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  1. Mine was about £500. How many games did I play? Errrr. None. But the back garden looks like it's been snowing...
    5 points
  2. How much extra feats-percent will I get, mister?
    2 points
  3. Madhouse

    2023's Airsoft Spend

    This year I bought some stuff. I didn’t sell any. Pews got delivered to work so don’t technically exist as far as Mrs M is concerned. Therefore if they don’t exist, they can’t have cost anything. Not adding up spend gives plausible deniability, as such I’m not just so I don’t know the actual answer 😉
    2 points
  4. What he said!!! I have planter fasciitis, tarsal tunnel and arthritis in my slightly deformed, very narrow feet. Insoles from my local NHS podiatrists every 18 months or so and supportive, correct sized boots are key, as is pain management. I have accumulated almost a lifetimes supply of size nine army surplus narrow fit boots from Germany (the best), Sweden, and loads from the UK. Civvi US boots come in a myriad of fitments too. You can also go the private route and have your feet and gait measured and insoles made commercially. I have to use pain killers to play. I also train in a soft floored gym at least twice a week in bare (bound and taped) feet. The exercise cuts my pain meds by at least a third. Support, exercise and dealing with the minimised pain that remains is all that you can do. Good luck and don't worry, you can get there in the end.
    2 points
  5. The quality of ZCI has taken a little nose dive recently so I really don't want to stock them anymore. On the few remaining ones I have left I have to do a number of tests on them before I let them out the door. On a couple I've even noticed some bits of metal sticking out down the bore, here's one I found, this one actually broke my mirror on my new bore scope 😞 I've got my own coming out under the XT brand, much higher polishing quality, slightly bigger hop window. Just waiting for the factory to make the 6.03mm version. They sent over some 6.01mm samples. I might even have a 380mm somewhere
    2 points
  6. How to shim the motor tower: 1. Measure the ID of the motor opening on the gearbox (usually about 10 mm) 2. Measure the ID of the motor opening on the pistol grip (usually similar to above) 3. Measure the OD of the motor tower (usually about 9.x mm) 4. Wrap the motor tower with aluminium tape, first clean the aluminium surface with some alcohol so it sticks to itself better, wrap in counter-clockwise (seen from motor side) so it is less likely to loosen, build up enough layers until you get about 9.8 mm OD or whatever OD that is a close fit but with a little clearance 5. Test fit with a closed gearbox with pistol grip attached, it should insert without any force but with minimum rattle or side movement, rewrap if needed 6. Done! Image credit: - Airsoft Customs custom tower on youtube - 3M Scotch Aluminium Tape - Some random motor from Evike
    1 point
  7. When I woke up this morning I burst out laughing. I think I must have slept funny.
    1 point
  8. This is one of those bodges I haven't tried yet! You'll hear from me when my warheads completely destroy them gearboxes
    1 point
  9. Yes, for this type of thing on thin tube I'll use a drill to hold the tube and a file to cut the tube itself, just put it on the tube in the right spot, let it make groove and then file it as the tube revolves. Once you have a decent groove you can use a sawblade, then back to the file to finish it off. Deburr and it's ready. I make it an interference fit, heat the tube and drop it on. If the tube has a bigger OD than needed, reduce that with wet and dry in a spinning drill before cutting. This one didn't need it. Or you can ream the opening to fit the tube, a 10mm reamer works but all this depends on how much gap you have to start with. A bearing in the thin end would be nice but this tower doesn't have one. The tolerances for some parts are really poor I have found in Airsoft.
    1 point
  10. Return it. Do NOT disassemble, molest or mess with. If its like this straight out the box I strongly reccomend you get the shop to replace it.
    1 point
  11. I used a Lee Precision Airbrake piston on a build a few years ago. Made only the slightest bit of difference to the noise (more...'thuddy'...) and I was paraniod that the air brake bit might shear off at some point (it was the delrin version). Nicely engineered otherwise. Never used one since though - I much prefer XT POM piston heads from @ak2m4
    1 point
  12. Dont want it too tight though as you'll not be able to adjust motor height
    1 point
  13. Back atcha buddy, & to everyone else too👍🍻
    1 point
  14. Did the standard skirmish day at gunman tuddenham today with a mate, in previous years the after Xmas skirmish has seen over 100 players.....today started around 40 and dropped as the day progressed to around 20, which is super low for tuddenham. I loved the day though, pure skirmish great hit taking and sportsmanship. The games were different, used areas in ways I haven't seen them before and new to me games. For some reason, it all just clicked and the day felt like it was on easy mode. Some good positioning, lucky shooting and some blind luck just made everything go my way. Most fun day of airsoft for about 12-18 months.
    1 point
  15. I went to Poland on holiday. Bloody useless. Not a Tellytubby in sight!
    1 point
  16. why don't you call it the Smokey Wolf Mk2 since, internally,it looks to be exactly the same as the Smokey Wolf I have here.
    1 point
  17. Duff Beer

    Footwear advice needed

    I’ve got a pair of Lowa Z8’s and I love them, however as many have said my feet aren’t your feet! I also found Scarpa’s to be really comfy, so maybe they might not be good for you as a result? I used to play in Magnum’s when they were really cheap, but looking back I should have spent the money and played in something of decent quality like Lowa, Scarpa, Meindl, or Salomon. Doing so would have reduced the odd issues I have now. It’s going to be a bit of a mission to get the right boot, but once you’ve found a brand (and therefore last) that works for you stick with it. Personally I’ll only ever buy Lowa again as I know they fit me like a glove. Without wanting to dismiss your issues, and without want to sound patronising are you drinking enough when you’re playing? I work on my feet all day, and when I’m dehydrated my feet bloody kill me regardless of the footwear I’m wearing. Making sure I was well hydrated meant that any pain in my feet was due to being old and fat!
    1 point
  18. MandalShArK

    Gun picture thread

    My New KWA F90 (EF-88) I've been waiting for this for 2 years, hopefully it performs as good as it feels.
    1 point
  19. Alimcd

    Monolith Loadout

    God help whoever sells it to you
    1 point
  20. Well, short n sweet Hogmanay game at The Depot, indoor site My first visit there and my first indoor game. Got to say I will definitely be back, left the house at 6:30 for a 1:20 drive to Port Glasgow. Used the Sig 553 which performed flawlessly, indoor temp was probably around 5 deg C , there was a good 6 inches of snow on the ground outside, so the place was chilly and not much warmer inside. Had to adjust the Npas to get it below 350 and they only allow up to .25’s But no dramas, and had a cracking laugh. I ended my day early as I had gone over my ankle in Oct and it’s still giving me a bit of pain, so called it quits one game after lunch. My aeg only came out to get chrono’d for just in case! Absolutely massive place, pyro’s going off everywhere so my noise cancelling headset was being used to good effect And what with the Smokey afterboom really highlighted tracers and torches Fucking SUPERB 👍 Pics taken at the quiet end, didn’t want my phone shot out! 🥴
    1 point
  21. Tackle

    Footwear advice needed

    @Grayz1980, no need to suffer with the plantar fascitis, get your gp to refer you to community orthopedics in your area, & then immediately chase them up, tell them it's affecting your ability to go to work & causing massive financial strain, they'll rush through an appointment & you'll probably be offered an injection at your first consult, it hurts like a mofo but usually works within days. They can probably assess the other issues & advise on best course of treatment to go for. But that's not to say don't consider the private route too, it'll be a quicker way to get custom made insoles for your arch problems, but not cheap. Regarding footwear, no two feet are the same, we can all advise you on good quality stuff that suits US, but might not suit you. In my youth as a young squaddie I could wear literally anything bootshaped & still outrun a greyhound while wearing full combat loadout, but nowadays, years of injuries & wear/tear have screwed them royally, had plantar a few times on both feet(never went on its own, Always needed medical intervention), broken bones (currently nursing 2 fractures in my 1st metatarsal that occurred in March & still not healed😭), & a crush injury more than a decade ago that needed two ops, the second removed a toe, & still gives problems. My own personal choice in boots currently are Belleville TRU minimalist, super light, cross between a combat boot & a boxing boot, awesome for me, but whether they'd suit you is anyone's guess. Good luck, it's gonna be a bit of a journey for you. 👍🤞
    1 point
  22. As someone who's upgraded an type96, I can't say it was worth it over getting a good ootb rifle. When your upgrading your always chasing the next upgrade part or troubleshooting something it seems. Go back 3-4 years and their wasn't really any decent ootb choices. But nowadays with silverback, ASG/Modify and Nov having good field ready options the upgrade path is harder to justify for a lot of players. If you want 100% perfection than building and months of tinkering is your only way, if you are happy with 90-95% than just buy a high end ootb option. Resale on high end is generally better than a custom build if you change your mind as well.
    1 point
  23. A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A young student nurse appears and gives him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse,"' he mumbles from behind the mask, "are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet." He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?" Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles gently in the other. She looks very closely and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look fine." The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly, "Thank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen very, very closely, Are my test results back?"
    1 point
  24. John_W

    PS5 for Christmas

    Is that Kicking Mustangs Mum?
    1 point
  25. With the 6.01 you're likely to get a better grouping, and slightly higher power. However it's very dependent on having the nozzle, hop rubber, hop chamber setup correctly. Also some AEG's just play differently. 6.03 is a little more less prone to jamming. I did receive some 6.05 x 128mm testers as well and I got amazing results even with 0.2g. I was very surprised so I might even arrange for some of those to be made. I'm hoping production will start mid-Jan with a small run. For the price of a spring it's definitely worth grabbing a new one of the XT, you might only need a M100. The factory did the actual RA surface test with a Profilometer gauge. For a decent one they're kinda expensive. They take sample barrels during production, cut them open and measure etc. You can actually measure a fair amount yourself with a good borescope and then compare against a chart. I'm also looking into polishing as well for some projects, a factory has said they could build me a custom machine to do the work, just waiting on a price 🙂
    1 point
  26. Still illegal... payment in kind.
    1 point
  27. Hiking etc!
    0 points
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