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Are we really dedicated airsofters or....

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or just compulsive buyers with an insatiable appetite for toys?šŸ˜Š


Don't get me wrong. This is not a dig at anybody.


I am more guilty than most. I see something,Ā  and suddenly what I have doesn't satisfy me any more. I have to have something else.


And guns that I never liked Ā the look ofĀ ( the Aug series or an FN P90) begin to grow on me, and then I simply must have one.


Even if it's made of plastic.šŸ¤£

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Probably a degree of both, but then I've also got three quadcopters, two RC cars, multiple computers, two games consoles, several motorcycles (with another purchase planned in the next few months) and I'm sat here with a Lego Saturn V on the coffee table in front of me!Ā šŸ¤£


But I do like getting out there and playing the game too, just wish the weather had been a bit more helpful just recently - not the rain, the high winds which kind of make the game much less fun.


I know what you mean about guns growing on you, currently considering an AK for a DMR project and I'm a huge fan of my G36 and M4s.

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There's always going to be someone more dedicated than you.


Take weather, some folks dont like playing outdoors at all, others will laugh at such softness and crawl around in the mud come freezing rain wind or snow. I sit in the middle, i'll take cold, wind and in the right frame of mind a bit of snow, but if the heavens open i dont like standing around getting soaked.


Like for example collecting pews, i have a few but half a dozen long guns and a few pistols is a paltry collection compared to some. On the flip side none of those guns are stock and most dont get to last long without some tweak/modification/experiment taking place.


However you want to take this hobby be it making one perfect pew or trying out every flavour of the month, tactically winning every game with co-ordinated teamwork or sitting in a hedge like a sentient land-mine just remember its all for fun.

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This could be an interesting debate if one is honest and open... different people different reasons... some people will try different guns, different brands just coz they just like the variety, others are happy with one and not fussed.... some take the hobby seriously with the milsim aspect whilst the other extreme it's the jeans and sweatshirt brigade. It's horses for courses and this is what makes the hobby fun.. Of course money has an impact and will play a major role but then again it's the same in every hobby...


I went through a phase where I wanted RS stuff, and then I woke upon day and thought hold on I'm just going pew pew with plastic pellets and just lost interest literally over night....sold off a few things, Ā real life takes over and all was forgotten for years.... until SEAL Team came on telly and I thought hey I fanciedĀ the old times and here I am again...


The only purchase I've made since coming back is a TM417 (don't tell Luke) which I'm gonna gut and upgrade when my bits arrive coz I just like Ā doingĀ those sort of things.... hell I many even stick a mosfet in.. yes I still have my PTW which I spent an insane amount of money on which again I'm going to change coz I want a new receiver body for it (all hail HAO)... I don't need it... I just want it coz it looks pretty...Ā Ā then I'll wake up again and think wtf am I doing and the cycle starts over again...Ā 

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It's a broad church, and it's nice that there's there's room for milsimmers wearing ballistic plates cuz traininz, obsessive collectors hauling around an armoury, speedsofters running one pimped out HPA hi-capa, and even (looks around shiftily) semi-LARPers.


At the end of the day, it's just 6mm BBs flying through the air.Ā  They don't know or care what they came out of, or what they're going to hit.Ā  Heck, even if you're a Safe Zone lurker, If you're enjoying the hobby in any way, it's a win.

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Airsoft is a weird one. I love it and have since I discovered it 2 years ago but I do sometimes struggle with the whole dress up in full tactical gear and running around like I am saving the world (I do blame the wannabe 'Operators' amongst us for that!). However I then go and play and absolutely love it. I love that moment when you are in the middle of a battle and you take a moment to look around at everyone getting involved and working together (Or not........ See my statement aboveĀ about the operators!) and I think to myself, this is cool.


Deep down we are all a bit nerdy (no offence to anyone triggered by thatĀ šŸ™„). We all have a bit of geek in us. As @RogerborgĀ states above, the BB does not care where it comes from or where it is going, yet the geek in us wants our 'BB Accelerating Device' to look exactly like a real M4 or AK etc. There is no other reason for this but pure geekyness. Look at the reaction on this forum when ASG released their speedsim version of the M4 with the drop link stock and purple barrels. It does exactly the same as all the other 'BBAD's' but it offended the geek in most of us. Wether we like to admit it or not we all have a bit of geek in us. I own an IT company so I have a double dose of geek and happy to admit it.


With this level of geeks comes the collecting, the attention to detail, the need to have the next best thing, the need to know everything we can about what is our current object of desire, etc, etc, etc. At the end of the day we are just a bunch pf happy nerds that like to play dress up and Army. I for one embrace that.

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I tell people the same itā€™s better than COD never been back on a console since discovering airsoft last year I can shoot kids and they very seldom troll you like they do on Xbox, Iā€™ve got set up IĀ want, tho I do like to appreciate others set ups.Ā 

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I am all about skirmishing, yeah I like my replicas but I don't collect - it has to have practical value or enrichesĀ my skirmish experience.


For the most part iĀ plan my purchases months in advance, though i will impusively buy small items (most recently a new mag for my pistol) if its a good deal.


I'd honestly like to get to the point where my own airsoft expenditure is game fees travel consumables and repairs.. not sure that will ever happen though!Ā 

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I am more of an Airsofter than a compulsive buyer, dont get me wrong I have my compulsions, but they are notĀ Airsoft related.


I enjoy playing and the rush of adrenaline from a game. I enjoy being outside and the team aspect of it (not that it really happens that much, most players are all for themselves).


I dont tech or take my guns apart, I dont really collect guns either. Dont get me wrong I have quite a few, but they have led me to the ones I have and am really happy with. I cant see myself buying anymore guns in the near future as my current set ups work for me perfectly, thats not to say things wont change but unlike a lot of you I dont buy/sell get through a lot of guns.Ā 


I guess I am in my Airsoft happy place right now. :DĀ Ā 

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3 hours ago, RobHedley said:

Deep down we are all a bit nerdy... the attention to detail, the need to have the next best thing, the need to know everything we can about what is our current object of desire, etc, etc, etc. At the end of the day we are just a bunch pf happy nerds that like to play dress up and Army. I for one embrace that.


^ This!


I am definitely a happy nerdĀ šŸ™‚Ā And collecting stuff is in my DNA. Don't get me started on guitars and music gear... that's another (expensive) passion of mine.


My wife has the patience of a saint and is - I think - mostly just glad that I'm not collecting train sets or golf clubs. Yet.

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When I started airsofting in 2006, I had a desire to have everything.Ā  I went through MP5's, M4's sniper rifles,Ā just forĀ the pure fact that they looked cool (also had an impact on bigĀ films during that time - Blackhawk down as an example).Ā  Then it got to a point that I had such a large airsoft collection, I had guns that I never skirmished with.Ā  From that point I started to reduce my collection and due to work and moving house, I did not have time to airsoft due to work.


Then I got back into airsoft, a few years back and I feel I am much more wiser (no disrecspect to anyone) - I know what I really want and have.Ā  The airsoft scene had really moved on and now I have the stuff that I want.Ā  When I speak to new airsofters, I can understand "ah wow, I want this and that!" as I have have been there too.Ā  I try to encourage new players to speak to other airsofters, try out before parting with your hard earned cash.


I still have that airsoft bug, but now it is suppressed from the memories of when I first started.Ā  I still look around seeing new guns that I really like the look off, but that's really it for me (Also I did work out how much I spent in a year when I first started - silly money I spent).


With going through that vicious circle, I love airsofting even more.

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Well, I'm just an overgrown kid.


I was into airguns for many years, but spring, compressed air and CO2 (horrible stuff) just don't do it for me any more. And 4.5mm lead pellets and steel bbs are fiddly and can be dangerous.


I love electric gear boxes,Ā green gas and plastic 6mm bbs.


These make it possible to use guns that look, and sometimes work,Ā  like the real thing.


I can't skirmish any more for medical reasons, but I still love airsoft.

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I think I am at that happy place too re collecting have 7-8 gats that I know and love, really into gas guns, not interested in AEGs which limits my purchases handily.Ā  The only only thing I am interested in thats coming up is the Viva Arms SKS.

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Put it this way,Ā who amongst us can say they would have a "collection" or get through nearly as many guns and spend as much time reading about them, adding to basket, umming and arrrring then feeling buyers remorse if they weren't replicas? I'm not sure I'd even play airsoft if I had to use a battery pack and motor connected to a tube with a tupperware pot on top for the BB's.

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i had a reasonableĀ collection (pushing 25 guns) then sold everything off,

I now just have:

3 main AEG's and a box load of parts for one of them.

1 M203 and various grenades and mounts.

3 Pistols (one of which i use).


I'm more dedicated to finishing a loadout and having only a couple of good ones for various environments. but then that's the reenactor in me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Even my other compulsion (250+ pairs of trainers) is slowly dropping off for me. Seriously considering selling the collection off.



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  • 1 month later...

I'm definitely on the fence.Ā  I like collecting as much as playing.

I buy replicas that have a meaning for me (or got atĀ a bargain) rather thanĀ any performance reasons.

Such as weapons I saw growing up or historic like Vietnam & WWII etc.

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Airsoft is whatever you make of it...Ā 


I love the game, outdoors or CQB and try and go about 4 to 6 times a year, but that's actually enough for me to have sustained a love for it over the last 12 years.


As like most folks I'm a gun nut and always have been since spark guns, cap guns, spud guns, sucker dart shotguns - they all led onto the air rifles, gat guns, catapults and spring BB guns that eventually hit Britain's shooting shops.


When airsoft gained ground over paintball as a better alternative (imo) it just hit the spot - realistic guns and the ability to shoot someone else with them with little harm. What's not to love?


The dedication for me comes from the fun not the gun. Even as a true gun nut I just think the fun has been the driving force behind the hobby.


I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the types of people that play and the cultures that genuinely mix so well on sites.Ā 


Buying stuff and being a consumer is all consuming at times in this world but i would genuinely state that we can't find joy in objects, it's what they represent and our purpose for them.Ā 


Bit deep, but yeah - best game ever for me, whatever tool and gear I'm using.

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I don't think I'm a really hardcore airsofter, but at the same time I don't think I'm a compulsive buyer of new toys. I have a set number of RIFs that fill different slots and I don't particularly want anything else.


Now, if I could afford to have loads of high end guns, I guess that would change. I like quality over quantity and in my current economic situation I can't justify dropping Ā£600 - Ā£800 onĀ another gun that does the same thing as one of my other guns but looks different. Especially when I can only use them every two weeks, and can't use them at all right now :(


Pistols are a little bit different to me, as a good pistol with upgrades will only be around Ā£200 or so. Plus, there's a place near me with a 25m range where I can practice sidearmĀ stuff, so I use them a lot more often than my snipers (30m MED. 25m range is pointless for sniping xD). However, I still only have 2 pistols, with plans on getting one moreĀ (purely because the 1911 struggles in winter due to the tiny gas reservoirs, but it still works thanks to TM magic and plastic slides!)


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Iā€™ve only just started out and Iā€™m like oooo that looks nice I must have that! šŸ˜‚Ā 


but I can guess once I play more games meet people try out new rifs it can get addictive šŸ”«šŸ‘Œ

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Iā€™m anĀ Airsofter,Ā with my small collection so far! šŸ”«

Thankfully I know what I want and yes some designsĀ do intrigue me! šŸ”«

I always think more,Ā before purchasing my next šŸ”«,Ā as It always comes down to šŸ’· and a good deal, whether itā€™s brand new or 2nd hand! šŸ¤ž


ā€œSo many options, so many choices:Ā Popular,Ā rare, good, bad, expensive, cheap, more, less, keep, sellĀ etc.... itā€™s down to you!ā€- GAMBLE

At the end of the day, we meet up have some fun and play a good game! šŸ˜œ

Its always Great seeing who turns up on the day with their gear thinking thatā€™s cool, thatā€™s different, I want one.... walk up,Ā Q&A with the owner and possibly hold theĀ šŸ”«, Ā get a better idea! šŸ˜†
The cool people you can approach, which is thankfully more and what this hobby is all about! šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘

Compared to those in the few, whoĀ ruin it, had an ex player I knew,Ā who didnā€™t like itĀ when I bought a šŸ”«, similar but was different in how it fired (Sniper & mine was a DMR)!?.... šŸ˜µšŸ‘Ž
Who can relate....


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