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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/02/24 in all areas

  1. I took a trip down to not-Worthing for once and headed to Dogtag today with a whole host of Worthing regulars (I know @Badgerlicious is on this forum and he was also there, but I don't think any of the others are); always good to get out to a new site with the boys, especially since due to team balance I usually put myself on the other team from them at Worthing so we're not all on one side and just stomp. Most of us had never been to Dogtag, so we were experiencing the site for the first time, myself included. Therefore I will give the most balanced overview as I can on how it went. We rolled up early to make sure we got a table under some cover, as the forecast was a bit confusing. Said it could've rained all morning, so we wanted to make sure our kit was under a roof. We got there pretty early, but some of our guys had got there earlier and we took some tables down the end of the safe zone. Pretty much as soon as we got there, the rain started easing off massively to the point where it flat out stopped raining as we were getting our stuff ready, which was really nice. However, first issue I had was the m14 wasn't feeding properly, so I'll have to give it back to the tech and ask him to fix that (hopefully he won't charge me too much because I haven't actually used it since I got it back from him). Good thing I brought the m700 as well, as I swapped over to that, the mac11 and the mk23; my go-to "I can sort of do everything" sniper setup. Ummed and aahh'd about whether I wanted to ghillie up and decided to, which proved to be the best decision I made all day, but more on that later. We got through chrono and eventually got out to our first game, a rolling assault from a fort type base all the way to the other side of the site. Apparently we were playing on the paintball site as the airsoft zones were being rented to a private paintball event, but this worked heavily in my favour as I had sight lines for days, and with the weather being warmer my m700 was performing flawlessly. So first game. I took a concealed position in a fallen tree and got some lovely long shots, but as I ran out of ammo in my first mag, by this point they had managed to push up close, so I... went to ground. This is why running the ghillie was the best decision I made all day, as I had enemy players taking cover on the other side of the fallen tree shooting over my head as my team mates were returning fire, a hail of BBs about 1 - 2m above my head. To be clear, my ghillies are capes, I don't like running the all-over bush suits because they snag when I'm crawling and I just don't like them, so while parts of me were ghillied, there was a lot of MARPAT visible with how I was sitting. I had turned around, facing the same way as the enemy team ready to shoot them in the back, but... this is where my first criticism of the day comes in. Hit taking was laughably bad. I shot 6 people in the back with the mk23 after they pushed just past me, all separate instances as I was only picking isolated people off so I wouldn't give away my position, but the longest shot was about 20m, shortest was about 5m. None of them took the hit, not even the 5m guy. Fortunately, none of them saw me either, not even the group having a conversation on the path with 2 of them looking in my direction. The adrenaline high from these moments is one of the reasons I do the whole sniper thing. Spent the rest of the game following the enemy team, but breaking off to the opposite flank to where their spawn was as I didn't want to spawn camp them, so I just made people who went on the other flank very, very confused by shooting them in the back. Towards the end of the game it pushed into a very thick bushy area and as I was planning on going in with the mk23 to continue harassing them, I realised one of my mac11 magazines was missing, so I retraced my steps and eventually found it, but the game was over before I did, so I headed back to the safe zone. This is where my 2nd annoyance comes in; going back to safe zone after each game, especially with how boggy that path was. One of the guys in our group aptly described it as "it's like the Somme" because of how wet and boggy and horrible that path was. Anyway, after a longer-than-it-needed-to-be trip back to the safe zone, we went back out and swapped over, so we were now attacking. We pushed pretty well, clearing the first few fields quite quickly, but then got bogged down in a large open field and the bushy bit after it so we didn't complete it. I heard a lot of people grumbling about hit taking here, but this wasn't the worst part. The worst part was there was a guy on defense who kept going out of bounds to retake ground and shoot everyone in the back. He did it on multiple occasions through this game and eventually got thrown off the site after it was caught on camera and shown to the marshalls, so good on the marshalls for actually sorting that out. Apparently the guy is a regular and well-known for doing this kind of stuff and has a youtube channel where he uploads videos of him doing it. Would've said good on him if he did what I did in the first game where nobody found him, but he got caught red-handed sneaking out of bounds and then coming back in, so yeah. Cheating, caught and called out, dealt with, done. Then we broke for lunch and I didn't want to pay £5 for a burger, so I just made sure my kit was all good. It was at this point I realised I had lost one of my m700 magazines, so that's a neat £50 down the drain. Going to need to get that replaced as I can't run 2 magazines really. 50 shots is just not enough (in total, they're about 25 each!). Bugger. I'm trying to not spend too much, but that's something I can't just ignore since I use my gas m40a5 and m700 all the time. We then went out after lunch and did an attack and defend at the fort area we started the rolling assaults from. Defenders had 3 lives (one in the first field, one in the 2nd field and one in the fort itself) and attackers had infinite. We started on the attacking team and I didn't really get too much done, partially because the sun was out (which was lovely) but since it's still February it was fairly low in the sky and I couldn't see anything with it glaring in my face. A few lovely shots, but the wind had picked up and I was noticing my shots curving hard. Shot in another direction to make sure it isn't my hop up coming loose and going to one side and it definitely wasn't, as the shot with where I thought the wind was going went incredibly straight. We then swapped sides immediately without going back to the safe zone, which made me rather happy. I elected to take a relatively far back position after refilling my mags and went through most of one mag with some lovely shots again. It's been a while since I played at a site with long sight lines (basically, last time I went to Driver Wood because Worthing isn't good for snipers with all the coppices around) and it was great to let my m700 do its thing. Eventually got hit by a spray where I don't think they knew exactly where I was, but shot enough in my direction where one hit my cheek, so I headed back behind my team and used my first respawn, lying prone behind a barricade watching a flank and an opening to the field. Went through my 2nd mag here with some long shots which made me happy and when the game was called, I stood up and waved at all the people who were trying to work out where I even was. Gas sniper rifles are deadly quiet and I love them for it! That's where I called it, as I was starting to feel very tired and needed to work out how I was going to pack all my stuff away, as well as change out of my very wet and very muddy kit so I didn't get back into my friend's car with muddy trousers on his seats. There were a few games after I stopped, a team deathmatch in the super open field, swapping sides, and then a zombies game at the end. I'm going to ache tomorrow with all the walking and crawling I've done, but I did enjoy myself a lot. Will I go back? Maybe. If the lads are going, I'll tag along, but I won't make an effort to get back. Worthing and Driver Wood (once I get a car, hopefully this year), will be my main sites for skirmish, as I enjoy myself at those two sites more and they seem to have less issues. I think my day would've been worse if we actually played in the airsoft fields, funnily enough, as some of those looked very questionable for me running my bolt action rifle; the paintball sites were really good for my bolt action, however! So, TL:DR pros and cons... Pros: + I had fun, and at the end of the day that's the main thing that matters + Marshalls were friendly and did act on a cheater. Could've done more on the hit calling, but with how few they were it's hard to police. They can't be everywhere + Even though we used the paintball sites, the games were good and they flowed well. Cons: - Laughable hit-calling that wasn't really addressed - Needed more marshalls for the number of players and size of the site - £5 burger (I know having a burger included with walk-on is a nicety at Worthing, but I'm willing to spend on a burger. Just not £5 for what it was...) Pros and cons that the site wasn't responsible for: + Weather was amazing. 14 - 15 celcius, low wind for the mostpart and sun was out. It was great! - Out-of-bounds clickbait youtube cheater (not the site's fault because they dealt with it and sent him home) - Lost a £50 gas rifle magazine 😢 - Almost lost another £50 gas SMG magazine 😌 - Goggles fogged a bunch because the site was incredibly wet and humid, while the temperature was pretty good - M14 didn't work 😠 Overall, it exceeded my expectations, but my expectations were very low as I'd heard a lot of bad things regarding Dogtag. Some of it is definitely justified, but I still had fun doing my thing. Now I'm going to ache tomorrow and my washing machine is going to have a task ahead of it once I muster up the willpower to unpack my bags Also, we had a team photo. I'm the tall bush on the left who isn't in a 360 degree bush suit (and showing way more forehead than I usually do as the balaclava wasn't done up properly at this point!)
    4 points
  2. reactivating this old thread.. i was also disappointed by the initial reports of the No.4 coming with a plastic stock, and so i decided against buying one, going for the S&T SMLE instead as it had a wooden stock. i recently came across one in stock at Onlyairsoft in Stevenage and found that it now comes with a wooden stock and with the gas tank in the stock, so i purchased it. it seems G&G heard the negative feedback to the plastic stock and acted accordingly.
    4 points
  3. You know what really floats my boat? Archimedes principle of relative buoyancy...
    4 points
  4. They've just shared the post to another airsoft page on fb too. Obviously weren't happy with 90% of the comments being negative so thought they'd try again! lol
    3 points
  5. I played at DogTag down in West Sussex on Saturday. My son conscripted 5 of his friends to join us and at the end of the game they were already checking out deals for IFs (talking about growing the game). The turnout was better than expected with mainly rentals and a few experienced players. I felt like I was cheating. In one game I didn’t have to move at all as my pickings were so plentiful. I was sitting in a bush with a sniper hood and a camouflaged tuned Krytac overlooking a little valley to a place the other team had to come through to reach the objective. They looked in my direction and couldn’t understand where the BBs were coming from. I was out of reach of their rental guns so yes it really felt like cheating. I prefer a mix with more experienced players but hey it was fun!
    3 points
  6. Hi there, i have a heavily modded AEG for sale, looking for offers i have spent around £600 overall on the gun, with upgrades including new trigger, precision inner barrel, new motor, MOSFET, high quality bucking and nub, finely tuned hop up system. Overall 335 fps This gun has a high rate of fire, is powerful and will take out targets across any range, can be used indoor and out
    2 points
  7. "We Allow Influencers on here, some you wont like some you might. Everyone has an opinion, however if you don't like them scroll on by. Go have your little vendetta's on another group!" They prefer people who do harmful actions over people who object to people that do harmful actions? Bless.
    2 points
  8. Shit like this is why I got rid of facebook. I love airsoft and have done for 25 odd years...... But facebook airsoft groups are fucking toxic. "Yeah even tho they're questionably legal and carcinogenic why can't I use military smoke grenades?" "Why can't I use a tourniquet instead of a bandage for medic games?" "Can I make my own pyro?" Are all genuine posts that spring to mind....... Then there's the cancerous shite that are celebrities on the scene be they cheating fucks, toxic pricks, Onlyfans gun bunnies, charging money to do reviews on kit or a collection of the above.
    2 points
  9. If we needed another reason why stating joules rather than fps is important, his admission that the 335fps is on 0.25g BBs puts it at above 1.3J so he's selling an airsoft gun that could land him and/or the buyer in serious trouble.
    2 points
  10. I cannot join because I do not have a "real" profile picture, whatever that means.
    2 points
  11. Lol, what's the page name, I'll join it just so that I can get banned too 😂
    2 points
  12. You haven't listed what the base gun is. This will help to set a floor price, to which people will add what they think the parts are worth to them. There's no correct price point for airsoft guns, especially modified ones. It's all about finding a buyer who wants exactly what you're selling. The more detail you provide, the more likely you'll find that buyer. This is also not the best time to be selling. The market will be picking back up after Christmas, even a couple of weeks to get us into March might help.
    2 points
  13. So you're advertising your support for someone when you have no idea what they do/stand for, because they sent you something free? Are you sure you don't have a YouTube channel? 😄
    2 points
  14. Across any range? 200m?
    2 points
  15. And, where relevant, who fitted the parts.
    2 points
  16. Try popping it in the classifieds
    2 points
  17. well, haven't been keeping up here the past few months, so now time for a shotgun blast.. In November i purchased a Fobus holster for my Cybergun FN Five-seveN along with matching adapters so i can have it as a drop leg fitting or mount it to the MOLLE of my plate carrier, as i intend to start running it more regularly as my john wick hi-cappa is getting a bit war-weary. i also bought a new sling and red dot sight, nothing special. no purchases in December January was just restocking consumables and bought some fill valve pins to replace leaking ones on my APS CAM shotgun shells and finally February has seen me buy a G&G gas Lee Enfield No.4 from OnlyAirsoft, which i have only briefly fielded at the Gaol last weekend to get a feel for it around the outside of the buildings lastly, a Krytac Kriss Vector arrived the other day from land warrior airsoft that i had pre-ordered back in November. annoyingly though, Krytac haven't sent out the spare mags for them yet, so i am waiting for them to arrive before i can use it in anger... though i was shocked at how light the mag that came with the gun is considering its a 60 round gas mag.
    2 points
  18. Asomodai

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    The definition of Preservation is to stop is from decaying or something being eroded. There are instances where BF for example have tried to confiscate RIF's even with a valid Defense. UKAPU has managed to prevent that from happening. It happened to one other lad, whilst they weren't able to get the RIF's back, he did get a full refund. Keeping up to date on the relevant legislation but also how government bodies apply that is not exactly easy. UKAPU have recently discovered that BF have started testing RIFs for joule rating and have seized goods to that effect where they didn't before. Also discovered is that the new Firearms Act 2023 bill that is in progress could affect the way we use Primers and blank rounds. This is being monitored. UKAPU monitor press articles that mention airsoft and contacted editors and to acquire redactions. (One example being the Plymouth shooting back in 2021) UKAPU contacts the home office when in need for clarification of the VCRA. The HO took UKAPU's, Tim from ATB and UKARA concerns into account and put an exemption into an amendment through to the House of Lords back in 2016. UKAPU have attended meetings with the EAF to foster an shared rules and values between other European Airsofting countries. This could set the groundwork for legitimisation of Airsoft. During the pandemic UKAPU were in contact with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in regards to whether Airsoft could be considered for reopening during lockdowns whereas paintball was able to. I am sure there are many other things that I am not aware about that UKAPU have done. I would also say at the moment there are no threats to Airsoft as a whole. However this could change with one politicised incident. But if you have an organisation that is on the look out for those threats and ready to jump in, that would be far better than something that is formed ad-hoc. Having UKAPU ready to defend Airsoft at a moments notice (With the funds to back it up), is better than a ragtag group of Airsofter's with no funds only being able to respond reactively. I would suggest the UKAPU is the best and most experienced group to defend Airsoft from a legal position.
    2 points
  19. How about its highest profile player? You know, that chap with all the YouTube videos that get massive numbers of views.
    2 points
  20. I'm bored today so expect plenty of threads, some may be about postage!
    2 points
  21. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    Doing a bit of maintenance and thinking about adding some Mosfets: Classic Army DSA FAL King Arms FAL Para JG DSA FAL
    2 points

    • For sale
    • Used

    **REDUCED TO £250 TO CLEAR** After returning to airsoft after many years I spent months tracking down and building a dream spec TM G17 pistol from my younger years. This thing is speced out to absolute heaven. It is well cared for but there are small marks. Tokyo Marui Gen 3 G17 Guarder full traded metal kit (Barrel, Slide and trade marked lower receiver) Full Guarder internals (as pictured) with Maple leaf hop up set and barrel. 4x mags Nuprol holster All original parts come with it! I'm after the new TM G17 GEN5 MOS so I must part ways with this absolute beauty. I'm firm on price. No offers.


    - GB

    1 point
  23. Can't even find. Probably means that I'm already blocked. I stopped actively FBing several years ago. I found that a certain bluntness had crept into my interactions with idiots, many of whom self appointed themselves to run pages.
    1 point
  24. Wow. I know Facebook is full of Muppets but the guy running the group is threatening people with bans for stating their opinion. The world disappoints me more every day.
    1 point
  25. I was there for the morning session , wet but fun , and saw you guys mooching about , a very full auto heavy morning which I can only put down to some questionable hit taking on both sides so folk seemed to be ramping up the bb slinging .but nice not to see any real aggro first hand because of it , the out of bounds stuff seemed to be more of a problem than usual and I think that was more poor communication between the Marshalls , we watched one tell half a dozen guys they were out of bounds only for a follow up group to be told oh actually your good to go . no pics of me today , just a snap of the gun , a G&G Sr300 with a bit of spice inside which performed very well indeed
    1 point
  26. Scam Alert. New member who just so happened to have a PKM for sale. @Tackle Offered to send pictures of said PKM, they post them in the chat and second picture is clearly photoshopped as shown by the red box out line attached to this post. q Quick google reverse image, and it takes me to the original USA based sale post with imgur album with all of the original pictures https://imgur.com/a/LHXGkLR
    1 point
  27. The correct term is patch whore, and yes you appear to be that. Given my short time in the hobby (call it a 5years or so since first game) even I have seen a number of groups and "orgs" come and fade one of the most hilarious was "Ascension research/Airsoft" They bought a meme/cringe FB page with hints that they were going to "change the Airsoft landscape" So I shall also remain sceptical as well.
    1 point
  28. ak2m4

    Selling airsoft replicas

    I'd say you have the price wrong, too high. You mentioned mosfet but don't mention what type? Plus the stock, red handguard and red receiver parts aren't really a crowd puller - a real acquired taste.
    1 point
  29. Maybe he's giving them a kickback from any sales generated from pretending that he's good for the sport.
    1 point
  30. Unspecified upgrades? Check Horrible 2tone? Check No details? Check Crack inspired price point? Check CBA to actually post in Classifieds? Check Eventually reposts in correct place. Check Claims 335 fps on.25s. Check Apparently 370+ fps on .2s. Check Too hot to run on UK sites. Check Congratulations thats a solid Mack's entry right there and on your first ever forum post no less.
    1 point
  31. I mean by the law of averages there's got to be a few players that actually like/don't hate/can stand the bloke.
    1 point
  32. So all of the videos from this "headless Chicken" mob are all pro KM propaganda then? Seems like it.
    1 point
  33. If you're asking how much it might be worth, https://airsoft-forums.uk/forum/151-appraisals/ If you're actually looking to sell it: https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/category/1-electric/ As above, how much you get offered is largely down to how much work you want to put in to describe exactly what's in there. You could spend £1000 on a gun and end up with something that performs worse than a stock CYMA.
    1 point
  34. Oh man..... the KA fal para.. 😍
    1 point
  35. You should probably list everything that's been done, with brands for each part as well.
    1 point
  36. Just1402



    • For sale
    • Used

    Action army AAP 01 Upgraded heavily , upgrades listed on image ! Hasn’t been used since it was sent to the tech for maintenance and new hammer set £330 in parts alone grab a steal With 1 extended mag £325 Collection tamworth area Or delivery dependant on location


    1 point
  37. Indeed , very typical TM , great fit and finish , lightweight and very snappy cycle. I’m sure someone will release an adapter plate for it very soon to open up the RMR options .
    1 point
  38. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I’ve just bought some new state-of-the-art gardening equipment that makes the boundaries of my property look really neat and tidy. It uses cutting hedge technology.
    1 point
  39. My Dad always said, 'Don't ever give up on your dreams'. 'Just go back to bed.'
    1 point
  40. https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/tokyo-marui-g17-gen5-mos-gbb-pistol.html
    1 point
  41. FFFFFFS!!! 🤣 The doctor's put me on an all almond diet. I said to him, 'That's just nuts!'
    1 point
  42. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    Got some new bits for my 19X. I love giant suppressorsights
    1 point
  43. It's only right mate. I've no time for blaggers myself. As soon as that discrepancy was brought to my attention, was rectified. World is full of 🔔🔚's and I don't intend on being one 😆
    1 point
  44. My son was busy with his friends so I was 'Billy no mates' at Dogtag last Sunday. Ironically he got me started in this to spend more time together LOL. I was a bit uncomfortable being on my own but once that first BB fly's past your head, all that goes out the window... This was the first time I've played a game with a proper objective which was get a pilot and fuel to the Helicopter. It was great fun and knowing there's a time limit really puts some pressure on. I'm starting to use concealment and using the bushes as cover, Rhododendron's work really well with DPM! Really impressed with my new over glasses Herosharks. Roll on next weekend!
    1 point
  45. I say "bring back the bush"....... Are we still talking about Airsoft ? 😏
    1 point
  46. Hello - for anyone who is old enough to remember me - I used to help run/play at Airsoft KGB down in Cornwall, as well as the occasional away day to Stirling or Sopley. You may remember me as the muppet called Blondie. I packed it all in around the time of the VCRA bill as it was no longer fun to be involved with (the owners of the neighbouring site - thankfully no longer in existence 0 calling the police to stir up trouble was just the tip of the iceberg) and I had just started a horrific period in my personal life which left me with PTSD. Anywaaaaaay that is all behind me now thankfully. I've had a rough few years health wise including almost dieing from sepsis (which has left me with some brain damage - not then anyone who knew me back them will notice) after developing ulcerative colitis but after discovering bouldering back in October last year my fitness has started to finally improve to the extent where after much nagging from my wife I pootled over to our nearest site. I wanted to see whether I could either scratch the itch which was airsoft and work out if I wanted to do it again. You can probably guess how that went! These days I go under the moniker of Fraggle (I've been told I resemble one on PCP when "in the zone".) I cannot believe the change in kit/popularity which has happened while I've been gone - wow! So much has improved in terms of the sheer variety and quality of what you can get in the UK. Gone are the days of importing stuff from WGC in Hong Kong. Being able to actually get what I want here, from my local site is pretty mindblowing. Being able to pick up BFG's so easily now is a lovely surprise - they used to be like rocking horse poo! Thankfully there's a wealth of information out there so you certainly want get any "WOT AM BEST GUN" or "WOT AM EXPLOD LIPO?" posts from me - although I have a few questions (not answered by search - I checked!) and looking forward to catching up on what's going on. Cheers! Fraggle.
    1 point
  47. Did you just keep rolling around in mud and bushes for all 7 months till you eventually became one with nature, a walking bush Wookiee?
    1 point
  48. BrightCandle

    Radios guide

    You have two choices when it comes to radios for Airsoft purposes and they each have their pros and cons. You can either use a PMR 446 or a licensed radio such as a Baofeng. PMR 446 Comes in two types, analogue which has 8 channels and digital which is 16 channel. Most people use analogue as digital is still expensive. Is unlicensed so you can just buy a radio and it will work with all other PMR 446 radios. It is limited to 0.5W. It is lower range and penetration than a licensed radio. In thick woodland expect below 100m sometimes you can shout further. In open ground in the best conditions it could go 1KM. They have a fixed antenna so you can't change it. Licensed Radio Baofeng is the make that most people buy due to the costs. The UV-5R is a cheap and decent radio with a tonne of possible accessories. The UV-82 and other radios in that series from Baofeng can do two push to talk buttons for two different frequencies which is a really awesome for radio men as they can talk on either of the frequencies they have setup. The UV-5R can tune into 2 channels at once but it can't transmit on both only one of them. The UV-5R can be used at 2 power outputs, 1W and 4W. There is also a High power model which has an additional 8W mode which isn't usable with a UK simple business license. You can do just about anything with a license and could get a personal frequency just for your group but it could cost thousands of pounds. However the easiest and cheapest thing to do is to buy a Simple UK business license (https://secure.ofcom.org.uk/busrad/). It is £75 for 5 years and takes about 2 weeks to come through, it requires little more than name + address. It will give you some FM, VHF and UHF frequencies for a total of 11 usable on a Baofeng UV-5R and you can hand out these to a group you play with or just some people on the same site for the day. Businesses all over the UK share the frequencies so you may have to move channel to avoid interfering but you have plenty of options. The license grants up to 5W of power and the Baofeng on high uses 4W. The license is for narrow band which is the same as the PMR 446 uses. These penetrate through a lot more woodland and go a lot further as they are 10x more powerful. They have a replaceable antenna so you can get a smaller one to fit your gear or a much bigger one to allow better reception and a bit more power. The Baofeng can be tuned to receive the PMR 446 frequencies. However because it is too powerful (1W) and has a removable antenna (which can change the power output) and it can use other frequencies its not legal to use it on PMR 446 frequencies. Thus if you are using a Baofeng for this purpose you are committing a crime. It is OK to listen but you can't transmit. The Baofeng radio's as far as I know all come with push to talk buttons and an ear piece in the box, the UV-5R certainly does. You can also get accessory ones from other companies like Code red headsets, Z Tactical and Baofeng themselves. The plug it uses is called a Kenwood so when looking for addons this is what you need, its widely supported. There are a vast array of options even to the point where you can get a bone conduction set for $100 or so.
    1 point
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