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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/24 in all areas

  1. Imo if you're unsure if a gun is a rif or an if ask yourself 1 question. Would Joe public shit themselves if you walked into the post office openly carrying it? We can debate the legal technicalities till the cows come home, but at the end of the day most people know ⅘ of bugger all about firearms so would just think "gun" rather than "ooh nice glock/sig/whatever"
    6 points
  2. Sorry but the last thing airsoft needs is some halfwit celebrity or goontube twat acting as a representative for airsoft, simply put these people are only out for themselves and imo wouldn't be doing us or the hobby any good. Tbh I'm not so sure we really need to be actively trying to increase numbers. As I posted earlier, airsoft has never been as "mainstream" as it is now and those who are interested will be aware that airsoft exists. I suppose my big concern is that it airsoft becomes too big it'll attract the dickheads and put a bigger spotlight on us leading to more legal restrictions
    5 points
  3. Cannonfodder

    Go Meet Novritch

    You couldn't pay me enough to go anywhere near that. The only thing more annoying than attention seeking YouTube "celebrities" are their sycophantic fanboys who worship the ground they walk on
    4 points
  4. If you're waiting up to a couple of months after the 3rd game to get your ukara number them that's down to the site owner being lazy, not ukara
    4 points
  5. How do you qualify the expense being absurd? The sites aren't charities. Their overheads of BBs, maintenance for the rental guns, their eventual replenishment and the labour costs of inspecting and stocktaking have to be taken into consideration along with a profit margin. It's really easy to belittle operating costs when you deviate from "try(ing) to remain neutral" and show an agenda against the current system. Let's not push a false narrative that 2 months of having a UKARA defence is waiting to be approved is the norm. I had a provisional UKARA number the day I became a member of the site I played at to apply for becoming registered with UKARA BUT my defence didn't become active until a couple of days after I was signed off after playing my third game in just over 2 months and the site, after which the owner sent off an email to UKARA confirming I had satisfied the requirements. That defence was active for 12 months from the day I received by email from UKARA, not from when I played my first game. The only expense I have to incur to renew my UKARA registration is to continue my membership at the site for another year - that is much less expensive than monthly gym memberships, a few packs of cigarettes or a week's worth of overpriced custom Starbucks coffees. Imparting misinformation as fact is less than conducive to discourse in good faith, especially when you "try to remain neutral".
    4 points
  6. My take, these days Airsoft is only as expensive as you let it be, every bit of the highest quality kit has a budget equivalent, same for the guns (aeg's), obviously gas kits a bit different, but there's no reason someone can't be game ready for as little as £250, maybe less if you punt around the s/h classifieds. Same goes for green fees, a days fun for as little as £25 if you've got your own kit, very few other sporting pastimes compare to it, even renting a squash court for an hour is about £15. Paying a bit more for rental kit to give you the ability to qualify for ukara is a relatively small price to pay if your planning to stick with it.
    4 points
  7. Hi folks, Some pictures of the recent Red Mist 4 event. Had an absolute blast at the weekend. You can find most of the pics here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=61553158244856&set=a.122133037646105274 Hope to see you at the next on in September / October.
    3 points
  8. Building a load of these impact grenades. It cost's about £1 to make and they work flawlessly. big shout out to the original designer (FULCRUMAIRSOFT) and the files can be bought here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/airsoft-micro-grenade-impact-cap-gun-ring-sound-grenade-meteorite-meteor-lite-e-fulcrumairsoft
    3 points
  9. TM MK18 MWS arrived this week, it’s been on the want list for ages and I ran out of restraint when Fire Support were down to one left 😂 Also got a Magpul CTR stock for it as I prefer it. Extra mags ordered from Japan as they seem to be hen’s teeth right now. Next up … accessories!!
    3 points
  10. I don't think the player base needs to expand but rather attitudes toward it be more open-minded and accepting that it's just another hobby/pastime/recreation that its players are very passionate and enthusiastic about and one that helps their wellbeing in keeping them active. Going to the gym is good for people's wellbeing also but when you hear about steroid and other PED use or the steroid user (plus gym "influencers") behaving in disagreeable way, exercising at the gym isn't villified and denounced because of one or a few bad apples the way airsoft in the UK would be, nor would exercising at the gym fall under the same scrutiny. I couldn't agree more about the concern that becoming too big will attract mouth breathers. Look at F1. A few years back, it was popular but in only so many people's conversations. Thanks to Drive to Survive and F1's commercial rights holders pushing it to be more mainstream, it's much bigger with a new breed of fans who have taken the lustre off the sport because of their tribal behaviour bringing the handbags out at dawn. I'd rather not have a celebrity or "influencer" push airsoft because it would be another flavour of the month with new players dicking about, harming the reputation of regulars who take safe, honest and responsible play seriously. I rest my case. I don't consider Bieber as much of a prick now but he's not exactly a shining endorsement for airsoft. Beckham is an entitled self-loving brat who got salty about being ineligible for a knighthood because of his tax dodging then he made me even less inclined to consider visiting Qatar when he promoted it for the last World Cup.
    3 points
  11. People like trotting donkey are the reason people come to Airsoft sadly, The calibre of people could be questioned I think. Lefties, righties or middlies it’s much of a muchness for me. Sensible people can see that law abiding Airsoft players arent going to turn into criminals or at least the vast majority aren’t. The problem is the vocal fringe that seem to control the headlines and scaremonger because clearly they aren’t out shooting pews at each other and having fun.
    3 points
  12. My God man, dont get them started on the UKAF/UKAPU debate!!!!!
    2 points
  13. He was originally a youtuber who made sniper videos (not ghillie sniper videos, more "run in with a pistol" sniper videos), but then founded his own company when he released his first sniper rifle (the SSG24), which was meant to be a bolt action rifle you could just buy, take out of the box and play straight away without upgrading. I don't like his RIFs, but I have to respect the entrepreneurship; Novritsch stuff is everywhere now! Also, his ghillie stuff is actually pretty good and I use some of his stuff for my suits (not the leaves though, they fall apart!) And it's definitely a marketing event. Money has definitely changed hands between Patrol Base and Novritsch for sure. I don't think I'd avoid this because Novritsch is going to be there, I think I'd avoid it because Novritsch's fans are going to be there 😂
    2 points
  14. Sewdhull

    battery science

    Nimh get warm when they are full and are kept charging. They rely on the detection of a small drop in voltage at full charge to stop charging and if that is not detected correctly the temp will rise, basically because no more charging can be done and the continued current heats the cells. If no balance charging is possible, some cells may be full while the others catch up and the full cells will warm. Some chargers used a probe to detect the temp rise and stop charging. Lipo uses a voltage limit to stop charging, with a reduction in current as it gets close to the cut off voltage, which is straightforward. https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-408-charging-nickel-metal-hydride
    2 points
  15. No? Me neither, I’d much rather take a shite in my hands, then clap
    2 points
  16. Because : Gunbilical Cord
    2 points
  17. If I could offer a suggestion, you may be better off breaking this down to get the most out of it. The WE M4 Katana shouldn't be hard to shift and you may get the most value out of it, especially if you bundle it with a battery, another mag and a bottle of BBs. The ICS M4s should sell but being effectively two-tone, they won't hold as high a resale % as the WE M4. The Evolution M4 is also going to fetch less being two-tone though if the white marks are only cosmetic, you should still be able to move it on. The project gun ought to be sold as boneyard as by your honest admission, it needs work to get to working order. The rest of the parts could be bundled together though some could be bundled with the guns as a sweetener such as the mags and the sling. As a whole bundle, I won't be surprised if people lowball with their offers, especially as postage will be expensive for the whole lot.
    2 points
  18. I should note, if you’re getting a brushless to overheat or even heat up in any capacity, you’re likely doing something wrong…
    2 points
  19. But it has the stickers!
    2 points
  20. And watch as airsoft gets banned and the "lefties" win. This is the great dilemma that airsoft faces; basing advertising on the elements that make it great fun is likely to bring those elements into the wider public consciousness, which will almost certainly increase the probability of it being banned. I am centre-left politically; if the political spectrum was my feet, I would be roughly where my left hallux is or, on some topics, where my left second toe is. However, in the world of airsoft, I am clearly far to the left of most players that I meet. However, I do know a few "leftie" players, so we are not all the enemy that you imagine us to be or have been persuaded to believe we are.
    2 points
  21. Boomarms MOS plate and SRO clone freshly installed to the TM G17 Gen5
    2 points
  22. Unless you've got a higher-end set of calipers coming then you might not get an accurate reading. I went through a few from £5 to £25 in the end had to spend £150 on a decent set. I highly doubt any brand would want to go bigger than 5.95mm. My guess is they aim lower for better fitment. Most BB's I measured this past couple of months were 0.01mm lower than stated. Some brands do state +/- 0.01mm. Heard tolerance is a bitch with injection molding. In regards to your high FPS did you change anything else?
    1 point
  23. Shamal

    battery science

    Pies tend to get very hot.....😂
    1 point
  24. What do you call a bee 🐝 that can't make up it's mind..... ......a maybe.
    1 point
  25. It needs to be read in full: (don't just highlight some words and ignore the rest😂) 1. something falling within a description That means something that can be described in a certain way... 2. which could be used for identifying, by reference to their appearance, ...by their appearance, that can point out... 3. the firearms falling within a category of actual modern firearms which, ...a type of modern firearm (e.g. pistols) that... 4. even though they include firearms of different makes or models (whether existing or discontinued) or both, all have the same or a similar appearance. ...can include different brands (e.g. Berretta or Sig or Glock) but looks the same or similar (i.e. a pistol). So for example, a sci-fi video game pistol (e.g. from video game Doom), even though is definitely not an actual firearm, its appearance can still fall within a general description of a pistol, therefore it would be an RIF. Another example, a fictional pistol (e.g. AI generated image) that has half a slide from a Glock and half a slide from Sig and a body style of a Berretta, it is definitely fictional, and certainly not any actual firearm brand or model, but because its appearance, again, fits the description of a pistol, it would be an RIF. Same logic with the pulse rifle, because it has the general appearance of a real rifle, someone who is not a sci-fi fan and firearm expert won't be able to tell whether it is fictional or actual but certainly it will still look like a rifle, therefore can still be frightened into submission for example in a robbery, which is the whole intent of VCRA is to try to stop these RIFs from becoming tools of crime. (Whether the law is effective is a totally different topic) So the law is actually (a) actual firearm or (b) looks like some sort of actual firearm.
    1 point
  26. Yeah the battery rated output is a maximum (and often incorrect, only way to know is testing), the actual current is determined by how much load the motor is under. If there is no load (i.e. motor is outside of the gearbox by itself) it will draw a few amps. Even a battery with 9000000 C will only output a few amps in this situation. If there is infinite load (e.g. clamped in a vice so the motor cannot turn) it will draw infinite amp (or shorted), figuratively speaking. A 1000 mAh battery with 10 C will be able to theoretically output 10 A and all of which is turned into pure heat in the motor and very quickly overheat.
    1 point
  27. Interestingly and anecdotally, I most often use a 25C 2200 Mah Kypom LiPo with my T238s, but I also use a Turnigy Nanotech 70-140C 5K Mah brick, which is capable of more than enough output to fry everything in that motor whether shorted or not. I haven't had any issues yet, but I'll let folks know if I do.
    1 point
  28. Nice. Is that a replacement plate only, or a completely new slide?
    1 point
  29. JinxDuh

    Go Meet Novritch

    No thank you 😬
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Was thinking this way too, I generally leave my kit in the boot rather than carry it all to a table in the safezone.
    1 point
  32. Madhouse

    GBBR or AEG?

    I take it you're driving there, so if there's boot space then take it all and then decide when you get there. That's what I do anyway.
    1 point
  33. Dear God! £30, for that abomination. Just burn it, it's not worth the expense of listing and posting it and more importantly, nobody should ever have to have their eyes ruined by seeing that filth in the light of day again! 🤣
    1 point
  34. That’s true, But the salty twat also got (reportedly) paid £125,000,000 for the hassles of promoting Qatar. I think I could live with myself and the worry that you didn’t want to go there if I was in his shoes 😆
    1 point
  35. I was being polite (it happens now and again)
    1 point
  36. Leo Greer

    GBBR or AEG?

    In my humble and irrelevant opinion… GBBRs are for fun with your buds, AEGs are for when you have to show everyone who’s boss. Clearly, GBBRs can still be competitive, and I know several players who do great with them, but AEGs are simply better at being airsoft guns.
    1 point
  37. I'm not a lawyer but surely as a stockist, open or closed, you are required to downgrade any hot airsoft guns prior to resale? Swapping out the current spring (easy enough being quick-change) for an M90 or M95 should put this comfortably within the 1.13J site-permissible limit, not to mention actually make it legal for sale in the UK. You could land yourself and a buyer in serious trouble selling it as is.
    1 point
  38. PhilT

    THE TM MWS thread

    I believe the stock length is 250mm.
    1 point
  39. So more expensive than new and it needs to be downgraded to use. Infact its technically a section 5 firearm at that muzzle energy
    1 point
  40. Same one as this? https://bombupairsoft.co.uk/products/specna-arms-sa-b02-one™-saec™-system-carbine-replica-black
    1 point
  41. Impulse

    Wolverine MTW 308

    Ok, so this is shipping a lot sooner than expected. It looks like these will ship late May/early June and are already up for pre-order. Also it looks like it'll be compatible with A&K SR-25 magazines, which means that Cyma SR-25 mags should also fit (good for me as I have 5). Also looks like you can have the outer barrel either 14.5" or 16" as it has a screw on extension at 1.5". Interestingly, out of the box it looks like the HPA line connects by the stock. Seems to be built like the Billet series, not the Forged series. Starting to pop up for pre-order here too. Price seems to be around the £800 mark https://www.highpressureairsoft.co.uk/wolverine-mtw-308 https://shop.super5ives.com/shop/item/133460/wolverine-airsoft-mtw-308-tactical-14-dmr.html
    1 point
  42. As they say, war never solved anything, except slavery, genocide, naziism, fascism, and terrorism... Theres a huge culteral shift in young people these days. As a kid, nearly every lad at school had an air rifle or airsoft gun at home. People would talk about the military at school and half the lads I knew had aspirations to join the military. Now theres not a huge interest in the military for a number of reasons (mostly they know its a lot of work for little pay) and people just dont have the desire for it. I think this goes hand in hand with airsoft and most people outside of the sport see it as an old mans game outside of their own interests. As for changing that i do think social media influence is the only way to reach younger people. There more youtubers (licking spunkstain excluded) that can post content that appeals to younger people the better. Kids now just want to play call of duty and sit around, so if more content was to reach younger audiences showing exciting gameplay then i think more people would play.
    1 point
  43. Ok, but I'll need 1hrs pay in advance.
    1 point
  44. I can't think of much scarier than SWMBO armed with an AEG. She might be small, but she's got a hell of a temper. Thankfully she also has all the athletic prowess of an egg.
    1 point
  45. One of the sites up here (Area 66) does regular kids days Its parents & kids and allows the younger than average attendees to see what their dads get up to on the Sundays they vanish and come back fuckered and bruised. It does seem to be very popular, normally run on a sat with 40+ in attendance. I think it’s a great thing! My father tried hard to get me to enjoy his hobby of fly fishing, which I just didn’t have the patience or finesse for Then it was air guns & motorcycles…..
    1 point
  46. It actually happened at a game I attended, richborough power station, wasn't impressed, she had a spotty arse🤢
    1 point
  47. The type 89 gbbr scope mounts seem impossible to find and apparently the aeg ones arent combatible so I knocked this up quickly so I can have something on it for this weekend
    1 point
  48. Pisses me off when "members" join just to BIG up a site etc, only to never again post, unless it's to attempt to defend a really bad review😏. FFS, admit your personally involved with a site, & take responsibility for the bad shit as well as the good. 🤬
    1 point
  49. Airsoft Direct.... Whoops https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/hull-man-admits-possessing-banned-2701249
    1 point
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