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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/05/24 in all areas

  1. Peter207 sorry buddy I don't Airsoft anymore haven't a long time, sold you a rif and forgot all about it, had no idea there was any issues until I logged on here this morning after getting a message elsewhere and saw your messages, I'm sorry the rid didn't get to you buddy, it been so long I will have binned any receipts but I'm happy to refund you no issues at all. I did ask you to contact me by phone but you didn't want to give me your number it would have been much easier if you had for contact, infact I gave you my direct phone number? Why didn't you simply call me?.. seems there was a much simpler and easier way to deal with this than this post. Next time pick up the phone. Edit: refund sent, if you rif turns up keep it with my regards. On another note, don't use f&f to pay for goods online, not everyone is as honest as me.
    8 points
  2. Good for him. I say treat it as a learning experience and vote with your wallet by playing elsewhere
    4 points
  3. I'd like to thank the 2 members of the opposite team that revived me at Team Black Thistle in Dunragit yesterday! Mistaking me for one of their own, they took their hits well afterwards.
    4 points
  4. yep you did put your phone number up, sorry I didn't contact you through that. All's well that ends well. So to all who read the thread, massive misunderstanding, Chris did, right at the start give me his phone number which I complete forgot about! I am a dullard! Still it great to see the community come forward to help, I guess it one of the reasons I still play airsoft as I slide into my old age. Chris, thank you for understanding.
    4 points
  5. Agree, never understood why anybody would stick with a shite site that's full of cheaters ?............... Unless of course it suits their playing style 😏
    3 points
  6. Wow. Definitely sounds like one to avoid, I'm guessing things like this are the reason it was called dogshite in many faceache groups
    3 points
  7. But in A New Hope the stormtroopers on the deathstar were deliberately missing. Obi wan commenting on the destroyed Jawa sand crawler "And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." Then there's this line from Grand Moff Tarkin after the escape "You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work." Yes I'm a nerd
    3 points
  8. Ok, so before I say how my game day went... what the hell? Like, that is one of the worst things I've ever heard at an airsoft event, and I used to play in Spain in the late 2000s when there were no sites, no rules, no health and safety and we never did anything as stupid as throwing a goddamn log over a wall! I will say that of all the sites down near me (Driver Wood, Worthing Airsoft, Southdown and Dogtag), Dogtag is the only one that I've been to that I will never make any effort to go back to as my experience of it, while not as bad as yours, was pretty awful. Anyway, for me today at Worthing Airsoft was simultaneously glorious and horrible conditions for sniping with my lovely gas guns; schroedinger's airsoft? I brought my m700 and mk12 MWS with me today as those were the guns I was planning on bringing to Shift Your RIFTs next weekend and wanted to make sure they were working well. Weirdest thing with my m700 was that the scope was off and all my shots were going to the right. Easily fixed by... rotating the rear scope ring 180 degrees? So now my lovely 3.5-25x56mm overkill scope is nice and straight again, but having one scope ring with the bolt one side and the other with the bolt the other side is doing my head in a little, but I can suffer the asymmetric nature of it since it's shooting lovely and straight now. The mk12 MWS is not coming with me to Shift Your RIFTs because it was not happy hopping .45s, even at 2.32J which seems to be their DMR limit; it was only going to be a backup gun anyway, so I'll just swap it out for my m14 scout instead. I plan on using the m700 anyway, and that was shooting like a dream, so no drama there. In terms of the gameplay, I only played in the morning. Lately my heart has been acting up (the symptoms are very light at least), so I didn't get as much sleep as I would've liked last night as it kept me up until 2am. I went out with the m700 and it was glorious. The weather was amazing! 18 - 20 degrees all day, barely any wind and lots of sun. Perfect airsoft weather! The thing that made the conditions horrible was just how much Worthing Airsoft has bushed up. Using anything with an MED right now is just difficult and a lot of the site is just impractical with a 30m radius of "no shoot". It's even more bushy than last year and it gets more bushy with every year it seems because it's largely uncontrolled. We have a lot more bushes sprouting up everywhere and it's making sight lines impossible, especially when firing from prone as I tend to do when sniping. I still managed to get into a spot where eventually one of the marshalls just told the enemy team where I was and I got hosed, because I was singlehandedly stopping them advancing through one part of the site. I almost ran out of ammo, and with 4 mags with me that never happens at a skirmish day as I'm very disciplined with my shots (still only about 100 total as each mag is about 25rds, but I tend to only shoot if I know I'll hit). Very pleased with the new belt kit setup and extremely pleased with how well my new £97 ghillie cape and boonie setup worked. Taking that next weekend for sure! All in all, very good day. Would've played the whole day, but I was pretty tired and I needed to make sure the m700 was shooting well (only fixed the off-centre scope after lunch) and had to test the MWS, which was lucky I did or I would've taken that to Shift Your RIFTs and it would've been dead weight. I need to pick up some .43s for it at some point, but I just don't want to spend the money yet. Looking forward to Shift Your RIFTs next weekend. This was weekend #1 of 5 consecutive weekends as I have Worthing game days every 2 weeks, and in between I have Shift Your RIFTs and a Vietnam filmsim weekend. Roll on next weekend, and I hope the weather holds out!
    3 points
  9. Tackle

    What's this cable for?

    It's a "cutaway", real steel vests have them in case you end up in deep water or trapped in a confined space, usually there's a handle on the front of the vest that when yanked causes the vest to fall apart. Great for safety, but an absolute pita when your mates keep yanking on it🤬. Most people cable tie it so it can't be pulled.
    3 points
  10. I doubt that he will; I am not sure when he would find time with his army reserve and cadet instructor commitments and often working weekends (He was at the Etihad today looking after the rigging for the flying camera that he installed yesterday and will dismantle tomorrow). His younger brother plays regularly when he is down from university. Agreed; that is why I will never go back to certain sites.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Dogtag does seem to have something of a reputation. Hopefully, it hasn't put your eldest off. My eldest used to play, but gave up because of frustration over non hit taking and rule breaking. A few years later, a friend of his persuaded him to try Dogtag; he left at lunchtime and has not played since, although he has started making noises about possibly giving it another try.
    2 points
  13. You only need to watch 'A New Hope' to understand... I've lost all respect for you now. aka Star Wars #1 Especially for you... Shamal at 2:34 you can even hear a storm trooper shout 'CALL YOUR HITS'
    2 points
  14. It's cos stormtroopers can't shoot straight lol, in the films they miss everything 🤣
    2 points
  15. Where did you hear that? Everything I can find from the band says it's about the mosh pit. Either way, I'd still rather not listen to it as I'm not a whining emo kid trying to be edgy For me it's probably Yakety Sax (the Benny Hill theme tune) as I'm often running around like a headless chicken with no clue as to what's going on
    2 points
  16. Kls77

    Gun picture thread

    My KWA erg ak74 converted to 105 alpha style . Full recoil with last rd cut off and charging handle remag.
    2 points
  17. I've bought from them in person and online, and had no issues. All good in my experience.
    1 point
  18. Bought at RIF from them in 2019. Arrived fine
    1 point
  19. I'll cross that one off the list then!
    1 point
  20. Right dats it. Get the feck to your room!
    1 point
  21. Well that was one day of airsoft that I don't want to repeat. By lunchtime I'd packed my gear up and was no longer shooting as the locals appeared to be made from Teflon and were impervious to hits. Play was stopped after some numpty threw a LOG over a wall, shouting grenade and nigh on knocked some poor unsuspecting bloke out. 😱 I laid 15 rounds into a guy (3 shot bursts) every single one bouncing off him, including a few off his noggin with a marshal watching and nothing. Nada. To prevent fatalities I gave up. Went back to the safe zone and grabbed a coffee. The Marshalls couldn't give two shits if you complained..unless you were a regular. If a 13 year old comes back to the safe zone telling me he doesn't feel safe out there, then there's something wrong. Genuinely never going back. Sorry dogtag airsoft in Crawley, unimpressed.
    1 point
  22. But bloody obscure. I've never watched any fecking stormtroopers! 😂😂 I thought it was something to do with the oil the robot was pissing.😂
    1 point
  23. kasaran

    VFC M16a1 GBB newbie

    Out at MAW with the new unrestricted nozzle with npas fitted. It needed a dremmel to fit as the bolt carrier was glued together. But now it works fine. Locks back reliably and the fire rate on auto has improved. Secondly, 5 second gas fill on the 20 rounders gets 60+/- shots, so I was over filling the first time round. Might change the hop rubber at some point, but stock performance is acceptable
    1 point
  24. My mistake, I was on about Bodies. I didn't see the YouTube link where Collin had quoted the OP till I expanded it.
    1 point
  25. Too late folks, already been done...
    1 point
  26. Let me start by saying that’s sexy but it is what I would call a SMG…. Just. If I go down this route I may do something very similar. But I’m still trying for the pistol. So what would that look like I hear you say? No silencer or for grip.
    1 point
  27. No, my shift pattern for work means I don't get many sundays off so I have to travel around to play
    1 point
  28. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop SIG P320 XCARRY with WC grip module VFC gbb airsoft cerakote
    1 point
  29. I think the barrel is a 14.5" so if you have to choose between 12" or 10", I think a 12" would be more appropriate For reference the URGI handguard is 13.5" The DD RIS II is 12.25"
    1 point
  30. Just saw the neighbourhood burglar kicking his own front door in. He must be working from home again.
    1 point
  31. The bocca's go straight on 99% of the time, the modification would be removing the delta ring and installing the new one. Ideally your outer barrel should work with the rail, so a 12" using a 12.5 etc, personally.
    1 point
  32. Flanders and Swann: The Hippopotamus Song. I seem to have an innate ability for finding mud and getting covered in it, mainly because I spend a fair bit of time on my belt buckle.
    1 point
  33. I think the thread is the important bit. It's v small, in a fine pitched m6 kinda size. I thought the gas valves were imperial (may be lack of sleep doing that though 🤣) I'm trying araldite just in case, you never know .. 😁 Failing that, I'll plug the hole and drill n tap a new one, if I can figure out the pitch/sizes.
    1 point
  34. Tanasius

    G28 Gbbr

    My bad its a HK416 GBBR Enjoy Rob
    1 point
  35. AVOID! Scammer - replied to a wanted post I made and gave me his "mate's" whatsapp number. Payment sent but item never shipped, thank God for Paypal G&S...
    1 point
  36. gavinkempsell

    Ssx23 bundle

    Psst... take the tape of then take another pic.
    1 point
  37. Suns out Gas guns out , tomorrow 😃
    1 point
  38. He probably mislaid it in his beard.
    1 point
  39. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    Going old school. Last build before summer. Also my my favourite Glock mod. Clean and easy. Glocks was Sexy AF whitout rmrs and lights Miss the 90ies G17 gen2 with steel slide. Built on a TM
    1 point
  40. FFS Pete, why, no wonder he's ghosting you. You need to get on to paypal & your bank, there's a slim chance he's a longtime paypal member, if this is the case then you may be able to convince them he's purposely committing fraud, if you have pms showing he actively asked for f&f for whatever reason, screenshot them & forward to paypal, same for your bank as it was your funding source. While odds aren't great, they have to investigate if you claim its fraud. Do this immediately, if his paypal account is new, there's a possibility of a delay in him being able to withdraw funds, not entirely sure about f&f but it's worth a try.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. This. Guy has no trade feedback, why give him the benefit of the doubt?
    1 point
  43. Start a paypal dispute, why give him a week if he hasn't even given you an excuse for not responding. If he doesn't respond to them, you'll get your money back quicker, & even if he does come back with an excuse, valid or not, DONT EVER stop a paypal dispute until you've either got your money, or the items (& your happy with them), as once stopped it can't be restarted. Seriously, I'm amazed at how many sellers are super quick with comms etc right up until they're paid, & then become sloth-like or ghost you🤬
    1 point
  44. So is there a gun somewhere in this advert?
    1 point
  45. Nice box, if you're expecting £850 it might help to add a lot more pics of the contents.
    1 point
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