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Once again Americans/HPA users/Geardo's ruin it for the rest of us


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  On 14/06/2022 at 15:10, JimFromHorsham said:

A classic case of knob vs knob.




Absolutely spot on .👍

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I feel called out by the title 😐. In short, that guy is a cretin. Even if it was two guys it would be wrong, because you should never go for blows over BB wars, but the fact he goes in swinging on a woman is plain despicable. However, she is also partially in the wrong for spamming all those shots at his face at point blank range.


Also, the guy recording is really slow to get involved. He should've jumped in there immediately to separate the two, but he just stands there and lets the assaulter swing a bunch before limply pulling the guy away. Literally all three people in this video are at fault and I hate it.

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  On 14/06/2022 at 15:04, Druid799 said:

Both so much in the wrong , he most definitely should not have assaulted her BUT what did she think was going to happen when she’s stands there pumping all those rounds in to his face and head at zero distance ? ! ? !


At the same time he charges at her tiny box (snigger😂), with the intention of shooting the two occupants point blank via a head height hole, it was always gonna end badly for someone. 

He still needs banning for his response🤬

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it can be too easy to fall down the youtube/reddit clickbait hole, just remember that the internet is a wonderfully effective filter for bringing up only what generates clicks, and for airsoft what generates clicks is the shit the majority of players hate.


it's no different to regular tv shows being filled with crime shows or films with violence and death, for some reason humans want their entertainment to feature the extremes that they don't want to see actually happen to them.


and you don't need an airline for any of that to have unfolded, hell lacking an auto switch probably helped in this situation by reducing the *ahem* "justice" that the first player was able to dish out.

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He needs arresting, stupid twat. The woman needs a talking too also, absolutely no need for that many headshots at close range.

it was all avoidable and utterly pointless 

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They're both in the wrong in terms of gameplay but yeah, that's video evidence of felony assault (seeing as it's US based). Pretty disappointed in the guy filming that let it go on for a while before rather limply pulling the bloke away. Also not convinced that the "woman" isn't actually a dude (who could well have been doing this to all and sundry all day).





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Does being shot in the face that many times constitute assault though?

most briefings these days, your are asked not to shoot at the head. 
think the moral of the story is don’t shoot burly milsimmers in the face 10 times and you won’t get your head kicked in. 

And it’s definitely a bloke, albeit a little twat of a bloke. 

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  On 14/06/2022 at 15:23, Tackle said:

At the same time he charges at her tiny box (snigger😂), with the intention of shooting the two occupants point blank via a head height hole, it was always gonna end badly for someone. 

He still needs banning for his response🤬


Agree 100%

He has a very short fuse. I've been shot in face from close range.sure I get pissed and scream and shout abuse but surely a bit of self control could have avoided that?


Call me old fashioned but hitting a woman is a big no no.


Ok just read that it's a guy and not a woman. But no excuse either way.

  On 14/06/2022 at 16:01, Lozart said:

who could well have been doing this to all and sundry all day






Objection your honour. Speculation 😂😂

Edited by Shamal
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  On 14/06/2022 at 16:38, SBoardley said:

Does being shot in the face that many times constitute assault though?



tricky one.


there's an argument to be made that by participating in airsoft you're willingly consenting to being "assaulted" by other people using their pews as would be normally accepted for the requirements of gameplay. for example we accept that merely being on the field be that as a marshal, a dead player or just standing around means possibly getting tagged by either mistaken identity or some random flier. if that's not enough we take it for granted that if we retreat to the safe zone during gameplay that nobody will then shoot us the understanding being that we're only happy to be shot at when on the playing field.


exactly when that line would be crossed into non-consent would be personal for every individual, although in terms of a legal precedent there'd need to be a court case to decide how many rounds under what circumstance would break that line. of course what nobody wants is for something to have to go as far as a court case seeing as that'd be awful PR for the hobby.


this is why i take exception to those characters who say things like "shoulda worn facepro" or "man up it's just a bb gun" to justify various dickish actions (like shooting in the head unnessecarily), as if disliking being put in unnecessary pain is somehow a character flaw. i'm perfectly happy to accept that sometimes you're gonna get hit somewhere it stings, but i'd like it to happen only as frequently as random chance or my own actions (eg presenting only my face as a target) provides for.

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Bit like boxers. They know what the risks are. They are in a contact sport. They know they are gonna get hit. if someone hits them six times in five seconds are they going to call ref. Hey ref, unnecessary use of fist! 

It's what they do.



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  On 14/06/2022 at 17:09, Adolf Hamster said:


tricky one.


there's an argument to be made that by participating in airsoft you're willingly consenting to being "assaulted" by other people using their pews as would be normally accepted for the requirements of gameplay. for example we accept that merely being on the field be that as a marshal, a dead player or just standing around means possibly getting tagged by either mistaken identity or some random flier. if that's not enough we take it for granted that if we retreat to the safe zone during gameplay that nobody will then shoot us the understanding being that we're only happy to be shot at when on the playing field.


exactly when that line would be crossed into non-consent would be personal for every individual, although in terms of a legal precedent there'd need to be a court case to decide how many rounds under what circumstance would break that line. of course what nobody wants is for something to have to go as far as a court case seeing as that'd be awful PR for the hobby.


this is why i take exception to those characters who say things like "shoulda worn facepro" or "man up it's just a bb gun" to justify various dickish actions (like shooting in the head unnessecarily), as if disliking being put in unnecessary pain is somehow a character flaw. i'm perfectly happy to accept that sometimes you're gonna get hit somewhere it stings, but i'd like it to happen only as frequently as random chance or my own actions (eg presenting only my face as a target) provides for.


All very true, not wishing to go off topic but my stance on bang kills reflects this, even if a site says it doesn't encourage or recognise bang kills, my own moral compass dictates that I'm not gonna inflict unnecessary pain on fellow players if I've got them 100% bang to rights at exceptional close range, yet there will always be people who dispute all aspects of a bang kill, whether its site rules or they think their in a John Woo film. 

Their response will always dictate mine, whether its friendly banter or aggressive saltiness depends on them. 

  On 14/06/2022 at 17:55, Shamal said:

Bit like boxers. They know what the risks are. They are in a contact sport. They know they are gonna get hit. if someone hits them six times in five seconds are they going to call ref. Hey ref, unnecessary use of fist! 

It's what they do.




LOL, if someone hits them six times in five seconds, they should probably find a new sport or hobby💩🐼

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Wot the hitter or the hitee?😉

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  On 14/06/2022 at 17:55, Shamal said:

Bit like boxers. They know what the risks are. They are in a contact sport. They know they are gonna get hit. if someone hits them six times in five seconds are they going to call ref. Hey ref, unnecessary use of fist! 

It's what they do.



good analogy, boxers expecting to get hit but anything below the belt gets cried fowl, likewise you're not allowed to keep beating the crap out of someone when they go down.


  On 14/06/2022 at 18:01, Tackle said:

All very true, not wishing to go off topic but my stance on bang kills reflects this, even if a site says it doesn't encourage or recognise bang kills, my own moral compass dictates that I'm not gonna inflict unnecessary pain on fellow players if I've got them 100% bang to rights at exceptional close range, yet there will always be people who dispute all aspects of a bang kill, whether its site rules or they think their in a John Woo film. 

Their response will always dictate mine, whether its friendly banter or aggressive saltiness depends on them. 



always a contentious issue, i don't particularly mind if a player chooses to opt for a single round somewhere it won't sting too much over a bang kill given how often it descends to drama.

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  On 14/06/2022 at 18:19, Adolf Hamster said:

 you're not allowed to keep beating the crap out of someone when they go down.




Only in wrestling.lol

But no none of us would. Once the hit has been called it's fingers off trigger.👍

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  On 14/06/2022 at 18:06, Shamal said:

Wot the hitter or the hitee?😉


Definitely the bloke with the busted nose & two black eyes 🤣

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Both idiots, more so the bloke. Maybe airsoft it’s not for him and should stick to American football…..

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No excuse for throwing hands in a game of toy soldiers. The scrawny one shouldn't have tried to turn the chunky dudes head into a collander, but, let's be honest, if he didn't want to risk being shot in the face at close range, he shouldn't have gone charging in like a stupid twat bahaha!

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