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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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Well done for carrying in with the day a fair few would have called it quits.

I know one of the site I play at says anyone using bolt actions or dmr fps limits has to be body up to the window of buildings, to try and limit the chances of things like this.

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I've had better days of CQB.


Taped versus no-tape teams, and I was on the taped one. Try spotting the absence of something in the dark in the 2 milliseconds it takes for them to spot your red-and-white hazard tape.


Barely audible muffled, muddled briefings.


2 out of 3 tracers crapped out.


Pistol mags were giving up or gassing out all day.


And to end it all, a cracked nail and bruised finger through a padded glove from a speedyboi who must have teleported to get to where he was lying in wait. Maybe the eddies in the space-time continuum effected his regulator, because as we all know, HPA players never, ever nudge them up during the day even when the site is lax and laissez-faire and would never, ever catch them.


[More generic grumbling and muttering]


To be fair, the actual play was OK, the games all worked well enough (once people figured out what had been briefed), and it was nice to catch up with @Musica.  Maybe I'm just getting too old experienced for CQB.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

I've had better days of CQB.


Taped versus no-tape teams, and I was on the taped one. Try spotting the absence of something in the dark in the 2 milliseconds it takes for them to spot your red-and-white hazard tape.


Barely audible muffled, muddled briefings.


2 out of 3 tracers crapped out.


Pistol mags were giving up or gassing out all day.


And to end it all, a cracked nail and bruised finger through a padded glove from a speedyboi who must have teleported to get to where he was lying in wait. Maybe the eddies in the space-time continuum effected his regulator, because as we all know, HPA players never, ever nudge them up during the day even when the site is lax and laissez-faire and would never, ever catch them.


[More generic grumbling and muttering]


To be fair, the actual play was OK, the games all worked well enough (once people figured out what had been briefed), and it was nice to catch up with @Musica.  Maybe I'm just getting too old experienced for CQB.


It was better than the last time I was at that site but as the day goes on it can start to wear on you just clashing in the middle but I do like how they split the site up for certain game modes. The fall back games work very well on that site and the attack/defend the train was fun too. It's still a small site and while upstairs has expanded it a fair bit I think we only got up there twice in the day. I feel the middle section downstairs in the darkness is just too strong to which ever team holds it. Add some lights in there IMO as it's corner camping hell with lots of nooks to go in.


I took a speedy boy to the head after you had called it a day and went off to speak to the head marshall and he said that he had the same thing said 2 weeks back and when they checked them they found them to be UNDER what most peoples guns are shooting on site. Sounds susipicous to me as if you had that fine of adjustment you'd be above 330fps surely. Obivously if they see a guy with a chrono in their hands then they might just crank the other way hence being "low". I made it in to the Police Station btw guns blazing but they were barely taking trades so never made it in to their half of it. I think they need 4-5 marshals around that to keep people honest.


The marshals are much better than my last time there too a lot more engaged in the game instead of on their phones at the side while bb's are being flung. I do think the briefing confusion causes people to accidently respawn in the wrong area or when they should not which "accidently" gave them an advantage.


Get yourself down to the new Depot site it's already bigger than Bio with maybe only 1/3 of the site open for play. ]


The real bright side is we made it through a whole day without me shooting you once.


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Slow start to the day for me. Site was less than half the players of my previous visit, which is both good and bad. But plenty of space for my deck chair.


First couple of games persistent gun misdeeds, when it worked eyepro was fogging badly so I mostly acted to draw fire.

Binned AEG and things were moving more to CQB. Got sneaky and ambushed with pistol.

Had a nice group of five regulars mosey up to me, dropping a frag would have been too much movement so just started up with the Glock.

Several of them turned and riddled me pretty close on auto, as well as hitting each other despite, having been hit.

I just thought I’d was funny because I genuinely scared them.  Sitting very still in camo even without a ghillie is effective and I’d let them move around me while say to each other “I’ve cleared that”. I beg to differ 😁.


Fell-back into the village for next life and had masses of fun tapping very deliberate shots. Quietly rolling a grenade out and hearing “fuck it” just as the bang goes off.


Simply ran out of gas and bangs in the end.


Pretty good play. One chap on my team was moaning about a non hit taker, so I reminded him he was shooting in to the wind….. 🙄


It’s quiet satisfying to empty 6 pistol mags in a game pretty much getting a hit every few shots. Happy days.

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3 minutes ago, Musica said:



Get yourself down to the new Depot site it's already bigger than Bio with maybe only 1/3 of the site open for play.



Have you played at the Depot? It's just around the corner from my mate who's just getting into Airsoft and he's keen to know what it's like there.

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Just now, Skullchewer said:


Have you played at the Depot? It's just around the corner from my mate who's just getting into Airsoft and he's keen to know what it's like there.

Aye been twice to the new site and going again next month. It's a good place to start of airsoft for sure.

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1 hour ago, Musica said:

The real bright side is we made it through a whole day without me shooting you once.


That I know of.


Under at morning chrono, or under when tested in play?  I've never seen them test anyone during the day, and given the way morning chrono was run today, I'd wonder if even in-game chrono would be done with site 0.2g rather than taking their word on what they're shooting.  I mention this because I spotted some grey BBs on the floor and I've only ever seen those in heavier weighs than the 0.25g limit.


Eh, it was an OK day, I maybe just need to get my fitness level up and dump some of the pointless gear.  I've become everything I mocked. :D


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I swear to god my AK is cursed.


Yesterday I took it out for testing, the mosfet doesn't overheat anymore but now the hop is all over the place and one in 20 shots just rolls out the barrel.

Haven't checked yet, maybe it's just a dirty barrel or maybe it's the combat union hop unit (nozzle actually).

Luckily I brought the pdw as a backup so I had something to play with.


Also being the lazy twat that I am, I left all my kit in the car, which means I'm now going to the local abandoned fort to test the ak and see wtf is going on. Way to spend a lunch break huh?


Next Sunday we'll host an event, it's nothing special but we invited all the club's from my region, it's gonna be fun and I'll most likely bring the vsr + mk23 + aap and spend the day in a bush plinking at idiots.


EDIT: the grub screw that keeps the c-clip in place on the CU chamber worked itself loose and now it's lost somewhere in the woods, so the barrel could freely rotate..

Replaced it with a long ass screw, hopefully it'll sit tight now.

Edited by Skara
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12 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


That I know of.


Under at morning chrono, or under when tested in play?  I've never seen them test anyone during the day, and given the way morning chrono was run today, I'd wonder if even in-game chrono would be done with site 0.2g rather than taking their word on what they're shooting.  I mention this because I spotted some grey BBs on the floor and I've only ever seen those in heavier weighs than the 0.25g limit.


Eh, it was an OK day, I maybe just need to get my fitness level up and dump some of the pointless gear.  I've become everything I mocked. :D



Under when tested in play and good point about bb weight I can't imagine they are putting  any in their mags. After I had spoke to the head marshall I did see a guy out with the chrono testing. Really should have the chrono in the hands of someone who understands how the guns work. I know the Depot tourney lock the HPA users I don't really know what that does but suspect it's to avoid this type of speculation.

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2 hours ago, Musica said:


Under when tested in play and good point about bb weight I can't imagine they are putting  any in their mags. After I had spoke to the head marshall I did see a guy out with the chrono testing. Really should have the chrono in the hands of someone who understands how the guns work. I know the Depot tourney lock the HPA users I don't really know what that does but suspect it's to avoid this type of speculation.

Coloured zip tie that holds a sleeve in place over the turny screw. You'd have to be very inventive to manage to fiddle without it being obvious.

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11 hours ago, Skara said:

I swear to god my AK is cursed.

I have a cursed AK.  It gets bent or dropped or looses a mag with tedious regularity.   It always shoots though.  


Have you tried sacrificing the first born of an imperialist?  It's been recommended by a friend.  

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9 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

I have a cursed AK.  It gets bent or dropped or looses a mag with tedious regularity.   It always shoots though.  


Have you tried sacrificing the first born of an imperialist?  It's been recommended by a friend.  

 I would say Prince Andrew is available for sacrifice but he isn't first born...

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10 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Have you tried sacrificing the first born of an imperialist?

Need to get me hands on a few dissidents, to please the ghost of Mikhail.


Essentially one grub screw (below the barre in the pic, the screw pictured is just a placeholder) that holds the C-Clip yeeted itself in the woods at some point, which caused the barrel to rotate on its axis.


There is now a humongous gearbox screw in there, which isn't gonna come out anytime soon.


Russian problems require Russian solutions.




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21 minutes ago, Skullchewer said:

I got shot in the dick. Again.

Also my mate's son did this to one of my loaners.


LOL, I'm looking at it & thinking "it looks okay ?", the I realised its not a camo paintjob 😳

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7 minutes ago, Tackle said:

LOL, I'm looking at it & thinking "it looks okay ?", the I realised its not a camo paintjob 😳

Doh!!  😉

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2 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

I got shot in the dick. Again.

Also my mate's son did this to one of my loaners.


Sad times bro. Hope it's not too much of a costly fix, That stock looks interesting, mind sharing what it is please?? 

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24 minutes ago, Khyber said:

Sad times bro. Hope it's not too much of a costly fix, That stock looks interesting, mind sharing what it is please?? 

It's a G&G GC4 G26 30th Anniversary edition.
It's old and a bit knackered so I'm not too worried about it.

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