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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/23 in all areas

  1. He's wearing camo by the tree!
    4 points
  2. Things wot I are learnd: 1. I am just as unfit (if not more!) as I thought I was. 2. When you are full noob and don't have a clue whats going on and who/what is where it's a lot to take in. 3. Getting shot on the nipple HURTS LIKE HELL! 🤣 In the excitment of it all and chatting to people I didn't get names so if you were there and I spoke to you - sorry! The games were great in the morning and as I started to get the hang of what was going on I really got into it, everyone was really friendly and welcoming. The vibe seem to change quite a bit for the afternoon, Within a minute of the start of the first game I got lit by a kid on my team who couldn't have been more than 10 feet from me. 🙃 After that game I think some tempers started to get a bit frayed but it certainly didnt spoil it for me - in fact a few of us end up back at spawn and decided it would be a good idea to go on a suicide mission which soon had us all laughing again. Carlos was a fantastic host and everyone I met and spoke to were great, I will certainly be back soon!
    4 points
  3. A sunny day at Special Ops ... Pleased to see @Dan Robinson and his son, and met a few of the other regulars, but missed a meet-up with Cowboy, were you there? A change to the usual warm up game in that it became a single-life defend game. Which really didn't work because I fired one shot to test my hop, waited 10 minutes, and then got shot from behind. Rather the opposite of a warm-up 😂. The switched game didn't go much better for me, I didn't get a kill! Probably a round of zombies is still a good idea. Anyway, for me the morning was a story of my beloved VFC HK416 not living up to its potential. Accuracy and range was pretty good at the outset, and the gun made a few new fans when I let them try it, but the hop setting seemed to slip very easily and quickly. As I've tried to take the hop apart recently, maybe I've made that slippage worse... so rather than spending too much time and ammo shooting at distant trees to adjust and check the hop, I decided to go to my DE 906. It racked up a goodly number of kills through the day. Good old thing did not let me down 👍 But during the day I managed to break the sliding cover in one of my Lonex mags (fixable, I'm sure), from trying to force the mag in when there must have been an errant BB in the well. And I lost my clone Leatherman tool (but it was found and I got back). To thank the God Of Lost Things and restore balance to the universe, I managed to find an expensive looking grenade in a pouch, and handed that in. Weird shit that happened today: someone had some money stolen from a rucksack. Not cool. Carlos got close to losing his temper about non hit-taking, not seen him that angry for a long time. Gave the young kids a lecture that it's not CoD, where you can take multiple hits before dying. I didn't have a problem personally, so just found it amusing ☺️ And possibly the same thief that nicked the money also decided to nick the badge off the front of my (cheap, old) BMW. Or the glue gave up the ghost and it fell off on the way home 😋 My old Karrimor walking boots decided to fall apart, I ended up with one held together by Gorilla glue, zip ties and duct tape! Did the job temporarily, but they are beyond saving. I need some cheap, new (ish) lightweight boots
    4 points
  4. Well my lower back is in bits after Matrixing the shit out of some shots coming my way yesterday at Special Ops. But it was a good day all in all apart from the money thing. The only hit taking issue I thought I had turned out to be debarking a tree where the person I was shooting at was hiding - but he is one of the regulars with a VERY effective HPA setup, so he and I had a laugh afterwards about how I kept him suppressed for a fair few minutes until he head-shotted me. Oh and one of the rentals in a grey hoodie - but it was quite fun seeing the flinching so it didn't bother me too much. @RostokMcSpoons and I had a couple of games where we setup a good cross-fire from a building and held the objective for considerable lengths of time which was fun and racked us both up some goodly kill tallies to the obvious frustration of the other team. On the first rolling defence game we won by default because I played sneaky-boi and wasn't discovered until the rolling respawn of the other team game passed me and I was effectively spawn camping to the confusion of the opposition wondering why they were being shot from behind. LOL, after taking a few out it was decided by me and a marshal that I just relinquished the position and went down to the final defence post where the rest of my team were. I was going to insist that they should be forced to use their original spawn point, but by that time they all knew where I was anyway so it would have been a painful if not amusing last stand. New L85A3 was a little bit of let down in operation (but not looks), partly because it really needed 11.1v rather than the 7.4v I was feeding it; but also as seems to be my lot in this hobby, all the bb's were flying off the left. So once again I fell back on my good old, cheap, Specna which did its duty with honour despite still having my shitty cheap ACOG on . Also had a successful test run of some new eye protection with a built in fan. Which did the job, took several direct hits without blemish and makes me look like a member of Daft Punk. Annoyingly the batteries died mid afternoon and I forgot to bring the spares from the safe zone. So onto the site's rental face mask I went 🤢. Didn't work out who @-Cowboy- was, but for reference, @RostokMcSpoonsand I were on the blue team and stopped all the runs down the right hand side of the map to the AA gun and Ping Ping City. 👍😁 When they post up the pics of the day I'll put a few up if only so you lot can laugh at the Eye pro situation. Will be going back in a few weeks as it will be AWA next week, hopefully with some tech work having been done to the L85, although I am a bit nervous taking it apart as its not as mechanically simple as the M4s. Fun times.
    3 points
  5. Dan Robinson

    Hi all

    I don't remember pewing you - but the boy says sorry not sorry for shooting you in the back three times. 😁😁🤣
    2 points
  6. Rogerborg

    Hi all

    Hide-and-seek world champion confirmed.
    2 points
  7. Just gave in and ordered the umarex HK G3 GBBR. My first gbbr. I did some research, talked to my gbbr friends, and then this thread gave me the final push. Should be here tomorrow.
    2 points
  8. -Cowboy-

    Hi all

    @Dan Robinson@RostokMcSpoons Apparently I did make it as far as some trees on at least one occasion. 😁
    2 points
  9. Haha I want that first pic framed I (first on the left) look only slightly fat in that pic Camo is obvs very slimming My right boot hadn't suffered its Slow Unscheduled Disassembly at that point. Ah. Perhaps camo can't cover all my chocolate/cake/crisps/beer-related sins... (That rucksack full of ammo, gas, tools, and spare shit really weighed a ton) Pistolero!
    2 points
  10. Speedbird_666

    Ics l85a3

    Given the lethargic nature of the gun (my neighbour's ICS L85 is as slow as molasses on a 7.4v - around 9-10rps) and the very limited battery space - I would be looking at what could be done to fit a warhead motor personally. Lower current draw and a very decent bump in performance over the stock ferrite ICS unit should help with overcoming the gun's shortcomings. I do enjoy taking ICS L85s apart though - they are a doddle to work on compared to some.
    2 points
  11. Finally managed to track down a KSC M93r optic mount (wayyy to expensive, but the only option that I liked) …. My finished “bad guy gun” ….. I say finished, but we all know that I had to order a ML EVO3 hop setup 😆
    2 points
  12. can confirm those hits can be worse than being domed - although the end of a finger can be a tad gnarly too.
    2 points
  13. Yesterday my son's substantially upgraded Firehawk failed from the very start at chrono, so what did he get moved over to... his backup DE M906C and it worked perfectly (and before we play again everything good is coming out of the Firehawk and going into the M906C, why do these cheap AEG's just always work so reliably for us?)
    2 points
  14. Yesterday, I took a trip down memory lane and went to Battle Lakes in Kent, a site where I used to play and marshal but have not visited for a few years after it went a bit strange. It is now run by Gunman Airsoft and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that Tony, who was the site manager when I marshalled there, was back managing it. After registering and checking out the small but rather well stocked shop, I sorted my gear out and went to the chrono. The safety and morning game briefs were brief but complete and, as ever with Tony, rather entertaining. The morning's game was a domination style one, with the blue team holding three points (the village, the comms tower and the fuel dump), which we, the red team, had to try to take. In addition to the main regen, each team had a forward regen that they could position wherever they chose once the game had started, There was also a third team ("The Americans"), who were carrying out their own mission, which was to kill VIPs in both the red and blue teams. We decided to split into three groups, one going for each objective. My group set off for the fuel dump, which was the most distant; it soon became apparent that I was the only one in the group who know the layout of the site. We quickly located the blue team's forward regen and neutralised it, which meant that they would have to take it back to their main regen before it could be taken back out again. Circling around the fuel dump we attacked it from the rear, took out two or three defenders and replaced the blue team's flag with ours. We then got into a firefight with some blue players and ended up going back to regen. From there, a group of us set off to attack the village, which we took fairly quickly. However, instead of pushing on to attack the comms tower, we settled in to defend the village, from which we were eventually expelled. This was about the end of the morning session. In the afternoon, both teams were issued with a vast amount of money, which could be used to buy weapons from an arms dealer at the far end of the field, whose shop was only open at specific times. The Americans, as well as hunting the VIPs, were also out to recover the weapons, which both teams could store in their chosen FOB, ours being in the village. After much collecting of weapons, including a large and very expensive nuclear device, a sniper and I decided to go and prowl around near the Americans' base; we did not encounter them but we did take out a fair number of the blue team from well concealed positions. Returning to the FOB, we helped defend that against attacks by the blue team, only to be overrun by the Americans right at the end of the game. It was a very good day and I will definitely return. Thanks to Jez and Ollie for the recommendation. If you want lightweight boots, have a look at Iturri Patrol boots on eBay. They are light and very comfortable, although not as supportive as I like.
    2 points
  15. My VFC LAR/FAL DX version landed in UK in late April, customs had it for 5 weeks. After the long and painful waiting, it finally arrived this week. Pretty confident it's the first DX FAL arrived in UK or even Europe. Shame that customs wanted to have more fun with it before I could get hold of The difference between the normal version and DX is the special wooden box, proper trades and every part of metal made of steel. Might be a bit overpriced but I'll pay for that as a super FAL fan
    2 points
  16. Joey Ng

    SIG SAUER Pistol Case

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    good condition



    1 point
  17. -Cowboy-

    Hi all

    I've been wanting to try airsoft for ages so I've finally bitten the BB and booked myself in at Special Ops as it's relatively local to me. Being over 40 and ridiculously unfit I'm sure it will be an experience! Looking forward to getting out there and also browsing round the forum which has already proved to be a goldmine of info - got to give a big thumbs up to you guys.
    1 point
  18. https://twitter.com/koogooroo/status/1664100308291813376?cxt=HHwWgIDQpbyaiZguAAAA based on a CAW mini gun and holds 900,000 rounds.
    1 point
  19. If you chaps can't tell me there's a clear winner I'll just have to stick with my Swiss army paratrooper boots that are so heavy the Earth is gravitationally attracted to them (rather than vice versa). I am unemployed, and therefore allegedly skint, after all 🤤
    1 point
  20. They are not unduly heavy, but I guess it depends on what you regard as heavy. Given your feet, you might struggle with them as they are not the widest boots. Karrimor SF cold wet weather boots, which you can pick up on eBay, are quite wide.
    1 point
  21. RostokMcSpoons

    Hi all

    Dan, we pewed everyone in that defence round when we didn't get killed at all. Just the law of averages says Cowboy suffered our Plastic Balls Of Humiliation too 😆
    1 point
  22. Thanks @Colin Allen - as the new boots will do double-duty once the promised CQB site opens, dry grip is important ... I am leaning towards getting the Iturris over the Wellco's (though the price for new boots I can return easily if the sizing is wrong is very tempting) Just for shits'n'giggles I went to Sports Direct to see what they had. Subsequent research reveals they actually own the Karrimor brand now, and they do have some nice looking and very reasonably priced (£45-60) walking boots. YT reviews say they won't last very long in hard use but are comfortable... they have to be an option just because I can try them on. And the hard use will be one day every two weeks! However, some of the online reviews are damning. Damn.
    1 point
  23. Duff Beer

    Ics l85a3

    Seconded on the Warhead Motor. I’ve got a Black Standard in there and it really made it come alive.
    1 point
  24. Well we know what each other look like, make sure to say hello next time, if I don't get to you first! Glad you had a good day, hopefully it'll be even better next time 😄
    1 point
  25. @RostokMcSpoonsI’m pretty sure I was stood next to you at the end of the last game as I saw your fancy footwear. 😂
    1 point
  26. Airsoft Wizard in Immingham. Contact via IG. Let me know he had quite a bit of work on, but I wasn't in a rush so didn't bother me. Top quality work, did exactly what I asked for, kept in contact and very reasonably priced. Will definitely use again.
    1 point
  27. Lloyd at Combat South is a very good tech. He's the only person in the UK I'd trust with my AEGs.
    1 point
  28. Here we go - part of the Dream Team: Me Being Sneaky Boi: The Boy considering his life choices:
    1 point
  29. gavinkempsell

    Ics l85a3

    I'm sure 11.1 is recommended but 7.4's is all I could find in the right size, I bought an 11.1 but was too big for the grip. so got the 7.4's
    1 point
  30. 5 weeks since my ankle got twisted after being run into at the MAW and now I can be upright without swelling. Heres to hoping I can run around the woods again soon (or im going to have one massive but sad carboot sale)
    1 point
  31. Dan, your son's gun was curving off to the left too, I reckon you bought lop-sided ammo, you need to rotate them all slightly in the mags 😉
    1 point
  32. Denends which side of the line-up you're on I suppose. I did have a pic taken so maybe that'll help. Can't say I was by trees much, I could usually be found going to/from spawn panting like a dog. 🤣
    1 point
  33. Last two techs I used were Airsoft Monkey and Cage Airsoft. Monkey was fine, but I think is too rushed/over worked. Cage Airsoft were pretty reasonable, quick turn around and didn't over egg the work required. Have tried to contact Negative Airsoft - but I think he ignores contact from people with guns he doesn't want to work on.
    1 point
  34. Well you'd be no fecking use in a line-up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  35. Rogerborg

    Newbie needing help

    Come back! We're not done yelling at you yet!
    1 point
  36. https://preppersshop.co.uk/wellco-peruana-us-military-combat-jungle-boots---brand-new-68308-p.asp?_=&variantid=68642&gclid=CjwKCAjwvJyjBhApEiwAWz2nLcpxWDh3VUopBiT6f2VkL1Z4lsq3A-bxCLUAnVfaAKRN6AGNr5QahBoC8EUQAvD_BwE Just don't you lot go buying them all before I get paid at the end of the week
    1 point
  37. C-Diddy

    Unsure what to choose

    Rather than a PC, look at the slick body armour types. They're pretty rigid and you can definitely hear the ping of a hit. Chest and back hits are standard though. Hits to the inner thigh, love handles (he won't have those) neck and ears are, in my experience, the ones that get me creatively swearing the most.
    1 point
  38. emilianoksa

    TM Hi Capa 4.3

    Tokyo Marui.
    1 point
  39. I went for a walk in the woods, late evening and saw this wise looking bird. But as I got nearer, it told me to clear off. I think it must have had irritable owl syndrome
    1 point
  40. An elderly couple was just settled down for bed when the old man realized he left the lights on in the garage in the backyard. Then they heard voices. Three men had broken into the garage Scared, they called the police. The dispatcher replied he would send an officer as soon as one became available as they were all out on calls. The old man waited for a few minutes and called Dispatch again. He told Dispatch, "Don't worry about sending an officer, I shot the robbers and now the dogs are eating their bodies!" In no time at all, police were all over the place and captured the robbers red-handed! One of the cops asked the old man, "I thought you said you shot the robbers and your dogs were eating them. "The old man replied, "I thought you said, there weren't any officers available."
    1 point
  41. Cannonfodder

    Battery life...

    This meme is useful for many things, whether it's bb weights, gas pressure or the Geneva convention
    1 point
  42. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    I wasn't really happy with the burnt chrome finish I did on my Honey Badger so I redid it with cerakote Magpul FDE.
    1 point
  43. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    First time trying out Cerakote. Burnt Bronze for the majority with some other parts in Titanium. Turned out pretty good for my first attempt. Maybe have to do the same to a glock next.
    1 point
  44. Do you have any strong feelings about airsoft though?
    1 point
  45. Don't buy any of Avenger63 over priced shite on the classifieds. Be careful of buyers near Dundonald, Northern Ireland, they are probably Stephen Glennie trying to scam you *AGAIN*. Always use Paypal and send an Invoice or request an Invoice. NEVER use Friends and Family.
    1 point
  46. For me it would have been to stockpile RIF's from Taiwangun pre-BREXIT. Of course that doesn't apply to anyone coming in to the hobby now. I would advise to quickly get it into your head, that what @Rogerborg says about all AEG's essentially doing the same thing is true and if you play mostly woodland, you're not going to get that much use out of a pistol. So when you get your defence, start with a budget to mid-range AEG, replace the inner barrel and hop rubber (learn how to do this yourself!) Use that until you've been around a while and if at that point you're really craving the newest/best AEG that's fine, but keep your old one as a backup. For a sidearm, just get a mid-sized TM and don't pay it much mind after that. That being said, it's also fine to get something for "the collection" but do it with acceptance that it's a luxury, don't try to convince yourself that you "need" it.
    1 point
  47. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    Had a couple of people asking me about this so I figured I’d so somewhat of a guide. Semi auto conversion: For those of you wanting to DMR your MWS, you’ll need to remove the option of full auto as it’s the general rule for most sites. It’s simple to do and this is how you do it.. Split the lower and push down the hammer until the seers click in place, like so: Turn your selector in between semi and full auto, like this: Push from the other side with your finger and twist/wiggle the selector as you’re pulling it from the switch side. It should pull free from the gun. From there you need to take a dremel (or file if you’re feeling energetic) and alter the selector ‘barrel’. Here is a standard ‘full auto’ selector and a modded one: the piece you grind off is is what makes contact with the full auto sear. With it gone, it can’t possibly go into full auto. Now that you’re done, you just have to reinstall. The only difference from taking it out is you need a screwdriver or anything thin to poke a plate and a detent out of the way. Videos if my instructions weren’t overly clear: removal: install: Hope this helps! Any questions, give me a shout.
    1 point
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