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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/15 in all areas

  1. Married / Grounded Not much in it really Know this though..... Behind every great man - stands a great woman and right behind that great woman is another man checking out her ar$e
    5 points
  2. Email from HW airsoft
    3 points
  3. New Strike Tactical Comp red dot.
    3 points
  4. I am also grounded! I've been told no more Airsoft, golf, fishing or gym until the my loft conversion is finished...... However i played Airsoft last night, was at the driving range tonight, 18 holes Sunday and the gym 1 hour a night, every night! 30 and grounded, I love it.
    3 points
  5. Finally got one Absolutely beastly bit of kit it's my mates and unused I tried it Wednesday night and just wow got quite a few kills and the sound scares the enemy in the dark haha so I bought it off him Highlight was hearing an enemy player whimper after I cocked it " he's got a shotgun nooo "
    3 points
  6. Thought I'd leave this here: my ASG MK23. Not to everyone's tastes but I just love the idea of an "assault pistol".
    2 points
  7. Thats a nice reply, still tell him where to stick it though.
    2 points
  8. You sound like a fair and honest guy. He sounds nieve and like he is being taken for a long and expensive walk by a shop who saw him coming. 7weeks is well beyond refund timescales imo. You have already offered more help than most would.
    2 points
  9. He likely messed with it, broke it and is now blaming you for his idiocy. You are not in the wrong, and he isn't viable for a refund.
    2 points
  10. Jedi_Master

    making a bayonet.

    I would love to see the looks on the other team when they hear the order "Fix bayonets!"
    2 points
  11. as she got an oven....ive added a MTP smock, new rigger type belt and a coyote camelback** to arrive Monday to the collection..... should all get used....even to dress up with the kids at home....daughter as a princess/fairy. son as batman/power ranger, dad as a wally in camo!! **will fill it with hot chocolate for the winter games!
    2 points
  12. M170? You'll probably destroy the gearbox and exceed the FPS limit of your site but yeah, it might work.
    2 points
  13. Tokyo Marui Foliage Warrior. My first TM gun, and I think I'll be buying more of their pistols in future. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE image, because my phone seems to like uploading giant photos
    2 points
  14. looks better on the now fully finished polarstar with my just arrived Retro Arms Red Trigger. The Punisher skull isn't staying on, was bored lol.
    2 points
  15. Yes. It's not a local site for me but I have been to a couple of WW2 games there and it is a really good site.
    2 points
  16. Charger arrived, batteries arrived...all looking good Thanks for the offer of the lend of kit, really appreciate that Oh and talking of young...I'm 43
    2 points
  17. Yup 48yrs young, smoker so I fully understand about fitness etc.... First thing forget ya K D bollox I'll gladly let the younger lot go sprinting off all guns ablazing I'll hold base, or try a sneaky road less travelled route to get a few kills before I'm taken out Failing that I'll go for a decoy or diversion mode of play Hopefully my younger or the more professional players will seize the moment to gain ground whilst my hairy ol'ar$e is being shot to bits..... I know I'm never gonna own or dominate but I play for fun or $hits n giggles that is all.... By all means go for a sniper role, but you can have a great time if you don't take it all too serious and try to play above your level and be something you are not. No offense meant, give it a go but by all means try a few different styles of play without the stress if you succeed or not. You could very well make a good sniper but above all don't get too stressed if things don't always work out. Learn your own strengths n weaknesses but above all enjoy being an unfit saddo with you guns Well it works for me
    2 points
  18. Yeah general consensus is that if you've not earned it then don't wear rank slides, berets, etc. Best left at home or to be worn as an impression at military fairs/reenactments. Personally I would zip tie the scrim net to your boonie hat when sniping - breaks up your outline more and let's you cover your optics when shooting from a hide. I've done this myself with my boonie hat and it works really well. Being zip tied on means it's very easy to remove as well afterwards or if you don't like it.
    2 points
  19. Sitting Duck

    Good AK's?

    Gotta admit them AK's do have the slight edge over G&G CM M4's (Ian n others smile) just I do find M4's a little more ergonomic for me to use
    1 point
  20. Esoterick

    Airsoft compound bow

    Yeah I think it would be amazing, how i'd imagined it was hitting a wall directly behind three guys in cover and it taking them all out.
    1 point
  21. Esoterick

    Airsoft compound bow

    I had a dream that you could get bows that acted as BFG launchers for Airsoft. Shame they don't exist but would probably be a bit dodgy if it wasn't effectively a nerf dart with a fun snap taped to the front
    1 point
  22. To be honest, the buyer sounds a bit childish. I've bought guns and had them turn a bit crap after a while. Danger of second hand guns. End of. And the fact that you have been so helpful is a credit to you, i got none even though i just wanted advice. Give him an ultimatum of 'do this and ill do this' or just to jog on. Safe to say from everyone's response that your rep is well earned and will remain un tarnished
    1 point
  23. If your that worried about feedback how much are you willing to let the scar go for to stop me spamming your feedback.Zero in wasnt it.
    1 point
  24. I'd tell him to do one. It sounds like the sort of situation where you could spend loads of time and money trying to resolve. I actually bought a faulty gun second hand and didn't use it for a good month after I got it so I just put that down to my fault for not testing sooner.
    1 point
  25. JackHG

    Good AK's?

    From what I've heard and seen Cyma ak's are great quality for the price and built like a tank. However I don't own one personally so you might wana ask about. (Also I've heard that Taiwangun are really good for them due to price or something)
    1 point
  26. n1ckh


    I'll need a word with my mate as I've never done it but you never know lol
    1 point
  27. Lozart

    Good AK's?

    Any idea how much you want to spend?
    1 point
  28. So his point was that he was lied to, so that makes it alright for him to lie to you - what a prick. For me: Molle Folding Dump Pouch in OD - 35zl 6B7 1M Helmet Cover in SS Leto or Partizan as they would have it - 39zl 6B7 1M Helmet Cover in Berezka - 39zl Braces in SS Leto / Partizan - 29zl +34.60zl for postage from redzone.com.pl
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. ImTriggerHappy


    Crack on then.
    1 point
  31. Preston


    It is possible, at work I deal with acrylic more than I like to. A good cooling system is required. Ours is air cooled, most engineering millers will be liquid cooled. Special acrylic milling bits can be bought which leave a better finish than a standard bit would leave, or a diamond bit can be used to leave a pretty much clear finish. We use flam polishing on any acrylic we cut but this is not ideal for something like a gear box, due to small holes and tolerances. The heat would warp it all. A chemical dip would be better.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Must have been every time I was there! If there's spaces available you're still better off booking. There's a calendar on the website: http://www.zedadventures.co.uk/calendar/ and it seems there's still spaces for this Sunday. Drop an email to [email protected] with you name, walk on/rental and the site and date you want to book. They usually reply pretty quickly.
    1 point
  34. The Russian team in Op Claw Hammer is starting to fill.
    1 point
  35. Doors open at 08:15, they have 20 walk-on slots, and I'm told they've only had them all used up a couple of times this year so not booking isn't a big risk (although open to sods law of course) I usually book and turn up about 08:40, which gives me enough time to get chrono'd (usually a 10-15 person queue for chrono by that time so takes about 15 minutes), and then still have enough time to sort my kit out before the safety brief
    1 point
  36. good back on topic and away from cars of the past!!.....i miss my mark 2 Golf GTi!
    1 point
  37. Yeah the 47 isn't really accurate for most impressions - an AKM is more in theme for Afghan War ones and a 74 for anything later than that. And there is an airsoft Saiga 12 out there but it's a cheap spring model that is no longer produced (I've tried to find one). If you're not a fan of AKs or want something a little different then you could go for a Vintorez. Used by a lot of modern forces and there are a number of airsoft replicas out there. That said they usually shoot hot out of the box (DMR levels) so need downgrading to under 350, but they're very compact little guns. ...Or you could go for a PKM. Not a CQB gun but you'll scare the hell out of anyone on the other team with it Plus it's accurate for a lot of impressions both modern and Afghan era.
    1 point
  38. Hey John. Welcome to the site. The main reason for the 'don't go for a sniper rifle' is threefold: Firstly, (and surprisingly more than you'd expect) a lot of people get the impression that snipers are taking people out from hundreds of metres away in airsoft - that's just not the case. Minimum engagement distances on most sites for sniper rifles firing around the 400-500fps mark is 15m, but rarely will you see someone being hit over 50m. Basically most 'kills' happy between 15 and 40 metres, and this is well within the scope of a lot of mid-range AEGs. For this reason, the gun alone is rarely competitive. This brings me onto point two. Secondly, it's a different play style that not a great deal of players are actually suited to. You need to be very patient and you need to show up with the knowledge that you might well just be properly outgunned and outmanouvred and may walk away from that day with only a handful of kills. Many new players get turned off after their first or second game using just a sniper rifle and can't justify forking out more money for a different gun and lose interest. Thirdly is the money. You can't really show up with an out-of-the-box sniper rifle and expect it to out-compete everything else. You can turn up with an out-of-the-box AEG and be on par with some of the very expensive stuff most of the time. Expect to spend upwards of £450 on a sniper rifle (if you include the stock gun) on upgrades before it can consistently be hitting those further ranges, have a decent trigger break and a clear scope. Conversely, there are some good entry-level AEGs that you can get for £150 with everything that you need to get started. That said, if you want to snipe then go for it. There are plenty of videos out there that may give you a feel for what you might be in for (just remember they tend to edit most of the boring waiting around out). I don't think your situation means you can't go the usual route. I joke about a lot of people just standing by trees and popping off shots but that's genuinely what a good portion of players do throughout the day when they're tired of running or just not really wanting to get too muddy - I get it. I feel you'd be fine with an AEG and not moving fast a whole lot - most woodland games a medium sized sites tend to have one or two large firefights and not much else, so excessive moment to push up or fall back generally isn't required. There are quite a few older players who simply use decent knowledge of the site and good cover to score their kills so there's no reason you couldn't do that as well over time.
    1 point
  39. Dude I don't want to come across a knob but I wouldn't wear rank tabs for airsofting. As people have had to work hard to earn right for that rank and a lot of people will not appreciate a civvy wearing that rank especially a officers rank slide. Edit: but the whole load out does look good.
    1 point
  40. Colonel Kurtz


    Then you could put it in an ICS sportline clear body. Somehow the idea makes me feel like an airsoft pervert.
    1 point
  41. Some people have some damn heavy guns!
    1 point
  42. The Russians are really coming to Moldistan
    1 point
  43. They aren't cheap, and the mags make it worse. I got really lucky with mine due to some kindness from Hef Legend on here, so we will have to see
    1 point
  44. Extra ooomph you say? HK51B - beefed-up MP5-ish body belt-fed 7.62.
    1 point
  45. Legit. Whiney bitch.
    1 point
  46. To lose 20-25FPS though... Hmmmm! A wide bore barrel needs a whole new approach, because you are going to need a stiffer spring to maintain BB velocity, but to be billy badass as a sniper you must absolutely minimise any loss of compression so that your spring choice will be the lightest it can be, so that cocking it while keeping eyes on target does not become difficult/impossible, although some rifles' cocking handle design and position, relative to how you shoulder them, makes this easier as does sheer arm strength. For eg, these days my arms are pretty weak, but at last try I could cycle a Well L96 with a 150 spring without losing my sight picture, yet even though I am far more practised with my SVD with a 135 spring (which has an 'extended' cocking handle), I have to reacquire my target after every reload - my arms are long and the geometry is such that I just can't quite complete the last bit of bolt travel to lock it without shifting my body position (I did try adding 40mm to the length of the stock but it hasn't helped enough - I was going to try adding more but I've decided to try modding a CO2 kit to deliver a UK site legal FPS 1st). This may well result in needing to replace many more parts, possibly even the entire compression chain... Cutting down a barrel is a possible alternative, however to lose that much you will need to be quite brutal and of course if you can't re-crown it properly, you'll have ruined it. Bear in mind also that a good quality long barrel can do a fair bit to even out instabilities in BB spin introduced during hop up by sub-prime parts/poor design, so lopping a 3rd off that length may impact accuracy even if it is re-crowned well. I would suggest that the numbers are working for you for a simple approach - drop to a spring designation 10 below that which you are already using, which ought to get you to about 485FPS and then use washers on the spring guide to pre-tension the spring until you are getting about 494FPS at room temp and average humidity. That will leave you enough wiggle room for chrono variance and differences in heat and humidity on site.
    1 point
  47. This is increasingly my issue.. There are 6 of us so its not too bad, as long as 1 other is up for a skirmish I will go not really a lone ranger type.
    1 point
  48. I work mon-fri normally, weekends are overtime and rare enough that im normally happy to earn the extra. My curret issue is im grounded! (Yep 31 and grounded!!) My gf has said no more airsoft till i finish the electrics and plumbing in the house hope im done in time for longmoor!
    1 point
  49. 'Most important is that my wife does not know just how much I have spent on airsoft to date' - yeah that's why my 901 chest rig and other items were £40 from a place on amazon with a voucher used!.....haha i'll keep your secret safe!
    1 point
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