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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/02/24 in all areas

  1. Oh no, ok, my bad, was sitting there doing loads of stuff I found in the drawer. Will amend Accordingly 👍🏻 15 you say.. then that is what it will be. Amended. My bad.
    5 points
  2. LARP is the only real reason. Well, maybe CQB if you get whanged in the skull a lot. Well, occasionally I'm in the mood to hide behind hard cover, pop mine on a stick, and waggle it around to get shot. The cries of "Marshal! Take your hits! Maaarshaaaaall!" are worth it.
    5 points
  3. Played another half day today and actually managed nearly all of it! There was only12 of us with 4 or 5 first timers but it was a really good day. They first timers were all young teenagers so it took them the 1st game to realise that it doesn't hurt when you get shot. Standard attack/defend games were played and by the time I had had enough there were some very good tactical manoeuvres emerging with fantastic comms being shouted. Pics below . . . That's my eldest daughter. Another proud father moment.
    4 points
  4. Today was a return to Airsoft Plantation in Essex, one of my regular sites. I had not been since they improved the already very good safe zone; there is now a third large covered area, with table space for a lot more players. Fewer players were present than usual, possibly because of the rather poor weather forecast which turned out to inaccurate. During the safety brief, the site owner stated that the day would be more like naval warfare. AP can be a trifle damp underfoot; today, some parts of it were completely flooded, with the plane at the DEA base looking like it had just crashed into a lake. In order to give the open areas a chance to dry out a bit, we started off in the wood, with a two stage fallback game. As the defenders, we had two lives, one at the ridge line and one between the kill house and the wobbly bridge stream. The attackers, who had infinite regens on a marshal, had to get a bomb runner with a smoke grenade to, firstly, the Land Rover and, secondly, the wobbly bridge. The teams seemed somewhat imbalanced, with our team having a number of less experienced players. However, we fought hard at the ridge line, slowing down the enemy attack as they entered the woods and tried to push forward; communication was excellent, with our players calling out enemy movements. After being hit on the ridge line, I fell back to take up a position on our extreme right by the wobbly bridge stream, along with a few other players. The enemy pushed hard on our left flank, but we stayed where we were, anticipating a thrust in our area. They became bogged down in vicinity of the Land Rover/kill house, which delayed them badly. Seeking a new route, a group of them moved towards our position on our right, resulting in a sprawling fight, during which we were inevitably overcome, each having only one life left. Eventually, an enemy thrust from the left of the field got their bomb runner to the bridge and the game ended. After a pleasingly short break to mag up, the game was reversed; we soon discovered why the enemy's attack had bogged down despite having infinite regens. Movement through the muddy woods was difficult and the defenders were able to use the plentiful cover to slow down the advance. However, after trying several different routes and approaches, we broke through their centre and, despite being held up by a few players positioned around the Land Rover and the kill house, eventually got the first bomb to the Land Rover. We pushed on quickly, partly because a lot of enemy players seemed to have used up both of their lives, and a final push saw our bomb runner set off the second bomb on the wobbly bridge. Over two long, hard fought games, our time was approximately one minute quicker than that of our opponents. We then moved into the village for another game where we were the defenders. Ten players were issued with yellow armbands; initially, they were to fight alongside us but, once hit, they had to remain where they were until captured by the enemy. They were then taken to the enemy's regen, where they became enemy players. In addition, one of them knew the location of a bell in one of the buildings; the attackers had to set this off to win. We had two lives in the village and its environs, while the attackers had infinite regens on the firebreak. This was a hard fought game with lots of small firefights as the attackers tried to break into the village suburbs. Initially, I was in some bushes watching a track the enemy were likely to use; noticing enemy players moving to my right, I engaged them. Turning back to the track, I was surprised to find an enemy player shooting at me at fairly close range as I had not felt any hits; I shot back, hitting him, whereupon he became very salty about me allegedly not taking my hits. Immediately after, I was hit from behind. Pulling back into the village, I took up position with a few others in one of the buildings; we fought off attacks from several directions before I was hit and went back to the safe zone. After lunch, that game was turned around; we decided to attack from several directions. I was with the group that went for the far left of the village; it was a hard fight through the scrubland, being repeatedly hit as we slowly wore down the enemy and pushed towards the village itself. At one point, we were pinned down on the edge of the village by players in a two storey structure, but eventually managed to dislodge them, breaking into the village alongside our colleagues to our right and setting off the bell. Again, the times were close, but we were quicker by a few minutes. After this game, I decided to leave as I had things that needed doing. It was a good day's play with well designed and well marshalled games and great play from both sides. Having played for three consecutive weekends, I am not playing for the next two; we have rehearsals next weekend and, the following weekend, are headlining the Sunday night of a small festival in Cardigan, which seems to be beyond where proper roads end. Weapons used: Classic Army HK33 Classic Army HK53 ASG Commander XP18 CO2
    4 points
  5. Another great day at RIFT Airsoft's "the Battery" CQB site not far from Stansted Airport. Echoing much of what @Jacob Wright said on the previous page, the session had the expectedly good organisation from the staff. Since the first weekend, they were true to their word about listening to feedback about what worked and didn't work as the site had been updated to balance the games as the initial layout of defences, walkways and barricades did create an imbalance. Now it's much more balanced. It started with a full house of 70 players, split evenly into 2 teams - later in the day, a few players left ahead of the scheduled end of game play but the teams were rebalanced. As he mentioned, pre-emptive and suppressive firing aren't allowed so players wouldn't be discouraged from pushing forward. Doors were opened up by marshals during the day to mix things up and present more avenues of attack and defence. Similarly, lighting can be turned off in alternating or all rooms to change the style of play further so having a gun/body-mounted torch is recommended. The timing and variety with the missions was good as there was enough to be engaged without anything feeling repetitive. The host was clear in pointing out not to argue with opposing players if they didn't call their hits, just report it to a marshal and they'll judge accordingly. It made for a lot less bickering and actually some fairer play as I recall one marshal disagreeing with a shooter's claim he hit the opponent but the marshal had a clear view of this not being the case - the same marshal instructed another player later in the day to call a hit, giving him the benefit of the doubt that he may not have felt it on his plate carrier but the marshal saw the hit on him. There was a raffle with 2 prizes available. 1st prize was a Lancer Tactical (LT-35 if memory serves but it was definitely an ARP9 style AEG) and 2nd was a Raven EU18 GBB pistol. It's a shame that it will be gone in about a year's time but I'm glad I had the chance to play a few times there. I heard a few players had travelled at least 3 hours to play and the Battery lived up (or surpassed) their expectations.
    4 points
  6. As the OP has been back but is refusing to elaborate on his gibberish I think we can safely assume this is just spam
    3 points
  7. And I would like to (not wanna) know WTH QCB is 😉
    3 points
  8. <Laughs in Licking Cumstain>
    3 points
  9. My first Mk18 mod1 It'll be tricked out as almost every other Mk18 once some parts arrive from China... added some bits & pieces I had on other builds for the second pic.
    2 points
  10. Fair play to ya fella 👍
    2 points
  11. I wear my PTS Flux indoors for CQB as the Black Site is dark and has many things I can doink my head on (mostly due to being clumsy). It’s also saved me a couple of times from what would have been very painful close range shots. It gives a stable platform to mount my ears, as well as my head torch too. Plus I think it looks cool! I got the Spiritus Systems cover which is arguably the most underwhelming thing I’ve bought for the money in my entire life (it was about £90 if I remember correctly), so get a knockoff from eBay. MTEK do laser cut camoskins in various patterns if you don’t want a cover. There’s sod all chance I’ll wear it in the woods though except for the coldest of cold days.
    2 points
  12. Well, it sounds like you have enough knowledge to make informed decisions. Theres so many new players that splurge money on kit and gizmos and then they lose the bug for the sport, times are hard and it's hard to see the wasted money time and time again.
    2 points
  13. I always look for costumes just never find decent ones. Like a good banana one for example.
    2 points
  14. My question would be why? They get sweaty, in summer they get very sweaty. That sweat will encourage your glasses to fog (assuming you don't wear mesh) and can cause pressure headaches. They can get hot and quite uncomfortable, they also can act as nice little targets behind trees, hedges, bramble patches etc. that are hard to conceal and make you an easier to spot target. Unless you make them look great (and each style that is something different) then they can be pretty dorky/brand new airsofter look. They aren't generally rated, so while anecdotally they help in a tumble, walk into a branch, bashing heads on windows while climbing through, they can also cause these by adding an extra inch or so to your height. If your answer is you want to wear nods or you think they look cool or you want that extra security they bring, want to mount a face mask, all are valid but the recommendation of what is likely to change. The PTS flux is brilliant, owned one before and sold (regret it), have a genuine ops core carbon at the moment but just picked up another pts flux as they very good for the money. They can suit big heads 60cm plus, so if you're smaller, then they can look a bit spaceballs helmet esque (google if you're too young to get it). They are nice and rigid so do the protection thing well, they look cool, don't need a lot of dressing up to look good. But there is little to no ventilation, smaller headed players look silly, they aren't cheap and accessories (ear attachments, covers etc) are harder to source and more expensive. Real opscore carbon/bump. They're super comfortable, light, ventilated, rated for bumps, knocks etc, come in a variety of sizes to suit. but they are expensive, £150 plus second hand if you're lucky for an old bump, £350 plus for carbon. New prices are silly (£600+). Legit accessories then add on as well (cost wise) FMA do a good set of clones, they come in multiple sizes and colours. Haven't owned one so can't comment anymore but heard good things, if the cheap mtek flux didn't just come up then I'd probably have got one. I think getting a UK source isn't easy. I have owned Emerson and dragon red(no longer exist), if you have a larger head, then they'll be tight. Anything cheaper than £50 and I'd probably avoid to be honest.
    2 points
  15. I saw that lot pop up in real time last night... I was still sober enough not to be tempted to click the link.
    2 points
  16. 😫 Oh no! I've never had a period, should I see a doctor? Should I click the link?? But more seriously, it takes them very little effort to just run the tool and have it spam everywhere. It's probably targeting the host or tool used by this forum rather than the forum itself. The more spam they more chance they'll find an idiot.
    2 points
  17. I had a more genuine sniper experience yesterday at Worthing Airsoft than I think I've had in a while. We played a long, multiple objective game in the morning, as they have the past few game days and I've been enjoying this, and I took up a position overwatching a pathway with my KJW m40a5. I lay in position for about 2 hours, watching movements in the distance and not shooting at all as my team pushed up to the checkpoint in front of my position, so I decided to get up and move because I was getting cold lying in the dirt. As soon as I pushed up, everyone on my team in front of me and around me got hit and I decided to go back to my previous position. Last hour of the game I went through all 3 of my mags holding that path, as it then got very busy. Had to pick my shots, because in cold weather the cooldown effect of my gas magazines is amplified and if I shoot too quickly the power will plummet. It's an interesting complication, but I would much rather it get warmer so my rifle performs to its best! I think the only thing that could've made the experience more genuine is if nobody pushed up the path the whole game and also if I pissed myself and had to lie in it, but fortunately that didn't happen 😂 Didn't play in the afternoon. Only had 5 hours sleep the previous night and with my current diet and exercise regime that is about half of what I should be getting, so I was really tired and I wasn't that bothered with dealing with the cooldown challenges of my rifle all day. Once my m14 socom is sorted I'll probably use that until it warms up a little, but most of my collection are gas guns and will have similar issues at the moment.
    2 points
  18. 'Vintage player is back in the game' 1973 Vintage Yep, that is me after around 25 yrs away 😶 Wanted to introduce myself and say hi as it is the way 👋 Airsoft was left behind a long time ago (mid-90s at a guess) as life just kinda took over and other stuff took over as 'hobbies' such as sportsbikes, cars, airguns, clubs, mortgages and girls took over. Missed it though and being a regular down at Crawley Surplus Store for the airgun side pas couple years, couldn't help but notice all the awesome RIFs and just how much they have come along. Enter The Sportsman's Association, as unlike years ago, a defence is now a thing. Subsequestly a Marui HK416 Delta Custom NGRS was soon in the bag 😎 Bug is back in a big way. Only so much fun plinking away at home and causing mayhem with the missus with the little while spherical objects being found "everywhere" 🤣 - so needed to find a local site to me to play properly. The nearest one is Epsom's Incursion CQB (20 mins drive) where I got my UKARA defence sorted a year back. Double defence it is then and have renewed the SA this year as it can only be a good thing. Loving it and over the past year have increased my collection (and serial fiddled with extensively) a Marui Mk18 Mod.1 GBB (all that is left standard are the receivers, outer barrel and buffer tube.) - my favourite. Have also added a Marui MP7A1 GBB which has also been fiddled with, a Marui MP5A5 NGRS and more recently a GBLS DAS GDR-15 CQB (2022 updated version) as it is a bit different - just a Type A buffer added to that, Magpul furniture and a Huey on the top. Pistols I've acquired a few already too, Marui Glock19 G4, Marui HK45, Marui M1911A1, an EMG TTI Pit Viper. And my favourite, a Marui Gold Match. That has had huge fiddlement .. just the frame and grip are original, everything else is LA Capa Customs / Airsoft Masterpiece. Love it. Have quite a lot of spare parts kicking around! So that is where I'm at, all the above is in my insta (https://www.instagram.com/mrde11ski/) , well and truly back in it and having ball. Cheers, Dell
    1 point
  19. Going to have to take some time and have a look over that. Sounds like it’ll be an eye opener…
    1 point
  20. Props to you man! By no means the worst thing in Mack’s 😂
    1 point
  21. The PTS would be the bare minimum for mounting thousands worth of night vision. Definitely consider a real shroud to go on the front of it. Sadly this is one area of kit where mil surplus is a no go. The only place I've seen bring in ops-core non ballistic models (the best option I think for such use) is Endeavour Tactical, but they're out of stock, probably be a while before they get more. I don't know of anywhere else outside the US one can get hold of OC, Team Wendy or MTEK and ship to the UK but if you try to checkout at enough sites you might strike lucky.
    1 point
  22. In a tight spot, rapid deployment might be a problem lol. "Hang about chaps,just gotta untangle this" 😂 Regards
    1 point
  23. I'd give them benefit of the doubt and think he might just be an American
    1 point
  24. Well, I've taken on board all of your advice and gone for the 27k base. I did hover over the Uber silly one but then I quite like sleeping indoors...🤣
    1 point
  25. I must admit, I probably fall in a different category then! Primarily I enjoy the game rather than the LARPing element, and dress/arm accordingly for function over military realism. In reality these days, those two aspects come rather close - e.g. Crye style combats+ UBACS possibly being the best of the two worlds. Where I don't think the worlds align is helmets - comfort and situational awareness is reduced by any helmet (albeit considerably less these days than with e.g. the good old Mk6!). That said, I do wear one for up close and personal CQB and its protected me rather a lot!
    1 point
  26. Yup, let’s face it 99% of the members here are from the uk The others don’t seem to log in or even contribute much after they have stopped asking Airgun or RS questions
    1 point
  27. Whitelisting UK IPs remains my suggestion, since the chances of an Elbonian spam-goblin using a UK proxy seems slim.
    1 point
  28. I bought the cheapest rubbish from Ebay to mount my ex-fog and ear defender on it and it's still goes strong after years of abuse. It saved my head in certain tunnels multiple times and doesn't matter if people shoot me in the head point blank. Expensive ones are supposed to be more padded and having better adjustability. And ofc different sizes to choose from. Have a look I posted pictures not long ago about mine.
    1 point
  29. Agree with emergencychimp, why ? I've got a couple of lids to match camos, but only wear them if there's a chance I'll be banging my head, such as when I played the ucap tunnels, but other than that I find them cumbersome & unnecessary, & revert to a baseball cap or boonie.
    1 point
  30. I just joined the discord for this website, on the discord it shows it’s a “bot” that joined, dunno if we should have the - Select all images with traffic lights idea for setting up accounts? Or quite simply stop some regions from signing up. (They probably use proxy servers anyway?) Does anyone know if Airsoft can be played in Nigeria? They all seem to have rs Ak’s held together with gaffer anyway
    1 point
  31. I'd suggest avoiding helmets that only offer one size based purely on my sample size of 1. I had an Emersongear one and it didn't fit well, it got uncomfortable after an hour or two. I swapped to an 'FMA FAST SF Tactical Helmet' which has multiple size options and the padding/lining is way way better and I can wear it for hours on end with no issue. Helmets always get warm/hot, you can't escape that even with vents/holes in the top.
    1 point
  32. I'm wondering what these nimrods get out of it.... Surely no one ever clicks the links. Especially on rather niche forums like this.... I mean - I for one have never missed a period.
    1 point
  33. I also like the t238. Reapers did some comparing and the warheads used less current but they may produce less torque... My take is if you are going to get a really good brushed motor get a brushless instead.
    1 point
  34. Well The peace & quiet from the Nigerian voodoo love spammers didn’t last long after registrations re opened
    1 point
  35. I use a PTS Flux and it’s super comfy. The cutout at the back is useful for looking up stairs/being prone, and it’s easily the comfiest helmet I’ve ever worn. It’s a licensed copy of the real deal, and there aren’t that many around which is quite nice. It’s not all roses though. As the pads are memory foam they can get super warm in the height of summer, but that’s the price you pay for the comfort. The straps and pads come out to be washed if you have sweated in I t. As the rails are MLOK you have to be a bit more discerning over putting things on it, but I’ve not had an issue with things like putting cans on there. And then there’s the cost. As it’s a proper replica and is made of nice things it’s not the cheapest around, but it arguably one of the best.
    1 point
  36. If you hold the sole of your foot to your ear, you can hear the sound of a hip dislocating!
    1 point
  37. Just reading the post makes my head hurt. I think it's a crappy ad for a website trying to sell stuff, by the look of the OPs loadouts they think this is an airgun forum as 70 Joules is a tad spicy for airsoft 😂
    1 point
  38. The springs fitted to new guns are generally not of great quality and can lose power after initial use. From experience, G&G guns tend to have varied springs in them. The XT springs from AK2M4 are very good and very consistent.
    1 point
  39. Pictures courtesy of Daniel D. Wiltshire at RedAlert's BattleSim Lite yesterday. Shirt & Trousers : Arktis Greek Lizard Chest : Arktis 2REP Crossrig Shooters belt : bits and bobs incl. IMIDefense holster, Arktis ammo pouches, UK Tactical dump pouch
    1 point
  40. A young woman enters an overcrowded city bus. She stands next to a middle-aged man who is sitting and asks him : “Sir, would you mind giving your seat to a pregnant woman?” The man obliges despite the fact that she shows no obvious sign of pregnancy. After she is seated the man asks “Pardon me young lady but how far along are you?” She replies “About 30 minutes and I'm still quite wobbly on my feet".
    1 point
  41. Poach

    Royal Huntsman Airsoft

    The team were in action at Enemy Down, near Edinburgh, playing as the "VIP Team" for a special game mode. Dug into defensive positions in the centre of the map, the two far larger enemy teams were competing to capture us, with whoever captured the most of us winning the game. Being the game's main objective, in centre of the map, and being only 8 players against two teams of 30+ each, made for an extremely intense defensive effort!
    1 point
  42. Fresh arrival. Lambda Defence GHM9, I either need to wait on the appropriate sliding stock coming into retailers, or just get the 5ku for it.
    1 point
  43. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Another classic British weapon to add to the collection. A few bits to address like the fake bolt and a real sling etc.
    1 point
  44. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    A couple of additions. G&G FAR9 - basically a folding ARP9. It works with Classic Army midcaps which is a bonus. Other addition is the Well PPK20 Pro. It's basically the new Russian version of the PP-19. The Well version is pretty much all polymer so lightweight and the trigger response is really fast. Add to that an insane auto of about 25bb per sec makes for a pretty cool little AEG. If plastic isn't your thing then Arcturus are bringing out a metal receiver version some time this year. Oh and the ambi selector should be put on every AK from now on as it's a great idea.
    1 point
  45. Old school ish build ( WE GBB base ) shoots well too which is a bonus 😂
    1 point
  46. Couple of new pieces have turned up. First is my mostly real steel MG3 build. Its off getting HPA'd right now, then back to me for some more airsoft to real steel conversion. Next, my G27K build is pretty much done. Still testing out the new EPM-1S midcaps, but so far 170 rounds in a 417 is so nice. Finally, work on my MG4 is nearing completion. Is anyone else noticing a trend here?... Still working on the custom MG4 optic, but its essentially done - just got to get it printed in a stronger format.
    1 point
  47. I'm convinced TM should re-release their whole back catalogue as either GBBRs or NGRS's and then just buy an island with the profits
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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