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  1. Operation Just ‘Cos 1992 In 1992 a cartel of confectionary smugglers seized control of a small island off the south coast of England. To restore order and ensure American tourists were not over charged for Mr Whippies the US Army’s 99th infantry division “the Twinkie eaters” were deployed by passenger ferry from Lymington. When the Pentagon realised they had mistakenly reacted to a screen play by Anthony Minghella a truce was negotiated. The cartel would supply 4000 Fab’s in exchange for temporary custody of Heather Locklear.
    4 points
  2. Shamal

    Show me your abominations

    That is fugly! No amount of rattle cans will make it right😂 (The views of one person is not representative of the views of others) It's still fugly.......😉 Regards 👍
    3 points
  3. Seen his other listings? I shudder to think what state his "crip" will be in when he moves out. I'm thinking foil over the windows and a lot of UV lights.
    3 points
  4. You've just got to mount on MUCH MUCH longer clips, no one will ever know😜
    2 points
  5. My current GBB collection
    2 points
  6. BigAl

    Gun picture thread

    That forend sleeve reminds me of the old LR300 and the FNC.
    2 points
  7. My lad got zero for his geography and history homework, even after I helped him with it. Seriously, that school is like the Swedish Inquisition!
    2 points
  8. Is it even a real abomination if you don't hack it up a bit? ARMY Armament R45 "V6", customised with "V6" barrel porting and slide cuts, custom-milled mount for ACM Shield RMS, and a Nova trigger. Since these photos were taken it got an ARMY magazine release that's closer to the VB one, and I've flattened the grips. Still needs a new hammer, a dust cover rail, and battleship grey paintjob.
    1 point
  9. Just thought I would pass on a couple of tips for falling asleep in an armchair. 1 Be old 2 Sit in armchair. 😕
    1 point
  10. without. I have bodged a tracer unit into it though big oof Wont elaborate further, gigachad moment NO! my house is nice and tidy this is the only space i can make messy and not feel bad
    1 point
  11. Made a couple abominations in my time: Yes that's an m249 box mag on an mg42, no i will not elaborate further. And this monstrousity puts a new meaning to the term "bore offset", forget a cheek weld or even a chin weld you couldnt even get a beard weld. And whilst the gun might have been a superb shooter with bb's flying as straight and true as you can realistically get in this hobby, it doesnt help when the optic isnt zeroed, you cant really get in the eyebox due to its position but thats fine because even if you could its a gen 1 so you can't see shit anyway. However with a red dot in daylight as ugly as that gun is it was a great thing to actually use. Tried to get a picture of what i lovingly called the "scaffolding pole" due to its resemblance to, well, a scaffolding pole welded onto an m4 reciever, another one of those looks like shit shoots like a dream builds, alas i could not find one.
    1 point
  12. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    I defo have a soft spot for 552 commandos 🥰 Assuming its a GHK? Fine RIF for sure, beats all GHKs other offerings IMO
    1 point
  13. 100% correct, & that's why it's never left the box. I'm a tight Scotsman so I still have it.
    1 point
  14. finally managed to get out to play again after a couple of months due to various circumstances, and booked in at RIFT REDCON-2. got to site and got booked in early made sure i was at chrono early in order to set up my VFC M249 (having fitted an adjustable velocity valve in the nozzle, it needed dialling in... due to the cold temperatures i was only able to get 0.7J out of the gun, but once the temperatures rose, i rechronoed and was getting 1.1J) then off for a cup of tea to warm up, chat with friends i haven't seen for a while and then load up for briefing and team assignment. i ended up on red team first half of the day was a 2 hour total war, with red team having to secure "data recorders" and the blue team needing to capture laptops and each team having use of a "snatch" Land Rover driven by a marshall that we could direct where we wanted it to go. i decided i would board the land rover and after conferring with the marshall/driver and the others who decided to board as well, we decided the best option was to use the land rover to take our fireteam to the opposite side of the land in a snatch and grab before the enemy team could reach the data recorders and lock them down. we were successful in seizing the objectives and returning them to our respawn before heading off for a second set of data recorders at the top of the land which were captured, but i got shot out before the objectives were secured and had to walk back to respawn, where i realised my red dot had been shot out. on our way out to both objectives i had been operating as top gunner and managed to keep the enemy's heads down, and i believe i managed to get 2 or 3 kills on our way out to the second objective (having not seen a soul to and from the first objective) before being hit and had to be replaced as top gunner while i got mediced by one of the rest of the fireteam. definitely a fun experience, though next time i will probably run smaller weapons, as the M249 with the box mag gas tank coupled with the high roof of the land rover meant i had to stand on the front pair of seats to get a decent aim and not appear to be blind firing out the roof hatch the rest of the morning was spent moving between different firefights trying to provide support as best as i could, before needing to duck out for 20 mins to reload mags and grab a drink from my car and then returning for the last 30 mins of game time, where i also decided to drop down to my GBB Skorpion to enable me to move through one of the CQB areas much easier. lunch break was spent tinkering with my guns, reloading mags, chatting and browsing the onsite shop before back out for the afternoon which consisted of two 50 min games where attackers had to activate beacons at set locations then defend them for as long as possible while defenders had to turn them off. first game red team was attacking and i joined the attack on one location, got shot out and by the time i returned we had captured the location, so a group of us headed to the next location thinking it was going to be a tough nut to crack. the location was a fenced compound with only one gate as entry and the inside of the fence had an earth bank with tall bushes running around the inside edge which made getting a look inside impossible. this, combined with the fact it was close to the blue team respawn meant that a group of us spent almost 10 mins sneaking around the fence line and ducking down whenever we saw movement ahead and praying we didnt get spotted all while listening to the voices of the players inside the objective compound. we finally reached the gate and were about to launch a massive assault, only for one of the group to take a peek and realise that the voices from the compound belonged to a group of fellow red team who had already captured the objective and were holding it. having seen a large group of blues heading back to their spawn half of us decided to hang around with the other defenders in case blues should try and swarm us, but no one appeared after a quick break to rearm, the game was reversed and blue team became the attackers. this game i definately felt i was spending more time walking back to respawn compared to the other games, but i was able to set a good ambush on a group of enemies. while moving through the bushes between respawn and one of the heavily contested areas i heard voices approaching and i ducked behind a bush on top of a small ridge and waited for the voices to get nearer, and they turned out to be a blue patrol trying to flank the red team attacking from their rear. from my position i was mostly hidden and able to fire through a small gap in the bushes, and took out all 5 of the enemy players with a few bursts from the 249, while the few shots in return all missed wildly or were caught by the branches of the bush. staying in the position i was then able to take out two more enemies that came out to try and medic the patrol before i heard my team mates moving up again and i decided to join the assault, where i got shot out. by the time i had respawned and begun heading back to the fight, the game was over. definitely enjoyed myself, and i hope to be able to get out more regularly in the near future
    1 point
  15. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    I’m trying to find a transparent Glock frame for Marui-pattern Glocks. In particular, I’m interested in the Guns Modify ones: GM0299 Transparent Polymer Gen.3 RTF Frame for TM Model 17 / 18C with AGC Style CNC GM0298 Transparent Polymer Gen.3 RTF Frame for TM Model 17 / 18C with S Style CNC GM0286 Transparent Polymer Gen.3 RTF Frame for TM Model 17 / 18 I’m prepared to pay a bounty for one of these, up to and including buying an already built gun if necessary. Let me know what you’ve got!


    London - GB

    1 point
  16. I've only been to splatoon once but would definitely go back
    1 point
  17. this guys on some gooooooood s**t............. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/25487-cyma-svd-s
    1 point
  18. MrTea

    ICS L85a2

    Evike in the US. They also have the ICS adapter blocks. AirsoftZone in Europe. They didn't use to ship to UK due to Brexit but it looks like they are now. eHobby Asia. As previously mentioned, you will need the ICS specific adapter block/piece. Which looks like this. From personal experience, you may have trouble fitting a battery into that handguard. I've had to resort to using a PEQ battery box on top of the handguard.
    1 point
  19. Alexandros

    Gun picture thread

    Just bought an cyma SAI aep off a guy at a skirmish 2 weeks ago for really cheap low fps but super nice rof on automatic and actually pretty accurate. Feels really nice to hold too basically an electric off brand glock 18
    1 point
  20. This should not be on sale, its still a restricted MOD item. All GSR are required to be handed back when leaving service (I know I did with mine recently) therefore this is also stolen military equipment.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Oldschool and Newschool ADF kits from a game yesterday
    1 point
  23. Nick G

    VFC M249 Thread

    Quick pic of it on the bench, I'll do proper ones tomorrow
    1 point
  24. Though it's a nice way to quickly attach pouches while you're configuring a new piece of kit and you just need to figure out if the placements work before you commit to weaving it properly.
    1 point
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