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  1. Unless it’s me of course , then yea pretty much guarantee if it IS from me then odds are it’s intended as either a piss take or sarcastic as fook ! But that’s just me ! Well I am a grumpy old twat ! 😂😂
    3 points
  2. Rocking God's plaid on Sunday at Red Alert in Newbury!
    2 points
  3. lol, that's probably why they were in the raffle, when it comes to actually selling them, they can't give them away 😉
    2 points
  4. Well that’s a shit raffle prize ! 😡 could have given you something you ACTUALLY want ! 🤦‍♂️ 🤣🤣
    2 points
  5. Micra on stilts. Surprisingly unroomy. They look great, but it's all show and no stow.
    2 points
  6. Picked up this G&P dbal for cheap (£95 second hand), was a pig to install but its up and ready, might update this post with pics through night vision later on. Now to buy a new torch and dual pressure pad!
    2 points
  7. G36 Yup definitely painted , you can see rub marks on the stock and fore grip !
    1 point
  8. It looks like your gun is firing tracer bb's backwards 😉
    1 point
  9. Very well said! I can understand where they guys/girls/beings (it's 2019) are coming from when they advise about the dangers of running extra weight as some may not be aware of the damage it can do and I appreciate the fact they highlighted that although it could have been done a bit less sarcastically! I'm not really one to judge though as I can be very sarcastic when I want to be 😂 Just for the record too... I wanted to get some originally as being quite a slim build I struggled to get my PC to sit on me well as there was quite a bit of movement when trying to quickly get mags out or whatever in the heat of battle regardless of how tight I had it because I don't fill out all the areas and there's no solid backing in them from the factory so I couldn't get it fixed in one position. I was planning to get a lower weight, I think they advertise options between 1.6kg - 9.4kg or higher than that by request, but I now chose 4.5kg so I can kill two birds with one stone as it's not so heavy it'll prove too challenging on the field but it's heavy enough to use for the occasional extra challenge when training. This is true with any sort of text/email/post as you can't ever purvey your actual tone in which you intend for it to be received because people can't read your facial expression or tone of voice etc. and that always seems to give people the wrong idea about what I'm saying/typing!😂
    1 point
  10. Opinions are amazing really arent they. For instance, you posted what you have just bought/won and all the comments are about why you shouldn't wear them, why the fuck you carrying weight, stupid blah blah. I'd happily run training plates in my PC, I just haven't got around the buying them yet. I like to 'dress' up as soldiers only because it looks cool, try to get my rifles looking realistic etc.. However, I'd never dream of asking someone why they aren't wearing training plates, or wearing a plate carrier or running something more realistic than a ARP9 with drum mag. As long as they take their hits and play by the rules I couldn't give a shit whos stood next to me or shooting against me. It's their game to play, their money to spend and if they would rather wear tracksuit bottoms and run a high cap, then fair game. My point is, on the forums / groups etc.. that I look at, its normally the bog standard skirmisher type player (cant think of a better phrase) who questions others rather than other way around. Just find it strange.
    1 point
  11. Had a go with them yesterday and they're great for getting the rig to sit on you properly! I also won a Haley D3CRH among other things so was pretty happy with the outcome to be fair!😜
    1 point
  12. Prisce

    What are you driving?

    Ergh! One of those people huh. Well i suppose no one can be perfect.😉
    1 point
  13. I’m one of those people who genuinely couldn’t give a fornication a car’s speed/performance/color/look/etc all I want is five doors cheap to run and ain’t gona break the bank to run . SO I recently bought a bog standard Dacia sandero (not even a stepaway) cost peanuts on the road and it has a mahoosive boot space due to its ‘boxy’ arse end .👍
    1 point
  14. Christ. I go through 4k+ BBs every game day.
    1 point
  15. Think pig tails on a hot bird , you’ll soon get it ! 🤤
    1 point
  16. I am getting some very strange images in my head right now 😂
    1 point
  17. You're right about the foregrips but way off base with why. Have you heard of the term squad bicycle? 😂
    1 point
  18. It will be, it’s just a chopped down version. Also, in my opinion, utterly pointless
    1 point
  19. When your wondering how best to prepare your workmate for dealing with your squad's "humour".....
    1 point
  20. Ajax

    Gun picture thread

    I have just finished my project just in time for tomorrow's game what do you think? This one has active spare mag retention. And because I had no holster which would fit this monster I design and made one. We will see tomorrow how good it is
    1 point
  21. TRigGerED

    THE TM MWS thread

    need some help guys, the question is... to paint or not to paint? and if I should paint, In what style? thanks in advance
    1 point
  22. armyamy

    Gun picture thread

    Needs a new paint job i think. Mods please amend if ive not posted the pic correctly Its a Dboys M4 RIS.. Yeh thining of going back to black
    1 point
  23. This guy has posted a few things for dearer then second hand. 105 quid for the P90 at Gunfire on sale. Or 145 normal price. https://gunfire.com/en/products/cm060h-submachine-gun-replica-1152218248.html 99 quid for a Black JG G36, or 80 odd for the tan brand new. His looks like it has been sprayed as well. https://gunfire.com/en/products/jg0638-v2-subcarbine-replica-black-1152189535.html
    0 points
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