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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/24 in all areas

  1. Thanks in part to @gavinkempsell my bank account is lighter and my load out heavier. 😂
    5 points
  2. Doyley83

    My Pistol Collection

    Whilst I've only been to one airsoft game, I have been a replica collector for a long time so happily having discovered the joys of a skirmish, I have some decent 6mm AS pistols in the arsenal already. Here are the pistols I have at the moment - FPR Custom all steel Desert Eagle with TM innards TTI Pit Viper Umarex GHK steel slide Glock 17 ASG CZ Shadow 2 ASG CZ Shadow 2 'Orange Edition' KWC 1911 Parkerised KWC 1911 100th anniversary Looking to add a couple more, but really need to get a decent AEG as next purchase
    4 points
  3. Da Fuq ?, so many questions, how'd he get a job as a taxi driver in the first place with so many convictions, aren't taxi companies supposed to screen employees for the protection of their customers. Why such a piss poor sentence, again considering how much previous he's got, yanks would have thrown away the key with him. And finally, how the feck is he 49, I'm 56 & he looks old enough to be me dad, years of drugs I'm guessing ? The whole thing is an epic clusterfuck, as has been pointed out, thank God airsoft didn't get a mention🤞🙏
    4 points
  4. Muzzer

    UKARA renewal

    Oh thank god, I’m not the only one, if she ever found out how much I’ve spent over the last few years, I may never have sex again.😬
    3 points
  5. Lozart

    UKARA renewal

    I started doing that but I was worried the wife might find it and realise they weren't all £30 each after all.
    3 points
  6. gavinkempsell

    UKARA renewal

    Got an email the other day, I was already booked into Area66 for this Sunday & more than happy to keep attending POW as I like the site, the frequency I can play was always going to be a slight concern due to work commitments. As a big fat man with dodgy knees I was hoping for next weeks holiday to recover from my SaS* style of play, booked into POW for the following Sunday too now, I'll just need to hobble about at work till my knees recover. *Saturdays and Sundays It'll be collection only & you'll need a van.
    3 points
  7. Well yeah maybe, but if he had them before how did he get the job. Either way it raises questions.
    3 points
  8. JinxDuh

    UKARA renewal

    Sorry mate you’re gonna have to surrender all of your pews. I’ll send you my address so you can safely dispose of them! From what I’ve experienced, the 4 sites I’ve had ukara registered at throughout the years has always automatically renewed it for me as a regular. Might be worth contacting your regular site and asking if they’d be happy to renew it for you, and explain your circumstances of not being able to play every month to them 🤙🏻
    3 points
  9. Tackle

    Private sales Question

    Pardon me for not quoting verbatim, I tend to try to use more layman's terms I'm sure anyone reading it got the gist of it. Yes, the law is explicit on requiring a defence in both retailers & private sales, the difference being that a retailer could expect harsher punishments & has potentially much more to lose. Whereas a private seller could get away with being convinced that following a verbal conversation, or written text on a forum or similar sales site, that the buyer is a bona fide airsofter with the best intentions for the use of the rif. But everything is hearsay until it ever gets to court (🤞never), we've got retailers that cut corners & accept all sorts of bullshit schemes as a defence, & private sellers that do their utmost due diligence to ensure thing stay legal, & everybody that operates in between.
    2 points
  10. According to the link below having a serious conviction isn't an automatic disqualification from having a taxi licence, but how this guy got one is still beyond me and makes me think there's something dodgy going on https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/assessing-application-taxi-driver-licence#toc-4
    2 points
  11. Fitz96

    SA-46 LMG Battery….

    Okay I see you points! Will just get a decent 7.4 and run it that way! Thank you guys for your help
    2 points
  12. You Dork!! 😂
    2 points
  13. You can't buy from them direct I know, but they were awesome. I lost the magnet holder for my p90 perun mosfet. I couldn't find the part at a retailer so I contacted them directly. They sent me a magnet holder out free of charge. The first attempt was blocked by border force but it got to me on the 2nd attempt. They were very helpful and friendly throughout and they really didn't need to send me anything FOC. It was really nice of them I thought.
    2 points
  14. JinxDuh

    UKARA renewal

    You must not have met Gavin 🤣
    2 points
  15. Shamal

    My Pistol Collection

    Yes one of my we guns is full auto. I do have an Umarex M9 but that is a 4.5mm co2 but the build and finish is good quality. I've not really looked at the Taurus so can't say but I might check it out 🙂
    1 point
  16. Just finished writing a book about my car. It's an Auto Biography!!
    1 point
  17. Shamal

    My Pistol Collection

    Nice collection but it's missing a lovely M9. 😉
    1 point
  18. mirinjawbro

    cant zero scope

    thankyou. those shims seem such an easy idea.
    1 point
  19. Chev Chelios

    cant zero scope

    This might help. https://www.vector-air.co.uk/post/scope-shimming-or-adjustable-mounts
    1 point
  20. Have you played a game yet? If not then I suggest renting for a couple of games. This will help you determine what suits you best. Also you'll be able to see what others are using and can ask about anything you like the look of. Most airsofters are happy to show off and talk about their guns. Also getting site membership first means you won't be stuck having to buy a two tone. I don't own any of the Edge range of specna arms guns but I do have one from the Core range and I'm more than happy with it for both build quality and performance. As others have posted, barrel length makes bugger all difference in airsoft so go with whatever length you prefer
    1 point
  21. JinxDuh

    Ak muzzle spit BB

    Remove the muzzle and test. If it’s going off to the left/right still, possibly your inner barrel is bent. If it’s fine with the muzzle device off, possibly your threads bad or the muzzle device itself.
    1 point
  22. ArZh

    Ak muzzle spit BB

    I think thats muzzle because its loosing to side a little, but thanks i try to check it. I try to record it after work time
    1 point
  23. gavinkempsell

    UKARA renewal

    1 point
  24. Shamal

    UKARA renewal

    I think I have a couple of serial numbers written on the back of a bank statement somewhere🤔
    1 point
  25. Lozart

    SA-46 LMG Battery….

    The SA-46 gearbox is the same as the one in the A&K M249 series. Personally I wouldn't run it on 11.1v without at least some kind of mosfet to protect the microswitch trigger as they are prone to arcing and welding on (cheap part and easy to replace but still). I don't know what other Specnas you have but if any of them are fitted with Mosfets that might go some way to explain why they're all more snappy on a 7.4v, plus the gearbox design in an M4 is totally different to an M249 anyway so it won't be quite the same. Personally, I don't think that high ROF on an LMG is the way to go but you do you.
    1 point
  26. Rogerborg

    UKARA renewal

    Empirical anecdote, I had an expiry email this year from UKARA for a site that I hadn't attended since mid 2022. Hmm, thinking about it, It's possible that the site renewed the membership / UKARA number in 2023 because I'd played in 2022. 🤔 It's all rather opaque and difficult to get a firm answer, especially given that it's our data.
    1 point
  27. I use Bolle Tracker IIs (about £10 a pair) along with Revision antifog wipes (about £5 each but they are multi use). As long as I'm on the move they stay fog free.
    1 point
  28. I'll second the vote for any of the Specna Edge 2.0 models or the Double Eagle Falcon equipped RIFs. I wouldn't buy something without a proper ETU (Electronic Trigger Unit) these days and the Aster in the Edge 2.0s and the Falcon in the Double Eagles are both solid, well featured units. The X-ASR in the plain Specna Edge models is reportedly crap and prone to failure so I'd avoid them. Airsoft internal barrel length is largely academic and the performance variations between the extremes of barrel length are minimal. Handgaurd and outer barrel lengh are going to be more significant in terms of ergonomics. Do you want a long gun with lots of rail space or do you want something shorter that you can use in CQB environments?
    1 point
  29. Pyro, you can never have enough smokes 😁💥💨
    1 point
  30. rj1986

    VFC M249 Thread

    So it went from me scrolling this thread 2 days ago, to finding one on discord, to having it turn up next week. You lot are a bad influence... My questions: - Out of the box mods - seems like the mag catch is a must do? - Is the stock hop set up ok? Did people do the 3d printed spring thingy? - What spares are recommended to keep on hand - nozzles like most gbbs? Does it need an NPAS for the green gas mags? - What are people using to carry the box mags?
    1 point
  31. You're assuming he'd actually been in the job while he was accumulating those convictions...
    1 point
  32. I've bought three starter RIF's in the last 6 months for myself, son and daughter. One G&G Raider and two Specna Arms, one Flex and the other Daniel Defense Core. The Specna Arms definitely feel nicer to use with better triggers, they also seem a little more accurate. All were under £180 each. I will replace my CM16 at some point but to be honest still having loads of fun with it and will only replace with a better rifle when it breaks.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. I went out for a meal tonight. The waiter noticed that I hadn't eaten all of my chips, and said, 'Do you want a box for those?' Seeing that I'd already paid for the fuckers I put my fists up and had first swing.
    1 point
  35. Rif's... simple as that.
    1 point
  36. I’ve used all kinds of eye protection, full face mesh, mesh goggles, full seal lens goggles and glasses. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages: mesh - no fog and decent level of protection but if someone is using a lower quality / older bb, there is a chance that on impact they will shatter and send shards of plastic towards your eyes ( talking from experience) glasses - less fog than full seal and more protective front on than mesh but risk of BBs getting in from the sides. also, I’ve seen plenty of people forget to put them back on before heading into the game zone - very dangerous. full seal - best protection all round, high risk of fog. But you’ll be fine if you use anti-fog and or get an ex-fog unit ( or as I describe it to my wife - my head mounted aircon unit haha) regardless of which option you go for, but respectable brands which are rated for Airsoft use. I’ve seen cheap “Airsoft” glasses shatter.
    1 point
  37. I have applied for the University of Liverpool. Apparently, I need three ay ay ay levels to get in.
    1 point
  38. So, do you lose your minicab licence on the sixth-seventh conviction?
    1 point
  39. Tackle

    Private sales Question

    While ukara isn't mandatory, there is a "responsibility" placed upon a seller to potentially ensure they are convinced that the buyer is either a genuine airsofter or at the very least will show commonsense in the ownership of said rif. BUT This is all inferred in the case of a private sale, technically retailers are the only sellers who legally have a duty of care, which to the best of my knowledge hasn't yet been tested in a court of law ?.
    1 point
  40. Finger on the trigger, but the hammer isn't back..."hold on a second while I pull over and use the hand I've been steering with to rack this, so I can shoot you!"
    1 point
  41. The new site is terrible; the old one was better.
    1 point
  42. Egon_247


    Bit of a long trek to respawn, was it? Welcome to the forum. We're all perfectly normal in here. HoNeSt.
    1 point
  43. https://imgur.com/a/sightmark-mini-wraith-thermal-xFhianx link to the album where I may or may not upload more in the future
    1 point
  44. gavinkempsell

    Gun picture thread

    Bought a few sidearms recently & had to rejig my wall to accommodate them, deffo need to find a better place for the Auto-9 tho.
    1 point
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