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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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@Madhouse the slings I mentioned are 'real steel' (I really hate that term) but, because of that, you know they're unlikely to suddenly give out and send your pride and joy tumbling. You do pay for that privilege though, and often have to buy addition furniture (QD attachments, rail mounts etc) as well. Tactical Kit are great for holding stock and often run discounts, especially if you follow ATRG and/or Geardocrow on Insta. Apologies if you already know this btw. 


Magpul are another good option from what I hear, as are Viking Tactical, Haley Strategic and I like the look of the T-Rex Arms too. Bear in mind you don't need to spend the earth, but a decent sling will pay you back, and for me, 2-point is the way to go. 


The main point of your post though - having your own gear - no escaping it; you're one of us now! 

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I use AK slings on virtually everything.   For extra security you can use a large Chicago stud.  Used to be less than a tenner.  Still cheap.  

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8 hours ago, C-Diddy said:

Apologies if you already know this btw.

Totally didn’t, thanks for the info. Am off to follow some people on Insta now ….


Also gonna Google what a Chicago stud is, although I’m slightly concerned I’ll get a load of American male strippers 😂

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Didn't really play much today as I had another of those days where everything went a bit wrong and we had to leave early anyway because the guy who gives us a lift had a family get-together this evening.


  • MP9 mags need cleaning. I put BBs in one and they were all gunky by the time they got to the bottom. Going to give them a good clean! So that was out of play today because I'm not feeding disgusting dirty BBs through it.
  • New holster for the HK45 is great, but I need to cable tie it to the molle platform as the buttons are utter shite and it kept coming loose and flipflopping around.
  • Left-handed mk23 holster was uncomfortable as the molle drop leg platform buckles were digging into my side. I think I need a shoulder holster if I want to carry it alongside another pistol or SMG
  • Forgot to gas up my m700 magazines so I went out into the first game with like... one and a bit mags. I managed to absolutely shut down and dominate a flank with about 32 - 35 BBs total, so that was nice, just waiting to take shots that I knew I could hit and not wasting a single BB was quite an exhilarating experience since a LOT of people started to push.
  • Gassed all my mags for the 2nd game and spent a long time going on a large flank as I heard people fighting over where I wanted to go. I made it all the way around, came up on where I wanted to be, which had been cleared out by the time I got there, then game ended before I could get into position.

However, it was still a successful day. I gave up on playing after the first two games as I wanted to set up my HK45, since I haven't used it since I bought the TDC outer barrel from Hadron, and I wanted to set up the SR-25. That's where I found my success.

  • The HK45 was cycling perfectly even though it was a bit chilly and went through the whole mag with no issues. Slings .32s out to about 60m with the setup I have (Hadron TDC + ML Autobot rubber), but not accurate past 50m. More than enough for a pistol.
  • The SR-25 is firing at 1.05J super consistently on .32s and sailing them out to 60m with no issue, hitting the target with most shots and the hop rubber isn't even properly bedded in yet. However, more importantly I took a walk down the range while my friend fired it. On semi-auto, it's barely audible at 30m and you just flat out can't hear it at 40m and that's on a quiet range with nothing else going on nearby. On full-auto it's barely audible past 40m, but at 50m you also just don't hear it at all. Very happy with it since it's an AEG and it's quieter than some people's spring bolt actions!

Going to put the m700 away for a few game days I think. The gameplay at Worthing has been pretty abysmal recently so I feel like I'm going to need to play more aggressively which I just can't do efficiently with the m700. Nobody is taking much initiative and nobody is pushing, let alone pushing effectively; if I can lock down an entire flank with a bolt action rifle with about 35 BBs in total... Yeah. Going to put the full ghillie away and go with the cobra hood and the SR-25 for next game day and going to see just how much I can get away with. 650 BBs and an Odin speedloader with a universal adapter is a lot more than like... 80 shots from a gas-powered bolt action ;) 

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9 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

First skirmish in 10 months (ffs!).  I should have been at other sites, but never got off my slightly-fat arse to go try somewhere new.


So Special Ops opened up again, and I'm back on the field.   I had a selection of new guns to try, so I basically took 'em all, except for the M14.  I wish I'd taken that too, but no room in a long gun bag for it AND the sniper rifle, so the sniper got the nod.
I made a spreadsheet to try to get a grip on all the bits I needed, and what I could do to check / fettle before the big day (I posted it on another thread, I won't repost here, I look like an OCD loony enough already).   That approach actually worked quite well, I remembered everything I needed.   However, the sheer quantity of stuff it enabled me to drag along became overwhelming. 
To cut a long story slightly shorter I had intended to take some time fettling my new VFC GBBR and the Tippmann, but with the very large number of people on site (87 players?) I didn't get around to spending very much time on-range.   I ended up firing a few shots with each, didn't really do anything to them, and then concentrated on getting Ol' Faithfull (the magnificent Double Eagle M906C) and the TM AUG HC (shorter range spray'n'pray) ready for combat.
So what had been intended to be a major effort to fix my two most expensive (and potentially fun) guns instead became a rush to sort out my kit 'just to play'.  This really wasn't helped by the kit overflowing off the one small table I had to set up on.  I spent too much shuffling kit on and off to make use of the limited space.

Lesson learned : If I'm going to try to sort out a gun or two - just take them, plus the DE


My mood took a distinct turn for the worse when someone started firing their gun *on purpose* in the safe zone.  As the first shot actually fired a BB that pinged off a tarp very close to me, I very nearly lost my shit.  I'm going to draw a veil over what followed, because the chap came over to me and apologised profusely and shook my hand afterwards.  He realised he'd messed up big time.


Lesson learned for him : just because there's no mag in the gun, doesn't mean the barrel is empty


Hmmm. I've typed a lot already and we've not got to the chrono'ing yet :)
The chrono'ing took forever because of the sheer number of people.   There were already mutterings of discontent.   (I don't suppose I helped, turning up in the queue carrying 3 rifles and a pistol, but I got through it quickly and painlessly)   
The safety briefing kicked off maybe 30-45 minutes late?  Carlos and Will did their usual good humoured job explaining the site rules and splitting the players into teams.


Eventually the skirmish kicked off.  Zombies game to start, as a warm-up, then onto the normal stuff.  
The morning was a bit disappointing for me, and by the louder mutterings, quite a few other people.  Basically there were just too many players given the limited vegetation cover - so it all bogged down too easily.  People got tired of the long treks back to spawn after getting zapped by long shots from unseen players (as much 'too many angles to cover' as 'man disguised as tree with sniper rifle')

Those mutterings of discontent got louder and more frequent.   I don't think I've hear people complaining at Special Ops before. 
The good news was that a lot of people left at lunchtime (half-dayers and/or malcontents).  Yet the next games didn't go brilliantly either.  There was an unfortunate game where the out-of-bounds area was misidentified by a marshal, so a bunch of us were moved from our defensive positions just as we were being attacked in a 'no respawn' phase of a game.  That didn't go down well.

After that game, a bunch more left, and between the reduced player count, and a different style of game, things got a lot better.   I finished the day much happier.   I'd got killed (probably mostly by Dan from these forums, including a pistol shot to the back of the head!) an awful lot, and racked up relatively few kills myself, but I left happy enough. 
(If I'd gone home at lunchtime I would have been very disappointed with the whole experience)

Personal highlight of the day : My first attempt at sniping, with my Rossi M40/VSR clone .. first 3 shots = 3 kills at 60m.   
(I could have had a few more with that but I'd loaded up some of the mags with 0.25's for no sensible reason, and couldn't get the hop adjusted.  Also the safety lever kept falling into safe at very  inopportune moments, so went back to my AEGs)





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I meant to do Tudders this weekend, day and night.  I love night games there.  I had a memorable one were I lost both contact lenses and didn't notice until the marshals saved me from wandering around in the plantation chasing a marshal wearing a nightstick that I mistook for a torch...  Poor chap was most unimpressed that some idiot was potting him despite the hi-viz.  


What I did was wake up at 13:30 with a pounding hangover, a sense that the preceding evening had gone awry, and that a bit of rest was required.  Shame as several people have commented on how good it was.  

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yes very impressed with gunman tuddenham it has now become my "local" - they basically seem to do everything right which is very refreshing. the saturday night game was very good fun though (and feedback was provided so this isn't a totally unproductive moan) i thought our little squad of "the leftovers" was somewhat penalised for playing the objective as we didn't get any contact for 1.5hrs. fine for a 24h "milsim", less so for a 3hr "mini-sim". I wasn't sure if that was because the enemy team had no reason to intersect our path or whether they were just unable to. On the otherhand, its a testament to how fun nodding about at night is as that 1.5hrs went very quickly and felt more like 30 mins, if that.

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Got out to battleastations activities on sunday for the 1st time in nearly a year.


ICS mars rocked as usual.

KWA erg, new hop rubber and a bit of tlc rocked along (thankfully).

I suck with pistols.

Dynatex timed bfg's are so darn reliablke even if i have set myself on fire with one before.

I can also fog up anything in existence. ESS crossbow supressors, fog stop, Delta Mike face pro and a helmet. Blind as a bat.

Marathon training meant i didnt feel as knackered as i usually would.


Battlestations site.

Maybe it's nostalgia. But i prefer the old site with battletown and modern warfare. But the new site works well enough. Just feels a tad samey between the 2 fields. Could also really use some netting between the 2 gamezones to stop the accidental shooting across zones.



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56 minutes ago, ghostwalker said:

Dynatex timed bfg's are so darn reliablke even if i have set myself on fire with one before


Story? Also, how do you avoid losing your BFGs? I bought two SWAT VTGs but they're black. I'm worried about losing them even in a CQC indoors site.

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49 minutes ago, MrTea said:


Story? Also, how do you avoid losing your BFGs? I bought two SWAT VTGs but they're black. I'm worried about losing them even in a CQC indoors site.

I had one for a while (bought second hand) and it had been coated in a glow in the dark yellow paint with my name written on it. When in a pouch it wasn't visible but made it pretty easy to find, especially in the dark 

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58 minutes ago, MrTea said:


Story? Also, how do you avoid losing your BFGs? I bought two SWAT VTGs but they're black. I'm worried about losing them even in a CQC indoors site.

I bought some red retro-reflective tape and wrapped it round the centre of my BFG. You can't see it when it is in the pouch, but makes it noticeable enough once thrown, either outside because of the red colour of the tape or in dark areas it is easy to see the reflections when sweeping the area with a torch. I also have my name and mobile number written on the side of my grenade in silver permanent marker, just an extra level of insurance in case I do loose it and someone finds it at a later date.

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1 hour ago, Terry_Rist said:

I bought some red retro-reflective tape and wrapped it round the centre of my BFG. You can't see it when it is in the pouch, but makes it noticeable enough once thrown, either outside because of the red colour of the tape or in dark areas it is easy to see the reflections when sweeping the area with a torch. I also have my name and mobile number written on the side of my grenade in silver permanent marker, just an extra level of insurance in case I do loose it and someone finds it at a later date.


Good idea with the reflective tape. For ID/proof of ownership I was thinking of a couple things. One being using a white marker on the bottom of the grenade and clear coating it or two; seeing if there's anyone local to me who can laser engrave my UKARA and mobile beneath the screwcap, near the firing pin. Problem is that it's a small surface area and i'm not sure how much they need to work with.

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3 hours ago, ghostwalker said:

Marathon training meant i didnt feel as knackered as i usually would.


I've found this as well ever since I started running. My goal is to be able to keep up with the speedybois as I'm still definitely on the younger side for airsofters, but not exactly a monster-fuelled teenager any more.

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9 hours ago, MrTea said:


Story? Also, how do you avoid losing your BFGs? I bought two SWAT VTGs but they're black. I'm worried about losing them even in a CQC indoors site.


I never really throw them a great distance (usually just to clear rooms/buildings)


The story of the fire. 

I was pinned down behind a fall tree and some shrubs, wriggling around until, eventually a bb broke through the cover and I got hit. Stood up army raised and bang, ouch  and a burn sensation thought I had just taken a stinger to the side of the belly or caught the after shock of a flash bang.

I was wrong. Apparently the pin on my bfg had snagged in thrle shrubs and as I stood up it had been pulled just enough to release the spoon on the grenade without completely pulling clear. The bang was a nice 9mm round going off. The sting and burn was the flash of the round exiting the grenade, burning through my Leo kholer atacs ix ubacs which apparently isn't fire resistant, then setting a section of my under armour base layer to thermo nuclear and melting it. The burn which on my side had various bits of said base layer in it and it took a good few weeks to heal up.

Ofcourse my mates were sympathetic and decided i had gone full suicide bomber on them.


Oh and yes I carried on playing the rest of the day and chick's dig scars right......right?IMG-20210530-WA0001.thumb.jpg.70769c2ddaf5720e71b39f04af00c70f.jpg

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18 minutes ago, ghostwalker said:


I never really throw them a great distance (usually just to clear rooms/buildings)


The story of the fire. 

I was pinned down behind a fall tree and some shrubs, wriggling around until, eventually a bb broke through the cover and I got hit. Stood up army raised and bang, ouch  and a burn sensation thought I had just taken a stinger to the side of the belly or caught the after shock of a flash bang.

I was wrong. Apparently the pin on my bfg had snagged in thrle shrubs and as I stood up it had been pulled just enough to release the spoon on the grenade without completely pulling clear. The bang was a nice 9mm round going off. The sting and burn was the flash of the round exiting the grenade, burning through my Leo kholer atacs ix ubacs which apparently isn't fire resistant, then setting about a 8 inch diameter section of my under armour base layer to thermo nuclear and melting it. The burn which on my side had various bits of said base layer in it and it took a good few weeks to heal up.

Ofcourse my mates were sympathetic and decided i had gone full suicide bomber on them.

Bloody hell.talk about friendly fire 🔥😵💫

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First game this year for me today, waited for it to warm up just a touch ! Great day, 50 plus players which is a decent turn out for our site. Good comunication and tactical play by both teams , we won the 3 games I played. No aggro, aparantly there was a bit of non hit taking in one game but the marshalls had a word and that was that, no one screaming 'call your fucking hits' 


Fun day all round, my  boneyard Specna 249 performed very well once I realised it was jamming 'cos I had too much hop on 🤣 and the GBBR L119 A2 got any number of nice kills , there by proving again that WE make good GBBR's and that you can use them in the winter ! It was the first run out for the Specna and the L119 so very pleased with them both.

Edited by Nick G
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Nice, I too had a pleasant day clattering around the woods in the sun.  Slightly marred by the fact that my AK failed chrono so what was going to be my proper first go with it ended up with me using a rental again.  Ho hum.   Still had a great day with no drama on site and everyone just having a laugh.

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On 13/02/2023 at 13:08, RostokMcSpoons said:

I'd got killed (probably mostly by Dan from these forums, including a pistol shot to the back of the head!) an awful lot,


I counted three times - as well as getting that Youtuber guy who thought it was a sniper that stood behind you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The afternoon was much better than the morning, and it was very tempting to shoot those busy-bodies filming from the footpath.  I suspect Carlos will have to erect a safety net around the perimeter if he wants to continue with that site.

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Went to Rift Redcon-2 yesterday for a long time in a while. Sportsmanship from both teams was good during the gameplay but there are some things I find rather annoying and unprofessional. From the get go I am strong believer that during safety briefing and during the pre match information there should be a strict no magazine in guns policy. You will be waiting for the safety briefing or something to start and there are just idiots walking around shooting bbs everywhere. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. People are more to accidently take their eye pro off whilst they are waiting doing nothing and people are just generally closer with a higher risk of accidents happening. I just think sites need to start addressing a policy of no magging up until you reach your start location and as soon as the game is finished everyone should un mag straight away and clear their rif at the floor. The only times people should be magged up is either whilst they are in the game or they are at the range/chrono. 


I understand people don't want refs to be "over the top" but this is general health and safety. To be honest majority of the time the only people shooting their rifs during this time are just messing around and have no logical reason to be shooting.

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17 minutes ago, JVacation said:

Went to Rift Redcon-2 yesterday for a long time in a while. Sportsmanship from both teams was good during the gameplay but there are some things I find rather annoying and unprofessional. From the get go I am strong believer that during safety briefing and during the pre match information there should be a strict no magazine in guns policy. You will be waiting for the safety briefing or something to start and there are just idiots walking around shooting bbs everywhere. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. People are more to accidently take their eye pro off whilst they are waiting doing nothing and people are just generally closer with a higher risk of accidents happening. I just think sites need to start addressing a policy of no magging up until you reach your start location and as soon as the game is finished everyone should un mag straight away and clear their rif at the floor. The only times people should be magged up is either whilst they are in the game or they are at the range/chrono. 


I understand people don't want refs to be "over the top" but this is general health and safety. To be honest majority of the time the only people shooting their rifs during this time are just messing around and have no logical reason to be shooting.

The real problem that you raise is people removing their eyepro outside the safe zone.  Of course people are going to pull the trigger while waiting; they are NOT professionals, so should not be expected to behave professionally.

However shooting and arsing around during the briefings, in particular the safety brief, should be an instant "pack your stuff and go home".

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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

The real problem that you raise is people removing their eyepro outside the safe zone.  Of course people are going to pull the trigger while waiting; they are NOT professionals, so should not be expected to behave professionally.

However shooting and arsing around during the briefings, in particular the safety brief, should be an instant "pack your stuff and go home".

I understand that is a problem however I have seen it at numerous sites people taking their eye pro off when they shouldn't be. Quite often it is young kids however majority of the time it is done during the downtime moments.


Don't really think it's a case of "being a professional". There were 204 people playing yesterday which were all forced into a confined area waiting to listen to the head marshall. Why should people who are waiting patiently and being sensible have to put up with the idea they might be shot in the back of the head from close range because people are messing around and being silly. Yes people have paid to get shot with bbs but they have paid to be shot during the games. Rifs should only be fired around people inside of games only. There's no real need for people to have their mags in the time before the safety briefing, the mission briefing and whilst walking to the start location. 

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1 hour ago, JVacation said:

Went to Rift Redcon-2 yesterday for a long time in a while. Sportsmanship from both teams was good during the gameplay but there are some things I find rather annoying and unprofessional. From the get go I am strong believer that during safety briefing and during the pre match information there should be a strict no magazine in guns policy. You will be waiting for the safety briefing or something to start and there are just idiots walking around shooting bbs everywhere. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. People are more to accidently take their eye pro off whilst they are waiting doing nothing and people are just generally closer with a higher risk of accidents happening. I just think sites need to start addressing a policy of no magging up until you reach your start location and as soon as the game is finished everyone should un mag straight away and clear their rif at the floor. The only times people should be magged up is either whilst they are in the game or they are at the range/chrono. 


I understand people don't want refs to be "over the top" but this is general health and safety. To be honest majority of the time the only people shooting their rifs during this time are just messing around and have no logical reason to be shooting.

Was this happening in the safe zone ? 'cos anyone doing that should be banned imediatly 

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