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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/08/14 in all areas

  1. Ladies & Gents, as it has been suggested by several people and requested several times recently, I have decided to create a new Quick Questions thread. We have two threads previously like this, but I've decided to make a new one with a little more structure. When you ask a question please do so using red writing that way, it's easy for people scrolling down to find a question. When you answer a question, please quote (this will make sure the person gets a notification and they can click on it to open your answer straight away and it also lets people answer questions from a while ago if there have been new questions since then) the question and reply in blue writing so we know it's an answer. If you feel a question simply cannot be answered in one brief post, or is open for a lot of debate, create a thread to discuss it, and link the thread in your answer so everyone can find it. This should keep it clear what's what. Thread will be periodically preened and cleaned, and I may, if the whim takes me, create a section in this post with all the questions and the best answers in expandable boxes so everyone can see them forever and ever and ever. If your question or answer don't follow the requested template, I will either fix them if I like you, or delete them if I don't because no-one should have any difficulty getting it right after the first couple of attempts. Here's an example of how I want this to look: ====================================================================== Hi everyone, what am best gnu? ====================================================================== Best gnu am banana. ====================================================================== Go wild kids.
    8 points
  2. I think most people like myself who have a genuine defence and actually care about airsoft do indeed care if a kid or an under 18 year old owns a full RIF. Things like that, if investigated can in fact ban airsoft for everyone so just please follow the rules and law and stop trying to bypass it and own a RIF when you're not entitled to, Team Flex.
    5 points
  3. Why am I so rubbish compared to Finius?
    4 points
  4. OK, go back and read the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, I'm not sure which version you've been reading but you've clearly missed a few bits out. The only things specifically controlled by the act are sale, import and manufacture. In order to sell a RIF to someone you need to avail yourself of a defence against the VCRA, the person buying doesn't need a defence (they simply enable the seller to prove their defence), they're not committing a crime. Usually this is done by the seller checking the buyer's bona fides and satisfying themselves that the purchase is indeed for one of the permitted activities, UKARA is just a method of making that easier, nothing else. Import of a RIF can be done by anyone who can prove materially to customs and excise (more specifically the UKBA) that they are importing it for the purpose of one of the permitted activities. At this time the only method they accept is a site membership recorded on the UKARA database or membership of a recognised reenactment organisation (e.g. AFRA). Manufacture of a RIF is not controlled by age in any way (read the legislation, it just isn't), not only that, the conditions that need to be met in order to qualify for any of the specific defences (as detailed in Home Office circular 031 / 2007) are not quantified in the act itself. Personally, I would not manufacture a RIF unless I could materially prove that I am a regular skirmisher, be that with photographic evidence stretching back several years or by a phonecall to one of my local site's owners who would verify I am legit. The statement however that an under 18 cannot under any circumstances own a RIF is completely false, manufacture is an entirely legal way for an under 18 player to get themselves a RIF providing they are confident that their defence against prosecution would hold up under the kind of close scrutiny the CPS would put it under.
    3 points
  5. I don't get why people are in such a rush to get a RIF, Seriously. It's the law, it justs happens to be the same thing called 'law' that prevents people from burning your house down and killing your family while you watch. Funny that people are so enthusiastic about breaking it just so they look 'moar oper8r' on the field. From being an under 18 myself, I'm waiting my time and doing it by the book. /rant
    3 points
  6. You don't understand do you? You. Are. Not. Allowed. BY LAW. To. own. A. RIF. No. Matter. What. Site. You. Go. To.
    3 points
  7. Absolutely not, sorry. Don't go for a sniper gun as a beginner if you ever want to go to a skirmish. You'll have much disappointment playing with them. Get an AEG (G&G has one of the best beginner kits), play with it at least a year and then consider a sniper gun. Apart from that I often read that shops that have bbguns in their name are not the places to buy from.
    3 points
  8. Are you serious? Literally 30 seconds of looking around that site will find you those things. Thisis a forum for advice and chat, not to spoonfeed people information they could find for themselves in seconds.
    3 points
  9. Yeah, it is good - obviously there is moderation but it's done either featherlightly (it's a word now) or with a finality that goes way beyond any jackboot, leaving no reason or opportunity for the fruits of the worst tendencies which we all possess to one degree or another, namely dickheadery, to get out of hand. People here do tend to 'get it' quite quickly or bugger off, so there's no need for us to zero in, fna fna, on every infraction of the letter of the rules. I'm looking forward to spending more time here again - i've been really ill and just too jealous of everyone going on about airsoft when i was getting worried i might never be able to skirmish again. Not that i'm not jealous now mind, but i've decided it's better for me to lump it and keep semi-current with what a gwaan an ting...
    2 points
  10. NH Shooter

    What camo.....

    It really doesn't... Whatever camo you use, whatever the colour will fail or hinder you if you silhouette yourself, rattle, clank and poke around a black gun with sharp edges... It's not a question of suitable colours... It's field craft.
    2 points
  11. NH Shooter

    What camo.....

    Or you silhouette yourself against the backdrop, or add loads of black mags and carry a black gun, or refuse to use cover properly, or put yourself against bad colours, or make the world's supply of noise, or don't stow your kit properly, or move too quickly, or pick bad routes... I've yet to see anyone use camo well... Anyone at all...
    2 points
  12. Airsoft_Mr B

    What camo.....

    I used to hate Multicam, but it's really grown on me again now. It just looks nice. An MTP UBACS and trousers can be bought for £38, whereas if I want an A-TACS AU / FG loadout it's £45 alone for a pair of trousers. I will still do one of those loadouts but when I have a lot more money to spend. MARPAT is also one I would like to do (it's both inexpensive, effective and not so common) I think camo isn't always important since most of time you're moving around anyway and you aren't trying to keep concealed. If you're a sniper though, chances are you want to remain unseen. Airsoft is about looking cool for a lot of us as well. Since you're skirmishing in a woodland you need to buy some suitable clothing (you don't want to use jeans and a t-shirt) so you might as well buy some unique camo stuff if you see what I mean.
    2 points
  13. THIS JUST IN. There's a closeup of an AK47 and you can ACTUALLY read the Tokyo Marui trades.
    2 points
  14. Monty

    What camo.....

    Not really, unless you're playing in an urban environment.
    2 points
  15. Personally I'd just leave it alone to be honest but up to 328ish would be fine, mines at something like 340 I think. Not to say my power upgrade has had any adverse effect, I just don't think the bother produces a big enough return to bother taking it all apart- a bit of a ball-ache on the scar. TF, the gearbox cases can take it is what I was talking about when I said 450, with stock internals (gears etc) it won't last long at those levels though. The point I was making at the time is that they are upgradable guns which some people don't realise.
    2 points
  16. Its all such a grey area, the more I look into it and read up the more confused I get. They way I see it, I own 2 RIFs and no UKARA membership just yet (working on it) BUT, I only ever take them out with 2 guys who do have a UKARA and on my way to a skirmish, I would never show them off, take them out or even use them in my garden due to the fact I do not want armed cops jumping on me mistaking me for a terrorist. As far as I am concerned I am breaking no laws, hurting no one, scaring no one therefore as long as I am responsible I expect everyone else in this sport to be so too to help maintain a good reputation for Airsoft.
    2 points
  17. Cheeky vimto


    Secret would of been to message me, I might of got you some from my work for next to nothing Just checked, we've got reels of the good stuff!
    2 points
  18. Cav, incase you hadn't noticed Russell does WW2 airsoft- Lozart you sniped me just as I wrote you in that sentence above!
    2 points
  19. I'm alright with this thread, however there's a few things I'd like people to consider. Airsoft is a diverse sport with diverse equipment, requirements and suchlike. Often, there is no simple answer and indeed, most answers are simply opinion or experience based rather than fact - this often supports healthy debate and discussion which is the lifeblood of our community. As such, I feel it is better to voice questions in individual threads, or even come up with half a dozen on a certain subject and then make a thread, I honestly feel a thread like this only serves to stifle potential debate. I also feel it would be more constructive to revive the old quick questions thread and pin it, rather than making a thread just for one person. As I say, I'm not going to close this thread or anything, but just some food for thought!
    2 points
  20. You're never going to see where you're going with that big black thing over your face.
    2 points
  21. Mr Monkey Nuts

    What camo.....

    It's airsoft ..... The overwhelming majority have learnt their field craft from blackhawk down. If people want to play dress up then let them play dress up.
    1 point
  22. M_P

    The team flex help thread!

    I think it's more of an issue of the mags keeping up with a high rate of fire than actually affecting it.
    1 point
  23. Can't speak for the mask you mention, but in short- nice to feel your face is VERY protected. Have also had less steam ups with them, as lots of space for venting around the sides, due to the plastic covering the gaps well over the top. Downside, it's a bugger to pull the guns close to your eye for aiming depending on stock style/size.
    1 point
  24. Monty

    What camo.....

    I'm the same way. Absolutely despised it but now I'm slowly starting to love how effective it is, I think I used to hate it because everyone at my local site used multicam gear.
    1 point
  25. In my experience, pretty much any midcap should feed okay up to about .28 - I've not used .3s so can't say on that but tbh, you're only looking at a couple of grams difference in the weight the spring has to push (say you have 100bbs in a mag, the difference between shooting on .2 and .3 is going to be +10g, I doubt it'd have that much effect on the spring) so I imagine pretty much any would do. You're likely to get better springs in mags with better branding if you're concerned though.
    1 point
  26. Can the trigger pull on TM GBB pistols be reduced?
    1 point
  27. where can you find duster gas/ 134a gas?
    1 point
  28. M_P

    What camo.....

    A-tacs fg. Easy to get in the UK, and not as common as MC/MTP
    1 point
  29. Spray paint through a scrim scarf
    1 point
  30. Hey there, as a beginner myself I would say start with a gun, once you have that sorted the vest and pouches would depend on the gun, no point buying pouches for a M4 if you have AK mags etc... Also it depends where you play for your kit. And as I play indoors in the dark mostly I went to Primark and got black combat trousers and a long sleeve tee shirt. For a beginner go for cheap stuff, I hit Ebay hard when I first started, got a mask, gun sling, belt, mag pouches, knee pads and pistols holster from there, nothing cost much more than a tenner for each item. This is pretty much the extent of my current loadout. However I am looking to do lots of outdoor skirmishing next year so will want some sort of multicam set up with a decent vest and backpack to carry all my gear. But like I say, the kit doesnt need to be to spec or expensive and also be careful not to buy things you dont want or need, I built my kit up over 4 or 5 skirmishes, realising after each one I needed something else. On my first visit to an Airsoft shop they tried selling me over half their stock "now Sir, you need a vest, this one here is only £89.99, also these gloves at £25.99 go great and match this mask at £85.99 GRRRRR Only thing I would reccomend spending money on is face protection, either a cool AND COMFORTABLE full face mask, but make sure your visability is ok, or a decent pair of goggles and lower mask.
    1 point
  31. yeah, a tightbore will bring you up to about 320-325 ish, (did with my SCAR). Absolutely no need to touch the gearbox to get that kind of performance increase.
    1 point
  32. Hell, I wish I had your budget!
    1 point
  33. "There is no law or age limit to own a RIF, but the only way you should have one without a defence (e.g. UKARA) is if it was gifted to you or purchased before 2007's VCRA. UKARA is not a licence, and is not the only way of purchasing a RIF. It is simply a defence which allows you to purchase RIFs, other defences include being a registered re-inactor or professional film maker, or simply proving you are a registered skirmisher. To obtain an RIF without a defence, it must be gifted to you. This means you cannot give anything in exchange for it, including money, other items and services (e.g cleaning your room for a week to get your dad to buy you a RIF isn't actually legal). This also applies to people under 18 obtaining IFs (51%+ clear or bright coloured). It is the seller's responsibility to check that you have a defence, not yours to prove to them. But goodluck finding someone willing to sell to someone without a defence. " Close enough, still goes against what some are saying that they will give parents money etc.
    1 point
  34. That's the thing deek... Someone has a rif... They could have been given it They could have owned it before the act They could have brought it without any defence, from a shop or privately They could have made it They could have painted it from an I.F They could have brought it legally from a shop or privately There's absolutely no way of ever knowing... Makes a shambles of the entire thing. First time I showed up with a rif, I was told I was breaking the law by owning one without a licence... By "experienced" people... It's mental :-)
    1 point
  35. Airsoft_Mr B

    My gear

    I'd say go for the 416. The Boogie Regulators are awesome, they won't steam up if you keep moving. I'm going to get some myself. I don't know if they will fit with the metal mesh half face mask though. Shemaghs will mean your eye pro is more likely to steam up so I would say go for the scrim net scarf, I think if you wrap it around your face enough it should be enough protection. If you look on the websites they should tell you their rules on full face masks and ages. I know F&O allow U18s because I went to their Heywood site before it closed down If you use eye pro and some lower face protection like the mesh half face mask it probably will count as full face. I guess it means you can't just use a shemagh or something (must have some hard protection like mesh or a neoprene / cordura face mask thingy) Nice to see another Yorkshire airsofter Manchester woodland will probably be my local site once I start airsofting again. There's also Alpha One Airsoft - near Dewsbury way IIRC.
    1 point
  36. I'd leave it alone if I was you.
    1 point
  37. The Walther PPK it was so reliable and I loved it. Thats like 15+ years ago haha
    1 point
  38. I've just watched loads of youtube videos. It's pretty easy really; a few gears, a piston and a couple of springs. Once you grease it up in there it holds most of it in place. Rewiring took the longest time. Reshimming only took about an hour - no grinding or crunching sounds so far. Just ordered the last of the internals to finish the job off; 70D Sorbo pad Ported cylinder bearing spring guide Hopefully I won't have to open this sucker up for awhile after this. All that's left is a Lipo & motor which I'll look into after payday
    1 point
  39. ICS are very good guns - "maybe" slightly better than G&G on some models BUT many bits in ICS are bespoke to ICS they often have a 2 piece gearbox in M4's quick spring change but a bollock to get parts easy n cheap as well as limited upgrade options Often ICS may be a tiny bit more expensive - not much and they usually give you 2 x 300 mags think this might lure people in but like some car companies... All sounds good but you try n get spares/service then you find out maybe not a as good as you thought G&G use the "normal" setup so parts/upgrades are easy to come by, plus they are built very well too Both these companies are Taiwan - SRC are also but their M4's are not as good and I own all 3 btw The carbine G&G has battery up front in front hanguard - you can get it black/clear, 2tone I think or usual black and/or tan The Raider has battery at back in crane stock - 2 stick batteries linked together usually but there are numerous options like fitting a solid stock which you can shove anybattery at back Carbine is front battery with no RIS rails and the clear is better than 2 Tone black bright orange trust me that orange is a dead give away - enemy will see that day-glo orange gun before you So clear or transparent is a good option for non ukara peeps, you can spray the clear parts but in effect you are crossing the line by painting an IF gun to look RIF so won't go into that too much but is easier and better than trying to paint bright orange if user gets ukara Raider is lovely - well worth £25 more imho - it does not feel cheap at all, the raider is solid no front barrel hanguard wobble coz all bolted together tight on RIS. Only 2 minor things and they really are minor: no rear sight hand rail or carry handle like many M4's charging handle don't drop down the flap to adjust hop-up like on most M4's (you have to pull down flap and keep down to adjust hop-up) These are very very minor things in what is an absolute lovely first gun choice and suppose they keep price down a bit and can be changed if you wish G&G and you won't go wrong, they are both good models, be careful you don't buy a blowback or gas blowback version coz you think great they got them in stock Nunchuk battery will work in both guns I reckon carbine or raider - up to you which one or both
    1 point
  40. Check his loadout pictures.
    1 point
  41. Chrono is normally done with a .20, though it's not really measuring the FPS of your gun, but the muzzle energy. A .20 going at 400fps has the same energy as a .30 doing 320fps. Using heavier ammo to reduce fps doesn't really work in real terms as while the muzzle velocity is definitely reduced, the muzzle energy remains constant; your slower moving .30g bb is actually more likely to cause injury than the fast moving .20 as a heavier bb retains it's energy in flight much better than a light one.
    1 point
  42. No it won't! A few unsavouriness running around with toyguns is not a reason to destroy a multi million pound industry on a whim. The government genuinely couldn't care less, they have got much much much more important things to be trying to ban. To put some perspective to it , cars, motorbikes, alcohol, air fresheners and toasters all cause significant more deaths, danger and drain government resources than airsoft could in a million years, but they show no mention of them been banned. It's very paranoid and naive to think they will be able to ban airsoft.
    1 point
  43. Hello new guy here from Canada. Here is my loadout currently it may change in the near future to a Osprey MK4 Or maybe I'll just get lazy and add a battle belt... we will seen. Oh it's a MODI JPC in CB and before some says AOR1 or Marpat Desert it's Desert Cadpat. Also sorry for the bad quality of the photos I'm on vacation and this is the best I have.
    1 point
  44. Let me re-phrase my point in that case; No one has ever had a policeman walk into their house without there being a reason for it, see a gun, say, "SHOULD THAT BE BLUE?" for you to then stupidly say, "Erm, yeah" and which point he'll go, "YOU'RE NICKED SANSHOINE!" Doesn't happen.
    1 point
  45. Basically, buy a two tone and then "use the gun so much the paint rubbed off" read as: Rub the paint off. Or paint over it. Personally I'd rub it off because adding more paint just looks shit. Then see if you can count on one hand the number of people who give a fuck. I bet you can't. You're only going to be arrested for anything gun related, if you wave it about in public or try and rob someone/a shop/an institution with it. And in that instance, that's what you're going to be arrested and banged up for. Not painting it black when it should be blue. The law doesn't give shit number 1 about two tone laws, and neither does anyone else. There are too many stupid loop holes for you to jump through to avoid the charges, that the charges simply do not exist. No one in the history of ever, have been arrested and locked up for painting an airsoft gun, selling one to someone under the age of 18, or any of the other stuff that's been mentioned in this thread. The Association of Chief Police Officers have actually issued a statement which says the section of the VCRA with relation to RIFs, is unenforcible. Meaning they can't do anything to you, even if you're caught. Which is basically down to the fact that you will NEVER be caught, unless you walk down the street pointing it at someone, at which point, as I mentioned above, it'll be the fact that you did that, that you'll be getting nicked for. Get your dad to buy you a two tone, then do what you want with it. Possession isn't illegal. Painting one is, but who's going to know? Who's going to care if they do know? Who's going to "tell on you"? If anyone does, nothing will happen because there's nothing wrong with owning a RIF. The whole two tone debate is so pointless that I can't believe I even bothered writing all this down, it isn't worth the time or effort to talk about.
    1 point
  46. BlackDeath, I just found this on facebook, lol..
    1 point
  47. It's a stupid design for a stupid looking gun... truly the P90 of its day and its an Ares
    1 point
  48. Russe11


    You could get your chissels out and carve yourself a new stock and foregrip. Let me know how you get on Make me a set while you're at it
    1 point
  49. I once saw a kid at my local site trying to reload a bright orange AK with the CoD 'AK Mag Flick'. He was doing pretty well, but this was the safe zone. Imagine what it was like while he was in a game and under pressure. Well, i can safely say he left the game day early with the remnants of his £60 plastic AK. This was in February; I've been to the same game day each month since and he hasn't made a single appearance. I also saw a hire gunner dolphin diving into a ditch filled with scummy water, despite the safety warning not to even attempt to cross without using a bridge.
    1 point
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