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  1. I took cover behind a tree that was considerably skinnier than me, bout 5 players were peppering the tree but not hitting me, I'm pissing myself laughing when a Marshall walks over & confirms "none of you are hitting him", until eventually one of the cross-eyed buggers did 🤣
    4 points
  2. People don't seem to understand you actually have to aim. Keep seeing so many which gun is the most accurate on Reddit groups and keep wanting to type you actually have to learn how to shoot!
    4 points
  3. I'm a fat guy, ive got loads of juicy bits to hit. Always play by the idea "if I'm doubt, then I'm out" because a gentle walk back to spawn a sip of water and maybe a breather is what my knees need. What I seem to see alot lately is people shooting through dense vegetation every round bouncing in every which direction then having the gall to call people cheaters for not calling it. One kid got the drop on me, unloaded his mag from about 10ft I was more impressed that nothing hit me. Just stood there dumbfounded and asked if his gun worked - gave him the kill because it was a good ambush and he deserved it but it really highlights that we're playing with toys that don't behave like real guns and it seems alot of people are forgetting that lately.
    4 points
  4. I had a pistol shootout with a guy a few months ago, I was just in a fairly open area ambushing people trying to get past a bush, we were maybe 30-40m apart in full view, both firing about 5 rounds each at each other, neither of us actually moved at all, mine happened to hit first. He didn't say much, but there was certainly some muttering of disbelief. And a number of times I've just had shots go everywhere around me but hit me, like a cartoon bullet outline, and I've been on the other side of it. You'd be hard pressed to convince me that 90% of players calling cheat have actually landed a single bb on target.
    3 points
  5. Rogerborg

    Back again

    Sure, it makes a lot of sense for sites to pre-book, and it's not harming my local sites at all as they're regularly at capacity. I just wish they'd call it something other than "walk on" is all, it gives me a pain in my pedantry glands.
    3 points
  6. gavinkempsell

    Where's Waldo..?

    See if you can find the Replica's (13) & Rubber Prop's (5) within my collection...
    2 points
  7. Back in my marshalling days, a group of players were becoming annoyed that a chap that they were shooting at was not taking his hits. I went over to where he was lying to observe; their BBs were falling about 3m in front of him. Similar things happened so many times. It sums up the quality of marshalling at many sites.
    2 points
  8. Not only can i beleive it, i'm not even surprised.
    2 points
  9. So after more than a few hours trawling the internet and weighing up my options i've decided to go for an optic that wasn't in the initial list which may be a gamble. I've put in an order for the RedWin Torero HD 1-6x24 IR (SFP). On sale with $56 off bringing it down to $103.35 (about £82) this includes a one-piece mount, killflash, lens caps and cleaning cloths. I ordered a throw lever/ring they have for this model of their optics for another $10. Shipping to the UK is $6.30. I woke up to an email this morning with a partial refund and another email to let me know the optic actually comes with a throw lever/ring for free and they just refunded me the cost of the it. That's pretty decent customer service right off the bat. I would have just went for the Victoptics ZOD but Evike Europe wanted $150 in shipping. Every other store I found it at were priced higher than the RedWin option so i've taken the gamble especially which is offset a fair bit when the total is <£90. Edit: Interestingly the tracking just updated an hour or so ago and it's journey is starting in the Netherlands. If this is correct it might only take a few days to arrive.
    2 points
  10. after some research ive found that the ICS stickers are more compatible the with cyma platinum gearboxes, but i cant test it rn
    1 point
  11. Claims only the Laylax shop have it in stock but 10 seconds on google shows patrol base also have it in stock for half what he wants
    1 point
  12. Spartan09

    VFC M249 Thread

    Didnt know there was an adjustable nozzle for the 249. Do you have a link to where I can get one myself?
    1 point
  13. 1st commando

    VFC M249 Thread

    I'll be fitting the CL project design adjustable valve to mine just to ensure it's always under
    1 point
  14. Cannonfodder

    Back again

    Welcome back. As others have posted not much has changed since pre covid days What's the Honey Badger like? I've heard it's a pile of crap 😁 I can understand why sites have stuck with pre-booking as it makes setting up for the day a bit less stressful as sites have a clearer idea of the numbers so can plan games around it. I'm sure everyone's regular site has games which work really well with the right numbers, but go to shit if numbers are too high or low.
    1 point
  15. There's also the grin factor. GBB pistols are way more fun to shoot. Do you find yourself in situations where a pistol is needed often, eg tight spaces where moving with a rifle is difficult? If not then you might find it more beneficial to carry something which will be more useful like a pouch with an extra mag (plus it'll be easier on the wallet). Let's face it, the majority of airsofter's pistols spent 99% of the game sat in a holster.
    1 point
  16. Seeing that you're looking around Herts and go to RIFT sites, I would recommend Airsoftmonkey https://airsoftmonkey.co.uk/contact
    1 point
  17. Impulse

    Back again

    Probably one of the more annoying changes I've seen. I miss the days when you could turn up, pay your green fee and play BB wars without needing to pre-book in advance.
    1 point
  18. A funny one was at a game a while back. I was set up shooting and suddenly I feel a smack in my back. This is accompanied by my mate Robin cackling like a loon from the dead zone. I had called hit and challenged him on it to which he laughed some more. At this point I was miffed and shouted 'I ain't taking a hit from a dead player'. Turned to re-engage in the game and quickly felt another smack iny back. This time accompanied by a 'sorry mark and chuckle'. What I had thought was my mate in the dead box was airsoft camman laying about 15 metres away much to my mates amusement. Called the hit, took the walk of shame and ended up in one of his short videos as 'this guy thought his mate was shooting him'. In my defence its exactly what my mate would normally do given half a chance. I like most of you have called hits in the past from rain drops, twigs and other random none bb related whacks.
    1 point
  19. RostokMcSpoons

    Back again

    Double Eagle are no longer considered to be shit! That's changed 😄
    1 point
  20. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop LES BAER CUSTOM 1911 THUNER RANCH SPECIAL WE gbb airsoft deep marking wood grip stainless steel grip screw cerakote detail fix
    1 point
  21. If you're lucky. They do work, and work consistently, but I'd rather miss with a gas blowback than hit with an AEP.
    1 point
  22. Bit of a rollercoaster yesterday at UCAP Vendetta, which for those who've maybe not heard of it is a former prison right in Gloucester. I've been wanting to get to one of these former prison sites for years (I think there's 3 in the UK?) and I've never been posted anywhere that's very close to any of them, but I happened to not have to come in to work today so the sunday game was a solid opportunity. Got there right on opening time as I'd seen a review saying safe zone table/seating space was a little tight, definitely an interesting experience even just driving in the place as you go through 2 extremely tall, heavy (but narrow) entrance gates arranged in an airlock type fashion that I presume made up the proper vehicle access when the prison was still running. The parking is within a fenced area within the main walls and is understandably tightly restricted, which unfortunately means cars are packed in like sardines and you will not be leaving site until the game finishes, full stop! Got ready and went 2 chrono with 2 just-worked-on AEGs, one of which I'd used at Airsoft Plantation and passed their chrono fine on .25s, but not at UCAP! 😆 The other also failed even more spectacularly, doing 370 on a .2, not something I've ever happened in my entire time playing. *Luckily* not all the rental guns were spoken for, so I paid the difference, left my VFCs with hundreds worth of internals work in their bags and rocked out with a beautifully basic Specna made entirely out of plastic, adorned with nothing but flip-up iron sights, not even a sling. The irony being that this was my first time ever playing with a rental gun, having attended even my first game in '06 with my own toy AR (it wasn't a RIF at the time technically, was just before the VCRA). I'd always meant to try renting just for the heck of it, but would've much rather done it on my own terms it must be said. I'd expected all the rentals to be gone and with my car thoroughly blocked in I was deep in 5p-50p territory for a little while there. What I had predicted was that it'd be extremely nimble and practical running the rental, especially close up, which indeed it was, more so than much of my regular guccified guns. The safe zone is definitely up there in luxury (comparatively) and protection from the elements as long as you do get a little bit of table space, toilets not too bad as they go, didn't check out the shop and brought my own lunch; given how empty the SZ was at lunch I suspect the queue was substantial. UCAP is definitely heavy on rules as organisations go, more limits on RIF/mag/ammo types than I've seen elsewhere, 'no boots, no play' policy which resulted in some.. haphazardly sourced footwear, heh. Chrono was thorough on the one hand and they even check you're not hopping too much, turning it down to increase velocity if necessary, but they also don't physically tag anything, just show the hot gun to one of the many many security cameras they have around site and tell you not to use it. That's mostly ok in an integrity based game I'd say, but then my own experience did rather prove the system fallible. As mentioned I failed chrono initially, used the rental gun first game, then figured I'd take a hail mary shot on the .2s I got for renting maybe doing some reverse joule creep on the 1 gun that was close to passing. I got it re-checked by a marshal and luckily it squeaked under limits, so I could use one of my own guns on the 2s and spent the rest of the day doing so. With around 5 minutes to go of the final game of the day an evidently new marshal asked if I was the guy that failed chrono in the morning, I said yes I had but I'd been re-checked and passed, but he didn't take my word so they brought the chrono out and checked me again; which was fine as nothing had changed. That said, rather pointless given I'd played almost all day with said gun already and to me that's pretty clear proof that their apparent camera monitoring system is just security theatre, as once I got re-checked and passed nothing was done or changed. It'll work on honest people, but it wouldn't stop a determined cheat, as I basically demonstrated. Anyway, the physical site is very interesting indeed, one of the best actual locations I've played, maybe the old Mall would be the only potential rival. The fact they also do paid tours of the place says a fair bit, most of the prison is pretty intact and there's even a couple of inmate transport trucks, one of which is open and fully in play. For me the best part is the layout does perhaps the best job I've seen of placing players at the ideal engagement distances. You're rarely at all doing that classic thing of looking at someone 60m+ away and not actually being able to shoot them, with no cover inbetween. You generally come round a corner and the other team is at 10-40m or so and you have a great little firefight. A few kids were slow on calling hits and were looking around to eyeball the firer before making the shout, but that's kids I guess and far as I can recall all the adults were good in this respect. The number of obvious (at least to me) current/ex military and police blokes as well as obviously experienced players of the game inattendance says a fair bit about the site overall, imho. Car parking sitch is, for me, a not insignificant negative as I always want to be free to leave when I so choose even though I never do leave early, I just do not like the notion personally. Overall though, solid site to play for sure.
    1 point
  23. Half day for me and the boy on Saturday. He met up with a friend from cadets who had a great time and is planning his next visit, so looks like we've added another to the rank and file of Spec Ops roster. Second day out with my Double Eagle and his Cyma G36. Again, both performed flawlessly and just took the abuse and shrugged it off. I did a lot more shooting this game as I found myself in some great positions affording me sweeping arcs of fire as the opfor team tried to push objectives or flank. I think I went through 12 midcaps in the morning session which is a lot for me. Think I need to invest in an Odin or clone as my speedloader/thumb can't keep up at that rate of use. Only brought one battery each as we were on a half-day and was starting to wonder if I'd regret that decision with the amount of firing, but surprisingly when I got back the LiPo from my DE was only down to around 25% so needed just a brief charge back to storage voltage. The boy's LiIon pack was down to 10%, about 3.6v per cell so was pretty done. Was a busy day with a lot of rentals but it all went remarkably smoothly and I had one of my most enjoyable days yet. The games this weekend were staged from some of the more peripheral areas of the Spec Ops map and it seemed to create some new and fun corridors of action that were better suited to funnelling people and objectives through. Good to finally meet @Dan Robinson, hope the knee mends up soon and thanks to @RostokMcSpoons for letting the boy have a play with the GBBR... I can hear a birthday list being furiously scribbled out at this very minute. Highlights of the day for me... Saying 'This is the longest I've ever lasted in a game of Zombies...' before immediately being shot in the forehead. Finding a perfect tree that afforded good cover and a great spot to rack up kills from. Not being able to find said tree after returning from respawn. How does a man lose a tree in a forest...
    1 point
  24. Do you have a plentiful supply of trousers? You might have found a new way of making an expensive hobby even more expensive.
    1 point
  25. This morning, the lad and I once again set off for Airsoft Plantation, one of our regular sites. The morning started with a game in which we (red team) had to assault across the mortar pits to reach a siren which was located on the far side in front of one of the landing craft. The attacking team had infinite regens on a marshal, while the defenders had two lives. Assaulting out of the woods, the big surprise was that the double decker bus had moved from the centre of the mortar pits to the edge nearest the woods; apparently, this is in preparation for their upcoming two-dayer over the bank holiday weekend and completely changed the dynamics of fighting in that area. We were badly held up trying to get out of the woods, but eventually wore the enemy down, forcing our way through the mortar pits and setting off the siren. The game was then switched round and we realised why it had taken us so long to break out; shooting fish in a barrel came to mind. After being hit, I moved back to a position in our left rear, where the enemy were starting to apply pressure after engaging in a wide flanking manoeuvre. We held them up for a while, but they eventually reached the siren, taking one minute longer than we had. Unfortunately, during this game, one of the lad's BFGs went missing after he had used it in a very well defined area; when he went to recover it 3-4 minutes later, it had vanished, After the game, we searched for it, but could not find it. After a break to mag up, play switched to the other end of the site in a game wherein the attackers had to transport a stretcher from the far end of the woods to the wobbly bridge and kill house; once they had arrived there, a casualty had to be placed on the stretcher with an band applied to each limb and then transported via the Border to the town hall in the village. Attackers again respawned on a marshal, while defenders had one life at each of the wobbly bridge, the border and the village. If the casualty was hit, they had to leave the stretcher and a new casualty had to don the bands and be transported forward. The lad and I, along with several other players, occupied the ditch on the far right of the site, working well as a team and taking out a lot of attackers in the light woodland. Eventually, my rifle received a hit from a sniper rifle or DMR; calling a gun hit, I drew my pistol, only to be hit again by fire from my left, sending me back towards the border, where I settled into a favourite position and waited for the enemy, who arrived rather more rapidly than expected. I took out a bunch who were exposed to my right and then another group who appeared in the same place; while I was doing this, a fellow defender to my front fell gallantly when faced by overwhelming numbers and I found myself facing a lot of enemies to my front and right flank. After holding them back for a few minutes, I was hit and went back to the village, where an unfortunate friendly fire incident ended my participation in the game. I decided to have another look for the lad's grenade and was later joined by him; we still could not find it. We met an enemy player who had been there when it was lost and he stated that he had seen it in on the grass in clear view. As this was now lunchtime, we mentioned the grenade to the site owner; at the end of the afternoon briefing, he mentioned it and stated that whoever had picked it up should hand it in at the site shop/office. A player did so, claiming that he had picked it up (why?) and put it in his dump pouch, but had then completely forgotten about it and then spent one and half games and all of lunchtime completely oblivious to having a large and heavy BFG banging against his hip (yeah, right!). Anyway, the important thing was that the lad got his BFG back. After lunch, the stretcher game was reversed; a group of us, including the lad and I, assaulted the ditch that we had defended earlier, driving the enemy out in fine style. We then attacked the border, which is always difficult as it is a very strong position, but eventually broke through after a fierce fight against a superb defence; poison gas and flash bangs were much used. Rolling up to the village, we stormed it en masse, getting our casualty to the town hall more quickly than the enemy had. After this, the final game saw a return to the mortar pits, with both sides attacking across them to set off a buzzer at the enemy's start point. All players had two lives and my participation was somewhat limited as my two lives each passed quickly. Despite the grenade incident, it was a really good day, with us running some of our less used weapons. AP already has a 30m minimum engagement distance for full auto and, as last week, there seemed to be an effort to persuade players to use semi all the time, which is something that I applaud; it makes play so much more interesting. Next weekend, we are probably going to an outdoor CQB site that is completely new to us. Weapons used: Me: King Arms PDW Double Bell KAC PDW Milbro M1911 Classic (CO2) The lad: JG G3 SRC MP5 ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)
    1 point
  26. Only played half the day today as my atrial fibrillation (at least that's what the doctors think it is) played up on Friday so I decided to keep it light today so I don't wake up tomorrow with palpitations. Hopefully on the road to sorting that, but anyway... Got there a little later than usual, but set up both the m40a5 and the m14, chronoing both immediately. M40 was a crisp 2J and the m14 was 1J. Perfect. Then while my friend was setting up his guns it started absolutely tipping it down, so I hurriedly got everything back into the car. It wasn't meant to rain today and fortunately it only lasted for about 45 mins or so. I got all my kit together and decided to run the m40a5 with the HK45 as my sidearm and my newly acquired and set up TM bodyguard pistol in a shoulder holster. With the Hadron TDC upper and a little suppressor, it was absolutely tiny but it was sending .32s out to 50m relatively accurately (though I don't think I'd be going for many 50m shots with it) and was nice and quiet; not quite as quiet as the mk23 as the suppressor is tiny by comparison, but considering how massive the mk23 is and how small the bodyguard pistol is I was more than happy as it was a lot easier to carry. Super impressed for such a little and honestly pretty damn cheap pistol. First game wasn't one I was too fond of. It was a timed attack and defence on one of the bases, but defenders weren't allowed more than 20m from the base, which severely limited my options as running something with an MED at Worthing at the moment is a bit of a challenge and it didn't really afford me any positions I could take and use my bolt action well. We attacked first and the writing was on the wall; our team was very timid. Nobody was pushing. I wasn't able to really impact the game much either with how the sight lines were around this base, but we eventually cleared it out and took it. Then we swapped sides. I took a position concealed under a holly bush and managed to take out a bunch of the attackers on the way in, but not being able to move too far from the base means I was eventually flanked and taken out when someone almost stepped on me while I was incredibly fogged up thanks to the earlier rainfall making all the bushes super humid. Whoever said you need a ghillie to be invisible anyway Second game came around and... I really enjoyed it. Usually we do a 3-base domination, but this time they did a 5-base domination and I think it worked well. I would've used some other bases, as 4 of the bases were very close together, but having to spread across 5 bases was far better than 3. It was in this game where I feel I did my best work, crawling into a position, setting up my rifle to fire and taking out a fully ghillied enemy sniper team and 2 of their team mates as one of them was directly observing the area I was crawling through. Slow deliberate movements, never silhouetting myself and finally a good bit of marksmanship really helped and it felt so good to achieve, since I play with the short-sleeve handicap during the summer; no ghillie, just an uncrafted cobra hood over a plain black short sleeved t-shirt. I'm not exactly covered in camo! From there I held that position, taking out the sniper as he returned from respawn as well as a whole host of other people on the enemy team who wanted to use that position. It's games like this that remind me why I love sniping. We then switched sides, taking me to the side I was far more familiar with and I immediately went and took a position overlooking a path into the area with the bases. I completely shut down that side of the site with the help of another forum-goer here until he got friendly fired by trigger-happy teammates (who I've forgotten the name of sorry ) and eventually the enemy team just completely abandoned their efforts there, so while the start of the game was eventful, the end saw me barely taking a single shot. I'm glad I refilled my mags before this game as I burned through 2 of my 3 m700 mags in this game, so I would've run out of ammo if I hadn't. Across these two games, I think I took out the enemy team's full ghillie pair about half a dozen times without them even seeing me once. I definitely feel like I was on point for these games. Also, it seems I was finally caught on camera, so you can see what I mean by "I'm not in a ghillie right now" 😮 At lunch I decided to call it, though I heard it was a complete slaughter in the afternoon with our team getting absolutely pantsed by the enemy team. Exercise is what sets off my heart palpitations, so after the morning I felt I didn't want to push it. Furthermore the game after lunch was in a super dense part of the site that is basically a CQB killhouse, but with thick bushes for walls instead of... walls. Wasn't going in there with a 30m MED (you're lucky to get 15m shots in there), so I stayed back in the safe zone. Tweaked the m40a5 a little as it was overhopping, but I think I may try a new hop rubber. Now that the X-range is bedded in it's hopping .45s a bit too much, so I'm going to pick up one of the new Maple Leaf silicone rubbers (the 2023 ones) and stick a 60 degree in. Fingers crossed it works out, but we'll find out next game day as I don't exactly have a 75m range to try it out on living in Brighton. Also continue to be impressed with the King Arms adjustable m700 bolt. It's super consistent and hasn't let me down once. After the m40a5, I took my new AAP onto the range to get the hop dialled in; I saw one for sale on ammo drop on sale for about £70 and I wanted to do a modern ruger .22 upper to go alongside my old fashioned one. Set that up and was happy with the performance, but I'm not a huge fan on the magazines as I feel they're not that gas efficient but further testing is required there. Anyway, all in all it was a great day. After the brief downpour in the morning it was sunny for most of the day which helped dry the site out a little and reduce the humidity a little so after the first game I wasn't fogging up much at all. Downside is that I'm almost certainly going to have to skip the upcoming Vietnam game at Gunman Eversley (sorry @Tactical Pith Helmet but I won't be there. The others I usually go with should be though! I think one of the others can't make it either so our contingent won't be in attendance) as I'm not going to go camping in the middle of the woods with any risk of atrial fibrillation rearing its ugly head.
    1 point
  27. Genuinely, thank you. There's far too much "friendly first warning" stuff at sites. Without consequences, the only lesson learned is that there are no consequences.
    1 point
  28. Lost count of the number of times when marshaling a players been reported as not taking their hits, so I've given them an "honesty shot" usually with a pistol from behind in the butt from 40-50ft, & the player rubs where he's been hit but carries on playing.......... Well at least until I whisper in his ear to "go take 10 mins in the safe one & think about whether you want to keep playing today" 😏. No different from what we're discussing here, they make an assumption it's probably friendly fire (or they're not taking ANY hits) & play on....... Wankers🤬
    1 point
  29. If in doubt, take it. I once played at a site in the Midlands and we all had a tag (a price of hard plastic with a number written on it, attached to a string) around our necks that symbolised a "life" and the enemy team had to kill you and take it from you before your 2 minute bleed out. Which ever team at the end of the match with the most lives left won. I came out of respawn, started running and got hit instantly, centre mass. I stood bewildered, wondering where the shot come from. 2 mins pass, no enemy comes to take my tag, so I take the 5 steps back to respawn and come out again. I slowly start creeping cautiously forward and can't see or hear anyone. I start jogging....I hear the slap of a round on my plate carrier again. I called hit, look around for who shot me, wait 2 mins, bleed out and go 10 steps back to respawn. I decide I'm running full pelt out of redpawn to try and avoid this mystery sniper. I run out of the respawn, 2 steps, slap. Centre mass AGAIN. At this point I'm getting a bit annoyed at being spawn camped. I respawn and creep slowly forward. Because I'm looking for a hidden sniper, I don't look where I'm going and I stumble slightly. I look down to see my tag fly up on the chain, then slam down....onto my plate carrier....making the same bloody sound as a bb hitting my chest plate! The movement of me running was making the tag jump up and down, slapping on my plate carrier. I'd been calling a hit for no reason. Needless to say, the Marshall watching was quite amused! He did however commend my honesty about hit taking!
    1 point
  30. If in doubt...give a shout👍 So you may have to take a walk to your respawn or dead zone or even take yourself out of play for 5mins. It's not the end of the world. But consider that the sniper who hit you from a distance saw the hit even if it had the impact of a tap on the shoulder. Don't be the one that the marshalls have a quiet word with. 🙂 Regards
    1 point
  31. Once I have a driving license I'll have to get out to one of these events at Sierra Bravo as it's a little closer to me than Eversley (looking forward to September!) so it would definitely be doable. In the meantime, I'll try and sell it to the other guys I go to Namsoft at Eversley with and see if we can get down to one of these Sierra Bravo ones in the future. Sounds like you had a blast and sounds like we'd have a blast as well with how these games play out.
    1 point
  32. Left is 1911 Right is Hi-Capa
    1 point
  33. A flip side to my other story wasd being at combat thetford a few years back. I had managed to outflank the opposing team and get in behind them. Stumbled upon a group who were the sites resident players apparently. Slowly moved up picking a few off until i ran into their 'sniper'. In full view of a marshal i shot him in the backside from about 20 metres (close enough to see the round bounce off). Guy flinches, looks around and then goes back to sniping. I figure ok, maybe it wasnt a clean hit and put a double tap into his backside, behold the same reaction. At this point i look at the marshal who shrugs, switch to full auto and put a good 20 rounds into the snipers backside at which point he finally calls hit and wanders off. A minute or so later his mates light me up as they return from respawn. Couldn't believe the marshal just stood and watched and didn't say a word.
    0 points
  34. God, seeing people's bbs fall short because you're out of range only to hear them yell "call your hits"
    0 points
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