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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/23 in all areas

  1. Dan Robinson

    in a dilemma.

    They all are..... have you met your mother?
    5 points
  2. Dan Robinson

    Mid game reloading

    It wouldn't be good for it that's for sure. I have an Odin (for when I eventually grow up and move to midcaps) with a silicone liner and I use that to refill my hicaps using the thumb and forefinger funnel technique. Most annoying thing is when you forget to close the lid on the magazine or odin and throw a tenners worth of BBs on the floor.
    3 points
  3. Cr0-Magnon

    NAF ‘23

    I found this useful diagram of where AS considers being hit "cheating"
    3 points
  4. Second hand Cyma (metal and wood version) AKMSU, with a butt load of upgrades including a Warhead. Owner offered me a dong foregrip with it, but I like the one on it. Shooting like a dream, he was only selling it as he needs the money 🙁 I'll probably field it this Sunday for the annual Santasoft game.
    3 points
  5. How do you get a country girls attention? A tractor.
    2 points
  6. MrTea

    Mosfet confusion

    On my MP5, before I was doing my own tech work, I had a tech fit the cheapest mosfet they had (Gate Pico SSR3 - £15) just so I could run 11.1v LiPo safely. It has exactly zero features of the pricier MOSFETs and i've never had an issue with it to be honest. Having 13:1 gears and a HT motor means the trigger response is great anyway and i'd probably not gain a lot from going to a AB++ or a Hybrid.
    2 points
  7. Most sites I've played at have banned it, purely because if you're up a tree and get tagged by a volley of fire - you put your hand up and flinch which can easily put you off balance. Worse case: The next thing you know you're eating out of a tube for the rest of life because you wanted to shoot someone a bit better with a toy gun.
    2 points
  8. I've wired/soldered a simple cheap (£20ish from memory) ASG mosfet into a couple of my guns, just to protect the trigger contacts. I was hoping that i would notice an increase in trigger response, but I suspect that any improvement is somewhat imagined. I have a few guns that don't have mosfets in (including a Cyma MP5), that i have used on a 7.4 battery for a few years without any drama at all. As an alternative to the Peruns recommended above, I recently popped a T238 mosfet (V2 1.9) from Aliexpress into a boneyard gearbox/gun that I fancied tinkering with. Cost of £27 including postage, a pretty simple operation, and works perfectly. Provides for a binary trigger, stops gearbox lock up+ overspin. To be honest, the main reason I fitted it was that a gearbox I bought had electrical issues. As the T238 eliminated the trigger contacts, and came with all the wiring etc, it was just as easy to pop that in, rather than re-wire and solder everything together to replace the standard electrics.
    2 points
  9. Thanks ChatGPT. I've noticed this account's other posts on this forum are obviously written by a bot, generically replying to whatever the topic is.
    2 points
  10. I made one of those bags - very quick to do, basically a sewn rectangle of fabric, left open at one corner, and the neck and cap of a 500ml drinks bottle superglued on. I think I did it after my first time airsofting as I found the same issue of BB's going everywhere when trying to pour them from the very soft poly bag the site that I started at gives you your rental BBs in. Whilst I now use midcaps, the bag is still going strong and gets used when I lend friends a gun+Hicap.
    2 points
  11. Well, there's your trade off. Snipers and woodland go together like speedsofters and stripy socks. Do you want to snipe? Have you tried it yet? It's generally not the way it's carefully edited to appear on YouTube videos: hits are fewer and further between. And if you liked the constructions at Mayhem, you may love indoor CQB. No weather concerns, short walks to respawn, all action.
    2 points
  12. Shamal

    Mid game reloading

    Practice bud 👍 We have all done the spillage of bbs. With a high cap mag the quickest way to fill it is direct from the bottle. With practice you can hold the top of the mag with one hand which forms a sort of funnel to guide the bbs into the fill hatch. I think it is harder to use a bag especially in the heat of battle. You can get hi capacity speed loaders but that can be a slow noisy job. In time you will get more proficient and loose less bbs and also your trigger finger will get lighter and you won't be firing off so many😉
    2 points
  13. The OP might like The Ridge near Barton le clay. It's the most "open" field (not a map) I can think of. https://booking.riftairsoft.com/game-site/13#upcomingGames It's a strange site (definitely not a map) as it's used as a 4x4 course too and they don't have regular days. It is a quagmire after heavy rain which is why they don't have many days in the winter. Their Abingdon field (comprehensively not a map, but they are available on request) is also pretty open. https://booking.riftairsoft.com/game-site/14 The boy and I had great fun their on their Battlesim Lite day.
    1 point
  14. Not to mention all the other stuff that VFC announced recently They are banging them out! (Pardon the pun)
    1 point
  15. Dan Robinson

    in a dilemma.

    I've been married to her for 20 years....Trust me I know. 😅 I'm not entirely sure if she's talking to me at the moment either.
    1 point
  16. EN166 1B should resist 6.14J impact (based on the testing regime of a 6mm diameter 0.86g metal BB at 120m/s).
    1 point
  17. Sewdhull

    Mosfet confusion

    I have always made my MOSFETs but have just bought a perun hybrid for my mp5 because I fancied a burst mode and precocking. It was the cheapest of those type otherwise I'd have sprung for a leviathan or just gone with my homemade one. Time will tell if it was a wise move.
    1 point
  18. It's totally on them , not on you. I think most sites know that us GBBR users are sensible with our limited ammo and mag cool down , lets face it we are never going to go 'full wanker' with a GBBR 😂 May well be that they have allowed for cooldown or alow a margin on the chrono. How was the performance in the colder weather ? I've run my WE based L119's down to 4 or 5 degrees with red or black gas, Colder than that and I'm not playing !
    1 point
  19. Adolf Hamster

    Mid game reloading

    have to agree, whilst i don't find filling from a bag too bad (using the hand cupped around the mag as a sort of funnel) it's basically a rite of passage to spill a bunch of rounds. op- once you're at the stage of buying your own gear a world of options await from autowinding box mags through to midcaps and an m12.
    1 point
  20. After getting the funds together a few days ago for the BAR sold on here, and then finding out this morning it was already sold I figured "Bugger", went onto Usedairsoft and saw another one. Should have got a lottery ticket I think! Been after one for years after seeing a beautifully aged one a local shop had one that sadly wasn't for sale. Finally got my hands on one! (Hopefully... Guy seems trust worthy though 😂)
    1 point
  21. Cannonfodder

    Mid game reloading

    One trick I found for filling hi caps is to put the mag into the bag and using one hand scoop a handful up the side of the mag till they fall into the fill hole. If you do this keeping the top of the mag in the bag any that don't go onto the mag will stay in the bag
    1 point
  22. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop g17 gen3 ghk gbb airsoft
    1 point
  23. concretesnail

    Mid game reloading

    I have a bb carrier made on the cheap. Works well though. Spout of bottle and lid, one old childs sock and couple of cable ties. Works really well as itcontracts down in size as the bbs are decanted so it doesn't make any noise.
    1 point
  24. It was the site's chrono, I did state I was running 0.30g, they tagged my rifle as OK, after doing the maths. Mag dumping the few 30 rds mags I have, never seemed like an option to me. Besides, I like to think of myself as not a dick. I don't play this game to hurt others. And to be fair, I don't even play for the frags. On my first 2 games of the day, I barely went through one mag.
    1 point
  25. I've got big hands. Not enough girth.
    1 point
  26. Yes their wording can be quite heavy. Unfortunately, nothing seems to move quickly as far as BF are concerned. I’m sorry to hear this has put you off taking up other shooting sports, hopefully your future experiences are less painful!
    1 point
  27. That's great to know you guys are doing something about these kind of situations. I feel I also have to comment on the wording in their letters, it's vague as all hell, and at worst can seem quite scary to be honest. When "unlimited fine" and "no less than 5 year sentence" and "up to 7 years sentence" following "further investigations" are bandied about in the text, making one feel like the flying squad are gonna jump through the effing window any minute. My wife and I REALLY enjoy shooting and were going to try and get into Real Steel, long distance target shooting next year...I don't think we'll bother if this is the amount of bullshit that gets levelled at toy guns in this country, can't even imagine what RS regs would be like. What a damn shame.
    1 point
  28. A little bird told me you like “dongs”? Im surprised you left it 😂🤔
    1 point
  29. I’ve been to sites with my MWS shooting a bit hot and they’ve stated so long as I stay within the DMR minimum engagement distances they’re cool with it. Let be honest, if your using you’re GBBR in full auto they already know you’re going to be a nobber 😂
    1 point
  30. As a UKAPU Rep - we’re starting to see more of these seizures where retailers mark the RIFs as having fps over 1J. We are aware of it, and we are pushing Border Force for explanations around the investigation of each seizure.
    1 point
  31. @Tackle Claim started 3 weeks ago, thought I'd roll the ball early.
    1 point
  32. Sounds like the retailer is at fault here, either due to their declaration on the documents, or the actual rif supplied being not fit for purpose in the UK. If I were you I'd argue this with the retailer, don't rollover & take any BS, & maybe start a claim straight away via your funding source.
    1 point
  33. Biggamehunter

    New member hello

    Hi all , just joined , only just started to get into co2 pellet pistols and thought i could see and read some good info on makes and models etc , thanks all 🤙🏼👻
    1 point
  34. Welcome. How hardline are your travel boundaries in the "London area"? Are indoor sites with barrels, wooden walls, barricades, etc, completely out of the question as you said you wanted and outdoor site? It may be worth taking a look at this site for options. https://playairsoft.uk/
    1 point
  35. These work well with a bit of practice. Or make your own as Enid describes. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/132131973156 The best bags are made by a chap called Denn who sells at Gunman occasionally. You can find him on Farcebook as Denn Sews Surplus.
    1 point
  36. 'We found him sacrificed on an alter made of antlers Sir.' 'Dear God! Sergeant.' 'That's our guess too Sir...'
    1 point
  37. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/two-tone-replicas/cyma-cm-517_i54998 "Look at me, guys! I bought an airsoft gun to use at a field but I didn't realise I would have to actually pay money to play at a site, nor did I factor in travel when I don't even have a car. I didn't have the patience to wait for a UKARA defence so I flouted the law and did a piss-poor job of removing the blue paint. £100 reflects the regret I have in not researching, planning and asking around before investing so much into something that didn't work out. I think that price is reasonable even though you can buy the same RIF brand new without my 'custom' paint removal for the same price" https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/cyma-cm517-m4-with-ras-handguard-in-black.html
    1 point
  38. i definitely see it as a classic case of following the popularity. his early stuff wasn't too bad, somewhat genuine gameplay. of course he had a couple of early videos with genuine cheater encounters, those videos go viral, he starts seeing the ad money, so he starts focusing on the drama, but there isn't enough drama so he has to fake it, but faking it only works so far so he manufactures it instead. all the while he's being drawn into creating this tough guy persona, regardless of how he may really be as a person the harm that's done is now we have an influencer who's purveying a toxic attitude. and that's the problem, because if you're not actively an airsofter and you're watching his videos then you have no reference frame to know that this isn't how everyone in the hobby acts, and you're either going to be put off by the idea, or even worse you're going to engage with it and get into the hobby thinking that's an acceptable way to act. either way it's bad for our hobby. might be site specific, i've encountered tree folk a few times and it wasn't explicitly banned or called out when someone tried it, and tbf if it's allowed at the site then it can be pretty effective mostly because people don't expect to have to look in the trees.
    1 point
  39. Enid_Puceflange

    in a dilemma.

    100% this Always want what they can’t have 😂 Shes maybe playing a wee bit hard to get, keep it cool, and be patient Good chance it’ll work out 🤞
    1 point
  40. My first experience with an airsoft gun was when my mate bought a HFC M9 in-store from justBBguns. This was in December that year and when we go home we eagerly ventured out to my garden, where we fired a mag or two on green gas. When we attempted to get through another, we noticed it was no-longer locking back. "This piece of >insert your own expletive here< has broken! We need to take it back!" he furiously proclaimed. I wasn't overly keen on this idea, as it's a three hour round trip....but he had paid around £150, so back we went. When we got there, they demonstrated that the gun cycled perfectly, even locking back on empty. Long-story short, the gun was fine but no-one had explained the negative effects of cold weather on a gas gun. I have owned a VFC Glock 19X and it worked really well overall. However, when it was cold it would do the same thing, only shooting every couple of cycles. My point is that as adults, we should take a moment to analyse the situation, rather than just jumping up and down screaming "Not fit for purpose, consumer rights act!"
    1 point
  41. Rogerborg

    in a dilemma.

    First time visiting the friendzone? Emergency exits are located literally anywhere that any other girl is to be found, and use of them is highly recommended. ... the instant she sees him with some other girl.
    1 point
  42. Tackle

    in a dilemma.

    Don't sweat it, be yourself & she'll come around 👍
    1 point
  43. A Russian agent arrives at a small Welsh station and asks for Mr Jones. “Well,” says the stationmaster, “there’s Jones the Milk, Jones the Meat, Jones the Flowers, Jones the Undertaker. In fact, my name’s Jones.” The agent whispers to him, “The eagle doesn’t walk over the mountain.” “Ah,” says the stationmaster, “you want Jones the Spy.”
    1 point
  44. I'm the proud owner of a brand new TM M4A1 MWS GBBR and it's gorgeous! Slapped a EO tech and an old-school foregrip on it and it brings back memories of CoD! Got it on sale for £450 so super happy with it!
    1 point
  45. And I bought it 🤣 A very good performer if you happen to like the aesthetics 😉
    1 point
  46. I had one. Great gun with lots of features but just couldn't find the love for it lol.
    1 point
  47. Looking more cheerful than usual!
    1 point
  48. ‘Grey man’ low profile tactical weapons bag from Byte. Comfortably accommodates Galil, M4, chest rig, magazines and more in a discrete yet colourful package. cost: £2.50
    1 point
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