloggs, 1 the Avenue, New Town Result confirmed
    1 point
  43. I did/do think the current situation isn't great for those I described above, or those who like to go do several different sites .... so no one site would meet the requirements. A system that stores a profile/ portfolio of verifiable activity, such as pictures direct from registered sites, payment receipts, registered address etc. Would be helpful. I guess the issues come down to hassle-risk-reward for the operator.
    1 point
  44. I got into it because a mate was playing, dragged us out for the day and that was that. Hooked. I take my eldest along and one of his mates too. My eldest is a cadet and a few of his fellow cadets also play. It's kinda infectious.🤣 He's properly found his inner officer as If I lose him on the field, I just stop and listen for a gobby 13 year old barking orders at grown adults or if not that, listen for the highest fire fight. Hell be in the middle of it! I think the games consoles have an influence too. He wanted a p90 because it was cool on COD784 or whatever it's up to now and realistically they all do the same thing, so why not. I even made him a riot shield which he sports along with his m92 and has a scream. The under 18's day we do (apocalypse 249 on a Saturday) is usually packed with the whole spectrum. The rentals having their first go to the mummy's boy with the Gucci gear and no idea. Also in agreement. "Old fart slow soft" is my speed. Tactical walking. 🤣🤣
    1 point
  45. My son and I have also tried a number of things. My daughter and wife have football so we needed something to do while there off on a Sunday morning. I see you’re local to me, maybe we’ll bump into each other at Dogtag.
    1 point
  46. District 23 in Billingham has started running it's junior squad evenings twice a month for players aged 12-16 which I reckon is a great idea for getting younger players into the hobby. Personally I think it's got to be better for younger players to be playing against others of the same age group and not shouty middle aged blokes taking it way too seriously.
    1 point
  47. Spot on Ed, funnily you mention your biker friend who plays (you a biker too ?), as a biker myself I've experienced similar in that you get talking to people who've never ridden, some can be quite enthusiastic about it, but others act like your the lunatic spawn of Satan for riding motorcycles & your probably a criminal who shouldn't be on the roads. Obviously as a biker who also has a gun fetish, I must be an absolute thundercnut. 🤣
    1 point
  48. If you want people to help you, it is usually a good idea to be pleasant to them. People tend not to help those who behave like a cunt. Even if you weren't behaving like a cunt, you are pushing it if you expect people who care about airsoft to provide you with a way of getting around the rules that restrict purchase of a RIF.
    1 point
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