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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/01/24 in all areas

  1. Did you just keep rolling around in mud and bushes for all 7 months till you eventually became one with nature, a walking bush Wookiee?
    7 points
  2. The spam is being cleared within minutes, rather than hours of posting. That's not the issue really. The issue is the fact that the spammers can register and fill the boards up very quickly - which goes back to the original point of this thread - is there any mechanism to vet the new threads created before appearing to the wider masses? I know that other forums have this mechanism - particularly for use of the classifieds/Sales (airgunforums springs to mind - every new sales thread is invisible to everyone until approved by admin). I would rather a new member has a short probationary period, even if that's just a handful of posts to acertain that they are legit airsofters.
    6 points
  3. Couple of new pieces have turned up. First is my mostly real steel MG3 build. Its off getting HPA'd right now, then back to me for some more airsoft to real steel conversion. Next, my G27K build is pretty much done. Still testing out the new EPM-1S midcaps, but so far 170 rounds in a 417 is so nice. Finally, work on my MG4 is nearing completion. Is anyone else noticing a trend here?... Still working on the custom MG4 optic, but its essentially done - just got to get it printed in a stronger format.
    6 points
  4. Had to team up with a dude who was rocking Wehrmacht kit with a MG42, while in Tropentarn with my MG3. New vs old at its finest.
    5 points
  5. 3 points
  6. So why did you change it? It's probably more to do with the specifics of the barrel and hop rubber than anything else. Joules are joules, FPS is FPS.
    3 points
  7. Sorry, all this Molle talk got me excited. Still not had a chance to wear this one, but this is Molle and her older sister. In the back is a replica RBA.
    3 points
  8. ^^^This... I've had to make a separate bottle in my kit labelled "aah bollocks, which ones are these again?"
    3 points
  9. I'd like to do a modern tacticool high-speed m4 setup with my 2nd MWS, but all the real-steel parts are expensive. So instead I decided to use what I already had to do a retro build instead.
    3 points
  10. It's probably not gonna be helpful but when I ran our work FB page, anyone asking to join was automatically asked to answer a simple work related question, if they didn't or couldn't then they were blocked from joining. Something as simple as this might prevent the spammers being able to join. Newbies to the 'sport' might struggle too tho so it would need to be a very simple question regarding airsoft.
    2 points
  11. @Shamal works on my mobile... Might be time to upgrade that old Nokia... 😜
    2 points
  12. I've done 3-4 today I think, the latest a couple of mins ago. Spam mods don't get the reports. If in doubt, tag one of us in the thread and we'll pick it up when we next log in (unfortunately we can't setup email notifications for mentions).
    2 points
  13. Exactly that... Been there... If all else fails, just become a human moscart and start throwing them by the handful. 😁
    2 points
  14. Banned as a scammer due to your advert. If you feel this is unjust, please contact the forum admin.
    2 points
  15. I pinged him a message within the last week, I don't think he's seen it either.
    2 points
  16. I messaged @proffrinkabout a month ago, asking for an update but it hasnt been read yet.
    2 points
  17. No matter what you think of his music the guy should be respected. How many other artists have managed to get away with releasing a song like Summer of 69 without anyone realising what it's really about (hint, 69 has nothing to do with the year 😉)
    2 points
  18. As all the above... Remove BB's from spring mags. (pistols/low caps) Can leave BB's in hi-caps as long as tension is taken off the feed ones. Leave gas mags filled and check them all once a month or so. Don't leave gas mags in guns (pistols or rifles) The rubber outlet router can get deformed and lose a good seal.
    2 points
  19. I prefer to empty my mags after a game day, I try and release them into a container but at my age they mostly go supersonic all over the floor.
    2 points
  20. I went from this to this in 7 months.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. The gun, right?
    2 points
  23. There are a lot of factors that have an effect on the physics of a ball being propelled out of a barrel FPS is the velocity in ‘Feet per second’ of the projective, normally measured at the point of exit from the barrel Joules are the measurement of the energy, and are calculated using the velocity and weight of the projectile (Chronographs measure the velocity and particular chronographs can be set to display a joules value based on set weights of BBs Beginning with the initial force imparted in the chamber from the spring and cushion of air, the projectile then accelerates along the barrel but also has friction resistance along the way. It seems to be common sense to assume that as the energy being put into the BB is the same, that a heavier BB would be slower (taking more force to push the heavier weight) and resulting in the same energy coming out - but in reality the combination of everything can vary the results - and ‘joule creep’ becomes a term - that by changing one factor (the BB) can result in a greater resultant energy as the BB exits the barrel ……….. Loose (overbore) / tight (underbore) / matched bores all have their own effect inside the barrel ……. And then even the flight can have different experiences My world is paintball, and we have those who swear by all of over/under/matched bores - and then we have different circumstances on how the paintball itself acts in the barrel - With overbore a paintball could float on a cushion of air or bounce around - some of the air is ‘wasted’ but still contributes to how the ball flies With underbore a paintball could be squashed (and if excessive can break) - when the paintball squeezes its way through the barrel all of the air behind it contributes to the energy imparted ……. No matter whether it’s a plastic BB or a gelatine paintball, the initial muzzle velocity is just the start (and is the metric that complies with the rules) The remaining velocity / energy upon impact varies based on its flight along the way. Which can also depend on how it went through the barrel and anything such as a hop up. The energy could be maintained in flight, or it could quickly drop. Optimum spin could maintain a ‘straight’ flight that hits (almost) where you pointed up to a set range then quickly drop, or you have a predictable curve that you need to compensate for at the targeted range - or it could just spray wildly in various random directions
    1 point
  24. This fella said to me today: “Are those thick lens glasses you're wearing?” I said: “No, they're mine"
    1 point
  25. We just need to see one example post to know what they're up to these days. It's all the same shite. I'm banning several a week too. I'm generally reviewing the latest posts from whatever time I wake up to around 8am (I'd be doing that even without the spammers, as I'm the lab rat that keeps pushing the button in the hope of a reward)
    1 point
  26. You’re all mistaken, as per the original Rogers & Hammerstein version around 2:30 - 3:35 the word is cuss. (I’m a lucky cuss) It’s very unfair on the reputation of one of our highly respected Raymond Burns who has a career of almost 5 decades He’s 69 years old you know, a fine elderly gentleman who would never have had such a terrible word come out of the mouths of his generation ….
    1 point
  27. How do we tag you? Keep it simple I'm old and still using a biro. ☹️
    1 point
  28. That's one of those New York Taxis isn't it?
    1 point
  29. Lozart

    Gun upgrade

    Bit of both. In the UK the extremes of temperature aren't actually that extreme so much like you I've had no need to change rubbers purely because of environmental issues but I have seen a couple of my guns that perform poorly first thing on a winters day after having been packed in the car overnight on account of the rubber stiffening up in the cold. I'd personally say that there's FAR more difference in personal preference as far as the UK goes. If you drastically change the power of the gun or the weight of the BBs then you'll probably see more of a difference with grades of rubber than just the difference of a few degrees between an average winter and summer here (climate change notwithstanding of course) but even then it may just be down to longevity. The very anecdotal nature of airsoft "upgrades" is a problem so I (much like yourself) would love to see an actual, evidence based test much like the AATV style of video that does a back to back of the same three rubbers in the same gun on the same day and then repeated in deep midwinter and the height of summer to see just how much variation there actually is. Of course, as soon as you take the results and apply them to your own gun it all goes out the window (at least to some degree) because your gun ISN'T the gun the test was done with (even if it's the same model and manufacturer).
    1 point
  30. Stupidly sold my WE Glock 17 a while back with the intentions of getting the Umarex licensed one but I wasn’t a huge fan of the “licensed by” (I want my pews to look as accurate as possible to the real thing) Figured I’d just get another WE and be satisfied, so off to KY I went only to find this absolute beauty. https://www.kyairsoft.com/we-g17-gen-4-gbb-pistol-black-cnc-custom-marking.html Now to sit by the door watching for the postie 👀
    1 point
  31. Respect to the veterans of the game ✌ and welcome back. Yes, I would guess the toys have become much more diverse, cheaper and more reliable in general. Along with the battery improvements... (I remember going to an army surplus shop in Haymarket near Piccadilly where they sold the L&S plastic gun kits. Never got one tho)
    1 point
  32. I remember that but when the footage came out from the team that got "hit" it actually showed the tag didnt hit him but landed several feet in front and he broke his scar stock under his armpit as he flinched These extended firing pins have been available from other shops for many months but EE obviously have a bigger audience
    1 point
  33. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop makarov arsenal bulgarian 9x18 WE gbb airsoft
    1 point
  34. That was quite the weekend. Enduring memories of cable tieing someone to a loo for some reason. Happy days! Aye. Blondie was me on there.
    1 point
  35. Sewdhull


    I have ordered a few things from AK2M4, nothing missing or faulty, good comms and delivery. I am in the UK. When something wasn't in stock, I have been offered a similar part at no additional cost, after asking first. When I have the choice, I order from here.
    1 point
  36. Tackle

    KSC Glock 19 spares

    As gavinkempsell has pointed out, we had plethora of "death by gun" incidents, some were illegal firearms, but some were, & sometimes still are, legally held guns, so the laws became more restrictive. BUT As airsofters we came under scrutiny because at the time anyone over 18 could buy a realistic imitation firearm (rif), & so scumbags did & used them for criminal acts, this created a lot of problems, not least because at the time armed officers comprised less than 5% of the police, spread thin on the ground, a situation made worse when they were then tied up with crimes involving non lethal replicas that were easily obtained, & sometimes crimes involving genuine firearms were difficult to get suitable personnel in attendance. & don't get me started on the complications if an officer shoots someone, months of paperwork & suspension of duties even if its a real gun, but even worse if it's a teen (etc) with a replica. So the vcra came in to try to reduce the availability of replicas, doesn't do anything to prevent the use of real firearms, & most airsofters think it's very unfair on us. But the truth is we were very lucky not to lose Airsoft completely, or all to be forced to two-tone everything. So when noobs come on trying to circumnavigate vcra/ukara, understandably some of us get the hump, because everytime the law is broken it has the potential to wreck the fragile status quo we exist within. Yes & no, see above
    1 point
  37. CM2021

    Gun picture thread

    Couple of recent builds, Rossi A2, TM MP5K and WE GLOCK19
    1 point
  38. GAq

    New user. :)

    Welcome mate !
    1 point
  39. If this is the same person I think it might be I'd like to follow this up even though it is a few months ago. Sadly, we/I had to ask this person to leave site after the 2nd game due to them not being able to follow certain safety rules. The rule in question being eye protection being worn at all times outside of the safezone. Our google reply was as follows: "Hi Danu, I’m really, genuinely sorry that we had to end your day and send you home early, but we are very clear that safety is our primary concern at AWA, and we have to send repeat offenders home. You should never, ever, take your eye pro off in the gaming area. You were warned twice personally, and a party to two group warnings as well as the warning in the morning safety briefing. We realise that this opens us up to revenge reviews, but despite our differences, I’d rather send you home early with two working eyes and suffer the bad reviews than the alternative. It’s the number one rule in airsoft, please, if you continue to play in future, at any site, you must take it seriously, you only get one set of eyes Danu, and we want you to keep them."
    1 point
  40. A pic taken on Sunday, me actually firing at an opponent
    1 point
  41. Anyone else like Charlie Parr? I love his slide playing.
    1 point
  42. Och, she lives round the corner from me.
    1 point
  43. I've always liked the rock/classical crossovers and youtoob recently reccomended this
    1 point
  44. One of my 'go to' albums.
    1 point
  45. Enid_Puceflange

    Gun picture thread

    I’m bored But think I want to build a 9mm AR after looking at this abomination 🥴
    1 point
  46. Pic dump of my latest child. TM MWS in a Fortis receiver with B.A.D & Strike Industries furniture, other than the F1 grip. Last pic was with a Vortex Venom in a Strike Industries REX, but would benefit from a riser. The trigger box pin & anti rotation links weren't installed in that photo. Went a little over budget with this one, a couple of times, but it worked out!
    1 point
  47. Do we have any update on the patches? I ordered mine back in June (23), but not a peep since. I understand the logic of batch dispatching, but literally how many orders do we need to get to before it's worth the effort? I do like the web patch, but I'd prefer the real thing.
    1 point
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