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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/10/23 in all areas

  1. I hear he barely ever mentions the Embassy balcony.
    10 points
  2. I was a member of Phoenix for a year or two and towards the end of my membership there, I met the wank puffin. I spoke to him briefly, having seen a couple of his videos years beforehand, he seemed okay. Then out to the game zone and he was already out on the field dug in before anyone was released from the safe zone. Cue much fuckery throughout the day in terms of him jumping up and down like a Donald Trump type spoiled brat whenever he got hit and, asking marshalls to change the games and such to get better footage, including pausing a game so he could get a better camera angle. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when I was absolutely certain that I had slammed a bb into him centre mass from my sniper and he didn't call it, but, he completely and single handedly ruined the flow of play all day. I met him a second time a few weeks later and his antics were so off the chart, a number of regulars, myself included went on an area denial tasking for the whole afternoon with the intention of just stopping him slotting kids and rentals for lols. His own team let us pass without shooting us because they were all macked off with his shit too! Anyway, needless to say, when it became apparent he either had shares in Phoenix or it was one of the few sites letting him on and he was going to be there a fair bit, I surrendered my membership and went elsewhere. Some months later, one of the marshalls asked a question on social media asking why people were not playing at Phoenix as much and a fair few answers were "Dicking Buttstain" only to find he came on and verbally abused anyone who had mentioned him. In short, he's a cunt and a terrible ambassador for the sport and should do the decent thing and fuck off back to his racist porn cave in Essex with much haste.
    7 points
  3. The strength of that balcony shows the true quality of British building. Nearly 8000 men assembled on it during that raid!
    7 points
  4. Real world drills often fail when faced with a 14 year old with an ARP9 and a drum mag .
    4 points
  5. I resemble this remark. Did I mention I am ex military? 15 years man and boy, pull up a sandbag will tell you a story.... I have come across him twice, fortunately on both occasions I was on his team. He edits his videos to look like he's a master sniper when he clearly isn't. He's an odious racist and sexist - his latest antic being to doxx a female Marshall at one of the First and Only sites. He's just all round a horrible human being with dodgy views. Anyone who is an Andrew Tate/Russell Brand fan boi needs a serious word with themselves. Someone will fill him in one day.
    4 points
  6. The MP7 is often the gateway GBB into "proper GBB" along with the vorsk vmp1 . People tend to shift the TM MP7 to get MWS and the VFC MP7 seems to give way to other VFC GBB . I assume people who shift the vorsk just get to take a good look at themselves and decide how to turn their lives around
    4 points
  7. The simple fact that he lives in Essex but has to travel to Nottinghamshire to play tells you everything you need to know about how much of a cunt he is
    4 points
  8. 1000%. When talking to rentals looking at everyone's £700 load out I point out that my main pews are my cheapest because they give all the fun with none of the stress of breaking the expensive ones. The expensive ones are there for looks and not much more.
    4 points
  9. One of my mates failed his BFT when we were in phase 2 training together. He had been on the pop the night before and knew he would fail on his retest that evening so, he asked me to run it for him since I knew his regt number. I ran the timed portion in 7 mins and 48 seconds. He was a straight 10 minute guy on a good day and so he ended up on remedial PT when we did it again 2 months later and he romped home in just under 10 minutes to be told by the PTI that he was a slack bastard who didn't put any effort in........ 🤣
    3 points
  10. Apologies if its already been said:
    3 points
  11. Similarly, my YouTubing for airsoft is generally around finding 'How to' clips for when I inevitably cock something up. My go-to channels are Ollie Talks Airsoft, because he presents loads of useful information for the good of the GBB community, in a similar vein, @Bada Bing, because he's an OG GBBR-freak, making very well produced content for like-minded people (not shilling for dogshit companies) and AATV. Shame that Tom doesn't put much new content out anymore, but understandable. Also been clocking a lot of Jaeger Precision's MWS videos...but not the ones where he's building wanker-guns for the subject of this thread. Gameplay videos are just utter shite IMHO. The most successful channels are hosted by utter twats (we've established KM and NN as leaders in the field of whining-bitches-posing-as-alphas) while the lesser ones look like they've been filmed through a potato by people who don't understand that editing is a crucial part of filming. Just get out there and play.
    3 points
  12. The comments are AIDs but then you should never pay attention to YouTube comments , UKAC or Reddit
    3 points
  13. Mad dog 49

    Zero advice

    Absolutely this. My Scout will send a bb (0.48g) out to 90-95m on a calm day with no rain, I'm a pretty decent shot without being a bragger but at that distance I'm hitting some part of what I'm aiming at 2 in 10 shots or so. Spherical plastic blobs, no matter how well made or polished or out of what super expensive, upgraded to death electric peashooter are never going to be accurate like a ballistic round out of a rifled barrel. Whatever anyone tells you about their heroic exploits in taking headshots repeatedly at 70m, most airsoft engagements for AEGs happen at less than 30m, if you can hit a man sized target at 30m, that's good enough for the job in hand.
    3 points
  14. As a podgy forner-matelot, this rings true of HMS Raleigh, combined with the smell of washing powder near the laundry block. Then there's ships, that have a combined smell of diesel, shit, puke, sweat and stale jizz...and that's just from the chefs
    2 points
  15. Got my VMP1 from the classifieds on here & the MP7's online happy with them all except the AEG MP7, it couldn't blow the candles out on a birthday cake. 4 in the pic are from the classifieds on here.
    2 points
  16. Where should we send the wreath?
    2 points
  17. Well, as an ex mil I can safely say I can burn an egg better than any of you wanka's. ACC (TA) 1989-1993, join the army & see the world... furthest I ever got was my basic training at Woolwich (was attached to the RA).
    2 points
  18. Real world drills fall down when you meet someone who has got more than 30 rds in their mag and a rate of fire slightly higher than a ships phalanx gun 🤣
    2 points
  19. I don't know if it's true but I heard that you had all your pockets surgically removed.😂😂
    2 points
  20. I don't even do that, 99% of YouTube "reviews" are complete crap. They're either full of claims about said gun being "BeSt GuN eVaR" but tested on a 3m range (if at all) or a glorified advert from a shop. Well if he's getting his 12 year old fan bois to harass her he's opening himself up for prosecution under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
    2 points
  21. I wonder is he on here, & other forums etc, using nondescript usernames just so he can bathe in the love that's felt for him🤣. Some might say, him included, that he's having the last laugh thanks to revenue generation, thankfully I won't be adding to it, I personally can't watch Airsoft, in much the same way I can't watch the sports that I loved to play, for me it's all about the playing, watching it is quite literally mind numbing (& probably reminds me I need to be playing more lol😢). Only time I search Airsoft related on YouTube is comparing reviews before I put my hand in my pocket.
    2 points
  22. This. This is exactly what I did. The cost of an mws and mags vs a tm mp7 and mags makes the mp7 seem like a great alternative. When getting into gas guns and it is.....however most people still have that mws itch and eventually get one, the mp7 then become redundant or sold to help with raising funds. What people should know is both a great gas guns, very different but both are awesome.
    2 points
  23. I haven't found that to be the case at all; I have met very few players who claim to be ex-military.
    2 points
  24. As above. My usual primary is a Galaxy MP5K which cost me £100 and it hasn't left me feeling outgunned by others using guns which cost several times more.
    2 points
  25. Uh, are you in the UK? If so, what muppet sold him that? If you're in the UK, then what he's got there is a Section 5 firearm, not an airsoft gun. Any site that knows what it's doing will tell him to put it back in the bag and play with something else, lock it to semi (which I doubt he can do), or go home. I'd strongly suggest not thinking or talking about fps, because the question then always becomes "using what weight of BB?" You want to be thinking in Joules, using the weight of ammo that you're going to be using. I honestly couldn't tell you what fps any of my guns are shooting at, because I only ever look at the Joules number on my chrono (set to the weight of BB that I'm using), and any half decent site will be doing the same. 0.2g is fine for indoors, but outdoors you want the heaviest BB that your hop unit can lift, and your wallet can stand. For a full auto / burst mode gun, I find 0.28g is a decent compromise of price vs performance. Heavier is just fine, if your hop can lift it. You're fine to use 11.1V in your gun. If the retailer says otherwise then they're looking for an excuse to void the warranty. But if that's what they want to do, they'll do it whatever you use, or say you used. If you experience overspin and double-shooting on semi (you pull the trigger once, the gun shoots twice) then you can use the active-brake or pre-cock settings on your ASTER to fix that. You've bought a perfectly decent gun, and it'll do you proud if you feed and treat it well. As above, clean the barrel (YouTube has plenty of guides), give it 0.25g or heavier, and get the hop dialled in (again, YouTube will help, or ask here). Your ASTER is great, it's worth the time figuring out its features. But none of that matters, as long as you're having fun in game. Plenty of us have a blast using the cheapest CYMAs, shotguns, revolvers and such. Airsoft isn't about having the bestest top-tier laser-beast gun, it's about the experience of taking and making hits with whatever you have to hand. Your gun will be as good as anything else out there, once you figure it out - you haven't wasted your money.
    2 points
  26. Easy enough to do if you slink out 5 minutes before game-on and hide in a bush out-of-bounds, 15 yards from a spawn point. He's a rather tragic case who's now trapped in a fantasy world of his own creation. Sneaking onto sites that don't know him (yet) in order to film himself missing by a country mile then adding comically fake hit-markers afterwards to whine about cheaters, then face shooting kids at the aforesaid distance, and always, always escalating the fake drama. He's not there for the same reason as anybody else, and the sooner he's banned from every site, the better. That's if his hard drive doesn't get searched first: the bloke's a proper wrong 'un.
    2 points
  27. I used to be a complete knob...until the accident....sorry, I don't want to talk about it.😂😂
    2 points
  28. son of dan

    in a dilemma.

    hello. my first topic thread so idk how this all works. i am living in Japan right now, and conveniently you can buy guns off of amazon and found a rifle I've been eyeing for nearly a year, the WE L85A2 GBB. ive got the money, but i cant use it in Japan because of shit rules over here. i cant play airsoft at a field because I'm not old enough for it, and I cant use it in my flat because my mum wont appreciate the main corridor being converted to a shooting range, and the walls are thinner than tracing paper, and I've also got an L85 back home in England. BUT, its much cheaper in Japan, its an L85, and it never hurts to have a backup L85 (considering its unreliability). @Dan Robinson i'd assume your against it, but i forgot your views on it.
    1 point
  29. As a note, for some very basic clean gameplay videos, check out Chaoswolf airsoft on YT. Nothing special at all, but he’s a good dude and films at my local field.
    1 point
  30. I've always been a fat lad but got fitter during my pre basic, failed a few BFT's before my trip to Woolwich, scraped through each time after that tho. My first night was at Drip camp near Stirling (now a Dobbies), first morning there was a trail of shit from one hut to the bogs... the dude didn't make it. The whole camp stank of shit & relgex in equal measure.
    1 point
  31. My first bft is one I'm still trying to forget, failed Miserably, pretty much unconscious in a puddle of sweat, piss & puke. In my defense I was fitter than a butchers dog, but I'd either been sick or on the booze (probably both lol), so was severely dehydrated before I started, was never gonna end well on a hot summer day💩🤮
    1 point
  32. It was quite an experience but I'm sure basic training is an experience where ever you're posted. Most memorable parts wasn't the assault course or the field ex... most memorable for me was doing my BFT on the Saturday in boots then again on the Sunday in trainers coz the 'rules' changed at midnight on the Sat. & Being banned from central London on our day off coz of the Council Tax Demo/riot.
    1 point
  33. I sold my TM version earlier this year, for no other reason than not skirmishing it in a year plus of having it. My experience is limited to the TM version only, but I thought it a fantastic platform. It hopped .3s out of the box with no issue, and with more power than my MWS. Range was good enough for a woodland primary and part of me is regretting offloading it, especially as I had a bunch of spare mags and TM original replacement parts. For info, some of the Hong Kong sites have them for sale for less than £200.
    1 point
  34. Irrelevant to my opinions on Fricking Mustard, I play with a lot of folks both in the service and out of the service. Some are downright excellent players, that I learn new tactics from every time I play with them, and some are vets with PTSD who need a space and a field to decompress. Either way, they all have a very similar numbness to them, and Names Nicco doesn't have a hint of their vibe. He may have technically been a soldier, but he sure ain't one.
    1 point
  35. I met people before who claimed be ex-mil (even if it's true they die just as fast as a rental who never played before) but surely it's more prevalent online. It's the same when you watch a youtube video about guns or modern war history and suddenly everyone is expert and served. 🙃
    1 point
  36. GBB MP7 is a lovely gun (either TM or VFC it doesn't matter as long as you take care of it) but ergonomics isn't for everyone. Reloading is awful and there is limited amount of space compared to any assault rifle sized gun. As other people said it could be easily a gateway drug into GBBR world before you invest more money into it. You could say the same about MP9 and G5 altough you see them a lot less that's for sure.
    1 point
  37. Is it from the safety catch inside the gearbox that stops the trigger engaging?
    1 point
  38. try using mesh. sure it will lower the visibility, but if you position the mesh just right, the lens might Aline with the gap in the mesh.
    1 point
  39. Here's the video. The comments are interesting. Edit: Here's the actual comparison video, I'll leave the VFC review below as that's useful too
    1 point
  40. His gun is doing 410fps? Unless it's locked to semi auto then it's too hot to use in a skirmish. He'll have to pull his gearbox apart to change to a lower power spring (not the most fun thing for a new Airsofter) Assuming yours is doing 300-350fps then you'll be playing and he won't! (And btw they both look like nice guns, you should both end up enjoying them)
    1 point
  41. So he's a bloater then From what I've read he's also inconsistent with how long he says he was in
    1 point
  42. Not finding magazines but pouches.
    1 point
  43. Names Nicco, who constantly touts that he is an ex-rifleman, without mentioning that he was a Reservist.
    1 point
  44. Yeah like many, I saw some of his vids when I first searched about airsoft (he's been a wanker for a long time) Honestly his videos put me off playing for quite some time because it looked like it was full of wankers with the good toys picking on on the new players and just acting like shits. I eventually had a go when my son wanted to try it and found there were actually decent people there. Now I know Licking Cumstain is a perfect example of the many youtube wankers doing shit just for the view count. Don't give him or any of em any views
    1 point
  45. Hi fella and welcome to the Airsoft asylum.👍🙂 I'm sure there will be some active members in your new location that may be able to help.🤞 Regards
    1 point
  46. How about this? Posted on a FB group with the question hot or heresy?
    1 point
  47. KacperQQ

    VFC HK416a5 P* F2


    • For sale
    • Used

    Umarex/Vfc HK416a5, rif has an hpa polarstar F2 with an amped igl line, stock hop up, pdi 6.05 270mm with maple leaf super macaron, rs Magpul CTR, a trigger guard hao g-style. Light nozzle spring installed, heavy incl SF hider not incl, comes with stock. £600


    1 point
  48. son of dan

    in a dilemma.

    both rifles are fairly shit so if anyone can make them better, you deserve a trophy. she is very interesting and I really like her 👍 she is Russian and i have no idea if she fancies me back as i lack the ability of understanding women (hence why i play airsoft) i might be going to Tokyo with her on Saturday depending on what her mum says. however, my mums warned me that there is a bunch of Chinese tourists in the place im going to (99% of tourists that visit japan are annoying), so that may slow things down alot. where do i start? L85 is my favourite gun. its surprisingly comfortable to hold (apart from the A3 handguard), it's easy to adapt to and its iconic. I love my L85 (sounds weird) because its expensive, and I sometimes love it more than cottage pie (depends on the day). but the ICS L85 I've got at home has really good range; i can easily hit a target at 30 metres, and my longest kill was around 60-80 metres at Wycombe (I remember that kill like it was yesterday).
    1 point
  49. C-Diddy

    Zero advice

    IIRC a 50mm or smaller grouping of 5 shots on the 25m range was the pass mark for the basic weapon handling course
    1 point
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